Volume 1, Issue 1 (September, 2015)
Levels of Being
by Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: This article attempts to classify seven levels at which people and groups experience life. It describes each level of being and offers psychological explanations for each level, including theories about what kinds of personalities and personality disorders might be found at each level. It is hoped that categorizing these levels of being might contribute to a better understanding of what it means to be human.
1. Introduction
Various philosophers and psychologists have alluded to levels of being. In ancient China Lao Tzu described “the way” in 81 poems. The way referred to operating in life in the most healthy and harmonic mode, with the least amount of strife or conflict. Throughout his little book, which is the second-most translated book in the world after the Bible, Lao Tzu details not only the effective way, and also the ineffective ways, people live their lives. In poem 38, he notes, “Therefore when Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is kindness. When kindness is lost, there is justice. When justice is lost, there is ritual. Now ritual is the husk of faith and loyalty, the beginning of confusion.” (Feng and English, 1972). In this poem Lao Tzu outlines his own view of the levels of being. The highest level is the Way (enlightenment); the next is about being good (morality); the next is about displaying kindness (pseudo-enlightenment); the next is about justice (politics); the next is about ritual (convention); then come faith and loyalty (religion, patriotism).
Buddha also looked at levels of being when he wrote about achieving enlightenment or finding the Middle Way. The Buddhist view eschews extreme modes that range from overindulgence to self-sacrifice, from egoism to self-negation, from self-gratification to severe discipline. Instead, it favors the middle way of detachment from neediness, envy, regret, resentment and hatred, as well as from the thoughts attached to these attitudes. While the two extreme modes lead to suffering, the middle way leads to peace and harmony (Tuffley, 2013)
Aristotle introduced his own version of the Middle Way in his writing, Nicomachean Ethics. Aristotle writes of the attainment of virtue through achievement of the “mean” between extremes. For example, he saw courage as a mean between rashness and cowardice; moderation as a mean between overindulgence and self-denial; generosity as a mean between wastefulness and stinginess; friendliness as a mean between ingratiation and surliness; and magnanimity as a mean between vanity and modesty (Bartlett and Collins, 2011). Plato, in his Allegory of the Cave (a chapter in The Republic), has Socrates describe a gathering of people who have spent their lives chained to the wall of a cave. The prisoners watch shadows projected on the wall by objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to make up names to these shadows. The shadows are as close as the prisoners get to viewing reality. Then as the prisoners come out to the daylight, they are blinded by the sun. Then they can only see reflections in water. Thus their mode of being is affected by how well they are able to test reality (Bloom, 1991).
In psychology, Freud spoke of levels of consciousness: conscious, preconscious and unconscious. The more unconscious people are, according to Freud, the more disturbed they will be. Hence their mode of being will be related to their state of consciousness (Freud, 1900). This closely resembles Plato’s cave allegory, which uses the metaphor of the cave to denote the unconscious. Maslow came up with the term “self-actualization” and deemed it to be the highest need, as well as attainment, of human beings. He devised his hierarchy of needs to depict the basic conditions of healthy development, describing five levels of needs—physiological needs such as food and water, safety needs such as a stable family, love and belonging needs, needs for respect, and finally the need for self-actualization. To the extent these needs were blocked, people remained on a lower level of functioning; to the extent they were gratified, people reached the higher levels, with a few achieving self-actualization or enlightenment (Maslow, 1954).
Kohlberg, a follower of Maslow, devised his levels of moral development. In his scheme, he saw three basic levels or stages of morality, which were divided into six sub-stages. The first stage he called “preconventional” because it referred to the early childhood stages such as when a child’s morality consists of obeying authority in order not to be punished. The next stage was the “conventional” stage, in which the morality of people is determined by the mainstream values in their society. And the final stage is referred to as the “postconventional” stage, a stage at which people no longer resolve their moral issues by using conventional values, but instead do so by thinking for themselves from a higher vantage point, as if they were visitors from Mars who were studying Earth’s inhabitants from a completely neutral or enlightened point of view. Kohlberg referred to this highest level as a kind of universal morality (Kohlberg, 1969).
These writers, who all seem to agree that there are levels of functioning and that that there exists a universal highest level, have led me to a theory that I call “Levels of Being.” As a psychoanalyst, my focus is on psychodynamics. Humans operate in the world at various levels. The level at which people operate in the world depends on how mentally healthy they are. Mental health, in turn, is determined by both environmental and genetic factors, with environmental factors such as the family and society in which they are raised, being most important. If people are raised in healthy families and societies that support healthy functioning, they will learn to operate on a higher level of being. They will, as Plato and Freud noted, be more conscious, more aware, more enlightened and more in touch with reality. To the extent they are in touch with reality, their lives will be more harmonious. If they are raised in families and societies that do not support or impede healthy functioning, they will operate on a lower level and will be out of touch with reality and endure lives of struggle.
are six levels of being which I will elaborate, starting from the lowest
level: 6. Subsistence Level—in which
people are barely able to scrape by and keep themselves alive; 5. Militant
Level—in which people or societies are always fighting and at war over
domination; 4. Conventional Level—in which people attempt to feel good about
themselves by fitting in with society and “doing the right thing”; 3. Political
Level—in which people attempt to find individual happiness through controlling
the external world; 2. Status Level—in which people attempt to find contentment
by achieving a high ranking in society; 1. Harmonic Level—in which people are
in touch, aware and contented and don’t need to vie for superiority, making
life more or less effortless. I am
rendering the six levels below in the form of narrow to wide lines, to
show the levels from top to bottom and depict their proportions of the population.
STATUS LEVEL: Seeking high ranking
POLITICAL LEVEL: Trying to control the external world
CONVENTIONAL LEVEL: Running along with the herd
MILITANT LEVEL: Fighting for domination
I will now attempt to give a detailed picture of each of the levels of being, beginning with the lowest level, in order to elucidate the psychological characteristics of those at each particular level.
2. The Subsistence Level
The lowest level of being is the subsistence level. The term “subsistence level” is commonly used to denote someone who lives from paycheck to paycheck. Here it refers to the lowest level of operation, of which living from paycheck to paycheck, or worse, living in debt or being dependent upon other people or the government for financial support (i.e. welfare), is one example. People on this level are scarcely able to function in any role they are required to play. They are not able to work successfully and sometimes don’t work at all; they are not able to do well at school; they are not able to form meaningful relationships with relatives or friends; and they are not able to handle the complex operation of parenting. Sometimes they are homeless and alone.
At times people on this lowest level of being suffer from a genetic defect. For example, those who are mentally challenged, born with an IQ of 70 or under, cannot function well because of their lack of intelligence. Some mental disorders seem to be primarily genetic, such as bipolar disorder, in which identical twin studies show a very high correlation rate (65%) according to the International Mental Research Organization (Staglin, 2014). Debates continue between geneticists and psychologists as to the extent that to which mental disorders come from nature or nurture. My take on it, after 38 years of practice as a psychotherapist, is that most mental disorders are more the result of nurture (upbringing, societal factors, and the like) than nature. However, I will leave this for others to debate.
Generally, people in the subsistence level suffer from the more severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. At times they can also have severe cases of untreated substance abuse disorder, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder or self-defeating personality disorder. A severe disorder of any type comes with an inability to see the reality of their situation. A schizophrenic may have a delusion that he can see dark things in people’s souls, and this will render it impossible for him to have healthy relationships. Someone suffering from major depression spends days, weeks, months, lying in bed, not taking showers or paying their bills because they have an attitude of “what’s the use?” Bipolar and borderline personalities flip from mood to mood and from one extreme attitude to another and are therefore too unstable to function in a healthy way. I have had borderline clients idealize me at one moment and despise me at the next, so that they vehemently dump me at a moment’s notice. And this is how they relate to all the roles they play in life. Hence they are stuck at a subsistence level.
3. The Militant Level
People who operate on a militant level, which is just above the subsistence level, view life as a struggle for dominance. They have a “kill or be killed” or “win at all costs” mentality. If they are married, they are engaged in a lifetime war of domination, a lifetime of emotional or physical skirmishes. They are often calling the police to settle domestic disputes, and one or the other convinces the police that he or she is the victim and the partner is the victimizer. These people are almost totally unable to see another point of view, meaning that are almost entirely egocentric. A militant parent is one who believes in corporal punishment, administered during fits of anger. Such a parent will tolerate no disagreement or discussion from the child. Such people also tend to be egocentric and to have a tyrannical mode of operation.
Sometimes a whole culture is militant. Chagnon (1968) studied a tribe that lived in the Amazon jungle. Among all the tribes who lived there, they were the most militant. From early childhood on the children of the Yanomamo tribe were trained to be aggressive; the more aggressive they were the better. If a boy slapped his sister, the elders applauded, and if a sister kicked her brother, they clapped even louder. Likewise if a boy slugged his father or a daughter spit at her mother. Thus, this tribe was known throughout the Amazon as “the fierce people.” These people trusted nobody and were ready to take arms against another tribe at the drop of a feather. Sometimes political movements can be militant, in which case a whole group of people join up to start a violent revolution; such movements are always certain that they and only they are in the right.
Sometimes countries become militant when taken over by a militant segment or militant leader. Hence, Germany, during World War II, became an extremely militant country under Adolf Hitler’s leadership, as has North Korea under Kim Il-sung and his son, Kim Jong-un, in more recent times. The United States has also become a militant country, engaging in more wars in the 20th Century than any other nation. In the 20th Century America took part in 15 wars or militant actions, and so far in the 21st Century it has participated in four more. People, movements and countries that are militant always express noble reasons for their militancy. A militant father will beat his children and justify it with “children need discipline.” Militant Moslems quote the Koran and cite religious reasons why “infidels” must be killed. And the USA calls itself “defender of freedom” and uses that as an excuse to attack countries deemed to be against freedom.
Those who operate on a militant level of being harbor a lot of anger (or a lot of fear, which is the flipside of anger). They are characterized by rash negative judgments, narrow-mindedness, emotional instability and distrust. Anger clouds their thinking and their judgment. In their egocentric mode they are convinced they are right and all who oppose them are wrong. People in this level suffer from high levels of narcissism, from which stems their conviction they are always right and their violent intolerance. They may have any of a number of emotional disturbances of a fairly severe nature, including paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, sadistic, and depressive personality disorders. Or they may have some combination of these disorders. Sometimes a whole culture can develop a disorder, as in World War II Germany, under Hitler, when it developed mass hysteria (the tendency of Germans to overreact on a mass scale), paranoia (the feeling that Jews were toxic to German culture and that the whole world was against the German nation) and narcissism (the conceit of German superiority).
4. The Conventional Level
People who live at the Conventional Level are followers. They run with the herd. If they are in a Catholic country, then they are Catholics. The more intensely they follow the conventional religion, the better they feel about themselves. If they live in a Muslim culture, they follow the Muslim faith. The more devoutly Muslim they are, the better they feel about themselves. If they live under a Communist dictator, the more passionately they throw themselves at the feet of the dictator, the better they feel about themselves. An alternate name for this level might be The Moral Level, for those at this level base their feelings of well-being on doing the right thing and hence on moral superiority.
Conventional people run with the herd and engage in a herd mentality. They cannot think for themselves; they think whatever the rest of the group thinks. And their well-being and fragile self-esteem rests on the acceptance of the herd. The herd mentality doesn’t allow them to look at themselves objectively. If you tell them they are running with the herd they will be shocked. Many such people are doctors and lawyers and priests and college professors, and they will provide cogent reasons why they think they way they do. Being in tune with the herd, practicing the rules and rituals of the herd (i.e., reading the Koran twice a day, sending flowers to Mother on Mother’s Day, being politically correct), gives them a sense of righteousness. It also offers them a feeling of belonging that they probably found lacking since they were small children. And, most important, it provides them with a sense of superiority, a sense of being “holier than thou.”
All those in levels of being below the first level look for ways of being superior and attach superiority to well-being. And so it is with those at the Conventional Level. They degrade anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do as inferior, and they can be quite negative and aggressive toward those who don’t belong to their herd or think the way they do. Very often they regard those who disagree with them as worse than criminals. In the days when Christianity ruled Europe, people who disagreed with Christianity were burned at the stake. Copernicus, an astronomer, was executed because he said the world was not the center of the universe, which went against Christian doctrine. Sometimes herds can go on stampedes (engage in wars) in which they run over anybody that gets in their way. When herds begin to stampede (develop mass hysteria), neither reason nor threat can stop them. Indeed, they are suspicious of any kind of reasoning. Their conventionalism—the fact that they are surrounded by allies that think and act as one—gives them the courage and permission to be at times unthinkably cruel. Thus people who join herds may start out having noble intentions, but as the saying goes, “The path to hell is paved with good intentions.”
People at the conventional level may have any of a variety of mental disorders. They might suffer from mid-level depression or anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, histrionic disorder, dependent disorder, substance abuse, narcissism, schizoid disorder or passive-aggression. They have not individuated as children, but instead have been programmed by parents, by a religion, by a political movement or by a culture, to remain attached and in need of authority figures or belief systems that act as authorities. Their need to be loved and comforted, to belong, and to become confident and independent human beings have been thwarted so they suffer from a lack of real self-esteem. Whatever other mental disorders they have, there is usually a large helping of narcissism that bolsters the self-esteem. The self-esteem is boosted by being in step with the herd and by abusing those not in the herd. They also derive a certain confidence and emotional stability and functionalism through saying the correct things or doing the correct thing, like saying they support gay marriage (if they are in the liberal herd) or flying the flag on Flag Day (if they are in the conservative herd).
5. The Political Level
In some ways the Political Level is similar to the Conventional Level. Both are filled with people who need validation through joining with others who think as they do, and both look down on anybody who doesn’t agree with their belief system and are often punitive toward such individuals. The difference is that conventional people are primarily followers; they are loyal members of religions and political movements and patriotic citizens of countries. People in the Political Level differ from those in the Conventional Level in that they want change. They are angry people who are prone to blaming that anger on the political system. They are jealous of various groups who they feel have unfair advantage. They are so narcissistically involved and identified with a particular political party or movement that if that party loses an election they dip into a long depression, as if they themselves lost the very foundation of their happiness. Their solution is the try to change the world so that everybody feels and thinks the way they want them to feel and think. Instead of being introspective, which they are not, their focus is solely on the external world and how it frustrates what they want and how they can change it so that it instead favors them.
Those in the political level are more functional than those in the levels below in that they are often leaders and initiators who are able to actualize the political changes they want. They are occasionally charismatic figures (narcissistic) who start new religious, social or political movements and are skilled at manipulating others into, trusting them, following them and working for them. Such people are often quite intelligent, but they use their intelligence to think up elaborate reasons why their movements are good and necessary and right, and they are able to convince others in the righteousness of their movement. Like those on the levels below, they are unable to see all sides of an issue. They can only see their side, and are condescending, mocking and abusive toward those who disagree with them. Because their point of view is fragile, resting on group consensus rather than on a real, grounded understanding of themselves, they are quite defensive toward those who disagree with them, for such disagreement threatens to burst their narcissistic bubble.
People on this level are interested in political power and control and their self-esteem depends on how much power and control they have. Their self-esteem also depends on the mythology they can erect, which elevates them to a superior or even noble position and justifies their power and control. For example, America has erected the myth that it is the leader of the free world, and this myth gives it the excuse to try to control how the rest of the world thinks and conducts its affairs. Thus it invaded Iraq in 2003 because it did not approve of Iraq’s government and way of thinking; thus it has frequently condemned China and other nations for human rights violations (that is, for not conducting their affairs the way America believes it should); thus it send Navy Seals into Pakistan without that country’s permission to kill Osama Bin Ladan in 2011. People as well as countries on this level are often successful in changing the political landscape, either through military force, social pressure, mass guilt-tripping, and other measures designed to create new laws and new attitudes. They are skilled at using propaganda and disguising it so that it appears to be reasonable thinking, and they at the same time make reasonable thinking look unreasonable through the use of guilt-tripping, sarcasm or ridicule. Because they have risen to the top politically, they appear to know more than others and, in fact, they do have more impact on the world than those in any other level. They think politics is the ultimate answer to everything, and because they are successful at it they view themselves as the smartest and most superior people in the universe.
The individuals and countries that live at this level of being are masters at externalizing their anger. They see the world in very simplistic terms. There are good people and bad people. They, of course, are the good people and those who oppose them are the bad people. They do not see all sides of a situation, although they make a pretense of doing so, and for sure they do not see the complexity of life. They tend to have mental disorders that include narcissistic features, including narcissistic, histrionic, paranoid and antisocial personality disorders as well as forms of schizophrenia. Hitler, for example, was a paranoid schizophrenic, but he managed to channel his paranoia and rage into his grandiose political quest for power and his organized persecution and extermination of Jews.
6. The Status Level
People who live on the status level are generally high achievers. This level is comprised of those whose self-esteem and well-being are connected to their status in life. They include doctors, lawyers, business executives, wealthy investors, movie and television performers, high-ranking government officials, professional athletes, well-known writers, professors and those at the top of various other fields. These are people who are fairly high-functioning and because of their high profiles, they tend to be looked up to by people from lover levels. They surround themselves with symbols of status—titles, large houses or mansions, expensive cars, brand-name clothes and perhaps a sailboat or two—in order to let everybody know about their superior status.
Because they have the capacity for high achievement, they enjoy a more privileged lifestyle and have less stress than those on the lower levels. The decreased stress is because they are generally in positions in which they can order people around and get other people to do their dirty work for them. They take pleasure in being superior and in delegating unpleasant chores to those beneath them; delegating dirty work to others is also a way of releasing aggression. From their vantage-point at the top of their various professions, they are able to see life from a distance, which makes their view more realistic; they tend to think more independently than those at lower levels.
Because of their lower stress they tend to be more healthy then those on the levels below. High achievers generally come from families in which they received support for their ambitions, and having been supported gives them the sense that they are fulfilling some kind of predestined dream. Yet, although they may have gotten support in one area that allowed them to attain a high place in life, they may not have gotten support in other necessary aspects of their lives. For example, the golfing great Tiger Woods was coached and supported by his father to become a great golfer, but his early marriage fell apart when he began having multiple sexual affairs, indicating a lack of proper schooling in personal relationships (Woods, 2014). Since high achievers are high achievers in only one aspect of their lives, they do not reach the highest level of being, the harmonic level. They function better than those on lower levels, but their self-esteem and well-being still depends on external factors, which makes them fragile.
People on the status level, while they generally function at a healthier and less stressful mode, nevertheless still have mental disorders that keep them from reaching the highest level. Also, not all high achievers are at this second-highest level of being. Even madmen, such as Hitler, can be high achievers. Nevertheless, most are at the status level and they assume, because of their narcissism, that they have gone as high as a human can go. They are unaware of any higher level, and the harmonic level doesn’t appeal to them. They have achieved their dream, are surrounded by symbols of success and are usually widely admired. All of this gives them the sense that they have gone as far as anybody can go and causes them to over-valuate themselves. They sometimes begin to think that they are not only an expert in their own field of accomplishment, but are also know more about life, medicine, human behavior, etc., than others. Aside from narcissistic personality disorder, they can also suffer from degrees of obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder as well as various phobias. They feel proud of themselves for their accomplishments, and this is the most important factor that keeps them from reaching the highest level.
7. The Harmonic Level
As I stated earlier, based on my research (which I will explain later) only a few people live at the harmonic level. People at the harmonic level, unlike those in the levels below, are not dependent on external factors for their self-esteem or well-being. They do not need to feel superior to others; they may understand that they are on a superior level, but they are not proud of it, they simply view it as a matter of luck. When they struggle, it is a struggle with themselves, not others; that is, it is a striving for self-mastery. They are able to look at themselves realistically. They more or less follow the advice of philosophers and psychologists mentioned earlier, epitomized by Socrates famous phrase, which Plato sprinkled throughout his writings, “Know thyself” (2007). They know themselves because they are in touch with their feelings. If they are angry, they know they are angry and know why they are angry. If they are jealous, they know they are jealous and don’t try to deny it. If they are fearful they know they are fearful and therefore are more or less in control of the fear.
Like all people in all levels, their functioning goes up and down. Even at their lowest mode, they are still independent of others, but at their highest they reach a point of harmony, where for periods of time they are in sync with themselves and others. Maslow (1954) wrote about self-actualized people who had peak experiences during which troubles and woes fell away and they were in perfect harmony. Buddha spoke of the goal of nirvana, meaning the extinguishing of the fires of want, need, hatred, jealousy, ambition, and other forms of unhealthy attachment with the world; once this was done a person achieved a being contented and at home in the world (Tuffley, 2013). Lao Tsu said, “The wise stay behind and go ahead. They lose themselves and find themselves. They want nothing and have everything” (Schoenewolf, 2000). Harmonic people do not do things for others In order to get something back. They do things because they enjoy doing them; and for that reason they usually get something back without trying to.
When they are at these periods life is effortless. They don’t need anything from the world because they have accepted the world as it is as well as accepting themselves as they are. This acceptance frees them to participate in the world in a constructive way. Because they don’t need anything from the world, they can focus on the needs of others; and because their offerings are coming from an unbiased place, they are generous and accepting of everyone. A harmonic parent loves his or her children and accepts them for who they are; parents on a lower level cannot accept their children for who they are and try to mold them into being who they want them to be, thereby creating conflict in their children. A harmonic teacher follows the saying of Socrates, “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only teach them how to think” (2007). Harmonic leaders do not force or tell their people what to do or how to be. Instead, accepting what is, they simply act as facilitators, providing opportunities for people to see for themselves what needs to be done. Lao Tsu said, “The best leaders are least heard. Ruling without word or moan, they get things done and people say, ‘We did it on our own’” (Schoenewolf, 2000). Harmonic people do not get into fights or try to manipulate people; harmonic leaders do not get into wars or try to manipulate other countries.
People on the lower levels do not admire those on a harmonic level. People on the harmonic level are usually not rich (and if they are they rich do not use their money to gain power or influence); they do not usually have expensive cars or homes; and if they marry it is not for beauty or fame or riches, but for the inner qualities their partner possesses. They do not have the trappings of success and hence those in the levels below do not look up to them but instead, sometimes disrespect them or even hold them in contempt. People in the lower levels admire and make into pop gods those who have the symbols of status they look up to. When these pop gods speak, they listen. People on the harmonic level have no need to speak, and if they do, those on the lower levels quickly dismiss what they say because it does not fit into their preconceived notions or belief systems. Hence, despite his wisdom, Socrates was put on trial and sentenced to death because of his disbelief in the Greek gods and his attempts to teach the youth of ancient Greece how to think for themselves (the Athenian judges called it “corrupting the youth.”
The story of the death of Socrates, however, also demonstrates that although Socrates for the most part lived at the harmonic level, at the point of his execution he had sunk to a lower level in which he was overtly defiant toward conventional Athens and flaunted his atheism and his teaching of the youth. This denotes narcissism, and it is that narcissism that got him into trouble and caused him to choose the suicide (an act that can be seen as evidence that he was attached to the world and felt hurt—a narcissistic blow—that he was so disrespected by the Athenians. If Socrates had been truly in touch and harmonic, he would not have allowed himself to stand out and be a disruptive force in Athenian society. A harmonic person is able to accept what can and cannot be done and to know the difference.
To be human is to be less than perfect, and so even those on the harmonic level suffer from bouts of resentment, as did Socrates, as well as bouts desire, jealousy, anxiety, anger, depression and the like. Like everybody, they have mental disorders, but their mental disorders are less likely to have a major influence on their lives. Being in touch with these disorders, they can keep them more or less under control. They are examples of healthy functioning for others to follow. These harmonic people can appear in all walks of life. They are not necessarily noted people, and in fact are usually not. They can range from leaders like Ghandi in India to a well-adjusted and harmonic housewife in Minnesota; from an inspiring figure like Lao Tzu in China to a harmonic and self-contented factory worker in Mexico; from Mother Teresa in India to a well-adjusted accountant in Outer Mongolia.
8. About the Six Levels
People tend, for the most part, to remain on a particular level all their lives. However, on rare occasions it is possible for them to change from one level to another due to circumstances. For example, people may be on the militant level until they are soundly defeated; then they may be motivated to step back and look at their mode of operation and realize it has not been productive, in which case they might rise to a higher level. Or people may learn to know themselves through some form of psychotherapy, by studying with a Buddhist master, or through some other similar pursuit (more on this later), and change levels in this manner. People may sometimes be on two levels at the same time; those on the conventional and political levels have many similarities—for example, they only see their side of a dispute—and therefore may be on both levels.
A majority of people have some degree of mental disturbance. Thus the various levels of being represent a range of awareness, mental disturbance, stress, neediness and anger.
The lowest level, the subsistence level, represents the lowest level of awareness and the highest level of mental disturbance, stress, neediness and anger, while the highest level, the harmonic level, represents the highest degree of awareness and the lowest degree of mental disturbance, stress, neediness and anger. Sapolski (2008) was one of the first to show the relationship between a person’s rank in a culture (such as a baboon tribe or a company) and the amount of stress found in their body. The lower a person’s level of being is, the more stress he or she will have. Below is a chart in which I have tried to illustrate range of awareness, mental disturbance, stress, neediness and anger.
Correlated with Awareness, Anger, Stress, Neediness and Mental Disturbance
Severity of Awareness Anger Stress Neediness Mental Disturbance
Harmonic Level 9-10 1 1 1 1
Status Level 7-8 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Political Level 4-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Conventional Level 4-5 3-5 3-6 5-6 3-5
Militant Level 2-3 6-8 6-7 6-8 6-8
Subsistence Level 1 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10
People in the 2nd through 5th levels all derive their feelings of self-esteem and well-being from the external world; that is, they build their self-respect and happiness at other people’s expense, through dominating others, condescending to them, morally or politically marginalizing them, or out-achieving them. Those in the Subsistence Level are too busy just hanging on to build any feelings of self-esteem or well-being, while those at the Harmonic Level obtain feelings of self-esteem and well-being through being at peace with themselves and in harmony with life. Only a few people, such as Buddha, Ghandi, Socrates, Lao Tzu or Mother Teresa—or lesser-known figures in various walks of life that quietly live in an enlightened way--have found the highest level.
9. Is It Possible to Rise to a Higher Level?
Yes, it is possible, but not through an act of will. A person who functions on the conventional level will not be able to attain a higher level by reading this article and willing himself or herself to do so. People cannot attain a higher level by taking courses in philosophy or joining a Buddhist temple. People are stuck in the various levels not because lack knowledge, but because they don’t want to know what they don’t know. Unconscious forces keep them repeating the same cycles of thinking, the same attitudes and the same behaviors. People on the status level, in order to ascend to the harmonic level, would have to realize that their attachment to status is holding them down. This is the last thing they would want to know, for they are convinced that status is next to eternal bliss.
There are two main methods of overcoming the obstacle of not wanting to know what you don’t want to know. The one known throughout most of the world is psychotherapy. However, to my knowledge only certain kinds of psychotherapy can elevate a person to a higher level and perhaps to the highest level. Psychoanalytic therapy was the first form of talk therapy, and it is still the best way to become aware of and work through the obstacles that prevent a person from rising above their level. However, any form of talk therapy that focuses on these unconscious obstacles can do the same job. Methods that are geared to bypassing these obstacles may alleviate symptoms but do not necessarily lead to a higher level.
In psychoanalytic therapy a people process and work through the obstacles in three ways: 1) by studying their past to see how the obstacles got there in the first place; 2) by studying the present to see how the obstacles are impacting their life at the moment; 3) by analyzing the relationship between the client and the psychoanalyst to get an immediate sense of how the obstacles are coming to play in the analytic relationship. Psychoanalysis takes time, depending on what level a person is on. If a person is on the status level of being and has some capacity for introspection, it might not take too long for the person to attain the harmonic level. However, if a person is on the subsistence level, he or she might require ten, perhaps even twenty years to make that leap. And it may never happen at all, because the resistances to knowing what a person doesn’t want to know may be too strong. There is no guarantee of attaining a higher level. It depends on the psychotherapist, the patient and the relationship they are able to establish. As a psychoanalyst I have found that only a minority of clients are able to attain a higher level.
In the East they have a different mode of change, based on Buddhist, Taoist and similar philosophies. People there may study with a master, and the master functions very much like a psychotherapist in the West. A story comes to mind. A man went to a Buddhist master who lived on a hill. When he got there the master welcomed him into his abode and asked him to sit down and have some wine. “Tell me why you came to me today?” The man began talking with excitement about how much he admired the master and then cited a list of books he had read, including all the classic Buddhist texts, and the articles he had written and the kinds of meditation he had done. When he was finished, fifteen minutes later, the master poured wine into his glass and he filled the glass to the point that the wine spilled out. “Wait, there’s too much wine in the glass, it can’t hold anymore,” the man said. “Just so,” the master replied. And there is too much knowledge in your head and I’m afraid you won’t be able to hold anymore.”
Without the assistance of a mentor of some kind, a people are usually not able to achieve a higher level of being, because on their own they are unable to overcome the obstacles. Occasionally something dramatic will occur in their lives—a hurricane, the death of a loved one, an economic collapse—that will lead to a catharsis, but this is rather rare.
10. Researching This Theory
How did I come to this theory? First of all, it is based on my studies of philosophy and psychology, as cited in the beginning of this article. Second, it is drawn from 38 years of practice as a psychoanalyst, which provided me with a first-hand study of clients who were caught in the various levels of being, and it is also based on the resulting thirteen books on psychoanalysis and psychotherapy and a book of philosophy—a translation of Lao Tsu and two other Taoist authors—which I produced.
Finally, I did a more systematic investigation of the theory, using a specified number (500) of the clients I have seen over the years. I classified these 500 in terms of the six levels. To figure out what level of being a client was on, I came up with five criteria for each level. If an individual had three of the five criteria of a particular level, he or she would qualify for that level. After completing the categorization of these 500 clients I found that most fell into the political and conventional categories, with fewer people in the other three categories. The proportions in each level were similar to the graphic of the six levels introduced earlier. A few of my clients, after receiving therapy, did reach the harmonic level. Assuming that my client list was not reflective of the general populace, I added some noted harmonic figures to the mix. Below is a list of the criteria I used for the categorization.
Criteria for Categorization at Different Levels
Subsistence Level
Poor, extremely needy, dysfunctional, self-unaware, anger turned inwards
Militant Level,
Extremely contentious, violent (minimum three physical incidents a year), almost dysfunctional
(2 out of 10), almost unaware (2 out of 10) disconnected anger turned outwards
Conventional (moral) Level
Needy of approval, acceptance, functional (5 out of 10), disguised anger (holier than thou),
little awareness (4 to 5 out of 10), herd mentality (groupthink)
Political Level
Primary political identification (i.e., “liberal,” “conservative”), politicized anger (i.e., anger at political
opponents), some awareness (3 to 4 out of 10, functional (5 to 6 out of 10), politicized neediness
Status Level
Status identification (“I am my house, my car, my trophy wife”), functional (7 out of 10),
more awareness (6 out of 10), channeled anger (into work, creativity, etc.), sublimated neediness
Harmonic Level
Independent, functional (9 out of 10), aware (9 out of 10) empathic, in touch with feelings
After the categorization was done, I correlated the Levels of Being with levels of awareness, anger, stress, neediness and severity of mental disorder, again focusing on the types of people who were in each level. A major assumption is that most everyone (except for those who are perfect) have some degree of mental dysfunction, which is what Freud hinted at when he described the mind as an iceberg and theorized that most of the mind (the iceberg) as underwater—that is, unconscious. This theory therefore contradicts those who correlate mental disorder to reported cases, which comprise only a minority of the populace.
As I said, I recognize that this research, based primarily on a study of my own clients, is not necessarily representative. Admittedly the theory is part philosophy and part psychology and is not grounded in hard-core empirical evidence or validated experimentation. Nevertheless I hold it out as a pioneering effort to make such a classification. I hope, by doing this, to help people see the world and themselves in some kind of perspective.
Bartlett, R. C. and Collins, S. D., trans. (2012), Aristotle’s Nicomachian Ethics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bloom, A., trans. (1991), The Republic of Plato, 2nd Edition, New York: Basic Books.
Chagnon, N. (1968), Yanomamo, the Fierce People, New York: Holt McDougal.
Eldrick Tont Woods (2014), The Biography.com website. Retrieved 04:47, Jul 07, 2014, from http://www.biography.com/people/tiger-woods-9536492.
Feng, G. and English, J. (1972), Tao Te Ching, New York, Vintage Books.
Freud, S. (1900), The Interpretation of Dreams, trans. James Strachey. New York: Avon Books, 1968.
Kohlberg, L. (1969), "Stage and sequence," Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research, McGraw Hill: New York.
Maslow, A. (1968), Towards a Psychology of Being. New York: Van Nostrand.
Schoenewolf, G. (2000), The Way According to Lao Tsu, Chuang Tsu and Seng Tsan. Freemont, CA: Jain Publishing.
Socrates (2007), quotes in http://moco-choco.com/2013/10/10/collected-quotes-from-socrates/
Sapolski, R. (2008), Stress: Portrait of a Killer, National Geographic Documentary.
Staglin, B. (2014), “Causes of Bipolar Disorder,” from https://www.imhro.org/education/about-bipolar-disorder.
Tredennick, H., translator (2003), The Last Days of Socrates by Plato, London: Penguin Classics.
Can Cultures Have Mental Disturbances?
by Amy Capella, Ph.D.
Abstract: Individuals have mental disturbances, and these mental disturbances have been classified. This article proposes that cultures have mental disturbances as well, as they are human organisms. And their disturbances can also be classified.
Cultures, like people, can have a range of disturbances. A brief look at history provides numerous examples of cultures that developed various mental conditions.
The culture of Nazi Germany, from the 1930s to the end of World War II, is the most obvious recent example of a disturbed culture. If I were a social psychiatrist, I would diagnose this culture as having what is described in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) as an antisocial personality disorder. The DSM describes an antisocial personality as a condition in which "There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years"1 It goes on to add that such individuals have no respect for laws, are deceitful, impulsive, aggressive, have no regard for the safety of others, do not honor obligations, and have a lack of remorse.
The Nazi's, under the leadership of Adolph Hitler, exhibited most of these traits. They invaded and annexed countries at will (such as Austria) without any regard for the rights of these countries, and devalued and persecuted one of the groups of people that lived in Germany--the Jews--rounding them up, putting them in concentration camps, using them as human guinea pigs, and exterminating millions of them in gas chambers, rationalizing that they were ridding the world of an evil.
One could also make a case that paranoia and narcissism were both components of the Nazi disturbance. The motto, "Deutchland uber alas" (Germany over everything) prevailed at that time along with a sense of German and Aryan superiority to all over races and ethnic groups. In both paranoia and narcissism individuals (and countries) compensate for feelings of inferiority by developing a mystique of superiority and unconsciously projecting their own self-hatred onto the external world.
J. L. Hammond has an interesting theory about cultures, such as those of ancient Greece and Rome, flipping from a renaissance mode to a decadent mode. He applies Sigmund Freud's theories of the life instinct and the death instinct to these two modes. When ancient Greece and Rome were on the rise, they were propelled by the life instinct, and when in decline they were under the sway of the death instinct. "When the life-instinct is predominant in a society, the result is a renaissance-type society; when the death-instinct is predominant in a society, the result is a decadent society"2
Both Ancient Greece and Rome went through cycles of renaissance and decadence. In Greece the renaissance was reflected in the works of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Thucydides. It was a period of amorality, a spirit of equality, and free expression; a time when an accepting and respectful attitude prevailed. The decline of Greece was accompanied by increased militarism (as exemplified by the exploits of Alexander the Great), a repression of free expression (as exemplified by the conviction of Socrates for corrupting the morals of young men), increased morality, and a decadent sexual morality (as indicated by the prevalence of pederasty in ancient Greece during its declining years. Pederasty as idealized by the Greeks from Archaic times onward, was a relationship and bond between an adolescent boy and an adult man, and was rationalized as an aristocratic moral and educational institution. As such, it was seen by the Greeks as an essential element in their culture from the time of Homer onwards.3
In Ancient Rome the Renaissance era was represented by the writings of Lucretius, Virgil and Horace. It was a time of equality, free expression, and respect for all people. The decline of the Roman Empire was marked by an era of political and cultural decadence. During this era, there was a general political disintegration: the random invasion of countries, the rise of pirates, the revolt of allies, and the rebellion of slaves. Leaders like Nero, whose obsession with his own hedonistic pleasures, incestuous relations, and disregard for the Roman state, were also an evidence of this decline. And, of course, there was the persecution of Christians (feeding them to lions as an amusement for Roman aristocracy), an ultimate sign of Roman decadence.
That the ancient Greeks and Romans were disturbed in their declining years is obvious. Their cultures had become mentally disturbed, and their mental disturbance led to their decline, just as mental disturbances foster behavioral and emotional disintegration in individuals. I would say that both the Greeks and Romans in their declining eras suffered from narcissistic grandiosity (their glorification of themselves and attempts at taking over the rest of the world) as well as denial, being oblivious to this grandiosity and its consequences (the fall of ancient Greece and Rome).
And then there was the Holy Roman Empire, in which the Catholic Church took over Europe. This culture lasted a long time, from 794 until around 1806. Eventually the Pope became the leader of the empire and Catholicism the law of the land. This era was known for such atrocities as the Crusades (when Christians engaged in military campaigns against the Turks and Muslims and slaughtered hundreds of thousands)4, the burning of witches, the Spanish inquisition, and the execution of Copernicus because he determined with his telescope that the Sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe.5
The Holy Roman Empire was extremely narcissistic in as much as it glorified its own point of view and demonized all other points of view. Antisocial personality disorder was evidenced by its tyrannical and militaristic attitude in which the viewpoints of other were demonized (opponents were referred to as heathens), and the rule of law was subordinated to the Bible.
These are but a few of the historical instances in which cultures became mentally disturbed. None of these cultures were aware at the time that they were mentally disturbed, just as most individuals are not aware of having mental disturbances. It is only later, through hindsight, that we are able to determine that a period of decadence had occurred. Culture today is no exemption. America had a renaissance during the 1950s and 1960s, evident in the writings of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller and William Inge. It was a time when America was truly "the land of the free and the home of the brave." But more recently we have become a decadent culture.
A recent issue of the Halifax Chronicle Herald, a Canadian newspaper, contained an editorial drawing of the U.S. flag. However, instead of 50 stars, the left-hand corner of the flag featured 50 guns of various types. The caption beneath the image said simply: "AMERICAN CULTURE."6
This editorial followed on the heels of the mass killing by a crazed gunman, the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy in which 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot his mother and then drove to a nearby school and shot 20 young children and 6 adults.6 Canada is not the only country in the world that is looking in askance at U.S.A. culture. For some time America's reputation has been falling as the number of incidents like the one in Newtown keep rising.
And yet, Americans seem to be the last to understand that our culture has apparently gone astray, although the Newtown incident has temporarily caused an uproar.
The statistics are there for anybody to see. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, America leads the world in gun ownership by far. "With less than 5% of the world's population, the United States is home to roughly 35-50 per cent of the world's civilian-owned guns, heavily skewing the global geography of firearms and any relative comparison," notes a recent UNODC study.7
The United States also leads the world in total crimes committed. A survey of total crimes by country done by the UNODC in 2002 showed that America had almost twice as many crimes as the next highest country: The USA had 11,877,218 crimes while the U.K. had 6,523,706. The USA also has the highest rate of illegal drug use according to the World Health Organization.8
Another statistic in which America takes the lead is that in America almost 50% of marriages end in divorce.9 It is also at the top of the charts in terms of single-parent families: the number is rising and the most recent survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that 25% of the USA's children were being raised by a single parent. While many single-parents manage parenting just fine, as a general rule two parents (or an extended family) get better results.10
Our movies have become increasingly violent, as have the video games our children are playing. It is as if only violence can get the attention of today's youths. They are seemingly numb to normal day-to-day exigencies of relationships.
Finally, everybody in America is painfully aware that our economy has been unstable for years and our budget deficit has catapulted to an all-time high, and yet our country's politicians seem incapable of understanding--much less solving--these problems.
Whenever there is a new mass-killing in America it brings forth new complaints about our culture, with cries for gun control and more mental health clinics and perhaps a ban on violent video games. However, such measures would only treat the symptoms and not go to the root of the problem.
The problem is that we as a culture have gone astray. The statistics don't lie. We have gone astray because our values have gone astray. Indeed, we are a culture that is caught in a cross-fire of cultural values between the radical left and the reactionary right. Like a family in which the mother and father are always quarreling and no one is paying attention to what's happening to the kids, American liberals and conservatives are always waging a war with one another and meanwhile not paying attention to what's happening to our society.
We are a culture that has lost sight of the value of families and the importance of families in the breeding of socialized citizens. A geyser of geneticists has spewed forth in recent years with announcements proclaiming genetic links to practically all mental illnesses. More and more the importance of parenting has been de-emphasized, and people have turned their eyes away from what goes on behind the closed doors of the family. Decadence can also be seen in the sexual arena, where sexual deviation has been increasingly normalized, as it was in Greece and Rome, and where gender narcissism has become a prominent theme, as the writings of Schoenewolf have noted.11
We have become a nation of gun owners and criminals because we value our freedom and independence more than we value responsibility and cooperation. We have become a nation that values having the correct political or religious opinions rather than looking at things in a realistic and objective way in order to find the real truth. We have become a nation that has developed powerful technologies, such as computers, military weapons and cell phones, and our appetite for the "pursuit of pleasure" has encouraged an addiction to these technologies to the point where they have become a wild horse that can no longer be controlled by its rider.
Freud once compared the Ego and the Id to a rider and a horse. If an individual (or culture) has a strong ego, the ego will be in control (as a rider will be in control of a horse). But if the ego is weak, the id will run rampant. The only way a rider can get control of a wild horse is by pulling in the reins and disciplining the beast. And the only way America can get control of its culture is by pulling in the reins and restraining the beast.
Every disorder that is listed and described for individuals in the DSM could also be diagnosed for cultures. Cultures are organisms in and of themselves. They have a group personality and a group identity. There is usually a leader or a leadership group that determines this personality and identity, and the mass of people who are like a herd following the leader or leadership group. This mass of people represent the unconscious of culture, although it can also be said that the leadership group is also primarily unconscious of the deepest springs of its motives.
It is not only the culture of various groups and nations that can be classified as mentally disturbed, but also humankind as a whole. If we look at the various ways that humans are destroying the planet on which they live, we can diagnose that as a kind of narcissistic denial. Global warming, pollution and overpopulation are but a few of these means of mass suicidal impulses. Perhaps this also fits under Freud's notion of the death instinct.
The world cannot control its destructive impulses toward conflict and war; this is yet another sign of a disorder. The hallmark of a dysfunctional family is its tendency to always be fighting and to always be ad odds without any insight into what is happening until it crashes. The same can be said about the world. Our world at present is a dysfunctional world. A dysfunctional family will not listen to outside experts. And a dysfunctional world will not listen to critics of the policies that make it dysfunctional.
Unfortunately at times when cultures are mentally disturbed articles such as this one will have little impact. The mental disturbance will generally run its course oblivious to any objective analysis.
1. http://www.behavenet.com/node/21650
2. http://www.ljhammond.com/cwgt/14.htm
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades
5. http://thechronicleherald.ca/editorial-cartoon/2012-12-15-editorial-cartoon
6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gun-homicides-ownership-world-list
7. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_tot_cri-crime-total-crimes
8. http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-500368_162-4222322.html
9. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate
10. http://newsone.com/1195075/children-single-parents-u-s-american/
11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Schoenewolf
Myths and Truths in Political Movements
By Richard Turlingen, Psy.D.
Abstract: Political movements create manifestos to justify their goals and the means to their goals. The manifestos are in reality myths to disguise the underlying truths.
Throughout history there have been political movements. Each movement is motivated to achieve certain goals, and in order to achieve those goals movements establish a manifesto or a rationale for achieving them. These manifestos are based on partial truths and sometimes on things that seem like truths. In reality they are myths, created in order to advance their movement and to disguise their deeper motivations, which remain unconscious.
In this respect, political movements by groups are similar to defense mechanisms by individuals. Most of our deeper motivations are unconscious, and we use defense mechanisms to disguise them. An alcoholic uses denial to disguise from himself and others that he has a drinking problem even though he drinks from the time he awakes in the morning. He represses the childhood pain that fuels his urge to drink. Just so, political movements use defense mechanisms to disguise their deepest motivations, such as their need for power. Instead of saying outright that they want more power, they use euphemisms like "equality" and "liberation." I'm not saying here that people in movements are bad people; they are actually not unlike most people who use defense mechanisms that are often strung together to create a myth to paints their motivations in a positive way.
A case in point is the Gay Rights Movement that started in the United States on a formal level soon after World War II. To justify the movement, the leaders of the movement created certain myths. The bottom line of the myths is that homosexuality is a normal variant of sexuality and homosexuals are being discriminated against by being treated as if they have a mental (or sexual) disorder. As a proof that homosexuality is normal, they claim that the etiology of homosexuality is genetic.
"Born that way," goes the popular slogan about homosexuality. For many years we have heard this slogan on radio talk fests, in song lyrics, on television shows and in movies. Popular science articles have also lent credence to this view. People are born homosexual, this view asserts, and they stay homosexual all their lives. Since it is immutable, there is nothing they can do about it but accept it.
However, not everybody agrees with this view. Some time ago appeared an article that declared just the opposite. People are not born that way, this article asserts, and in fact the evidence that people are born that way has never been validated. And yet the notion that gays are born that way has persisted despite there being no valid evidence.
In "The Life of the Gay Gene: from Hypothetical Genetic Marker to Social Reality" (published in the Journal of Sex Research, Kate O'Riordan traces the evolution of this notion that homosexuality is a genetic variant.1 She starts by examining the research that led the gay rights moment and others to this conclusion, explores its lack of validation, then looks at how it has taken on a life of its on. "It has become embedded in science media cultures," she explains, "and lodged in databases that open up into information flows with greater porosity than ever. It is fed by aggregations of noise that contribute to the erroneous signal strength of the message that there is a gay gene."
The conclusion that gays are born that way is based on three 1990 studies. In 1991, Simon LeVay published a study that reported on a group of neurons in the brain's hypothalamus that were twice as large in heterosexual males than in homosexual males. LeVay assumed this difference in the hypothalamus was evidence that homosexuality is biological. However, critics point out that LeVay obtained his samples from 19 homosexual men who had all died of AIDS (and six of the supposedly heterosexual brains had also died of AIDS). LeVay did not adequately account for these confounding variables.
Also in 1991, John M. Bailey and Richard C. Pillard did a twin study in which they found a 52% correlation rate with regard to homosexuality among identical twins. This study was quickly picked up by most textbooks in psychology. However, critics have pointed out that Bailey and Pillard had recruited subjects for their study in homosexual newspapers, which probably biased their study. Later, in 2000, Bailey and colleagues did another study in which subjects were recruited from the Australian Twin Registry. The results of this study showed only a 20% correlation rate.
The third and most publicized study was published in 1993 by Dean Hamer at the National Institutes of Health. Hamer studied 40 pairs of homosexual brothers and concluded that homosexuality was linked to a specific region on the human X chromosome (Xq28) inherited by sons from their mothers. This study has come under much criticism. One of Hamer's assistant's complained about Hammer's methodology, and the Office of Research Integrity of the Department of Health and Human Services investigated Hammer's study. They later cleared him, but the study has never been replicated. In order for any study to be reliable, it must be replicated.
O'Riordan notes that despite the serious flaws in this research, the notion of the gay gene has gathered steam in the 18 years since it was done. "In the last 18 years, the mediation of the gay gene has generated a biomedical media materiality that helps ground the concept in fact," she explains. She points to a convergence of popular media and science in which the borders between the two are no longer clearly defined. After 18 years of constant exposition of this idea in all kinds of media and in some so-called scientific periodicals, the notion has taken on the semblance of proven fact.
The gay community, O'Riordan relates, has embraced the notion of the gay gene and encouraged others to embrace it as a matter of human rights and human justice. For example, soon after the Hamer study, gay men in San Francisco printed up T-shirts reading "Xq28-thanks for the genes, mom!" Gays view any suggestion that homosexuality is caused by environmental conditions as discrimination against gays, and hence any research that refutes the gay gene theory or espouses environmental theories is dismissed and discredited.
Nevertheless, it seems clear that the gay gene theory has been refuted, or at least substantially challenged and hardly anyone has taken notice. The general public seems to regard it as their duty as progressive citizens to support the idea that homosexuality is genetic; and, at the same time, they resent anyone who tries to dash the newfound hope and sense of well-being of homosexuals by insisting on pointing out the dubious underpinnings of their belief. Indeed, people have been fired from their jobs for expressing disagreement with the notion that gays are born that way.
In 2002 Rolf Szabo was fired by Eastman
Kodak for objecting to the company’s diversity policy. The program,
which is called “Winning & Inclusive Culture,” allows no “negative
comments” toward “gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered” employees.
After the company sent out an email memo in October 2002 announcing
“coming out” day for homosexual employees and demanding that they be
given full acceptance and encouragement, Rolf replied to the same
mailing list (1,000 employees), “Please do not send this type of
information to me anymore, as I find it disgusting and offensive. Thank
you.” For refusing to apologize and submit to diversity sensitivity
training, Rolf was fired. He had worked for Kodak for 23 years.
The larger question is, should we organize our society according to real scientific truths or mythical truths? Should researchers be censored with respect to the kinds of research they are doing on the nature of homosexuality, are should they be allowed to find whatever they find and conclude whatever they conclude, regardless of public sentiment? And should average individuals be discriminated against because of their religious beliefs?
On the one hand, our values are ruled by our sentiments. On the other hand, they are ruled by properly validated scientific research.
Another myth of the Gay Rights Movement has emerged recently and compounded this conflict. I am talking about the current crusade to ban psychotherapy with gays who want to be straight. The myth that has been created here is that therapists who help gays who want to be straight are brainwashing gays and doing harm to them.
Congresswoman Michelle Bachman came under attack because her husband, psychologist Marcus Bachman, does reparative therapy for those who come to his Christian counseling center seeking to rid themselves of unwanted homosexual urges. She was supportive of her husband's view.6
Almost simultaneously former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty was criticized when he told reporters he did not think gays were "born that way." He also supports reparative therapy.
This was followed by a CNN series of reports that sent the message that therapists who attempt to change a person's sexual orientation are frauds and even dangerous. They offered "research" that purported to show that all such attempts are unsafe and universally unsuccessful.
The Gay Rights Movement has for many years tried to discredit therapists who provide psychotherapy for patients distressed by homosexual urges. Yet, therapists have offered reparative therapy for the past half century and sometimes been successful. In fact, over the past 125 years, change of homosexual to heterosexual orientation has been documented by case studies, clinical reports, and research studies.
For example, Robert Spitzer, Ph.D., a professor of Psychology at Columbia, published an article in 2001 in which he interviewed 200 gays--43 of whom were lesbians--who had converted their sexual orientation through therapy.7 All had achieved some degree of success while most had achieved a degree of success while still lapsing into homosexual behavior on occasion. Critics have pointed out that Spitzer's sampling for the study was not valid, since he choose only people who claimed to have succeeded at reparative therapy. Still, the study does refute those who think that reparative therapy never works.
Another myth is the contention that reparative psychotherapy does harm. Actually, any medical approach can do harm if it is not done the right way. Medicines usually have destructive side effects, and therapies have pitfalls as well. There is no approach that is absolutely perfect. That doesn't mean it should be dismissed. Methods don't do harm; therapists who misuse them do.
With regard to the so-called "gay gene," although many people, including celebrities who sing songs about being "born that way," have been misled into believing there is a biological basis for homosexuality and that therefore sexual orientation can't be changed, a brochure put out by the American Psychological Association as recently as 2008 could find no evidence for a biological basis.8 Anyone familiar with the research knows that there are many pathways that contribute to sexual orientation.
The CNN report concentrated on a few therapists who appeared biased and pushy in their Christian attitude toward homosexuality. However, there are good therapists of all varieties and bad therapists of all varieties. I do reparative therapy if someone comes to me with that request, and I am neither a fraud nor dangerous. And I know many other responsible and professional therapists who do reparative therapy. I never guide a patient in any direction. They initiate the treatment.
Overlooked in this discussion are the hundreds of thousands of people who seek assistance to change their sexual orientation. The Gay Rights Movement wants to deprive them of their right to do so. It dismisses the feelings of gays who want to be straight, suggesting they are dupes of societal pressures. They have tried to pass ethical rules that would prohibit therapists from doing reparative therapy. Is this not a form of reverse discrimination against gays who want to be straight?
Not every patient can achieve success in reorientation therapy--but this is true in general. Only about one in ten patients are successful in any kind of psychotherapy. Generally, those patients who lean toward bisexuality are the ones who can successfully change their sexual orientation. The question that should be asked is whether politics should be imposed on psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is not political, it is personal. And everybody deserves his chance to pursue his dreams. If a young man, for whatever reasons, wants to change his sexual orientation from gay to straight, why shouldn't he do so? If a young woman wants to change from lesbian to straight, why shouldn't she be given that change? There are no objections if an individual wants to change his or her gender. Why should we object if someone wants to change his sexual orientation?
Our society--and all societies--are underpinned by myths. We don't want to see the reality of our motivations. Our motivations are unconscious and we want to keep them unconscious; meanwhile we make up reasons (myths) to cover our real motivations. Such is the case with individuals and such is the case with groups.
I can hypnotize a man and while he is in a trance I can give him a posthypnotic suggestion. I can tell him, "Now when you awake, I'm going to pull on my left ear and when I do you'll jump up and clap your hands." I will then count to three and the man will wake up. At a certain point I'll pull on my left ear and he will jump up and clap his hands. When I ask him why he has done that, he'll make up a reason. "Oh, next week is my marriage anniversary!" This reason is a myth. The real reason he has jumped up and clapped his hands comes from his unconscious mind.
The Gay Rights Movement as well as all political movements from the beginning of time are based on myths that are designed to cover up the deeper truths of their actions. Of course, we all want to respect the rights and feelings of gay people, as well as the rights of all of those who start movements, because of their protests about being the victims of prejudice. And this is not to say they aren't victims of prejudice. But being victims doesn't give them a right to suppress the truth. If respecting their rights means disrespecting the rights of gays who want to be straight, punishing people who disagree with them, or suppressing those professionals who are doing research that goes counter to what a political movement wants to believe, then we are in a paralyzing double-bind and nobody really wins.
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22720828
2. http://www.simonlevay.com/my-response-to-my-wikipedia-biography
3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1845227
4. http://www.fathersforlife.org/gay_issues/gay_gene.htm
5. http://www.wayoflife.org/database/homosexualitylegal.html?awt_I=KKOU&awt_m=3lGCNVdRdtNpjkC
6. http://www.mediate.com/tv/michele-bachmann-asked-about-husbands-alleged-ex-gay-clinic-very-proud-of-our-business
7. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1025647527010
8. http://apologeticjunkie.blogspot.com/2009/05/apa-revises-gay-gene-theory.html
Parenting as a Domain of Expertise
By Joseph Lao, Ph.D., Juan Suarez and Chandrika Patel, Teacher's College, Columbia University
ABSTRACT: Although the nature of expertise has been studied in diverse domains for more than 30 years, insufficient attention has been given to parenting as a domain of expertise. Because parents exert the greatest of all social influences upon their children, and because the personal and social costs and benefits of parenting are so great, many advantages accrue from studying parenting as a domain of expertise. These include the augmentation of our knowledge of expertise in general, elucidation of characteristics of parenting by research on expertise in other domains, and the generation of testable hypotheses. For instance, research in other domains of expertise suggests that parental expertise may be construed as the degree of one’s ability to identify and implement effective solutions to child rearing problems. In addition, this ability may improve in response to relevant experiences. The present article offers a broad overview of what parental expertise looks like and advocates continued research from this potentially fruitful perspective.
Starting with studies of chess players by de Groot (1946/1978) and Chase and Simon (1973), scientists have sought to understand the nature of expertise and how it develops. Early work focused on defining expert level performance, determining whether it is innate or learned, and tracking how long it takes to develop. More recent research has sought to understand the structure of expertise (Ericsson & Charness , 1994) and elucidate the conditions under which it develops. Over the years this research has employed a variety of methodologies and has expanded to include such diverse areas as physics (Larkin, McDermott, Simon, & Simon, 1980), musical composition (Gardner, 1983; Suzuki, 1981), art (Pariser, 1987), mathematics (Anderson, 1982, 2000), Chess (Chase & Simon, 1973; Ericsson & Charness, 1994; Ericsson & Smith, 1991), selling girl scout cookies (Rogoff, 1995; Rogoff, Baker-Sennett, Lacasa , Goldsmith, 1995), and even dairy product assembly and stock counting (Scribner, 1997). As a result of this work a consensus has emerged that the nature and development of expertise is remarkably similar across diverse domains (Anderson, 2000; Coyle, 2009; Ericsson & Charness , 1994).
Throughout this period a very separate vein of research has focused on the behaviors of parents and how they are related to child outcomes. Although widespread agreement exists that parental skills vary (often dramatically) across individuals, no one has explored the nature of expertise in the domain of parenting. The two purposes of this paper are to establish the importance of studying expertise in the domain of parenting and to introduce a definition of parenting as a domain of expertise.
We believe at least six general benefits will accrue from studying parenting as a domain of expertise. First, as we attempt to understand the nature and nurture of expertise in general it seems reasonable to extend this inquiry to additional domains. At the very least this enables us to compare and contrast expertise in diverse domains and gain a better appreciation of its nature and development. It also seems reasonable to extend this inquiry to domains that are relevant to our day to day existence. Insofar as the effects of parenting are widely regarded as extensive (Bekman, 2003; Collins & Laursen, 2004; Farrington, 2004; Holmbeck, 1996; Kagitcibasi, Sunar, & Bekman, 2001; Luthar & Latendresse, 2005; Spock, 1988; Steinberg, 2001), we may learn a great deal about expertise by studying its existence and development din the parenting domain.
Second, the conceptualization of parenting as a domain of expertise offers a clear, intuitively appealing, perspective that facilitates the generation of testable hypotheses and discussion of this topic. For instance, we can consider the desirability of different outcomes, and the best practices to reach those outcomes. We can determine whether what works in one context also works in other contexts. And, while acknowledging that it is partly through the diversity of parental practices that cross cultural differences between people are forged, perhaps we can reach consensus about common practices and outcomes that are desirable across cultures and contexts. Even if we should fail again and again to reach agreement on what constitutes expertise in parenting, our interactions concerning this topic may yet bring us closer and closer to consensus.
Third, examining parental practices in the light of our growing knowledge about expertise in other domains may further demystify the parenting experience and reveal insights about a still underestimated domain of human development. We believe the skills associated with expert performance in other domains offer surprisingly fertile comparisons with parenting (Lao, in preparation). For instance, in most domains of expertise levels of skill exist on a continuum, from novice to expert (Ericsson & Charness, 1994). In the domain of parenting, the lower levels of performance have received a great deal of attention in the lay and professional literatures (e.g., Azar, Ferraro, & Breton, 1998). However, to the extent that experts demonstrate the upper limits of human performance, it is also theoretically and practically desirable to learn more about the upper extreme of parental performance. What is the best a parent can be? What is the best way to characterize optimal parental competence? Despite recurrent references in the lay, professional, and scientific literature to “parenting skills”, we have yet to either specify the full taxonomy of these skills (albeit see Bornstein, 2005) or offer a coherent model distinguishing optimum from suboptimum performance.
Related to the development of a model of parenting skills is the elucidation of how parenting skills develop. A fundamental assumption of the literature on expertise is that expertise is learned (not just inherited) and that it is influenced by experience (Anderson, 2000; Coyle, 2009; Ericsson & Charness, 1994; Gardner, 1983; Suzuki, 1981, van den Boom, 1994). It is modifiable. It develops. Thus, the expertise perspective also invites attention to what drives the development of parenting skills.
Fourth, one of the most immediate benefits of “charting” the full range/spectrum of parental competence is the enhancement of our ability to assess that competence. According to Hagen and Castagna (2001), the test that is most commonly used by courts to assess parental competence in child custody cases is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). We need to do better than this. Defining parental competence as a set of knowledge, skills, practices and emotional dispositions that may be modified through experience (and which may be referred to as parenting literacy) would be an excellent start. Not only can this facilitate the operationalization and testing of parental competence, it also facilitates the early identification of parents whose parenting practices are incompatible with the needs of their children.
Fifth, insofar as we are not all equally well prepared to assume the role of parent, and to the extent we agree that it is desirable to prepare parents for this vitally important job, one of the most important reasons to study expertise in parenting is the possibility of improving the skills of parents and prospective parents through training. A growing body of literature reveals that parenting skills are responsive to training (e.g., Farrington & Welsh, 2002; Royal & Baker, 2005). But, it is only after we understand the nature and development of expertise in the domain of parenting that we (as scientists or health care professionals) will become able to develop the most suitable training to nurture the sustainable development of that expertise. Thus, it is advantageous to examine both how it develops (thereby augmenting our knowledge and understanding of human development) and how we can nurture superior levels of performance.
Sixth, as one of the most enduring of all social influences, when it is done well, parenting prepares people for a happy, healthy, life characterized by constructive engagement with society (Honig, 2000). Done poorly, parenting prepares maladapted people who, first as children and later as adults, are responsible for a disproportionate share of the personal and social problems present in our communities (Karoly et al., 1998). Extensive empirical research has detected links between parental practices and such adverse developmental outcomes as psychopathology, poor academic performance, drug abuse, and poor health (Azar, Ferraro & Breton, 1998; Azar, Robinson, Hekimian, & Twentyman, 1984; Blok et al., 2005; Collins et al., 2000; Farrington, 2004; Farrington & Welsh, 2002; National Center for Injury Prevention, and Control, 2004; Prevent Child Abuse Iowa, 2005; Putnam, 2004). It is becoming increasingly clear that, starting at a surprisingly early age and continuing throughout their lives, the children of abusive and neglectful parents consume a disproportionate share of social resources (in schools, hospitals, prisons, etc …) to counteract the enduring harmful effects of poor parenting. For instance, Fromm (2001) has estimated that the financial cost of child abuse and neglect (in the United States alone) amounts to approximately $258,000,000.00 per day! Thus, one of the most important benefits of studying parenting as a domain of expertise is the possibility of reducing ineffective or counterproductive practices and thereby reducing the multidimensional costs of poor parenting. In addition, the parental expertise perspective enables us to move beyond the focus on minimum standards of competence to the identification of explicit standards of excellence. It helps us to move beyond a deficit model, and its defensive social posture of reducing costs of poor parenting, to a more comprehensive model focused on accruing benefits of good parenting (cf Bornstein, 2005). This perspective is particularly compatible with the goal of maximizing human capital.
Another practical benefit of identifying optimal parenting practices concerns the identification of effective parenting practices. There currently exists an extensive literature on “what works” in parenting and parent training (Anderson, Vostanis & O’Reilly, 2005; Bird, 2005; Greenberg, Domitrovich, & Bumbarger, 2000; Honig, 2000; Masten & Coatsworth, 1998; National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2004; Powell, 2004; Reynolds et al., 2001; Royal & Baker, 2005; Smagner & Sullivan, 2005; Sutton, Utting, & Farrington, 2004; Wolchik et al., 2005). A central goal of this research is to better understand the differences between practices that are effective and those that are either suboptimal, don’t work, or are even counterproductive.
General Definition of Expertise
One of the most general ways of defining expertise is as the degree of skill one possesses at achieving a particular type of goal, evident along a continuum ranging from the novice level of performance to the expert level (Ericsson & Charness, 1994). This perspective construes expertise as something we all have to some extent, acknowledges gradations in degrees of skill, and allows for the conceptualization and assessment of improving performance. Throughout this paper we will adhere to the common practice of referring to one’s degree of skill/competence within a domain as expertise and the most competent performers of a skill as experts.
Summaries of research on the nature of expertise suggest that experts differ from novices in several ways, outlined below. One of the most important of these differences is that experts are more proficient at identifying and solving the problems in their domain of expertise than novices (Anderson, 2000; de Groot, 1946/1978). For instance, de Groot (1946/1978) defined expertise in chess as the ability to select the best move in any given position. For their part, Ericsson & Charness (1994) emphasized that expertise is measured in, “a specified set of representative tasks…” (p. 731), and defined expertise as the ability to select, and implement, the best solutions to a representative set of problems in a domain. Finally, by adding the acknowledgement that expert performance tends to be consistently superior to that of novices, we arrive at the definition of expert performance offered by Ericsson and Smith (1991) and Ericsson and Charness (1994), as “consistently superior performance on a specified set of representative tasks for the domain….” (Ericsson & Charness, 1994, p 731). More generally, experts consistently employ means to achieve their goals that are highly effective, whereas novices tend to employ less effective means.
Definition of Parental Expertise
If parenting is a domain of expertise then it should fit the definition of expertise, display characteristics of expertise, and develop like other forms of expertise. Therefore, our focus will be on the correspondence between expertise in general and expertise in parenting.
The general concept of experts in parenting is revealed by a burgeoning cadre of authors (experts) who write articles and popular books advising us on how to raise our children (e.g., Sonna, 2002; Spock, 1988). It is instantiated in television programs, such as “Nanny 911” or “Super Nanny”, in which someone with advanced skills in parenting is brought in to assess and train parents dealing with troubled children. And it is acknowledged less directly when the parents of accomplished individuals are admired and queried about raising children. One common assumption that is made about these “experts” is that they possess more effective ways to raise children than the average person.
In addition, the idea of parental expertise already exists in our culture, in several forms. It is implied in the everyday perceptions and conversations of professionals and lay persons who recognize variations in the skills of parents (Caldwell et al., 2005). Family courts implicitly use the concept of parental expertise when contrasting the skills of each parent seeking custody in divorce cases, and when they espouse (and enforce) minimum standards of comportment in order for parents to maintain custody of their own children in cases of child abuse and neglect. And it is taken for granted in numerous interventions intended to improve parental skills (e.g., Blok et al., 2005; Powell, 2004), both in terms of the implied expertise of the teachers and the presumption that parents can improve their skills if only they follow the advice of the experts on parenting. One common assumption across these examples is that people vary in the degree of their effectiveness at raising children.
Relevance of Child Outcomes
In spite of these superficial parallels between the conceptualization of expertise in other domains and in parenting, it must be acknowledged that each domain of expertise is distinct in some way(s). In most of the domains studied so far, it has been relatively easy to specify the optimal means and ends. For instance, in chess the endpoint is clearly defined as checkmating the opponent, or causing him/her to resign. And, it is relatively easy to determine whether any given move facilitates the achievement of this end. In the parenting domain, however, defining the optimal means and ends is much more difficult. Moreover, attempts to do so must navigate theoretical, methodological, practical, and political minefields.In the parenting domain, the identification of the optimal means must begin with the identification of the optimal ends. That is, we must consider what skilled parents are supposed to be skilled at accomplishing. It is necessary to specify these outcomes in order to provide a target for parental efforts and a standard against which to measure their efficacy. In order to succeed at this task, though, we must confront the difficult challenge of determining which child outcomes are most desirable. The critical issue here concerns what kind of children we want to nurture.
Until recently, much of the scientific, professional, and lay literature concerning parenting fell short in this respect because it was too focused on the academic and cognitive domains. This excessively narrow focus failed to acknowledge that children are more than just cognitive organisms, and that there is more to raising children than the things parents do to improve their school grades. It did not acknowledge the fact that children are multidimensional people.
Fortunately, this neglect has begun to attract the attention of developmental psychologists and researchers. Blok et al. (2005) have argued that studies of child development should be expanded to include measures of socio-emotional variables. And Raver and Zigler (2004) have argued that measured child outcomes should include the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social dimensions. In addition, the authors of many contemporary textbooks of Developmental Psychology (e.g., Bee & Boyd, 2003; Berger, 2003, 2005; Berk, 2000; Santrock, 2006, 2010) typically focus their chapters on physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. By doing so, these authors explicitly acknowledge the importance of each of these dimensions of development. Of course, even this is a gross overgeneralization. In reality, each of these four dimensions consists of subsets of knowledge and skills (for instance, see Keating, 2004, for a discussion of the multidimensional nature of cognitive skills). Still, based on much of the available developmental literature, one reasonable starting point for this discussion is to suggest that the general goal of parenting is to raise happy, healthy (physically and mentally), intelligent, socially adept children. Of course, while these general goals are probably accepted across diverse cultures, each ethnic group (and indeed each individual) will interpret and pursue them in their own specific ways. Therefore, while the authors believe there exist some cross cultural commonalities in the goals and practices of parents and child outcomes (e.g., Lansford et al, 2005; Luthar & Latendresse, 2005), we offer no specific claims about the cross cultural relevance of the views espoused herein.
Parental Expertise as the Best Means to an End
Once we agree on the general goals of parenting, it immediately becomes apparent that there exist diverse methods to achieve these goals, both within and across cultures. This introduces the challenge of how to distinguish optimal from suboptimal, or at least skilled from unskilled, practices. A general solution may be derived by adapting the definition of expertise used above and identifying skilled parents (and experts in parenting) as those who consistently employ means to achieve their goals that are highly effective, and identifying novices (or unskilled caregivers) as those who employ less effective means. More specifically, we may then define expertise in parenting as the ability to consistently select, and implement, the best solutions to a representative set of parenting problems in order to raise children who are happy, healthy, intelligent, and socially adept. This is generally compatible with Mansfield’s (2005) suggestion that the quality of parenting must be measured in terms of what parents actually do, especially when interacting with their children.Of course, an important problem here is that there is no objective measure of what is the “best” response to many child behaviors, or misbehaviors. Fortunately, there exists a growing body of scientific research detailing the relations between parental practices and child outcomes. Insofar as this literature helps us discern which types of parental behaviors yield the most desirable outcomes we will refer to it below.
Practices, Skills and Styles
In many domains of expertise it is possible to identify patterns of behavior that are consistent for a given individual yet vary from one expert to another, and are often referred to as styles. For instance, in chess, some players prefer an aggressive attacking style while others prefer a quieter, more positional style. Likewise, in sports, music and many other domains of expertise, individual differences between equally competent performers are often attributed to style. It is important to note that differences in style are not the same as differences in skill. The style that any individual adopts is a function of personality and comfort, and may be influenced by cultural and practical factors. But, within any given style, different performers vary in their degree of skill.
Much of the attention to “what works” in parenting has focused on the issue of “parenting styles”. Indeed, this has been one of the most fruitful veins of research on parenting efficacy. This work received a big boost from the contributions of Diana Baumrind (1967, 1991) who argued that parenting behavior is built on the broad underlying dimensions of responsiveness to the child and demandingness. Based on these she identified three general styles of parenting, i.e., authoritarian (low responsiveness and highly demanding), authoritative (highly responsive and moderately demanding), and permissive (low demandingness). Subsequently, Maccoby and Martin (1983) distinguished between permissive indifferent (low responsiveness and low demandingness), and permissive indulgent (highly responsive and low demandingness) parenting styles. Also, Darling and Steinberg (1993) and Steinberg (2001) note that Asian, Hispanic, and African American parents often attain desirable child outcomes with a variation of the authoritarian style which Brooks-Gunn and Markman (2005) refer to as “tough love”. Overall, subsequent research has confirmed Baumrind’s view that when Western parents adopt the authoritative style of parenting their children tend to have better cognitive, social, and emotional outcomes than when they adopt the other styles of parenting (Baumrind,1991; Brooks-Gunn & Markman, 2005; Steinberg, 2001).
Unfortunately, it is difficult to reconcile contemporary scientific research on parenting styles with research on expertise in other domains. The main problem is the discrepancy between the broad styles of parenting and the focus on specific problems and solutions in the expertise literature. From the expertise perspective, the focus on broad styles of parenting is insufficiently informative about the best solution to any specific child rearing problem. This discrepancy is compounded by the fact that early research on parenting failed to find significant links between specific parental practices and child outcomes. For instance, Orlansky (1949, p 38) observed, “It can be conceded that social scientists have failed to produce a definitive answer to the question of the relation between infant disciplines and character development, because of a general lack of historical and cultural sophistication, the difficulty of establishing the validity of the personality measurements employed, and the difficulty of isolating single factors for study.” This view was echoed more recently by Steinberg and his associates who observe that the assessment of relations between specific parental practices and specific child outcomes has not proven sufficiently fruitful (Darling & Steinberg, 1993; Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch, and Darling, 1992) and suggest a more efficacious approach might be to construe parenting style as the context for specific parental practices (Darling & Steinberg, 1993).However, a growing body of research is utilizing increasingly subtle measures to identify links between more specific parental practices and more specific child outcomes. For instance, Mary Ainsworth (1978), and her associates, have identified correlations between patterns of parental sensitivity and the style of attachment between parent and child. More recently, Lansford and her associates (Lansford et al., 2005), as well as Gromoske and Maguire-Jack (2012), have found correlations between parental spanking of their children and the emergence of particular personality traits in their growing children. And Winter, Morawska, and Sanders (2012) found that parents who are taught specific child rearing strategies obtain better child outcomes than parents who are only taught about developmental milestones. Such studies reveal a growing sophistication in our capacity to both assess parental behaviors and discriminate between desirable and undesirable child outcomes.
The second major problem with the parenting style perspective is that it does not address novice-expert differences. It is tempting to associate the authoritative style with expertise and the permissive or authoritarian styles with novice levels of performance. However, even highly skilled parents may adopt the authoritarian or permissive styles and obtain desirable outcomes (Brooks-Gunn & Markman, 2005; Steinberg, 2001). Similarly, different parents may adopt the same parenting style and obtain different degrees of success, typically in correlation with their experience, knowledge, and skill. In this case, differences in their efficacy must be due to something other than parenting style. And so, the question becomes, what are the effective parents doing that the ineffective parents are not?
Third, the parenting style literature does not give
enough attention to the fact that parenting skills may develop. Research
done on rats (Bridges, 1978) and bonobos (cited in Nelson, 2005) reveals that
their parenting skills improve with experience. In addition, a large body
of literature reveals that human parents improve in their child rearing skills
after undergoing training (e.g., Winter,
Morawska, and Sanders, 2012).
On the other hand, while the literature on parenting styles is not concerned with expertise, per se, it does offer several insights. First, this research distinguishes between desirable and undesirable child outcomes and helps answer the question of what works best. Knowing that the authoritative style of parenting is generally correlated with the most desirable child outcomes enables researchers to focus attention on what it is about this style that is so effective. It suggests that the “best” response to child rearing problems may be somewhere in the range of the authoritative style, at least in the USA.
One way to bridge this gap is to describe parental practices as specific actions taken by parents, skills as domains of practices that may be performed more or less effectively, and styles as attitudinal and behavioral dispositions characterized by generally organized patterns combining practices across several domains (e.g., see Bornstein & Tamis-LeMonda, 2010). Then, we can describe “expert” parents as those who are most effective at solving child rearing problems in one or more domains (Lao, in preparation). In general, their efficacy should be characterized by high sensitivity to their child (Ainsworth, 1978; Bakermans-Kranenburg, et al, 2003), superior knowledge of developmental norms and child rearing practices (Banasich, & Brooks-Gunn, 1996; Winter et al., 2012; Day, Arthur & Gettman, 2001), superior ability to identify, understand, and prevent child rearing problems, and superior ability to select and implement effective solutions to those problems (cf Ericsson & Charness, 1994).Challenges for Future Research
The central aim of the present paper is simply to introduce the idea that parenting may be construed as one of many domains of expertise. Although we believe this perspective facilitates the integration of a great deal of disparate parenting literature under one broad theoretical umbrella, there remains a great deal of work to be done. First, we must bridge the language gap between the expertise and parenting literature. Many of the studies of skills in disparate domains focus on closely related phenomena but use different terminology (e.g., situation awareness and sensitivity). This tends to obfuscate points of rapprochement. If we examine both approaches with an open mind it is likely our understanding of each will be enriched by work in the other.
Second, it is desirable to more clearly define the nature of expertise in the parenting domain. Because this domain is far more complex than most other domains of expertise it is, in a sense, at an earlier stage of being mapped out than less complex domains. Hence, one part of this challenge is to reach consensus on desirable developmental endpoints. General endpoints would include raising children who are healthy, happy, intelligent, and socially adept, though Marc Bornstein (2005) has suggested more specific parenting goals within each of these domains. The other side of this challenge is to identify the domains of parenting, i.e., a taxonomy of parenting skills. From the expertise perspective, obvious areas of focus include sensitivity to their child, knowledge of developmental norms and parental practices (which we are referring to as “parenting literacy”), the abilities to identify, understand, and prevent child rearing problems, and the abilities to select and implement effective solutions to child rearing problems (Lao, in preparation). More specific areas of focus might include disciplinary practices, arranging the home environment, involvement, and others, as determined through empirical research, or even the diverse functions of parenting, as suggested by Bornstein (2006).
Third, we must determine minimal and optimal standards of performance. Some of this work is already being done (e.g., Ainsworth, 1978). In addition, many government and non-government entities have established minimum standards of child care. For instance, most American states have laws in place that allow them to take children away from parents who display behavior that is incompatible with the well-being of their children, e.g., such as neglect or abuse. In addition, nearly every country on earth has signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document spells out minimal rights of children, especially the freedom from harm. On the other hand, little work has been done on the upper limits of human parenting. Although we have a pretty good idea of the worst parents can do, we still have only the foggiest of ideas about the best that a parent can do. The present approach is intended to remedy this lacuna.
Fourth, we must improve our ability to assess parental
capabilities. To some extent, this presupposes progress on the second and
third challenges. While we cannot yet identify the “best” response to
each child rearing problem, we are getting better at identifying “consistently
superior performance”. Accurate assessment is a key to making informed
decisions about such issues as adoption and custody.
Fifth, we must improve our ability to nurture parental expertise. A tremendous amount of resources are already being invested in this area. While this work is extremely important, much of it is in response to the need to reduce or prevent harm to children. As we improve our understanding of the nature and nurture of parental expertise it is easy to imagine a shift in parent training toward optimizing parental practices and child development. For instance, the literature on the development of expertise suggests that in order for parents to reach the highest levels of child rearing ability they should engage in deliberate practice and reflection. That is, parents who desire to improve their performance will need to monitor the effects of their behaviors on their children and (with or without the benefit of training) make whatever adjustments are necessary to facilitate the attainment of their goals.
Finally, it must be acknowledged that the types of
child rearing problems parents encounter change over time. As children
and parents get older their needs, circumstances and resources change.
Much of the knowledge gained from changing a baby’s diapers will become
obsolete during childhood. Optimal solutions to childhood problems may be
unsatisfactory for adolescents. New challenges will often require new
solutions. As the problems parents confront across the developmental
stages of their children change, the skills that are most relevant will also
change. Thus, each developmental period requires a distinctive
combination of knowledge, skills, and strategies from the parent desiring to
achieve high levels of child rearing competence. As a result, parental
expertise may provide a moving target for future research.
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The Psychology of Mass Killings
By Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
In recent years America has become the center of mass killing sprees. According to Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama who studied mass killings in the U.S. from 1966 to 2012, the U.S. represents less than 5% of the 7.3 billion global population but had 31% of global mass killings from 1966 to 2012, more than any other country (1). He defines a mass shooter as those who kill at least four victims. Ninety killers carried out mass killings in the U.S. during this period, five times as many as the next highest country, the Philippines. And mass killings are on the rise (2). According to another recent study there were 1,052 U.S. mass killings (in which four or more people died) in the last five years, or about a mass killing every other day. Still another study of mass killings over the years showed a sort of multiplication of mass killings; in 2000 there was only one mass killing spree, four in 2004 and eight in 2008 (3).
In addition to the toll of lives and injuries these incidents caused, they have also taken a psychological toll on U.S. society and affected how the world views the U.S. It is difficult to assess the psychological effect the mass killings have on our culture, but it is safe to say that these chronic killings can’t help but raise each individual’s level of anxiety and harm our quality of life. And as for the reaction of other countries, after an incident in 2012, newspapers in Europe were filled with editorials that were astounded at the repeated sprees and tended to focus on gun control (4). “The reaction is always the same,” noted a German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung. “Shock, disbelief, sadness, prayers, depression.” In Japan AFPBB News responded to a 2012 incident with the headline, “American Gun Society Unchanged, Even After Massacre.”
Instead of focusing on the meaning of the rise in mass killings in our culture, people not only in America but throughout the world tend to look for quick fixes to the problem, such as stricter gun control. The availability of guns in America is not the answer to the rise in mass killings. Guns have always been available in America, but there was only one mass killing in the year 2000 and even fewer before that. If guns were the reason, mass killings would be happening proportionately each year. There are deeper reasons for these mass killings, but these reasons are too complex and perhaps too controversial for many if not most people to fathom.
Some Theories about Causes of Mass Killings
A lone gunman stood up in a packed movie theater about 20 minutes into the showing of the newly released movie, "Trainwreck," and started shooting into the crowd, killing two and wounding at least nine others a while back before fatally killing himself. Only the week before another man who had killed people at a movie theater had been sentenced to death. And a few weeks before that a home-grown terrorist had fatally shot five soldiers in Tennessee before being killed by the police. These are just a few examples of the types of killing sprees that have occurred over the years in America.
Many theories have been offered to explain these mass killings. One theory looks at the psychodynamics of the killers. Nearly all of these mass killers are lone wolves. They are usually men who have a reported history of mental disturbance or have been quietly mentally disturbed without anybody noticing. They are lonely and full of rage but have kept that rage bottled up inside of them, sometimes for years. Often investigations reveal twisted family backgrounds or tortured work climates in the lives of the killers.
In 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members at an elementary school where his mother worked (5). Prior to driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. He later shot himself in the head. It was subsequently discovered that he was from a broken home in which his parents’ rocky marriage ended up in a bitter divorce. His mother was an angry woman whose main hobby was going to a shooting range and shooting her many guns. Sometimes she would take her son along for shooting practice. The son bore the brunt of his mother's wrath and apparently believed his mother paid more attention to her school children than she did to him. Who knows how long he held on to his rage. He ended up exploding one day in December.
Some have linked the rise in mass killings (killing sprees) with the disintegration of family life in America. Extended, supportive families are a thing of the past, and one-parent families are increasing (6). Today almost one-third of families in the USA are single-parent families. More and more children are growing up alienated with little family support and nobody to talk to about their outer anxieties or inner demons. Whereas in the past we could count on the support of our families, especially of extended families, nowadays many of us either go to see health professionals who serve as substitute parents or we keep our anger or anxiety suppressed or repressed, sometimes for years, until it leads to health problems or destructive acting out.
Mass killings may also be linked with a culture of violence that is part and partial of every American's experience. There is almost twice as much crime in America than in any other industrialized country in the world (7). Kids grow up watching violent movies, television shows and playing violent video games. Often violence is depicted as having positive outcomes, as in the numerous movies that portray the theme of revenge, in which some great injustice befalls some man or woman whose family is killed or maimed or murdered and he or she goes after the culprits and heroically exterminates them. In addition, ours is a polarized society in which our leaders in congress are often at each other's throats and model hot-headed behavior more than they do calm debate. Violence is everywhere around us and is accepted as the norm.
These mass killings may also be examples of a copycat syndrome. Loners who have spent years holding in their rage see a person like themselves causing a huge public uproar by going on a shooting spree. They see the amount of attention (notoriety) that the killer thus brings to himself. The mass killers all end up talked and written about and their entire lives fall under public scrutiny and are in the media spotlight for weeks. Therefore there is a certain negative appeal to the whole thing. A loner who craves the attention he never got growing up can at least go out with a “majestic” bang. He can kill a number of people and thereby at last provoke numbers of people to take notice. A desperate man, seeking for a way to vent his rage and at the same time rationalize that he is doing something important such as carrying out a long-wished-for revenge, will copy other mass killers.
Mass killings hence feed upon themselves. The more of them that occur, the more of them will occur. Each mass killing is, in a sense, a cry for help, a desperate attempt to get people to take notice of and do something about one’s personal crisis. If the killer could put it in words, he might say, "See what you made me do?"
Is America Disturbed?
How do we tell if a person is emotionally disturbed? We study the symptoms. If a person suffers, for example, from a sleep disorder such as insomnia, an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, an addiction to alcohol or drugs, an impaired ability to work, an inability to have relationships, or a block to learning, we diagnose him as being emotionally disturbed. Ironically, another characteristic of individual disturbance is that the more disturbed a person is, the more he will generally be in denial that he has a disturbance. Hence, serious individual disturbances tend to be deeply ingrained and not easily resolved.
We can also determine if a country is emotionally disturbed by studying the country's symptoms. And, as with individuals, the more disturbed a country is, the more likely the country will deny it has a disturbance. America is among the most industrialized and therefore economically advanced countries, yet its rank with regard to many social indicators is surprisingly low and may indeed point to a cultural, emotional disturbance—an emotional disturbance that may be related to mass killings.
According to statistics collected by UNICEF, America ranks 46 in literacy--the percentage of people in a country who can read and write (8). On the other hand, America ranks first in a survey by the World Health Organization of illegal drug use among seventeen industrialized countries (9). America also ranks first in a survey of obesity rates in the industrialized world, with 30% of American citizens reported to be over-weight (10). America ranks first in crime rates among countries in the world. In fact, it has twice as much reported crime as the next highest country, the United Kingdom (11). America has the highest divorce rate of all countries, with 50% of first marriages ending in divorce (12). America, France and The Netherlands have the highest rate of depression, with 30% of the population reporting at least one episode of major depression in its lifetime (13). America ranks third in sleep deprivation, with 37% of Americans reporting sleep problems (14). And, as reported previously, we lead the world in mass killings.
These are just a few of the statistics, but they are enough to demonstrate that America suffers from a number of symptoms that can be related to an emotional disorder. And yet, I would bet that if you asked most Americans if America is emotionally disturbed, they would unequivocally answer, "No." We want to think that our country is a great country, leader of the free world. But we are mainly leading the world in a military sense, in all these other ways we are not leading at all; instead, we are behind. According to these statistics we are a troubled society and culture. Drug use, obesity, and sleep disorders are all indicators of stress. The high crime and divorce rates might be seen as indications of relationship problems. The low literacy rate points to the failure of our education system. The prevalence of depression is a sign of emotional instability.
In contrast, Japan, which has one of the lowest crime, obesity and divorce rates of all industrialized countries, has a highly socialized population. Japan values intact families and puts an emphasis on parenting. By putting this emphasis on families and parenting, Japan seems to keep its culture in relatively sound emotional health.
The increasing rate of mass killings may be just another symptom of a cultural emotional disturbance. We are a stressed out culture with numerous symptoms of emotional problems. Controlling guns will not solve all these problems. Understanding where they come from will help.
What Makes People Kill?
A recent movie, The Stanford Prison Experiment, tells the
story of a notorious experiment done at Stanford University in 1971 by
psychology professor Philip Zimbardo (15). Twenty-four male students were
randomly chosen to be either prisoners or prison guards in a mock prison
erected in the basement of the Stanford
Psychology Department. The movie accurately portrays what happened in the
experiment, and sheds light (along with another earlier experiment by Stanley
Milgram) on why people are cruel to other people; which may in turn help us to
understand why people go on mass killing sprees, which in turn might be viewed
as the ultimate kind of cruelty..
The Stanford Prison Experiment (16) was to last from 7 to 14 days,
but it was abruptly stopped after six days. The participants,
particularly the guards, played their roles well beyond Zimbardo's
expectations, as they developed authoritarian attitudes and at times subjected
prisoners to psychological torture. Many prisoners accepted
psychological abuse and, at the request of the guards, readily harassed other
prisoners who were trying to fight the abuse. The experiment started out
as a simulated event but promptly became real. Zimbardo later admitted
the experiment even affected him. In his role as the
superintendent, he permitted the guards’ abuse of prisoners to continue and
even encouraged it. Two of the prisoners quit the experiment early, and
the entire experiment was suddenly stopped, to some extent because of the objections of Zimbardo’s assistant,
Christina Maslach, whom Zimbardo later married.
Another experiment done in 1961 at Yale University by Stanley Milgram studied basically the same topic (17). It measured the willingness of study participants to follow the instructions of an authority figure who insisted that they administer electric shocks to learners when they make mistakes in remembering word pairs. (The subjects did not actually receive electric shocks but were actors who screamed as though they were in agony.) About 65% of the subjects were willing to go all the way to 450 volts (an amount of electricity that would kill anybody several times over) simply because the experimenter told them it would do no lasting harm.
The authors of both of these studies concluded that people are cruel if an authority figure gives them permission to be cruel. If one looks at history there are numerous episodes that back up this contention, such as Germany’s cruelty to Jews during World War II at the behest of their maniacal leader, Adolf Hitler; the burning of hundreds of thousands of women accused of being witches during Medieval times when the Pope (and the Bible) was the authority; or the extermination of millions under dictator Joseph Stalin in Russia. At the present time we are witness to a multitude of beheadings by terrorists who call themselves Muslims and say they act according to the laws set down in the Koran.
Yet in both experiments mentioned above not everybody did what the authority figures asked. In the Stanford Prison Experiments, some “guards” became more sadistic than others, and some tried to oppose the cruelty. In the Milgram experiment, while 65 percent of participants went all the way to administering 450 volts, others stopped earlier and some refused completely. In Germany, not all Germans went along with the persecution of Jews: some resisted and tried to help Jews.
What this tells us is that there is another factor that determines whether a person will be cruel or not. This factor is the potential of each person to be sadistic, and this factor is not linked with the authority, but with the particular upbringing and subsequent character of the individual. Individuals who have unconscious anger inside them, who try to be nice but are in fact waiting for an opportunity in which they can vent their anger, would be more prone to follow a ruthless authority figure. Today, many angry young people are joining ISIS, which offers them a “glorious” way to vent their anger. Others look up to mass killers and try to copy them.
Some families, unfortunately, are breeding grounds of cruelty. Parents are the authority figures of these families, and in some instances, either intentionally or unintentionally, they raise their children to be cruel. Sometimes this happens when parents are overly permissive and sometimes when parents are overly punitive. In the former case, children grow up spoiled and feel entitled to be cruel. In the latter case, children grow up resentful and angry and look for people to take out their anger on. In extreme cases, very sadistic or very permissive (and negligent) parents raise children who have pent-up rage. The rage comes about because tyrannical parents do not allow children to talk back and express their anger. Negligent parents allow their children to walk all over them and then guilt-trip them when they do. Each of these processes can lead to a rage reaction.
My experience as a psychotherapist has brought to my attention that children become bullies because they are pushed in that direction by parents or older siblings. I learned of one eight-year-old girl who was called into the principal’s office because of her hazing of a younger girl in her school. The parents of the younger girl complained, and this led to a confrontation in the principal’s office. The mother of the bullying girl defended her actions, saying that her daughter was simply being assertive because the younger girl was “snubbing my daughter.” The younger girl said she was not snubbing the older girl, but trying to stay away from her out of fear. Defense mechanisms such as projection (attributing one’s own hatred to someone else) often play a role in bullying.
Another aspect of cruelty is that it is sometimes seen as “clever”
by bystanders, while the victim of cruelty is viewed as a “loser.” This
is called, “Identification with the Aggressor” in psychoanalysis. Because
cruel people are sometimes seen as powerful and are looked up to by those who
feel powerless, their cruelty is reinforced. Hence Adolph Hitler, one of
history’s cruelest leaders, was looked up to by nearly all of Germany.
Hence, perpetrators of mass killings are sometimes viewed as heroes (as is the case with terrorists
who act on behalf of Islam) and are particularly admired by those who have been
repressing their own rage. You might say that mass killing is contagious.
Cultural Factors
Various cultural factors have been considered in connection with mass killings, including America’s insistence on “the right to bear arms,” violent movies and violent video games. Another cultural factor is our volatile economic status, in which we are a country whose debt is now 19 trillion (18). However, our economy and our violent society are more likely symptoms of a deeper root cause.
Almost all of mass killings are done by males. Most of the victims of mass killings as well as those of serial murderers, are women.
Therefore we need to ask whether mass killings have to do with males and more particularly with male rage. If so, where does that rage come from? Is it a genetic or cultural phenomenon? One author recently came up with a cultural theory that may well be closer to the root cause, but she only looks at that root cause from one side; she is a feminist who sees things solely from a feminist point of view (19).
Jessica Valenti links male violence to women's rights, positing that men are angry because the balance of power between the genders has changed. This would offer one explanation as to why mass killings have increased in recent years during which feminism has firmly taken root in Western society. But she avoids any consideration of the possible provocative behavior of feminists, such as the aggressive, rather than collaborative, way women are going about getting their rights. Instead, she blames men for their own rage. "Is it the fear that women’s progress means a loss of all that shiny male privilege?" she asks. "Maybe some men’s anger stems from good old-fashioned misogyny, which is then stoked by political, social and cultural forces....Or perhaps that anger at women comes from straight-up entitlement: the men who believe that women are meant to be there for them, whether it’s to wash their toilets or warm their beds, and that denying them access to us is an unthinkable affront."
What Valenti is doing, basically, is dismissing men's anger as evidence of a male disturbance, or as frustration about losing their power, or as envy that women are making progress. She fails to consider that there are two sides to every story. In this case, the woman's side and the men's side.
It may be true that men are encouraged by some facets of our society to use anger as a tool. Maybe there is more anger in the male DNA or in male hormones such as testosterone. Maybe men have had it their way too long. However, on the other hand, maybe there is something coming from the woman's side that needs to be looked at as well. Maybe men are angry because they experience women like Valenti not listening to them. Maybe from childhood on, their anger is viewed as irrelevant or as a sign of a disturbance. Maybe their anger grows into rage after they have been continually stereotyped as "sexists, misogynists or abusers." Maybe men are resentful about being addressed in a sarcastic and condescending manner as Valenti does when she uses terms like "shiny privilege."
We are alluding here to defense mechanisms. People--both men and women--use them to avoid the truth. Instead of admitting we are angry or hateful, we attribute that anger and hatred to others; it's called projection. Valenti appears to be attributing all hatred to men while denying that women have hatred too. Instead of getting in touch with feelings of inferiority, both men and women may be projecting anger on the opposite sex and convincing themselves that they are superior beings who have been unfairly treated. Maybe both sexes project anger at the other sex, justifying their own anger and making up excuses for it instead of taking responsibility for it.
The fact that we have unconscious defense mechanisms is no longer talked about very much these days. The fact that there are things about ourselves that we don't want to know about is no longer considered. We want to point out the faults in others, but not the faults in ourselves. This is not to say that men's anger, and horrific acts such as killing sprees, should be condoned. If mass killings and other types of violence are a male phenomenon, we need to address it. The question is, are we addressing it in the right way? If we link men's anger with sexism or male privilege being taken away or fear of women's progress, are we simply blaming men for their anger? If we simply condemn men and punish them for their anger without trying to understand where it comes from, will that solve the problem? Equality is a two-way process; it means men have to listen to women, and women also have to listen to men.
Men's anger may indeed be linked with the rise of women's rights, as Valenti contends, but we need to look at all the manifestations of that rise. The women’s rights movement was and is complicated. Valenti is by no means the only woman who has spoken sarcastically of "shiny privilege," but over the past twenty years as that point of view about men has prevailed, our social problems have not gotten better; they have worsened. Killing sprees have multiplied.
Indeed, the cultural phenomenon of “political correctness,” of which feminism is only a part, has seemed to stir up a counter-reaction in many males. Donald Trump’s candidacy for President of the United States in 2015-2016 seemed to appeal particularly to angry white males who objected to political correctness. In a survey by Esquire and NBC of 3,257 white people in 2015 men were more likely than women to say they were angry about the treatment of white males (20). In an October poll by Fairleigh Dickinson University, 68 percent of people of all races and walks of life agreed with the proposition that “a big problem this country has is being politically correct” (21). White men in particular seem to feel that whenever they disagree with the left they are made to feel politically incorrect with name-calling such as “sexist,” “racist” or “homophobe.”
Maybe we need to try a different approach. Maybe we need to explore both men's prejudice against women and women's prejudice against men. And maybe we need to explore the consequences of feminism and political correctness in terms of the parenting of boys.
Family Dynamics and Killing Sprees
Lynne Ramsey, the director of the 2010 movie, We Need to Talk about Kevin, has given us a touching portrait of the kind of childhood that leads to the development of a mass killer (22). I happened to watch it on Hulu the other night and was quite moved by it. This movie, which was nominated for a best actress Oscar by the lead, Tilda Swinton, was otherwise mostly ignored by the public.
The story follows the relationship between mother and son (and father and son) from birth onward. The mother didn’t want a son and was a cold and rejecting mother from the beginning. The son, out of defiance, soiled his pants until he was about four or five, for which he was punished by the mother but forgiven by the father, who always tried to be loving and nice to the son to make up for the hostility of the mother. At one point, when the son says something hateful to the mother, she picks him up and throws him across the room, breaking his arm. As the son nears his eighteenth birthday, he finds a new irritant in his life. The mother becomes pregnant again and has a daughter. The son is hostile to the daughter from the time she is born, and when she is about four he pokes one of her eyes out. The mother is shown doting on the girl while continuing to treat the son as if he is a bad seed. Never does the mother show any self-objectiveness; never does she look at how she might have contributed to her son’s development.
The movie is told in a nonlinear manner, flashing from the past to the present, with scattered scenes that do not make sense until the end. The finale, in which the son enters a school and shoots students down with a bow and arrow, is only shown in an indirect way, which makes it more poignant. When she asks her son at the end, when she is visiting him in jail, why he did it, he can only reply that “I use to know, but now I’m not sure.” This is generally true of people who act out in fits of rage; afterwards, they are no longer sure what they were angry about; especially if that anger is toward a parent.
This movie does what we, as a country, need to do right now. It talks about the problem of mass killings by telling a story about a boy who grows up to do just that. The movie doesn’t flinch from facing the reality of the problem. Of course, one case history does not make a general case. And of course case histories can be interpreted in different ways. A review of the movie in Amazon.com by Grady Harp (23) notes: “As adapted for the screen by director Lynne Ramsay and Rory Kinnear this story becomes a terrifyingly realistic exploration of the subject of inherent evil and the manner in which we deal with it.” (The italics are mine.) In other words, the son is a bad seed (the inherent evil) who victimizes the mother. Today, when we are repeatedly told, “Don’t blame the mother,” we tend to protect mothers. If a boy turns out badly, we have been taught to sympathize with the mother. The mother didn’t create the monster; the monster created the bad mother.
Dysfunctional families may well be another root cause of mass killing sprees, and they can be seen in real life as well as in the movies. Last year’s killing of four military men and the critical wounding of another by Mohammod Abdulazeez, 24, in Chattanooga, Tennessee brought to the foreground the mental issues that are often linked to mass killers. These mental issues seem to make such individuals susceptible to being radicalized by organizations such as ISIS.
Recent reports allude to his diary(24), which indicates that as far back as 2013, he wrote about having suicidal thoughts and "becoming a martyr" after losing his job due to his drug use, both prescription and non-prescription drugs. He seems to have been influenced by ISIS, which in their propaganda urged people to stage terrorists attacks during Ramadan, a Muslim religious holiday; the propaganda suggested that the rewards that such acts would be ten time greater for them in heaven and for their relatives on earth.
In one of his posts, Abdulazeez noted, "Brothers and sisters, don't be fooled by your desires. This life is short and the opportunities to submit to Allah may pass you by." His family released statements noting that their son had suffered from depression for years. They blamed his friends for being bad influences. Like most families of terrorists, they took no responsibility for his mental condition. "The person who committed this horrible crime was not the son we knew and loved," they wrote(25).
People do not generally commit atrocious acts such as mass killings because they calmly choose to do them. Instead, they are driven to do such acts by severe internal conflicts, and the propaganda by organizations such as ISIS that gives them a reason, a way out. Court documents filed in 2009 indicated that as part of preliminary divorce proceedings, Abdulazeez’s mother, Rasmia Abdulazeez, accused his father, Youssef Abdulazeez, “of repeatedly beating her in the presence of their children”(26).
The file goes on to state that the elder Abdulazeez “struck his children without provocation” and sexually abused his wife on at least two occasions. Rasmia Abdulazeez eventually dropped the divorce action. It was also revealed by federal authorities that his father had been investigated years ago for giving money to an organization with possible ties to Palestinian terrorists.
We can only speculate on what this father's relationship with his son was. What we do have is denials of the family that it had anything to do with what the son did. Thus the son may have been affected by family difficulties and suffered from depression but would be unable to express such feelings or the reason for such feelings to his family, since they would be shocked if he connected such feelings to them. When a child cannot talk about his feelings to a family that insists that the son only see things from their perspective, the son must turn to external means of expressing such feelings. What seems apparent then was that he, and perhaps all terrorists, are mentally ill (27).
The very fact that the present environment discourages us from looking objectively at the role of parenting, particularly of mothering, and its relationship to character development, may well exacerbate the problem. While we have been protecting the rights of mothers, who has been protecting the rights of our sons? It’s okay to talk about evil sons, but not okay to talk about disturbed mothers. Some parents have disorders and some have severe disorders, and how those disorders affect their child-rearing ability is something that should be looked at. Some mothers, as did the mother in the movie, suffer from postpartum depression. Some mothers have deep feelings of resentment about pregnancy and giving birth and harbor feelings of hatred for their children. Sometimes they don’t relate to or pick up their babies for months. These factors have a large influence on their child’s later development.
Movies such as We Need to Talk about Kevin shed light on the problem of mass killings by focusing on the issue of parenting. There is a rush in America and in the world to pin this mass violence, which threatens to go out of control, on guns and gun control. Guns do not in and of themselves kill people; people kill people. However, parenting as a cause of increasing violence has been neglected. In addition to thinking about equal rights for various groups of adults—women, homosexuals or African-Americans—maybe we need to think about equal rights for children.
Right now the whole world is looking with astonishment at America, in part because of all the violence that is happening here. Yet there seems to be no willingness to look at all the possible causes, not just the ones we feel comfortable with.
Mass killing sprees in America are happening for a reason, and they are increasing for a reason. Most experts are focusing on gun control, violent video games, our educational system and other superficial factors. Rarely do you hear anybody contemplating the impact of family dynamics, parenting, or American culture as causes of the rise of mass killing sprees.
Our culture tends to protect mothers and parents in general. We don’t want to blame parents or hurt the feelings of parents. It is as though it were sacrilegious to suggest that parents have any influence at all on kids—particularly boys—growing up to become violent. Rather than blame the parents, we blame the children. The boy who grows up to be a man who goes on a killing spree is “evil,” “a bad seed,” “a psychopath.” It is completely the boy’s fault, his bad genes, his bad habits of watching violent games, his penchant for running with the wrong crowd or his inherent aggressive masculinity. While it appears to be culturally forbidden to look at the faults of parents, it is an acceptable trend to find fault with children.
The bottom line is that we are a society that has developed harmful values. You might compare it to a family in which the parents are so busy fighting over who is right and who is wrong that they neglect their children. Our government, likewise, is too busy with right-wrong power struggles between political parties to pay attention to the social problems that are increasing, year after year, in America. The root of the problem of rising killing sprees is linked to our eroding family values, where the raising of healthy children is no longer a priority. The priority now is equality between adult men and women, between homosexuals and heterosexuals, between blacks and whites. While the latter is important, it should not be valued more than raising healthy children who are properly socialized to become good citizens who contribute in a constructive way to our society.
Values should be based on validated research about what works best, not on political pressure by angry groups who want things their way. When our children grow up to be healthy adults who value education, constructive communication, good parenting and positive habits and attitudes, we will know we have the proper values for eliminating mass killing sprees.
1. http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-leads-world-in-mass-shootings-14443905359
2. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news-ng-interactive/2015/oct/02/mass-shootings-america-gun-violence
3. http://blog-sfgate.com/crime/2014/09/24/mass-shootings-on-the-increase-in-u-s/
4. http://www.thewire.com/global/2012/07/rest-first-world-astounded-americas-enduring-gun-culture/54967/
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting
6. https://www.census.gov/prod/2013pubs/p20-570.pdf
7. http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Total-crimes
8. http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countgries_by_literacy_rate
9. http://www.cbsnews.com/2100500368_162-4222322.html
10. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity
11. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph.cr_tot_cr-crime-total-crimes
12. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorce-rate
13. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/1107252002240.htm
14. http://healthland.time.com/2010/11/11/why-americans-are-among-the-most-sleepless-people-in-the-world
15. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420293/
16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanford_prison_experiment
17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
18. htttp://www.usedebtclock.org/
19. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/27/why-are-some-men-so-angry
20. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/08/angry-white-men-love-donald-trump
21. https://washingtonpost.com/politics/why-trump-may-be-winning-the-war-on-political-correctness/2016/01/04/098cf832-afda-11e5- b711-1998289ffcea_story.html
22. http://www.imdb.com/title/551242460
23. http://www.amazon.com/We-Need-talk-About-Kevin/dp/B0083GQKQG/ref=we+need+talk+about+kevin
24. http://gma.yahoo.com/chattanooga-shooting-fbi-recovers-gunmans-disturbing-diary-110045048-abc-news-topstories.html#
25. http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/29580433/abdulazeez-family-makes-statement-on-thursdays-shooting-24
26. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/local-news/2015717-chattanooga-killers-trips-to-jordan-examined-by-authorities.ece_25
27. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-modern-mind/201306/home-grown-terrorists-actually-terrorists-or-mentally-ill
A Variation of Soul Murder
By Walter Borenstein, M.D.
Soul murder is a term coined by Leonard Shengold, a psychoanalyst. He defined it as “the deliberate attempt to eradicate or compromise the separate identity of another person” (Shengold, 1989, p. 3). He goes on to say that the victims of soul murder remain in bondage to their victimizer (usually their parents). The child feels helpless and terrified and under those conditions is brainwashed by the tyrannical parent, who is usually psychotic or sociopathic, to think and be whoever the parent wants them to think and be for the rest of their lives.
The child grows up with no identity of its own, ever in bondage to its master, without being aware of that bondage. Shengold compared soul murder to the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, where Jews were told they were evil and their identities were crushed under constant persecution in the form of a variety of sadistic measures. In the case of the Nazis, prisoners not only lost their souls (by which Shengold meant their real selves); they were also taught to love their persecutors.
Children whose souls have been murdered have no memory of this childhood process, which is no doubt repressed because of its brutality. Shengold focused on the children who grew up depressed and helpless as the result of such an upbringing. However, some children do not become depressed and helpless; some spend their adult years acting out the sadistic scripts laid out by the narrative started in their childhoods. They identify with the aggressor (their narcissistic, psychotic or sociopathic parent or parents), and they also mimic the personality of the aggressor. They have no identity of their own and no idea of what their real feelings are or what their actions mean, hence they have primarily emptiness inside where their own real feelings should be. Because of this, they can easily be thrown into a rage if their false self is challenged.
One such case with which I became acquainted involved a girl whose mother was a sociopath with strong features of narcissism. Her father was an artistic type who had married the girl’s mother only after she became pregnant. She had become pregnant sneakily, withholding from her boyfriend that she had neglected to take birth control pills on one particular occasion. When he found out she had become pregnant, he wanted her to have an abortion. At first she agreed, but later backed out at the last minute. Thereafter she lost no time in guilt-tripping the young man. “You had your pleasure so I guess now you’ll be going,” she taunted him repeatedly. The young man, who had come from an abusive childhood in which his own soul had been robbed and he had been left with a depleted personality, agreed to marry her. Three years later he regretted his decision and began cheating on her. He had grown to love his Oedipally adoring three-year old daughter, but felt smothered by his wife. One day he announced that he was leaving her and was moving in with his girlfriend. His wife did not take it well, as she was a vindictive woman who couldn’t tolerate any kind of rejection.
His idea was to leave her for a more compatible mate, while remaining in close contact with his beloved daughter, who at the age of three had become a Daddy’s Girl. One of her favorite things to say was, “I love my Daddy.” Although he moved in with his girlfriend, he made almost daily visits to his daughter to reassure her that even though he and Mommy were separating, he would always be there for her. However, his wife was so infuriated by his leaving, which she saw as a betrayal of the worst kind, that she became determined to put a wedge between her daughter and the daughter’s father. She quickly went into what Gardner called the “Parental Alienation Syndrome,” and what Turkot has referred to as “Divorce-Related Malicious Mother Syndrome.”
Gardner has provided a lucid description of the Parental Alienation Syndrome, in which the custodial parent engages in a variety of manipulations to poison the child’s mind against the non-custodial parent. This is a syndrome that either the father or mother can fall into. Once the child’s mind is successfully poisoned against the non-custodial parent, the child becomes "...preoccupied with deprecation and criticism of a parent-denigration that is unjustified and/or exaggerated"( Gardner, p 33). As the syndrome gains momentum, both the custodial parent and the child engage in an array of persecutory actions against the non-custodial parent. Gardner views "brainwashing" as a concept "too narrow" to capture the intense psychological and often diabolical manipulation involved in turning a child against his/her non-residential parent.
In the present case, after the divorce was finalized, the mother began to pound away at her daughter’s identity in a malicious way described elsewhere by Turkot (Turkot, 1995). She wasn’t allowed to individuate from the mother nor establish her own separate self; she was yelled at and terrorized by the mother with one goal; to hate her father. Every time she visited her father, the mother would berate her as if she had committed treason. She portrayed the father in extremely negative terms, telling her daughter that the father had selfishly abandoned the little girl (in fact, the father continued to see the daughter weekly), that he was only interested in his own pleasure with other women. “He’s a selfish pig.” She told some truths, some half-truths, and many complete lies to her daughter about her father. “He made me take acid when I was pregnant, and that’s probably why you have bad eyesight,” she repeated again and again. She also retold many times the story about the abortion that didn’t happen, noting that ‘Your father didn’t want you,” and adding, “It was only because of my stubborn refusal to go through it at the last minute that you’re here at all.” She characterized the father as a snobbish person who didn’t think his wife, daughter or anyone was good enough for him. When the father gave his daughter gifts, the mother would disparage the gifts as cheap. When he wrote and illustrated story books for her, she complained how stupid they were. Later the mother remarried and recruited her new husband, who was somewhat of a Mama’s boy, to help her gang up against the father.
Almost every time the father came to pick up his daughter for a visit, she would give him a hard time. “Why don’t you let Phil [her new husband] adopt her. At least he knows how to be a father!” She would scold him about divorcing her. She badgered him about money, about his “wild life,” about the selfish way he had abandoned her and his daughter. She lost no chance to punish him and he began to dread his obligation to pick up his daughter for her weekly visits.
According to the divorce agreement, the father was entitled to have the daughter for two weeks in the summer. When she was six years old her father made plans to visit his family in another state. The mother at the last minute called the father and told him she didn’t want the daughter to go on the vacation, citing her young age. The father had already paid for the trip and his family was looking forward to the visit, so when he picked up his daughter for what was supposed to be a weekend stay, he took her for the planned two-week vacation to his home state, calling his wife on the phone when he got there. “You bastard. You’ll pay for this!” she yelled. When father and daughter returned, the mother was waiting at the door with a scowl in her eyes. She and her new husband spent many days yelling at the daughter, repeating over and over how terrible the father was to take her away against her permission. The daily yelling sessions were tantamount to the sadistic treatment men get in prison camps. One can only imagine how traumatic they were to a six-year-old. As a result of this treatment, the daughter refused to see the father for several months.
From then on the daughter received almost daily doses of hostility from her mother and stepfather , reminding her who and what her father was and lambasting her for wanting anything to do with him. She became a pawn, which the mother played to get back at the father. Each time the daughter visited the father, her mother and step-father would mock her. Each time she returned they would mock her again. All the while the mother continually complained to the daughter what an “egotistical, selfish jerk” her father was. They made her feel that her father was the most terrible person in the world, in effect, setting her up to be her mother’s surrogate, her role in life being to exact vengeance on her mother’s behalf.
This brainwashing eventually had its intended effect. The daughter’s relationship with the father became increasingly negative as she grew older, and she treated him almost exactly as she had witnessed her mother treating him. She did not turn out to be like the soul-murdered individuals described by Shengold, but was instead a sadistic monster. For example, the father planned a family reunion at his house, which the daughter helped him arrange. Then at the last minute she announced that she was going to Europe with her parents, the father’s whole family hanging. She developed an ambivalent relationship toward her father. She would suddenly insult him and find some pretext to throw him out of her life. Then, on other occasions she would telephone him with a guilty voice and ask him to get together with her again, only to later find another pretext to gleefully reject him. When the daughter later married, she recruited her husband to gang up against the father, just as her mother had once done with her stepfather. The father, because of his own childhood abuse, allowed the daughter to have her way with him and always took her back.
The daughter never got out from under the mother’s sway, and she never developed her own identity. She had become a copy of her mother; she identified with her and modeled her own personality after her. She thought like her, was crafty like her, and was mean like her. She had no idea who she really was or why she had so much rage inside her. She attributed this rage entirely to her father. “It’s because of you that I wear glasses!” she would sometimes hiss at him. After the father died at an early age of a heart attack, she developed more and more emotional problems. She was an obsessive and picky eater, would fly into a rage at the drop of an eyebrow and often yelled at her husband over trifles. Whereas she had loved cats in her childhood, in her older years she wouldn’t touch cats because “they are full of germs.”
Despite all these issues, she had no clue that anything was wrong with her. Her father tried for many years to get her to see a therapist with him, but she was dead-set against psychotherapy. Instead, whenever she had tension, she would take it out on her father. Eventually, as she got older and her father was no longer around, the rage inside her turned toward her husband and other male authority figures. Eventually her husband left her and she became a virtual recluse, developing various psychosomatic disorders and refusing to see doctors. But she never had anything but love and allegiance toward her mother.
She had no soul in the sense that she had no real self. She did not know herself, she only knew what her mother wanted her to know: That her father was a bad man who deserved whatever he got. When her father died of a heart attack (which, in his diary he blamed on her), she did not shed a tear. This case clearly demonstrates a very different outcome than the usual cases described by Shengold, but nevertheless it shows a soulless character, one without an identity of her own, but one with a definite role: a zombie-like mission to destroy her father. All of the cruelty that had been shown to her in her childhood by her mother and later her step-father came out toward her father.
I’m sure there are many cases such as this one that have never been written about. As Turkot noted, “While the media correctly portrays the difficulties imposed upon women and children by the "Deadbeat Dad" phenomenon, the cameras have yet to capture the warfare waged by a select group of mothers against child support paying, law abiding fathers” (Turkot, 1995, p. 1). Certain fairy tales, such as “Cinderella,” also allude to such circumstances. These cases need to be written about in order to illuminate a rather cruel aspect of the human condition, one that Shengold intimated but did not describe.
Incidentally, Gardner committed suicide not long after introducing his “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (which is now included in DSM-IV). An associate (Crouch, 2013) wrote that “Dr. Gardner was so overwhelmed by the unrelenting hostility of feminist driven antagonists that he ended his own life.” Such occurrences are often the case when new and controversial ideas are offered.
Shengold, L. (1989). Soul Murder: the Effects of Childhood Abuse and Neglect. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Gardner, R. A. (1998). The Parental Alienation Syndrome, Second Edition. New York: Creative Therapeutics.
Turkat, I. D. (1995). Divorce related malicious mother syndrome. Journal of Family Violence, 10:3, p. 253-264.
Crouch, H. (2013). http://ncfm.org/2013/06/news/suicide/parental-alienation-dr-richard-gardner-inclusion-in-the-dms-v-final-vindication/ (National Coalition of Men website)
Volume 2, Issue 2 (October 2017)
Towards a Practical Morality
by Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
religions, political systems and philosophies have created moralities
throughout history; all have been handed down by an authority. Instead,
we need a moral system that comes from within, not without, one based
on tried and true, scientific principles.
Moral Systems Based on Authorities
Since ancient times humans have created moral systems. Almost always these moral systems have consisted of rules imposed by an outside force such as a god, religious book, political movement or an authority figure. Some, such as Lao Zi in ancient China and Buddha, suggested that the moral system must come from within.
Most moral systems from the beginning of history have been based on the worship of higher powers. The ancient Romans (1) and Ancient Greeks (2) each had a number of Gods who had super powers of some kind or another. The Greeks had Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, Ares, Zeus, Aphrodite, Hera and Artemis. Each of them had some specialty; Aphrodite, for example, was the Goddess of Love. The Romans had a main pantheon of 12 Gods and Goddesses, including Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, Minerva, Diana—each with their special powers and provinces. The Ancient Greeks and Romans derived their morals and values through the Greek and Roman founders, who in turn received divine instructions from the various Gods.
Judaism (3) began thousands of years ago and is based on devotion to the Jewish God referred to as Yahweh or Jehovah. According to the Jewish Torah (sacred book), Yahweh made heaven and earth and everything in it, including human beings. He also gave them moral rules to live by—the 10 Commandments—delivered to the Jews by Moses, one of the idealized figures of the Jewish religion. The roots of Judaism goes back more than 3000 years and remains one of the world’s major religions. Orthodox Jews believe they are the children of God and their God is exclusively their God. Many also believe that Israel is a land promised to them by God.
An offshoot of Judaism is Christianity (4), which was began by a man named Jesus, who was a Jew who called himself the son of God. In those days the Jews were expecting a Messiah who would save the world. Various false Messiah’s had appeared before Jesus, and he also was eventually crucified on a cross as a false messiah. However, Jesus attracted a following and passed on his own rules for living and his own brand of morality, which included the 10 Commandments. Christianity has grown through the years and is now the most populous religion in the world, with over 2.4 billion adherents. The sacred book of the Christians is the Bible, a combination of the Old Testament (the Torah) and the New Testament, written by followers of Jesus.
Islam(5), like Christianity, is also an outgrowth of Judaism. Mohammad is viewed as the founder of Islam, and the sacred book is the Quran. Muslims, as the followers of the Quran are called, believe that the purpose of life is to worship Allah (the name they give their God). There are two major sects of Islam, Sunni and Shia. Worldwide there are over 1.6 billion Muslims, or about a third of the world population. Muslims follow Sharia, a moral law they believe comes from God and cannot be disobeyed. Fundamentalists believe that all who do not believe in and follow the Sharia are “infidels” who must be eliminated.
The Hindu Religion (6) has been called the oldest religion In the world. It apparently began as a fusion of various Indian cultures. There are no ten commandments, but there is the Braham, the name of the Hindu God, and there are several scriptures that are followed, such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas. The moral laws are codified in these and other texts. Ethics followed by Hindus are called Dharma, who strive to attain moksha, which represents liberation from worldly attachments and from the cycle of death and rebirth. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world.
Buddhism started in India at around the 1st Century BC. According to legend it was started by Gautama Buddha (7), who was perpartedly the son of a royal family in India. Buddha was interested in how one could achieve contentment by practicing the Eight-Fold Path (the Middle Way), the goal of which was liberation from suffering (Nirvana). From India the religion spread to China and then to other parts of the world. Today there are many schools of Buddhism, some of which believe in reincarnation. In the case of Buddhism, The Buddha is the higher authority from which the precepts come. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world.
In China there have been many religious systems associated with various dynasties, but one leader, Kong Qui (8) (known in the West as Confucius) became the most popular figure and his tenants were passed down as the Analects. Confucianism has also come to be based on the Four Classics, presumed to have been written by Confucius. Unlike the other major religions, Confucianism is not concerned with a God or an afterlife, but rather with how to live this life. However, in common with other religions, the moral principles of Confucianism comes from a higher authority.
There have been hundreds of smaller religions throughout history. Every tribe that has ever existed in America, in Mexico, in Asia, in South America, in Europe, in Africa, or on any little island in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans, had its own brand of superstitious beliefs hat constituted its morality. The Yanomami (9), a tribe in the Amazon jungles of Brazil, has a “kill or be killed” morality in which cannibalism plays a role (they believe if they eat the bodies of their enemies they will have power over them). In general primitive religions have had certain things in common. “The rituals were often associated with magic. Animism, spiritism, magic, totemism and sacrifice,” (9) and such things were practiced by tribes around the world. The native American tribe called Senecas were said by the explorer La Salle to sacrifice a virgin each year by sending her to her death over the falls (11).
A History of Religious Wars
Unfortunately, when people are indoctrinated by a religion at a young age, they begin to believe that unproven and superstitious aspects of religion are facts and act on those facts. The result is that religion does not always lead to beneficial ends. Over the years, from ancient times to the present, many religions have been associated with wars, genocide and other atrocities. This aspect of religions seems to be directly linked with the fact that such religious systems were superimposed by an authority and evolved not from scientific research but from superstition. Stanley Milgram (12) did important study in the 1950s called the “Obedience to Authority” experiment in which he found the subjects were willing to administer 450 volts of electricity to other subjects (in reality actors) if an authority (the experimenter) gave them a reason why it was all right. His thesis was that people will be cruel to other people if an authority gives them permission to do it.
Examples of wars and other atrocities that were either directly or indirectly linked to the authority of a religion, religious figure, or religious book abound. The earliest direct records of religious warfare are from the Bronze Age (13). In the Near East, each city-state would have its own tutelary deity, which gave it the right to own, rule and protect the city. Warfare between these cities was conceived of as warfare between the cities' national gods. The ancient system of city-state deities was still found in the Iron Age, thus in ancient Greece Athena, the goddess of Athens, became the "goddess of warfare". The Trojan War is portrayed by Homer as a conflict between factions of the gods, fought with the use of human armies. Thus, while each war would be seen as a conflict between the deities of the warring parties.
The Crusades (14), the Spanish Inquisition and the Burning of Witches in Medieval times are all were all done under the auspices of the Christian religion. The Crusades were a series of military campaigns that lasted from 1096 to 1487, sanctioned by different Popes of that era. At state were other religious shrines such as Jerusalem, that were held by Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of people from many different walks of life and nations of Western Europe became crusaders by taking a public vow and receiving rewards from the Catholic Church. Some crusaders were peasants hoping for absolution at Jerusalem. Some were children, some were rich people, all particularly spurred on when Pope Urban II claimed that all who participated were forgiven of their sins.
The burning of witches (15) in Europe took place over a five-century interval—from the 14th to the 18th Century. The total number of victims was probably between 50,000 and 100,000; most were burned at the stake but some were tried and executed in other ways. About 75% were women regarded as pagans, 25% were men. Although in many instances it was governments that executed people, the church sanctioned the witch hunts. Germany, Switzerland and France were the main countries where the witch hunts occurred.
The Spanish Inquisition (16) was another infamous event of religious cruelty. The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. This regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain. About 150,000 persons were charged with crimes by the Inquisition and about 3,000 were executed.
Sects of Asian religions also practiced their share of atrocities against other groups. Human sacrifices were still occurring in Buddhist Burma in the 1850s. When the capital was moved to Mandalay, 56 designated men were buried beneath the new city walls to sanctify and protect the city. When two of the burial spots were later found empty, royal astrologers decreed that 500 men, women, boys, and girls must be killed and buried at once, or the capital must be abandoned. About 100 were actually buried before British governors stopped the ceremonies.
A sect of the Hindu Religion went on a rampage in India. Members of lndia’s Thuggee sect strangled people as sacrifices to appease the bloodthirsty goddess Kali, a practice beginning in the 1500s. The number of victims has been estimated to be as high as 2 million. Thugs were claiming about 20,000 lives a year in the 1800s until British rulers put a stop to the practice. In 1840. One Thug was accused of killing 931 people. Today, some Hindu priests still sacrifice goats to Kali.
Over the years we have witnessed the Jihads in Muslim countries. Islamic jihads (holy wars), supposedly mandated by the Koran, killed millions over 12 centuries. In early years, Muslim armies were exhorted to spread the faith unmercifully. They battled east to India and west to Morocco. Then splintering sects branded other Muslims sects as infidels and declared jihads against them. The Kharijis battled Sunni rulers. The Azariqis decreed death to all “sinners” and their families. In 1804 a Sudanese holy man, Usman dan Fodio, waged a bloody jihad that broke the religious sway of the Sultan of Gobir. In the 1850s another Sudanese mystic, ‘Umar al-Hajj, led a barbaric jihad to conquer pagan African tribes.
There have also been historical atrocities committed against certain religions (17), most notably in Ancient Rome and more recently in Nazi Germany. The Romans persecuted Christians as a group by the emperor Nero in 64 AD. A colossal fire broke out at Rome, and destroyed much of the city. Rumors abounded that Nero himself was responsible. To divert attention from the rumors, Nero ordered that Christians should be rounded up and killed. Some were torn apart by dogs, others burnt alive as human torches. Over the next hundred years or so, Christians were sporadically persecuted. In Nazi Germany before and during World War II, about 6 million Jews were sent to prison camps where they were exterminated in what is referred to as the Holocaust (18).
These are just a few of the atrocities linked to religions. The bottom line is that religions—as well as political groups that behave much like religions--while espousing goals of goodness, eternal life, the brotherhood of men, peace, harmony, equality and the like, often actually end up causing more “evil” than “good.” Religions up to the present have not been based on scientific research. Rather, they have been based on strong, superstitious beliefs. All religions have led to wars, although some more than others. Only one sect of Buddhism led to a war; for the most part this is the one religion that has not had wars on its behalf.
A few ancient philosophers have come along, such as Lao Zi (19) in China and the original Buddha in India, who have developed systems of morality that were not based on superstitions but on reasoned concepts on how to live in the world in the most peaceful and harmonious way. Lao Zi (Or Lao Tzu, as he is sometimes called) is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching and the founder of philosophical Taoism. More recently he has become a deity in religious Taoism as practiced in many Asian countries. His book of 81 poems is usually dated to around the 6th century BC. Taoism as conceived of by Lao Zi is the most practical moral system devised so far (20).
Lao Zi was a pioneer in developing a practical morality. He believed that there was one “way” of behaving that was universally beneficial. This was a way that led to resolution, peace and harmony within an individual and between the individual and the world. This way advocated detachment from selfish needs to be richer, smarter, more powerful, or more beautiful than others. It was a way that eschewed narcissistic desires for admiration, obedience, or vengeance. His way led to harmony and peace, not to strife and war. He noted: “The wise stay behind and go ahead. They lose themselves and find themselves. They want nothing and have everything.”
Inspired by Lao Zi, Buddha and other classical authors, I have pondered the possibility of a new kind of practical morality, one that does not come from a higher authority but evolves out of one’s own thinking. Kohlberg (21) envisioned such a morality when he conceived of “Post Conventional” morality.
Towards a Practical Moral System
Practical morality is a moral system based on what works best to achieve contentment. It comes from within. When a moral system comes from without, it doesn't work. You don't own it; you accept it on faith, hence you are more likely to "break the rules." When it comes from within and you discover from your own experience that it works, then it will be a system you will truly embrace. You will embrace it because it is practical. It brings peace and harmony.
Here are my 10 Suggestions (not commandments) regarding a practical morality. These are suggestions, and each person can think about them and decide whether to adopt them as his or her own, or whether to add or subtract from them. Each of the principles is rooted in ancient writings and are found in almost every philosophy or religion. Each has been chosen because it benefits human relationships rather than leading to destructive communication or behavior.
1. Accept What Is. Much strife is caused by wanting to change things. It is all right to want to change things--to improve a marriage, to find a better job, etc.--but it is not all right to need to change things in order to be happy. Change things that can be changed, and accept those that can't be changed. Worry, resentment and agony cannot help you improve things; they only make you miserable. Accepting what is; that is the morality that works on a practical level.
2. Treat Others the Way You Would Want to be Treated. This is sometimes called the golden rule. Do this not because it has been commanded by authorities; do it because it is what works. If you treat others the way you would have them treat you, you will bring about harmony in your life and improve your relationships.
3. Judge Each Situation on its Own Merits. Each situation in life must be judged on its own merits. You can't use one moral system for all situations. "Honor thy father and thy mother," is only good in certain instances. If your father and mother are antisocial personalities, then you must turn away from them. If a mugger stands before you with a gun, you must do as he says. If a homeless person stands before you with a cup, fill it up with tea.
4. Put Yourself in Another's Shoes. Empathy goes a long way in smoothing out relations with children and people. Do it not because it is commanded, but because it is what works. If a child is getting into trouble, before taking a moral position, try to understand how he feels. Is his trouble-making a form of crying out for attention? Understand him and give him the space to find out that he is loved no matter what.
5. Make Up Your Own Mind. For every moral dilemma there is a crowd reaction. The human tendency is to engage in groupthink. Like other animals, we seem to have a herd instinct which lead to religious or political ideological thinking. The crowd tends to rush to judgment and can be cruel to those who disagree with it. Make up your own mind based on the situation. Stand up to the pressure of the crowd and say or do what needs to be said or done in order to foster balance and harmony.
6. Respect all People. Everybody tries to solve life's problems in their own way, according to the circumstances of their life. We are all who we are as a matter of luck; either we are born with good genes or we are born rich with good parents. It's a matter of luck. Both rich and poor people deserve to be respected, as well as both saints and sinners, nice people and murderers, and selfless and selfish people. Respect all people as doing the best under their circumstances and you will have loving relations.
7. Verbalize Anger instead of Acting it Out. Much of the world problems are due to acting out rather than verbalizing anger. A husband and wife do not sit down and calmly discuss their problems; instead they act them out by being cold and rejecting, by lying, by arguing, by giving ultimatums. Governments do likewise; instead of talking honestly, they give ultimatums, threaten, lie, go to war, and make situations worse. Constructive communication makes things go best for individuals and governments.
8. Tell People What They Need to Hear. All too often we tell people what they want to hear in order to spare their feelings. We don't tell a mother that she is mistreating her child because we don't want to hurt her feelings. Yet, by not telling her we are mistreating the child. Look at the root of the problem, not the surface. The child is feeling unloved and is hitting people at school. This is the root of the problem. Tell the mother what she may be doing to make the child act out at school.
9. Love Unconditionally. Children and people need to be loved unconditionally. Everybody has good and bad qualities. Accept them the way they are. Accept yourself the way you are. When you accept yourself the way you are, you will change naturally, without pressure. When you accept others the way they are, you will provide them with the security to see their own flaws.
10. Give for the Sake of Giving. When we give, we help others, but mostly we help ourselves. Give even if others don't appreciate it. Give without expecting anything from it. Give because it makes you feel better. When we give of ourselves, we feel better about ourselves and we feel better about humanity. When we give with strings attached we are not really giving, we are bribing.
I offer these suggestions as a way of stimulating a dialogue about morality. You may agree or disagree with these suggestions, but hopefully we can discuss them. The bottom line is that moral systems should be based on principles that lead to goals that are beneficial to the individual, to society and to humankind as a whole. If religions lead to conflict with those of other religions, to exclusivity, to a “holier-than-thou” attitude, or to any other destructive end, they are not moral systems at all, but systems of superiority stemming from human narcissism.
Religions throughout history have come out of superstitions. They were humankind’s attempt to compensate for its fear of death, feelings of inferiority, and fear of the unknown. Religions were rarely set up in a scientific way, and they have therefore been replete with all the faults of humankind. Human jealousy, denial, prejudices, greed, and many other aspect of what is human become part of the religions we have erected, which are extensions of our deepest, unconscious notions, and often provide us with a rationale for actualizing these notions. Thus religions justify many of the conflicts that have occurred through history.
The 10 principles offered here all fulfill three main criteria: (1) They are beneficial to humankind as a whole (rather than to a part of humanity); (2) they lead to international peace, rather than to conflict; and (3) They lead to inner peace. They constitute practical morality, rather than superstitious morality.
The first principle, “Accept What Is,” is found in Buddhism and Taoism as well as in humanistic psychology. The second principle, “Treat others as you would have them treat you,” is found in almost all religions and philosophies. The third principle, “Judge each situation on its own merits,” Is intended to counter the tendency of humankind to judge situations according to some biased view coming out of their religion, political ideology or philosophy. The fourth principle, “Put yourself in another’s shoes,” is based on the universally acknowledged understanding that empathy leads to the highest form of relationships. The fifth principle, “Make up your own mind,” is intended to counter the trend of people to allow their religion and their group to think for them. Principle six, “Respect for all people,” is tied to empathy and advocates respect for others regardless of their point of view or their outward behavior. A group’s behavior or words may seem wrong in our eyes, but we must understand that they came to these views because of cultural or other factors in their lives. The seventh principle, “Verbalize anger rather than acting it out,” comes out of psychotherapeutic understanding of constructive communication. The eight principle, “Tell people what they need to hear,” is intended to counter the trend to tell people what they want to hear, which so often rules communication with a destructive effect. The ninth principle, “Love unconditionally,” is taken from developmental psychology, which generally espouses that parents love their children unconditionally. When humankind loves unconditionally (loves and accepts without reservations) it leads to healthy development of humankind, just as parental unconditional love leads to healthy child development. The tenth principle, “Give for the sake of giving,” is an outgrowth of universal notions of giving to others without expecting anything in return.
These new principles of practical morality are, I realize, while being practical, will be next to impossible to achieve. People throughout the world, in every religion, will not easily give up the beliefs, even the destructive beliefs, of their religions. But we need to at least start the thinking about the destructive qualities of these existing religions and how they can be remedied.
At some point in the future, moral principle should ideally be based on actual scientific research that proves the efficacy of each principle of practical morality. The values that we live by are perhaps the most important organizing phenomenon in the world. Up until the present, as I have previously stated, the principles have been based on the strong opinions of a higher authority and are hence biased. Eventually each principle such be thoroughly researched to show that it is beneficial to the world as a whole, not just to certain groups in the world.
In America we taut “freedom of religion,” which means all religions should be accepted and respected. However, while this may have worked doing the protestant reformation, it doesn’t work at the present time. All religions, especially those espousing principles that lead to destructive ends, while they may be respected, must be scrutinized. Only those that lead to unity, peace, and universal respect, should be encouraged.
1. http://www.crystalinks.com/romereligion.html
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek_religion
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judaism
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam
6. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/core-beliefs-of-hindus.html
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confucianism
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yanomani
10. http://www.crvp.org/book/Series03/IIIB-12/chapter-1.htm
11. http://niagarafallsupclose.com/niagara-falls-mythology/
12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war
14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades
15. http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_burn.htm
16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Inquisition
17. http://listverse.com/2008/04/02/8-atrocities-committed-in-the-name-of-religion/
18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust
19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laozi
20. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Schoenewolf%2C+The+Way
Political Correctness and Censorship in Higher Education
By Joseph Lao, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: Political
Correctness is now the prevailing value system on college campuses in
America, if not in the West. Although this value system is based on
good intentions, it has grown into a movement that threatens academic
freedom as well as the original goal of education, to teach students to
think critically.
What is the problem?
Last January, a senior professor was giving the first lecture of the semester to the students of an undergraduate Experimental Psychology class at a major Northeastern university. In an effort to get the students to think critically about the importance of having reliable tests, he asked them to imagine what it would be like to try to measure intelligence by the color of someone’s clothing. He explained that one of the problems with this way of measuring intelligence is that the same person might be deemed to be intelligent one day and retarded the next day, based solely on what color clothes they were wearing. The students seemed to understand the concept and the lecture continued.
After class, the graduate Teaching Assistant who had been assigned to this class approached the professor and said he felt uncomfortable with the professor saying that some of the students in the class would be considered retarded. The professor explained that he did not mean to hurt anybody’s feelings, and that he was just trying to make a point about how important it is to use appropriate tests in scientific research.
A few days later, that professor received correspondence from the Chair of his Department asking for a meeting. At the meeting, the Chair explained that the Teaching Assistant found the professor’s statements so offensive that he could not continue to work with that professor. He continued by asking if the professor did, in fact, say that someone could be considered retarded based on the color of their clothing, even if only hypothetically. When the professor confirmed that he had said that, the Department Chair said he was deeply concerned that the professor would use that type of language in the class room. He said he was surprised that this professor would speak that way and asked him to apologize to his students for using that type of language. The professor explained that he intended no offense, none of the students seemed offended, and that the example appeared to have its intended effect. The chair responded that neither the possibilities that the students were too embarrassed to protest nor that they didn’t know any better absolved the professor of such flagrant insensitivity. After the meeting the Chair sent the professor links to articles describing how people who have been labeled as mentally retarded now find the use of such terms hurtful and offensive.
Incidents such as this have become increasingly common in American higher education (Adams, 2016, Snyder, 2013)). On one level they reflect an attempt to minimize harm to people who are intellectually disabled and reflect a trend toward increased political correctness (PC), defined as, “… conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities … should be eliminated” (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2016). On another level, however, they constitute a trend that may be counterproductive to the aims of higher education.
Why is This a Problem?
At its best PC reflects the sensitivity of a characteristics and preferences of others. It recognizes that differences between people, or between people and other living creatures, are not the same as deficiencies. Accordingly, it tries to minimize use of profanity and negative judgments of people based on minority status, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, and disability. Unacceptable words include most profanity, racial terms, “fat,” “stupid,” “ugly,” “short,” “retarded,” “dumb,” “oriental,” “queer,” “Black,” etc. … . One recent list of newly unacceptable terms may be found at http://www.languagemonitor.com/category/politically-incorrect/ (of 2015).
In addition, friendly PC works voluntarily. That is, it acknowledges the freedom of speech of the speaker and audience. Speakers who make statements that are unacceptable to an audience may receive negative feedback, typically in the form of diverse opinions, especially in higher education, where freedom of speech is regarded highly. The typical audience reaction from this perspective is to assume the speaker did not know better, alert him that he has violated the sensitivity of some group and to try to correct him. There is no attempt to punish the speaker, or impose the will of the audience on the speaker. At worst, members of the audience may walk away from the incident convinced the speaker is an insensitive jerk. This is not a serious social problem.
On the other hand, even friendly PC reduces the number and types of things that are acceptable to be said in public. The problem with this type of PC (apart from learning and remembering all the sensitivities of all groups) is that it threatens to interfere with the unfettered expression of thought and stifle the free flow of ideas in higher education. Freedom of speech is the bedrock upon which democracy is built. It is one of the foundations for modern American education.
This seems to suggest that PC constitutes a violation of the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America (Ratified December 15, 1791), which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” But because
the restrictions are voluntary, PC does not rise to the level of restriction defined as censorship, i.e., “to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable” (Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, 2016). Although it seems that speech cannot be considered free if there are things you cannot say, this is a straw dog argument. It is like saying our personal freedom is curtailed because we are prohibited from walking on private property, or extending our hands beyond where someone else’s nose begins.
Of greater concern is a new variation of PC that may be referred to as radical PC. This type of PC is characterized by fastidious adherence to “the letter of the law,” and self-righteous indignation at the insensitivity of speakers who violate the sensitivity standards of the audience. It infers harm by the speaker, and demands atonement for offenses committed, at least with a sincere apology, but sometimes with formal sensitivity training. The central goals of radical PC are to change not only the speech, but also the sensitivity of the speaker.
Although radical PC generally does not rise to the level of legal censorship, it nonetheless constitutes an attempt to punish undesirable behavior in order to make it comply with some social standard. In high profile cases, offended audience members may report the insensitivity of the speaker to the public media, thereby launching what amounts to a smear campaign. Or, they may call for a boycott of the products or performance of the speaker. In such cases the general goal is to hurt the speaker so much that he repents and permanently changes his behavior. Thus, radical PC seeks not conformity but obedience, to the rule of the mob. It is this attempt to control behavior that distinguishes friendly from radical PC, and makes the latter a harsh and punitive form of social censorship.
Some might argue that the goals of radical PC are socially desirable (i.e., preventing the discomfort and marginalization of minority groups), and that even advocates of radical PC provide a valuable public service, by raising our sensitivity to the plight of disenfranchised groups. This is the allure of radical PC. However, the problems lie not so much with the goals as with the methods of radical (not friendly) PC.
At its most extreme, “PC is becoming weaponized” (Adams, 2016), that is, it is increasingly being used as a weapon to hurt people with dissenting opinions on a growing range of topics. In this form of PC, the members of some (e.g., religious) group perceive themselves the victims of the hostile actions of another group. They respond by targeting people who they perceive as the perpetrators of such crimes, and believe themselves justified in defending their interests by whatever means necessary. For them, PC is a matter of survival. We also see this in political campaigns, when one candidate for political office accuses their opponent of being politically incorrect. It is interpreted as a sign that the opponent is unfit to be elected because he or she is too insensitive to the needs of their prospective constituents. But, in both cases, their goal of silencing diverse (undesirable) opinions and their heavy handed methods contradict the need for open dialogue in a safe environment, especially in academia. While advocating for greater sensitivity they are often insensitive to the rights and needs of those they excoriate.
Some Dimensions of the Problem
PC is Evolving
There are at least two ways in which PC is evolving. One is that the topics and terms that are considered incorrect change over time. The second is that it differs from one group (however defined) to another.
People with low intellectual ability used to be called “morons,” but someone thought that was too disparaging, so they substituted the phrase “mentally retarded.” But then that became perceived as offensive and it was changed to “intellectually disabled.” Now, there are some who perceive that term as insensitive and are advocating for a different term, such as “intellectually challenged.” It appears the real problem is not with the specific term used to describe a group, but rather with using any term that draws attention to characteristics of a group that are perceived negatively. Even if we all concede that the term “intellectually challenged will be the new term of choice, it won’t be long before that term is also perceived as pejorative.
Is it ok to say, or even imply, that it is bad to be disabled, or that someone is a bad parent? Not for the person being labeled. The labeled person might contend that such labels are too restrictive and fail to include their life challenges and positive qualities. Someone like Stephen Hawking might say, “Yes, I have some interesting physical challenges, but I’m a genius at Physics.” And a person labeled as a bad parent might respond, “It might seem like bad parenting to you, but you don’t know what a little monster I’m dealing with, or all the personal, financial, and social challenges I’m dealing with.”
Also, what is considered politically incorrect, or radical, is in the eye of the beholder. What is acceptable to the mainstream may be hurtful to some minority groups, but not others. Part of the problem may be that we tend to define people in terms of their distinguishing characteristics. When almost everyone else is healthy, a disability becomes a distinguishing, then a defining,
characteristic. When nearly everyone is white then nonwhites stand out. When most people are Christian then non-Christians stand out. And, when almost everyone is “X” then anyone who is non-X stands out. In principle, this should not be a problem. But once we place someone into a neat little category we gain the benefit of being able to apply all the characteristics that we associate with that category to that individual. It then becomes seductively easy to overgeneralize stereotypical characteristics to that person, and use biases, such as ethnocentrism, to perceive ourselves as better than the person who is different. As a consequence of this, whenever we label someone, we risk the possibility of retaliation from their feeling as though we are pigeonholing them. In a sense, then, political correctness is about not wanting to be stereotyped in negative ways.
An increasingly common feature of radical PC is a sense of urgency. This is comprised of (surprisingly) intense negative audience emotions and control. Advocates of radical PC seem passionate about their target issue. It’s almost as though advocates of radical PC perceive themselves as crusaders, defending the rights of the oppressed against the insensitive evil hordes. The problem is that this passion is too easily transformed into hostility. The audience presumes (projects?) ill will by the speaker and responds with ill will of its own. This tends to escalate emotions and reduce the probability of reconciliation. This particular characteristic of radical PC leads persons perceiving offense to over respond to even innocent lapses by speakers, frequently devolving to disproportionate threatening or hurtful language or actions. But using hostile means to achieve supposedly benign goals creates a climate of threats and intimidation that is antithetical to the goals of higher education.
Another characteristic of radical PC is control. Advocates of radical PC seem to believe it is important to not only voice their views but to also control the views and behaviors of others. They believe that the speaker’s insensitivity is causing harm, which they want to end, immediately. They also assume they are right, and that they represent the moral high ground. It’s as though they know that they know something the speaker just doesn’t understand. They seem to perceive it as their responsibility to correct this. Moreover, deviation from the path they offer is interpreted as flagrant (and punishable) disrespect for the welfare of others.
Genesis of PC
What is the genesis of radical PC? Why do proponents of radical PC seem to blow events out of proportion and become harsh and punitive? Why do some people attach so much importance to PC, even going so far as to physically attack others? The answer is not clear. From a psychological perspective, strong emotional overreactions usually indicate a personal investment in the issue at hand. It seems similar to the acute sensitivity with which people protect an unhealed emotional wound. This suggests that radical PC represents some type of rebound effect, in which suffering from long years of repressions causes the disenfranchised to reach a climax, beyond which their anger spills over and they fight back for what they think is right. Alternatively, in some cases, it may be a matter of young people jumping on a popular political bandwagon, being part of a group, or something bigger than themselves. And, in some cases, it may just be a form of bullying, i.e., using power to hurt others, for whatever pretext is available. In this case, one’s own feelings of inadequacy may be assuaged by the temporary feeling of power derived from group support and influencing others. Still another possibility is that radical PC reflects a high level of fastidiousness, what a Psychodynamic theorist might describe as an inflated superego run amok. It’s hard to know which, if any, of these motives generate radical PC, but they all seem plausible.
Both the evolution of the scope of PC and its growing urgency may also be explained by more general social trends. One possibility is that PC is a response to humanity’s growing awareness of social diversity. As different social groups gain a voice through expanded media options, it is becoming clear that each group harbors a distinctive perspective. In addition, interactions between the different members of each social group highlight their distinctiveness and strengthen the perceived legitimacy of their common plight and perspective. Although this provides benefits to group members, it also engenders disparities between the interests, perspectives, and vocabulary of different social groups. From this perspective, PC reflects an attempt by group members to control how they are perceived by outsiders, as occurs when a nondominant group resists the labels (or perspective) of a dominant group. For example, when a Muslim person claims that it is politically incorrect to wish him a Merry Christmas, he may be rebelling against the speaker’s adoption of a Christian, or Eurocentric, perspective. Similarly, the Christian may react negatively to someone wishing him a happy Ramadan, or a happy Kwanzaa.
Another interesting perspective on this is suggested by Nick Haslam’s concept of “Conceptual Creep.” Drawing on Pinker’s (2011) observation that people, “… are prompted by an escalating sensitivity to new forms of harm,” (Pinker, 2011, p 460, cited by Haslam (2016, p 13), Haslam notes that humanity also appears to be experiencing an, “expansion of the moral circle” (p 14). He observes, “In essence, the concept creep phenomenon broadens moral concern in a way that aligns with a liberal social agenda by defining new kinds of experience as harming and new classes of people as harmed, and it identifies these people as needful of care and protection.” (p 14). This is generally consistent with recent expansions of the concept of political correctness and the still more recent emergence of radical PC. It suggests that radical PC represents the cutting edge of the expansion of humanity’s moral sensitivity. This might also explain why radical PC is most often found on college campuses (among our most intelligent and idealistic youth) and is perceived negatively by the conservative media (e.g., Adams, 2016).
Academic Ideals and Political Correctness
The key responsibility of American educational institutions is to cultivate an informed citizenry, capable of critical thought and self-governance. This entails providing students with information, and nurturing their abilities to inquire and think critically and express their views w/o fear of recrimination, all in a safe environment.
Political correctness poses interesting challenges for educators that are less commonly found in the lives of most other people, in that most people tend to associate with others who share their major characteristics while faculty come into daily contact with a greater variety of different people in their classrooms. As there currently exist more than 10,000 different ethno-linguistic groups (Joshua Project, 2016), and countless other categories of people (e.g., sexual orientation, gender, disabilities, religion, etc…) around the world, even the best intentioned faculty will not be knowledgeable about the norms and preferences of each different group. This makes it inevitable that faculty will occasionally violate the preferences of some group represented by students in their class.
One of the ways that most colleges respond to this challenge is to advocate freedom of speech in the classroom, as long as it does not inflict pain or arouse disorderly conduct. But there are many things that one can say and should not. According to the National Coalition Against Censorship (2016), freedom of speech inside the classroom is less than outside. There are many legitimate reasons for this. While it is important for faculty to introduce students to the controversies in their topic of expertise, there are many views that faculty should not give in the classroom, either because they are not relevant to the course, because they are inconsistent with available evidence (except in the case of evaluating their merits/demerits), or are hurtful to others. Second, classroom discussions are typically focused around one key topic at a time. Although teachers and students alike are technically free to say anything they want in the classroom, in practice it is common to restrict comments to the topic at hand. Third, except in highly specialized courses, it is not practical to consider all of the diverse views about any given topic. College faculty normally restrict their discussion of topics to the major theories about the phenomena of interest. Minor, or disfavored, theories typically do not get much attention, largely due to time constraints. Fourth, the manner in which topics are considered in class is supposed to be unbiased. While faculty often share their biases with students, they are supposed to present diverse theories about a topic in as unbiased a way as possible. The ideal is to provide students with enough accurate information about a topic for them to develop their own informed opinion about that topic. Such conversations differ from casual conversations in part by their examination of the (scientific) evidence supporting or contradicting the theory under discussion. Most importantly, making hurtful statements causes students to feel pain and resentment, and may prove distracting to the intended lessons. Since one of the keys to political correctness is to avoid harming others, PC is practical and desirable.
Does this mean that faculty should avoid contentious terminology? No. It is important for faculty to accurately reflect reality in the course content and discussions, and not to shy away from controversies. But not disparaging others is not the same as not disparaging ideas. Wrong ideas (e.g., those that are incompatible with available evidence) should be discussed, and discredited, albeit without disparaging their authors (we assume they meant well, and in that sense give them the benefit of the doubt). Students will typically be aware of contentious claims and terminology and have legitimate questions and concerns about their meaning and use. Students need to be familiar with contemporary controversies, if for no other reason than because they are often the ones who wind up resolving them. The best (i.e., most informative/valuable) courses will assess contemporary issues (and terminology) and nurture the abilities of students to understand and think critically about them. In this manner, students can become aware of social controversies, learn what professionals think about those issues and piggy back on their professors’ ideas to find better and better solutions.
But radical PC threatens this process. The methods used to control speech can sometimes cause more harm than the harm they are trying to prevent. Although boycotts and protests are relatively benign methods of expressing one’s concerns, any time anger overflows there is a heightened risk of harming others. Sometimes the anger of radical PC advocates takes the form of physical attacks on the speaker. This is obviously not a good thing. Harming people in retaliation for perceived harms is not the best way of changing the way they think, or feel, though it may influence what they say, in public. At the least, such hostile behaviors present a distraction from constructive classroom activities. It gives rise to a climate of anxiety, or even fear. It causes all involved to feel discomfort in the place where the violence occurred. None of these feelings are good for learning. Fortunately, it is rare for PC anger to reach such levels in colleges. Protests, and not taking the courses of politically incorrect professors, are more common.
In addition to the harms described above, however, radical PC interferes with higher education by restricting conversations, and possibly instructional opportunities, in the classroom. There is also harm in reducing the possibility of reconciliation of discrepant views. Another harm is the failure to adequately prepare students to deal with the issues (especially controversial) of their day. One of the reasons this is so important is that censorship is sometimes used to keep people from speaking out against commonly accepted forms of injustice. Still another harm derives from reducing the diversity of opinions about the topic of interest. If they succeed in getting everyone else to think about the topic the way they do, radically politically correct protagonists reduce the diversity of opinions about their chosen topic. This may be a good thing if it nurtures consensus, but it is a problem if the consensus is coerced and not organic, i.e., if people say what they are supposed to say and not what they really mean, or feel.
Perhaps the greatest academic danger of radical PC is the stifling of freedom of expression. In general, political correctness is about sensitivity, but censorship is about force. Any attempt to stifle the free exchange of ideas smacks of censorship. When honest differences of opinion, or innocent misuse of a newly politicized term, become the subject of boycotts, or threats, then PC has become radical, and a form of censorship. This is a problemfor college classrooms in that it threatens to reduce our ability to discuss the characteristics and views of different groups of people. This is exacerbated when differences between groups (especially between majority and minority groups) are perceived as deficiencies. If one is not allowed to criticize the views of a given group (especially political or religious) then there can be no open and honest discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of that group’s perspective relative to others, including the costs and benefits of their theories and practices. If we cannot discuss the differences between us because they are perceived as sacrosanct, it curtails our ability to find common ground and superior alternatives. When the theories and practices of diverse groups are not amenable to discussion, opportunities for rapprochement are diminished. It is harder to reach a consensus when we cannot even discuss our differences. In the long run this has the net effects of sustaining diversity and prolonging division.
In addition, the more topics and practices one excludes from classroom discussions, the greater will be the restriction of the range of educational opportunities available to the college community. As colleges become more diverse, faculty, staff, and students alike will confront the diverse norms of people who are different from them, sexually, ethnically, religiously, etc…. The more diversity we have, the more different ideas and perspectives we have, and the greater the opportunity to find solutions to common problems. But when we restrict the range of ideas and practices we can consider critically, it reduces the number of opportunities available to learn alternative views and approaches to life.
It is important that faculty select topics of discussion that are educationally justifiable and engage students, ideally emotionally as well as intellectually, for that is a well-known mechanism for lighting the fires of interest and stimulating curiosity. It’s OK to discuss sensitive topics, preferably in an unbiased, i.e., nonjudgmental, way. Of course, this is not completely possible, since we all have points of view that bias our perceptions, either as professionals or as individuals. And so, perhaps the best approach is simply to do our best to be open to disparate perspectives and share our views with the goal of increasing knowledge. The reality is that we cannot predict all the different pet peeves we will encounter. There will always be someone with a chip on his shoulders about some topic that is not important to most other people. And we cannot legislate sensitivity or good taste. There will always be teachers who are insufficiently sensitive to some topic or another, to the dismay of some select segment of their students. By deliberately being open, sensitive, and tolerant to diverse views faculty maximize opportunities for all to learn.
Adams, N. (2016). Retaking America: Crushing Political Correctness.
Franklin, TN: Post Hill Press.
Global Language Monitor (2016). Evolve, Trigger & Almond Shaming Top Global Language: Monitor’s Politically (in)Correct Words of 2015. http://www.languagemonitor.com/category/politically-incorrect
Haslam, N. (2016). Concept creep: Psychology’s expanding concepts of harm and pathology. Psychological Inquiry, 27, 1-17. Joshua Group (2016). https://joshuaproject.net/assets/media/articles/how-many-people-groups-are-there.pdf
Merriam Webster Dictionary (2013). http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/politically%20correct
National Coalition Against Censorship (2016). The first amendment in schools: A resource guide. http://ncac.org/resource/first-amendment-in-schools
Snyder, M. (2013). 19 shocking examples of how political correctness is destroying America. The Sleuth Journal: Real News Without Synthetics. http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/19-shocking-examples-of-how-political-correctness-is-destroying-america/The Apology
By Plato
Translated by Benjamin Jowett
ABSTRACT: In the 3rd Century AD Socrates was condemned to death after being tried for corrupting the morals of the youth of ancient Greece. Plato, Socrates' follower, wrote his version of the trial, which shows how going against conventional morality could be fatal in his day as it is in ours. This article is published as a "FLASHBACK" feature of the Journal.
Socrates' Defense
How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was - such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth. But many as their falsehoods were, there was one of them which quite amazed me; - I mean when they told you to be upon your guard, and not to let yourselves be deceived by the force of my eloquence. They ought to have been ashamed of saying this, because they were sure to be detected as soon as I opened my lips and displayed my deficiency; they certainly did appear to be most shameless in saying this, unless by the force of eloquence they mean the force of truth; for then I do indeed admit that I am eloquent. But in how different a way from theirs! Well, as I was saying, they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth: not, however, delivered after their manner, in a set oration duly ornamented with words and phrases. No indeed! but I shall use the words and arguments which occur to me at the moment; for I am certain that this is right, and that at my time of life I ought not to be appearing before you, O men of Athens, in the character of a juvenile orator - let no one expect this of me. And I must beg of you to grant me one favor, which is this - If you hear me using the same words in my defence which I have been in the habit of using, and which most of you may have heard in the agora, and at the tables of the money-changers, or anywhere else, I would ask you not to be surprised at this, and not to interrupt me. For I am more than seventy years of age, and this is the first time that I have ever appeared in a court of law, and I am quite a stranger to the ways of the place; and therefore I would have you regard me as if I were really a stranger, whom you would excuse if he spoke in his native tongue, and after the fashion of his country; that I think is not an unfair request. Never mind the manner, which may or may not be good; but think only of the justice of my cause, and give heed to that: let the judge decide justly and the speaker speak truly.
And first, I have to reply to the older charges and to my first accusers, and then I will go to the later ones. For I have had many accusers, who accused me of old, and their false charges have continued during many years; and I am more afraid of them than of Anytus and his associates, who are dangerous, too, in their own way. But far more dangerous are these, who began when you were children, and took possession of your minds with their falsehoods, telling of one Socrates, a wise man, who speculated about the heaven above, and searched into the earth beneath, and made the worse appear the better cause. These are the accusers whom I dread; for they are the circulators of this rumor, and their hearers are too apt to fancy that speculators of this sort do not believe in the gods. And they are many, and their charges against me are of ancient date, and they made them in days when you were impressible - in childhood, or perhaps in youth - and the cause when heard went by default, for there was none to answer. And, hardest of all, their names I do not know and cannot tell; unless in the chance of a comic poet. But the main body of these slanderers who from envy and malice have wrought upon you - and there are some of them who are convinced themselves, and impart their convictions to others - all these, I say, are most difficult to deal with; for I cannot have them up here, and examine them, and therefore I must simply fight with shadows in my own defence, and examine when there is no one who answers. I will ask you then to assume with me, as I was saying, that my opponents are of two kinds - one recent, the other ancient; and I hope that you will see the propriety of my answering the latter first, for these accusations you heard long before the others, and much oftener.
Well, then, I will make my defence, and I will endeavor in the short time which is allowed to do away with this evil opinion of me which you have held for such a long time; and I hope I may succeed, if this be well for you and me, and that my words may find favor with you. But I know that to accomplish this is not easy - I quite see the nature of the task. Let the event be as God wills: in obedience to the law I make my defence.
I will begin at the beginning, and ask what the accusation is which has given rise to this slander of me, and which has encouraged Meletus to proceed against me. What do the slanderers say? They shall be my prosecutors, and I will sum up their words in an affidavit. "Socrates is an evil-doer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven, and he makes the worse appear the better cause; and he teaches the aforesaid doctrines to others." That is the nature of the accusation, and that is what you have seen yourselves in the comedy of Aristophanes; who has introduced a man whom he calls Socrates, going about and saying that he can walk in the air, and talking a deal of nonsense concerning matters of which I do not pretend to know either much or little - not that I mean to say anything disparaging of anyone who is a student of natural philosophy. I should be very sorry if Meletus could lay that to my charge. But the simple truth is, O Athenians, that I have nothing to do with these studies. Very many of those here present are witnesses to the truth of this, and to them I appeal. Speak then, you who have heard me, and tell your neighbors whether any of you have ever known me hold forth in few words or in many upon matters of this sort. ... You hear their answer. And from what they say of this you will be able to judge of the truth of the rest.
As little foundation is there for the report that I am a teacher, and take money; that is no more true than the other. Although, if a man is able to teach, I honor him for being paid. There is Gorgias of Leontium, and Prodicus of Ceos, and Hippias of Elis, who go the round of the cities, and are able to persuade the young men to leave their own citizens, by whom they might be taught for nothing, and come to them, whom they not only pay, but are thankful if they may be allowed to pay them. There is actually a Parian philosopher residing in Athens, of whom I have heard; and I came to hear of him in this way: - I met a man who has spent a world of money on the Sophists, Callias the son of Hipponicus, and knowing that he had sons, I asked him: "Callias," I said, "if your two sons were foals or calves, there would be no difficulty in finding someone to put over them; we should hire a trainer of horses or a farmer probably who would improve and perfect them in their own proper virtue and excellence; but as they are human beings, whom are you thinking of placing over them? Is there anyone who understands human and political virtue? You must have thought about this as you have sons; is there anyone?" "There is," he said. "Who is he?" said I, "and of what country? and what does he charge?" "Evenus the Parian," he replied; "he is the man, and his charge is five minae." Happy is Evenus, I said to myself, if he really has this wisdom, and teaches at such a modest charge. Had I the same, I should have been very proud and conceited; but the truth is that I have no knowledge of the kind.
I dare say, Athenians, that someone among you will reply, "Why is this, Socrates, and what is the origin of these accusations of you: for there must have been something strange which you have been doing? All this great fame and talk about you would never have arisen if you had been like other men: tell us, then, why this is, as we should be sorry to judge hastily of you." Now I regard this as a fair challenge, and I will endeavor to explain to you the origin of this name of "wise," and of this evil fame. Please to attend then. And although some of you may think I am joking, I declare that I will tell you the entire truth. Men of Athens, this reputation of mine has come of a certain sort of wisdom which I possess. If you ask me what kind of wisdom, I reply, such wisdom as is attainable by man, for to that extent I am inclined to believe that I am wise; whereas the persons of whom I was speaking have a superhuman wisdom, which I may fail to describe, because I have it not myself; and he who says that I have, speaks falsely, and is taking away my character. And here, O men of Athens, I must beg you not to interrupt me, even if I seem to say something extravagant. For the word which I will speak is not mine. I will refer you to a witness who is worthy of credit, and will tell you about my wisdom - whether I have any, and of what sort - and that witness shall be the god of Delphi. You must have known Chaerephon; he was early a friend of mine, and also a friend of yours, for he shared in the exile of the people, and returned with you. Well, Chaerephon, as you know, was very impetuous in all his doings, and he went to Delphi and boldly asked the oracle to tell him whether - as I was saying, I must beg you not to interrupt - he asked the oracle to tell him whether there was anyone wiser than I was, and the Pythian prophetess answered that there was no man wiser. Chaerephon is dead himself, but his brother, who is in court, will confirm the truth of this story.
Why do I mention this? Because I am going to explain to you why I have such an evil name. When I heard the answer, I said to myself, What can the god mean? and what is the interpretation of this riddle? for I know that I have no wisdom, small or great. What can he mean when he says that I am the wisest of men? And yet he is a god and cannot lie; that would be against his nature. After a long consideration, I at last thought of a method of trying the question. I reflected that if I could only find a man wiser than myself, then I might go to the god with a refutation in my hand. I should say to him, "Here is a man who is wiser than I am; but you said that I was the wisest." Accordingly I went to one who had the reputation of wisdom, and observed to him - his name I need not mention; he was a politician whom I selected for examination - and the result was as follows: When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me. So I left him, saying to myself, as I went away: Well, although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is - for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows. I neither know nor think that I know. In this latter particular, then, I seem to have slightly the advantage of him. Then I went to another, who had still higher philosophical pretensions, and my conclusion was exactly the same. I made another enemy of him, and of many others besides him.
After this I went to one man after another, being not unconscious of the enmity which I provoked, and I lamented and feared this: but necessity was laid upon me - the word of God, I thought, ought to be considered first. And I said to myself, Go I must to all who appear to know, and find out the meaning of the oracle. And I swear to you, Athenians, by the dog I swear! - for I must tell you the truth - the result of my mission was just this: I found that the men most in repute were all but the most foolish; and that some inferior men were really wiser and better. I will tell you the tale of my wanderings and of the "Herculean" labors, as I may call them, which I endured only to find at last the oracle irrefutable. When I left the politicians, I went to the poets; tragic, dithyrambic, and all sorts. And there, I said to myself, you will be detected; now you will find out that you are more ignorant than they are. Accordingly, I took them some of the most elaborate passages in their own writings, and asked what was the meaning of them - thinking that they would teach me something. Will you believe me? I am almost ashamed to speak of this, but still I must say that there is hardly a person present who would not have talked better about their poetry than they did themselves. That showed me in an instant that not by wisdom do poets write poetry, but by a sort of genius and inspiration; they are like diviners or soothsayers who also say many fine things, but do not understand the meaning of them. And the poets appeared to me to be much in the same case; and I further observed that upon the strength of their poetry they believed themselves to be the wisest of men in other things in which they were not wise. So I departed, conceiving myself to be superior to them for the same reason that I was superior to the politicians.
At last I went to the artisans, for I was conscious that I knew nothing at all, as I may say, and I was sure that they knew many fine things; and in this I was not mistaken, for they did know many things of which I was ignorant, and in this they certainly were wiser than I was. But I observed that even the good artisans fell into the same error as the poets; because they were good workmen they thought that they also knew all sorts of high matters, and this defect in them overshadowed their wisdom - therefore I asked myself on behalf of the oracle, whether I would like to be as I was, neither having their knowledge nor their ignorance, or like them in both; and I made answer to myself and the oracle that I was better off as I was.
This investigation has led to my having many enemies of the worst and most dangerous kind, and has given occasion also to many calumnies, and I am called wise, for my hearers always imagine that I myself possess the wisdom which I find wanting in others: but the truth is, O men of Athens, that God only is wise; and in this oracle he means to say that the wisdom of men is little or nothing; he is not speaking of Socrates, he is only using my name as an illustration, as if he said, He, O men, is the wisest, who, like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is in truth worth nothing. And so I go my way, obedient to the god, and make inquisition into the wisdom of anyone, whether citizen or stranger, who appears to be wise; and if he is not wise, then in vindication of the oracle I show him that he is not wise; and this occupation quite absorbs me, and I have no time to give either to any public matter of interest or to any concern of my own, but I am in utter poverty by reason of my devotion to the god.
There is another thing: - young men of the richer classes, who have not much to do, come about me of their own accord; they like to hear the pretenders examined, and they often imitate me, and examine others themselves; there are plenty of persons, as they soon enough discover, who think that they know something, but really know little or nothing: and then those who are examined by them instead of being angry with themselves are angry with me: This confounded Socrates, they say; this villainous misleader of youth! - and then if somebody asks them, Why, what evil does he practise or teach? they do not know, and cannot tell; but in order that they may not appear to be at a loss, they repeat the ready-made charges which are used against all philosophers about teaching things up in the clouds and under the earth, and having no gods, and making the worse appear the better cause; for they do not like to confess that their pretence of knowledge has been detected - which is the truth: and as they are numerous and ambitious and energetic, and are all in battle array and have persuasive tongues, they have filled your ears with their loud and inveterate calumnies. And this is the reason why my three accusers, Meletus and Anytus and Lycon, have set upon me; Meletus, who has a quarrel with me on behalf of the poets; Anytus, on behalf of the craftsmen; Lycon, on behalf of the rhetoricians: and as I said at the beginning, I cannot expect to get rid of this mass of calumny all in a moment. And this, O men of Athens, is the truth and the whole truth; I have concealed nothing, I have dissembled nothing. And yet I know that this plainness of speech makes them hate me, and what is their hatred but a proof that I am speaking the truth? - this is the occasion and reason of their slander of me, as you will find out either in this or in any future inquiry.
I have said enough in my defence against the first class of my accusers; I turn to the second class, who are headed by Meletus, that good and patriotic man, as he calls himself. And now I will try to defend myself against them: these new accusers must also have their affidavit read. What do they say? Something of this sort: - That Socrates is a doer of evil, and corrupter of the youth, and he does not believe in the gods of the state, and has other new divinities of his own. That is the sort of charge; and now let us examine the particular counts. He says that I am a doer of evil, who corrupt the youth; but I say, O men of Athens, that Meletus is a doer of evil, and the evil is that he makes a joke of a serious matter, and is too ready at bringing other men to trial from a pretended zeal and interest about matters in which he really never had the smallest interest. And the truth of this I will endeavor to prove.
Come hither, Meletus, and let me ask a question of you. You think a great deal about the improvement of youth?
Yes, I do.
Tell the judges, then, who is their improver; for you must know, as you have taken the pains to discover their corrupter, and are citing and accusing me before them. Speak, then, and tell the judges who their improver is. Observe, Meletus, that you are silent, and have nothing to say. But is not this rather disgraceful, and a very considerable proof of what I was saying, that you have no interest in the matter? Speak up, friend, and tell us who their improver is.
The laws.
But that, my good sir, is not my meaning. I want to know who the person is, who, in the first place, knows the laws.
The judges, Socrates, who are present in court.
What do you mean to say, Meletus, that they are able to instruct and improve youth?
Certainly they are.
What, all of them, or some only and not others?
All of them.
By the goddess Here, that is good news! There are plenty of improvers, then. And what do you say of the audience, - do they improve them?
Yes, they do.
And the senators?
Yes, the senators improve them.
But perhaps the members of the citizen assembly corrupt them? - or do they too improve them?
They improve them.
Then every Athenian improves and elevates them; all with the exception of myself; and I alone am their corrupter? Is that what you affirm?
That is what I stoutly affirm.
I am very unfortunate if that is true. But suppose I ask you a question: Would you say that this also holds true in the case of horses? Does one man do them harm and all the world good? Is not the exact opposite of this true? One man is able to do them good, or at least not many; - the trainer of horses, that is to say, does them good, and others who have to do with them rather injure them? Is not that true, Meletus, of horses, or any other animals? Yes, certainly. Whether you and Anytus say yes or no, that is no matter. Happy indeed would be the condition of youth if they had one corrupter only, and all the rest of the world were their improvers. And you, Meletus, have sufficiently shown that you never had a thought about the young: your carelessness is seen in your not caring about matters spoken of in this very indictment.
And now, Meletus, I must ask you another question: Which is better, to live among bad citizens, or among good ones? Answer, friend, I say; for that is a question which may be easily answered. Do not the good do their neighbors good, and the bad do them evil?
And is there anyone who would rather be injured than benefited by those who live with him? Answer, my good friend; the law requires you to answer - does anyone like to be injured?
Certainly not.
And when you accuse me of corrupting and deteriorating the youth, do you allege that I corrupt them intentionally or unintentionally?
Intentionally, I say.
But you have just admitted that the good do their neighbors good, and the evil do them evil. Now is that a truth which your superior wisdom has recognized thus early in life, and am I, at my age, in such darkness and ignorance as not to know that if a man with whom I have to live is corrupted by me, I am very likely to be harmed by him, and yet I corrupt him, and intentionally, too; - that is what you are saying, and of that you will never persuade me or any other human being. But either I do not corrupt them, or I corrupt them unintentionally, so that on either view of the case you lie. If my offence is unintentional, the law has no cognizance of unintentional offences: you ought to have taken me privately, and warned and admonished me; for if I had been better advised, I should have left off doing what I only did unintentionally - no doubt I should; whereas you hated to converse with me or teach me, but you indicted me in this court, which is a place not of instruction, but of punishment.
I have shown, Athenians, as I was saying, that Meletus has no care at all, great or small, about the matter. But still I should like to know, Meletus, in what I am affirmed to corrupt the young. I suppose you mean, as I infer from your indictment, that I teach them not to acknowledge the gods which the state acknowledges, but some other new divinities or spiritual agencies in their stead. These are the lessons which corrupt the youth, as you say.
Yes, that I say emphatically.
Then, by the gods, Meletus, of whom we are speaking, tell me and the court, in somewhat plainer terms, what you mean! for I do not as yet understand whether you affirm that I teach others to acknowledge some gods, and therefore do believe in gods and am not an entire atheist - this you do not lay to my charge; but only that they are not the same gods which the city recognizes - the charge is that they are different gods. Or, do you mean to say that I am an atheist simply, and a teacher of atheism?
I mean the latter - that you are a complete atheist.
That is an extraordinary statement, Meletus. Why do you say that? Do you mean that I do not believe in the godhead of the sun or moon, which is the common creed of all men?
I assure you, judges, that he does not believe in them; for he says that the sun is stone, and the moon earth.
Friend Meletus, you think that you are accusing Anaxagoras; and you have but a bad opinion of the judges, if you fancy them ignorant to such a degree as not to know that those doctrines are found in the books of Anaxagoras the Clazomenian, who is full of them. And these are the doctrines which the youth are said to learn of Socrates, when there are not unfrequently exhibitions of them at the theatre (price of admission one drachma at the most); and they might cheaply purchase them, and laugh at Socrates if he pretends to father such eccentricities. And so, Meletus, you really think that I do not believe in any god?
I swear by Zeus that you believe absolutely in none at all.
You are a liar, Meletus, not believed even by yourself. For I cannot help thinking, O men of Athens, that Meletus is reckless and impudent, and that he has written this indictment in a spirit of mere wantonness and youthful bravado. Has he not compounded a riddle, thinking to try me? He said to himself: - I shall see whether this wise Socrates will discover my ingenious contradiction, or whether I shall be able to deceive him and the rest of them. For he certainly does appear to me to contradict himself in the indictment as much as if he said that Socrates is guilty of not believing in the gods, and yet of believing in them - but this surely is a piece of fun.
I should like you, O men of Athens, to join me in examining what I conceive to be his inconsistency; and do you, Meletus, answer. And I must remind you that you are not to interrupt me if I speak in my accustomed manner.
Did ever man, Meletus, believe in the existence of human things, and not of human beings? ... I wish, men of Athens, that he would answer, and not be always trying to get up an interruption. Did ever any man believe in horsemanship, and not in horses? or in flute-playing, and not in flute-players? No, my friend; I will answer to you and to the court, as you refuse to answer for yourself. There is no man who ever did. But now please to answer the next question: Can a man believe in spiritual and divine agencies, and not in spirits or demigods?
He cannot.
I am glad that I have extracted that answer, by the assistance of the court; nevertheless you swear in the indictment that I teach and believe in divine or spiritual agencies (new or old, no matter for that); at any rate, I believe in spiritual agencies, as you say and swear in the affidavit; but if I believe in divine beings, I must believe in spirits or demigods; - is not that true? Yes, that is true, for I may assume that your silence gives assent to that. Now what are spirits or demigods? are they not either gods or the sons of gods? Is that true?
Yes, that is true.
But this is just the ingenious riddle of which I was speaking: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I don't believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods. For if the demigods are the illegitimate sons of gods, whether by the Nymphs or by any other mothers, as is thought, that, as all men will allow, necessarily implies the existence of their parents. You might as well affirm the existence of mules, and deny that of horses and asses. Such nonsense, Meletus, could only have been intended by you as a trial of me. You have put this into the indictment because you had nothing real of which to accuse me. But no one who has a particle of understanding will ever be convinced by you that the same man can believe in divine and superhuman things, and yet not believe that there are gods and demigods and heroes.
I have said enough in answer to the charge of Meletus: any elaborate defence is unnecessary; but as I was saying before, I certainly have many enemies, and this is what will be my destruction if I am destroyed; of that I am certain; - not Meletus, nor yet Anytus, but the envy and detraction of the world, which has been the death of many good men, and will probably be the death of many more; there is no danger of my being the last of them.
Someone will say: And are you not ashamed, Socrates, of a course of life which is likely to bring you to an untimely end? To him I may fairly answer: There you are mistaken: a man who is good for anything ought not to calculate the chance of living or dying; he ought only to consider whether in doing anything he is doing right or wrong - acting the part of a good man or of a bad. Whereas, according to your view, the heroes who fell at Troy were not good for much, and the son of Thetis above all, who altogether despised danger in comparison with disgrace; and when his goddess mother said to him, in his eagerness to slay Hector, that if he avenged his companion Patroclus, and slew Hector, he would die himself - "Fate," as she said, "waits upon you next after Hector"; he, hearing this, utterly despised danger and death, and instead of fearing them, feared rather to live in dishonor, and not to avenge his friend. "Let me die next," he replies, "and be avenged of my enemy, rather than abide here by the beaked ships, a scorn and a burden of the earth." Had Achilles any thought of death and danger? For wherever a man's place is, whether the place which he has chosen or that in which he has been placed by a commander, there he ought to remain in the hour of danger; he should not think of death or of anything, but of disgrace. And this, O men of Athens, is a true saying.
Strange, indeed, would be my conduct, O men of Athens, if I who, when I was ordered by the generals whom you chose to command me at Potidaea and Amphipolis and Delium, remained where they placed me, like any other man, facing death; if, I say, now, when, as I conceive and imagine, God orders me to fulfil the philosopher's mission of searching into myself and other men, I were to desert my post through fear of death, or any other fear; that would indeed be strange, and I might justly be arraigned in court for denying the existence of the gods, if I disobeyed the oracle because I was afraid of death: then I should be fancying that I was wise when I was not wise. For this fear of death is indeed the pretence of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being the appearance of knowing the unknown; since no one knows whether death, which they in their fear apprehend to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good. Is there not here conceit of knowledge, which is a disgraceful sort of ignorance? And this is the point in which, as I think, I am superior to men in general, and in which I might perhaps fancy myself wiser than other men, - that whereas I know but little of the world below, I do not suppose that I know: but I do know that injustice and disobedience to a better, whether God or man, is evil and dishonorable, and I will never fear or avoid a possible good rather than a certain evil. And therefore if you let me go now, and reject the counsels of Anytus, who said that if I were not put to death I ought not to have been prosecuted, and that if I escape now, your sons will all be utterly ruined by listening to my words - if you say to me, Socrates, this time we will not mind Anytus, and will let you off, but upon one condition, that are to inquire and speculate in this way any more, and that if you are caught doing this again you shall die; - if this was the condition on which you let me go, I should reply: Men of Athens, I honor and love you; but I shall obey God rather than you, and while I have life and strength I shall never cease from the practice and teaching of philosophy, exhorting anyone whom I meet after my manner, and convincing him, saying: O my friend, why do you who are a citizen of the great and mighty and wise city of Athens, care so much about laying up the greatest amount of money and honor and reputation, and so little about wisdom and truth and the greatest improvement of the soul, which you never regard or heed at all? Are you not ashamed of this? And if the person with whom I am arguing says: Yes, but I do care; I do not depart or let him go at once; I interrogate and examine and cross-examine him, and if I think that he has no virtue, but only says that he has, I reproach him with undervaluing the greater, and overvaluing the less. And this I should say to everyone whom I meet, young and old, citizen and alien, but especially to the citizens, inasmuch as they are my brethren. For this is the command of God, as I would have you know; and I believe that to this day no greater good has ever happened in the state than my service to the God. For I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons and your properties, but first and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul. I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue come money and every other good of man, public as well as private. This is my teaching, and if this is the doctrine which corrupts the youth, my influence is ruinous indeed. But if anyone says that this is not my teaching, he is speaking an untruth. Wherefore, O men of Athens, I say to you, do as Anytus bids or not as Anytus bids, and either acquit me or not; but whatever you do, know that I shall never alter my ways, not even if I have to die many times.
Men of Athens, do not interrupt, but hear me; there was an agreement between us that you should hear me out. And I think that what I am going to say will do you good: for I have something more to say, at which you may be inclined to cry out; but I beg that you will not do this. I would have you know that, if you kill such a one as I am, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me. Meletus and Anytus will not injure me: they cannot; for it is not in the nature of things that a bad man should injure a better than himself. I do not deny that he may, perhaps, kill him, or drive him into exile, or deprive him of civil rights; and he may imagine, and others may imagine, that he is doing him a great injury: but in that I do not agree with him; for the evil of doing as Anytus is doing - of unjustly taking away another man's life - is greater far. And now, Athenians, I am not going to argue for my own sake, as you may think, but for yours, that you may not sin against the God, or lightly reject his boon by condemning me. For if you kill me you will not easily find another like me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to the state by the God; and the state is like a great and noble steed who is tardy in his motions owing to his very size, and requires to be stirred into life. I am that gadfly which God has given the state and all day long and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you. And as you will not easily find another like me, I would advise you to spare me. I dare say that you may feel irritated at being suddenly awakened when you are caught napping; and you may think that if you were to strike me dead, as Anytus advises, which you easily might, then you would sleep on for the remainder of your lives, unless God in his care of you gives you another gadfly. And that I am given to you by God is proved by this: - that if I had been like other men, I should not have neglected all my own concerns, or patiently seen the neglect of them during all these years, and have been doing yours, coming to you individually, like a father or elder brother, exhorting you to regard virtue; this I say, would not be like human nature. And had I gained anything, or if my exhortations had been paid, there would have been some sense in that: but now, as you will perceive, not even the impudence of my accusers dares to say that I have ever exacted or sought pay of anyone; they have no witness of that. And I have a witness of the truth of what I say; my poverty is a sufficient witness.
Someone may wonder why I go about in private, giving advice and busying myself with the concerns of others, but do not venture to come forward in public and advise the state. I will tell you the reason of this. You have often heard me speak of an oracle or sign which comes to me, and is the divinity which Meletus ridicules in the indictment. This sign I have had ever since I was a child. The sign is a voice which comes to me and always forbids me to do something which I am going to do, but never commands me to do anything, and this is what stands in the way of my being a politician. And rightly, as I think. For I am certain, O men of Athens, that if I had engaged in politics, I should have perished long ago and done no good either to you or to myself. And don't be offended at my telling you the truth: for the truth is that no man who goes to war with you or any other multitude, honestly struggling against the commission of unrighteousness and wrong in the state, will save his life; he who will really fight for the right, if he would live even for a little while, must have a private station and not a public one.
I can give you as proofs of this, not words only, but deeds, which you value more than words. Let me tell you a passage of my own life, which will prove to you that I should never have yielded to injustice from any fear of death, and that if I had not yielded I should have died at once. I will tell you a story - tasteless, perhaps, and commonplace, but nevertheless true. The only office of state which I ever held, O men of Athens, was that of senator; the tribe Antiochis, which is my tribe, had the presidency at the trial of the generals who had not taken up the bodies of the slain after the battle of Arginusae; and you proposed to try them all together, which was illegal, as you all thought afterwards; but at the time I was the only one of the Prytanes who was opposed to the illegality, and I gave my vote against you; and when the orators threatened to impeach and arrest me, and have me taken away, and you called and shouted, I made up my mind that I would run the risk, having law and justice with me, rather than take part in your injustice because I feared imprisonment and death. This happened in the days of the democracy. But when the oligarchy of the Thirty was in power, they sent for me and four others into the rotunda, and bade us bring Leon the Salaminian from Salamis, as they wanted to execute him. This was a specimen of the sort of commands which they were always giving with the view of implicating as many as possible in their crimes; and then I showed, not in words only, but in deed, that, if I may be allowed to use such an expression, I cared not a straw for death, and that my only fear was the fear of doing an unrighteous or unholy thing. For the strong arm of that oppressive power did not frighten me into doing wrong; and when we came out of the rotunda the other four went to Salamis and fetched Leon, but I went quietly home. For which I might have lost my life, had not the power of the Thirty shortly afterwards come to an end. And to this many will witness.
Now do you really imagine that I could have survived all these years, if I had led a public life, supposing that like a good man I had always supported the right and had made justice, as I ought, the first thing? No, indeed, men of Athens, neither I nor any other. But I have been always the same in all my actions, public as well as private, and never have I yielded any base compliance to those who are slanderously termed my disciples or to any other. For the truth is that I have no regular disciples: but if anyone likes to come and hear me while I am pursuing my mission, whether he be young or old, he may freely come. Nor do I converse with those who pay only, and not with those who do not pay; but anyone, whether he be rich or poor, may ask and answer me and listen to my words; and whether he turns out to be a bad man or a good one, that cannot be justly laid to my charge, as I never taught him anything. And if anyone says that he has ever learned or heard anything from me in private which all the world has not heard, I should like you to know that he is speaking an untruth.
But I shall be asked, Why do people delight in continually conversing with you? I have told you already, Athenians, the whole truth about this: they like to hear the cross-examination of the pretenders to wisdom; there is amusement in this. And this is a duty which the God has imposed upon me, as I am assured by oracles, visions, and in every sort of way in which the will of divine power was ever signified to anyone. This is true, O Athenians; or, if not true, would be soon refuted. For if I am really corrupting the youth, and have corrupted some of them already, those of them who have grown up and have become sensible that I gave them bad advice in the days of their youth should come forward as accusers and take their revenge; and if they do not like to come themselves, some of their relatives, fathers, brothers, or other kinsmen, should say what evil their families suffered at my hands. Now is their time. Many of them I see in the court. There is Crito, who is of the same age and of the same deme with myself; and there is Critobulus his son, whom I also see. Then again there is Lysanias of Sphettus, who is the father of Aeschines - he is present; and also there is Antiphon of Cephisus, who is the father of Epignes; and there are the brothers of several who have associated with me. There is Nicostratus the son of Theosdotides, and the brother of Theodotus (now Theodotus himself is dead, and therefore he, at any rate, will not seek to stop him); and there is Paralus the son of Demodocus, who had a brother Theages; and Adeimantus the son of Ariston, whose brother Plato is present; and Aeantodorus, who is the brother of Apollodorus, whom I also see. I might mention a great many others, any of whom Meletus should have produced as witnesses in the course of his speech; and let him still produce them, if he has forgotten - I will make way for him. And let him say, if he has any testimony of the sort which he can produce. Nay, Athenians, the very opposite is the truth. For all these are ready to witness on behalf of the corrupter, of the destroyer of their kindred, as Meletus and Anytus call me; not the corrupted youth only - there might have been a motive for that - but their uncorrupted elder relatives. Why should they too support me with their testimony? Why, indeed, except for the sake of truth and justice, and because they know that I am speaking the truth, and that Meletus is lying.
Well, Athenians, this and the like of this is nearly all the defence which I have to offer. Yet a word more. Perhaps there may be someone who is offended at me, when he calls to mind how he himself, on a similar or even a less serious occasion, had recourse to prayers and supplications with many tears, and how he produced his children in court, which was a moving spectacle, together with a posse of his relations and friends; whereas I, who am probably in danger of my life, will do none of these things. Perhaps this may come into his mind, and he may be set against me, and vote in anger because he is displeased at this. Now if there be such a person among you, which I am far from affirming, I may fairly reply to him: My friend, I am a man, and like other men, a creature of flesh and blood, and not of wood or stone, as Homer says; and I have a family, yes, and sons. O Athenians, three in number, one of whom is growing up, and the two others are still young; and yet I will not bring any of them hither in order to petition you for an acquittal. And why not? Not from any self-will or disregard of you. Whether I am or am not afraid of death is another question, of which I will not now speak. But my reason simply is that I feel such conduct to be discreditable to myself, and you, and the whole state. One who has reached my years, and who has a name for wisdom, whether deserved or not, ought not to debase himself. At any rate, the world has decided that Socrates is in some way superior to other men. And if those among you who are said to be superior in wisdom and courage, and any other virtue, demean themselves in this way, how shameful is their conduct! I have seen men of reputation, when they have been condemned, behaving in the strangest manner: they seemed to fancy that they were going to suffer something dreadful if they died, and that they could be immortal if you only allowed them to live; and I think that they were a dishonor to the state, and that any stranger coming in would say of them that the most eminent men of Athens, to whom the Athenians themselves give honor and command, are no better than women. And I say that these things ought not to be done by those of us who are of reputation; and if they are done, you ought not to permit them; you ought rather to show that you are more inclined to condemn, not the man who is quiet, but the man who gets up a doleful scene, and makes the city ridiculous.
But, setting aside the question of dishonor, there seems to be something wrong in petitioning a judge, and thus procuring an acquittal instead of informing and convincing him. For his duty is, not to make a present of justice, but to give judgment; and he has sworn that he will judge according to the laws, and not according to his own good pleasure; and neither he nor we should get into the habit of perjuring ourselves - there can be no piety in that. Do not then require me to do what I consider dishonorable and impious and wrong, especially now, when I am being tried for impiety on the indictment of Meletus. For if, O men of Athens, by force of persuasion and entreaty, I could overpower your oaths, then I should be teaching you to believe that there are no gods, and convict myself, in my own defence, of not believing in them. But that is not the case; for I do believe that there are gods, and in a far higher sense than that in which any of my accusers believe in them. And to you and to God I commit my cause, to be determined by you as is best for you and me.
The jury finds Socrates guilty.
Socrates' Proposal for his Sentence
There are many reasons why I am not grieved, O men of Athens, at the vote of condemnation. I expected it, and am only surprised that the votes are so nearly equal; for I had thought that the majority against me would have been far larger; but now, had thirty votes gone over to the other side, I should have been acquitted. And I may say that I have escaped Meletus. And I may say more; for without the assistance of Anytus and Lycon, he would not have had a fifth part of the votes, as the law requires, in which case he would have incurred a fine of a thousand drachmae, as is evident.
And so he proposes death as the penalty. And what shall I propose on my part, O men of Athens? Clearly that which is my due. And what is that which I ought to pay or to receive? What shall be done to the man who has never had the wit to be idle during his whole life; but has been careless of what the many care about - wealth, and family interests, and military offices, and speaking in the assembly, and magistracies, and plots, and parties. Reflecting that I was really too honest a man to follow in this way and live, I did not go where I could do no good to you or to myself; but where I could do the greatest good privately to everyone of you, thither I went, and sought to persuade every man among you that he must look to himself, and seek virtue and wisdom before he looks to his private interests, and look to the state before he looks to the interests of the state; and that this should be the order which he observes in all his actions. What shall be done to such a one? Doubtless some good thing, O men of Athens, if he has his reward; and the good should be of a kind suitable to him. What would be a reward suitable to a poor man who is your benefactor, who desires leisure that he may instruct you? There can be no more fitting reward than maintenance in the Prytaneum, O men of Athens, a reward which he deserves far more than the citizen who has won the prize at Olympia in the horse or chariot race, whether the chariots were drawn by two horses or by many. For I am in want, and he has enough; and he only gives you the appearance of happiness, and I give you the reality. And if I am to estimate the penalty justly, I say that maintenance in the Prytaneum is the just return.
Perhaps you may think that I am braving you in saying this, as in what I said before about the tears and prayers. But that is not the case. I speak rather because I am convinced that I never intentionally wronged anyone, although I cannot convince you of that - for we have had a short conversation only; but if there were a law at Athens, such as there is in other cities, that a capital cause should not be decided in one day, then I believe that I should have convinced you; but now the time is too short. I cannot in a moment refute great slanders; and, as I am convinced that I never wronged another, I will assuredly not wrong myself. I will not say of myself that I deserve any evil, or propose any penalty. Why should I? Because I am afraid of the penalty of death which Meletus proposes? When I do not know whether death is a good or an evil, why should I propose a penalty which would certainly be an evil? Shall I say imprisonment? And why should I live in prison, and be the slave of the magistrates of the year - of the Eleven? Or shall the penalty be a fine, and imprisonment until the fine is paid? There is the same objection. I should have to lie in prison, for money I have none, and I cannot pay. And if I say exile (and this may possibly be the penalty which you will affix), I must indeed be blinded by the love of life if I were to consider that when you, who are my own citizens, cannot endure my discourses and words, and have found them so grievous and odious that you would fain have done with them, others are likely to endure me. No, indeed, men of Athens, that is not very likely. And what a life should I lead, at my age, wandering from city to city, living in ever-changing exile, and always being driven out! For I am quite sure that into whatever place I go, as here so also there, the young men will come to me; and if I drive them away, their elders will drive me out at their desire: and if I let them come, their fathers and friends will drive me out for their sakes.
Someone will say: Yes, Socrates, but cannot you hold your tongue, and then you may go into a foreign city, and no one will interfere with you? Now I have great difficulty in making you understand my answer to this. For if I tell you that this would be a disobedience to a divine command, and therefore that I cannot hold my tongue, you will not believe that I am serious; and if I say again that the greatest good of man is daily to converse about virtue, and all that concerning which you hear me examining myself and others, and that the life which is unexamined is not worth living - that you are still less likely to believe. And yet what I say is true, although a thing of which it is hard for me to persuade you. Moreover, I am not accustomed to think that I deserve any punishment. Had I money I might have proposed to give you what I had, and have been none the worse. But you see that I have none, and can only ask you to proportion the fine to my means. However, I think that I could afford a minae, and therefore I propose that penalty; Plato, Crito, Critobulus, and Apollodorus, my friends here, bid me say thirty minae, and they will be the sureties. Well then, say thirty minae, let that be the penalty; for that they will be ample security to you.
The jury condemns Socrates to death.
Socrates' Comments on his Sentence
Not much time will be gained, O Athenians, in return for the evil name which you will get from the detractors of the city, who will say that you killed Socrates, a wise man; for they will call me wise even although I am not wise when they want to reproach you. If you had waited a little while, your desire would have been fulfilled in the course of nature. For I am far advanced in years, as you may perceive, and not far from death. I am speaking now only to those of you who have condemned me to death. And I have another thing to say to them: You think that I was convicted through deficiency of words - I mean, that if I had thought fit to leave nothing undone, nothing unsaid, I might have gained an acquittal. Not so; the deficiency which led to my conviction was not of words - certainly not. But I had not the boldness or impudence or inclination to address you as you would have liked me to address you, weeping and wailing and lamenting, and saying and doing many things which you have been accustomed to hear from others, and which, as I say, are unworthy of me. But I thought that I ought not to do anything common or mean in the hour of danger: nor do I now repent of the manner of my defense, and I would rather die having spoken after my manner, than speak in your manner and live. For neither in war nor yet at law ought any man to use every way of escaping death. For often in battle there is no doubt that if a man will throw away his arms, and fall on his knees before his pursuers, he may escape death; and in other dangers there are other ways of escaping death, if a man is willing to say and do anything. The difficulty, my friends, is not in avoiding death, but in avoiding unrighteousness; for that runs faster than death. I am old and move slowly, and the slower runner has overtaken me, and my accusers are keen and quick, and the faster runner, who is unrighteousness, has overtaken them. And now I depart hence condemned by you to suffer the penalty of death, and they, too, go their ways condemned by the truth to suffer the penalty of villainy and wrong; and I must abide by my award - let them abide by theirs. I suppose that these things may be regarded as fated, - and I think that they are well.
And now, O men who have condemned me, I would fain prophesy to you; for I am about to die, and that is the hour in which men are gifted with prophetic power. And I prophesy to you who are my murderers, that immediately after my death punishment far heavier than you have inflicted on me will surely await you. Me you have killed because you wanted to escape the accuser, and not to give an account of your lives. But that will not be as you suppose: far otherwise. For I say that there will be more accusers of you than there are now; accusers whom hitherto I have restrained: and as they are younger they will be more severe with you, and you will be more offended at them. For if you think that by killing men you can avoid the accuser censuring your lives, you are mistaken; that is not a way of escape which is either possible or honorable; the easiest and noblest way is not to be crushing others, but to be improving yourselves. This is the prophecy which I utter before my departure, to the judges who have condemned me.
Friends, who would have acquitted me, I would like also to talk with you about this thing which has happened, while the magistrates are busy, and before I go to the place at which I must die. Stay then awhile, for we may as well talk with one another while there is time. You are my friends, and I should like to show you the meaning of this event which has happened to me. O my judges - for you I may truly call judges - I should like to tell you of a wonderful circumstance. Hitherto the familiar oracle within me has constantly been in the habit of opposing me even about trifles, if I was going to make a slip or error about anything; and now as you see there has come upon me that which may be thought, and is generally believed to be, the last and worst evil. But the oracle made no sign of opposition, either as I was leaving my house and going out in the morning, or when I was going up into this court, or while I was speaking, at anything which I was going to say; and yet I have often been stopped in the middle of a speech; but now in nothing I either said or did touching this matter has the oracle opposed me. What do I take to be the explanation of this? I will tell you. I regard this as a proof that what has happened to me is a good, and that those of us who think that death is an evil are in error. This is a great proof to me of what I am saying, for the customary sign would surely have opposed me had I been going to evil and not to good.
Let us reflect in another way, and we shall see that there is great reason to hope that death is a good, for one of two things: - either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. Now if you suppose that there is no consciousness, but a sleep like the sleep of him who is undisturbed even by the sight of dreams, death will be an unspeakable gain. For if a person were to select the night in which his sleep was undisturbed even by dreams, and were to compare with this the other days and nights of his life, and then were to tell us how many days and nights he had passed in the course of his life better and more pleasantly than this one, I think that any man, I will not say a private man, but even the great king, will not find many such days or nights, when compared with the others. Now if death is like this, I say that to die is gain; for eternity is then only a single night. But if death is the journey to another place, and there, as men say, all the dead are, what good, O my friends and judges, can be greater than this? If indeed when the pilgrim arrives in the world below, he is delivered from the professors of justice in this world, and finds the true judges who are said to give judgment there, Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aeacus and Triptolemus, and other sons of God who were righteous in their own life, that pilgrimage will be worth making. What would not a man give if he might converse with Orpheus and Musaeus and Hesiod and Homer? Nay, if this be true, let me die again and again. I, too, shall have a wonderful interest in a place where I can converse with Palamedes, and Ajax the son of Telamon, and other heroes of old, who have suffered death through an unjust judgment; and there will be no small pleasure, as I think, in comparing my own sufferings with theirs. Above all, I shall be able to continue my search into true and false knowledge; as in this world, so also in that; I shall find out who is wise, and who pretends to be wise, and is not. What would not a man give, O judges, to be able to examine the leader of the great Trojan expedition; or Odysseus or Sisyphus, or numberless others, men and women too! What infinite delight would there be in conversing with them and asking them questions! For in that world they do not put a man to death for this; certainly not. For besides being happier in that world than in this, they will be immortal, if what is said is true.
Wherefore, O judges, be of good cheer about death, and know this of a truth - that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. He and his are not neglected by the gods; nor has my own approaching end happened by mere chance. But I see clearly that to die and be released was better for me; and therefore the oracle gave no sign. For which reason also, I am not angry with my accusers, or my condemners; they have done me no harm, although neither of them meant to do me any good; and for this I may gently blame them.
Still I have a favor to ask of them. When my sons are grown up, I would ask you, O my friends, to punish them; and I would have you trouble them, as I have troubled you, if they seem to care about riches, or anything, more than about virtue; or if they pretend to be something when they are really nothing, - then reprove them, as I have reproved you, for not caring about that for which they ought to care, and thinking that they are something when they are really nothing. And if you do this, I and my sons will have received justice at your hands.
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.
Postpartum Depression and Autism
by Harold Rothenberger, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: The theory that a mother's depression (or caretaker's) is a causal agent of a child's development of autism was briefly considered by psychologists in the mid-nineteenth century and then was quickly dismissed. Ever since the mental health community has looked for alternate explanations for the causes of autism, but to no avail. This author cites recent research that points the way to a reconsideration of depression--particularly postpartum depression--as a likely causal factor of certain developmental arrests that can lead to the development of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
In recent years a lot of research has pointed to the affect a mother’s depression can have on her child’s development, resulting in cognitive and behavioral developmental arrests. Some studies have found a direct link between postpartum depression and autism. Other research has demonstrated that a mother’s depression during pregnancy can have an influence on newborn irritation.
Work done several decades ago by Kanner in 1943 and Bettelheim in the 1950s and 1960s had anticipated this recent research and speculated on the link between a mother’s coldness (coldness toward a baby being a symptom of postpartum depression) and autism. These theories were viewed as lacking empirical evidence and were quickly dismissed. Indeed the term for such mothers coined by Kanner—“refrigerator mothers” was mocked by critics and both Kanner and Bettelheim were accused of blaming mothers for their child’s autism (1)
For the most part studies on autism have focused on other factors as the causal agent of autism, although no one cause has been proven. One recent study focused on mothers who take antidepressants during pregnancy as the causal agent, but this study did not properly account for the effect of depression itself. Because of the trend not to blame mothers for their children’s mental disorders, any research that focuses on a mother’s depression rather than on some other factor such as medication taken during pregnancy is refuted or ignored.
A comment that followed a recent blog entitled, “The Cause of Autism May Not Be Unknown,” demonstrated the resistance to considering a mother’s postpartum depression as a causal agent for autism. Seth Bittker wrote, “This hypothesis is representative of the most advanced thinking on autism …from the early 1950s. The statement, ‘…there is a relationship between a mother’s depression (and hence neglect) and a child’s subsequent development’ seems to be just another variant of the refrigerator mother theory that autism is due to parental coldness. It is amazing to me that this theory still lives on in 2015. Anybody who seriously looks at this debilitating and frustrating condition will see that it is almost always the result of dysfunctional biochemistry. This does not mean that there are not environmental factors. Far from it. I would suggest that the environmental factors are the primary cause of the huge increase during the last couple of decades. Some key environmental factors that may be important in my view are vitamins consumed, foods consumed, exposure to microbes, endocrine disrupters, and air pollution” (2).
Indeed, Bittker and many if not most others consider the case closed. Autism is not linked to a mother’s depression and any research that purports to confirm this case is misguided if not antagonistic. Like Bittker, most autism “experts” strongly suggest that biology and brain chemistry are the culprits that engender autism, or environmental factors that do not involve parents.
The trend in autism research, as well as research regarding mental disorders in general, has moved towards genetic and biological explanations over the last few decades. The slogan, “Don’t blame the mother,” became popular during this time and seemed to affect all aspects of developmental research. It seems almost a sacrilege to suggest that mothers or parents had anything to do with how a child turned out. Research, such as the studies that are cited in this paper, are dismissed with an attitude that such research is too little and too late—if not a spiteful attempt to impugn mothers.
Recent Studies Linking Autism with Mothers’ Depression
A study in European Psychiatry (2) in 2010 found a link between postpartum depression and autism. This was a longitudinal study done in Athens, Greece that questioned 291 women with respect to their depression and their children’s development. The women filled out the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at six and twelve months after giving birth and the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) at around 18 months after delivery. Self-reported postpartum depression in the mother at 12 months was highly linked with the presence of autism in children at 18 months of age.
A pioneering correlated empirical investigation of maternal depression and its link to children’s development was done by Mary Ainsworth in 1978 (3). She devised an experiment called “The Strange Situation” in which a mother, her one-year-old toddler and a stranger were put in a room together. The mother leaves the baby alone with the stranger and then comes back. How the baby reacts to the mother leaving and then coming back (the “reunion”) demonstrates what kind of attachment the child has to the mother. Of interest here is one of Ainsworth’s insecure attachments, which she referred to as an “avoidant attachment.”
Insecure avoidant children do not orientate to their attachment figure while investigating the environment. She described them as very independent of the attachment figure both physically and emotionally. They do not seek contact with the attachment figure when distressed. Such children are likely to have a caregiver who is insensitive and rejecting of their needs, according to Ainsworth. The attachment figure may withdraw from helping during difficult tasks and is often unavailable during times of emotional distress. This description of the avoidant personality is quite similar to that of children with autism.
A study by the Kennedy Krieger Institute (4) in 2008 found that 46% of mothers of autistic children reported being depressed following pregnancy. The institute concluded that mood disorders occur more frequently in family members of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) than in the general population. The study also suggested associations between maternal mood disorder history patterns and specific ASD phenotypes. The study looked at the relationship between maternal mood disorders and child autism spectrum disorders in 998 mother-child dyads that participated in a national online autism registry and database. The odds of an Asperger’s syndrome or autistic disorder diagnosis were higher among children whose mothers had a lifetime history of bipolar disorder or depression. Further, maternal mood disorder onset before first pregnancy was associated with higher odds of an autism diagnosis among this sample of children with ASD. These data suggest that differences in maternal mood disorder history may be associated with ASD phenotype in the offspring of such individuals.
Goodman, Rouse and Connell conducted a meta-analysis of 193 studies (5) to examine the strength of the association between mothers’ depression and children’s behavioral problems or emotional functioning. They found that maternal depression was significantly associated to higher incidence of internalizing, externalizing and general psychopathology and negative emotions/behavior, as well as to lower levels of positive emotion and behavior. These associations were significantly mediated by certain variables.
A 2004 article in Pediatrics and Child Health focused on maternal depression and child development (6). The article contended that women of childbearing age are particularly at risk for depression, and many of them are never treated. “Mothers already at risk for depression are particularly fragile during the first months postpartum. Maternal depression has consequences on the child’s development,” the authors conclude. A 2001 study in Child Development by Petterson and Albers (7) looked at the effect of poverty and depression on child development. Using data from the National Maternal and Infant Health Survey, the authors discovered that maternal depression and poverty affected the development of very young boys and girls in varying ways. In particular, they found that poverty and maternal depression had an impact on cognitive development. Results also showed that chronic maternal depression had severe implications for both boys and girls, whereas persistent poverty had a strong effect on the development of girls.
A 2006 study by Sohr-Preston and Scaramella (8) investigated the current state of the research on maternal depression and children's cognitive and language development. The authors state that “exposure to maternal depressive symptoms, whether during the prenatal period, postpartum period, or chronically, has been found to increase children's risk for later cognitive and language difficulties.” Their research focused on both the timing and the chronicity of maternal depression and its effect on children's cognitive and language development. The longer maternal depression lasts, the more it is associated with more problematic outcomes for children, “perhaps because depression interferes with mothers' ability to respond sensitively and consistently over time.”
Hay wrote a paper on postpartum depression and cognitive development (9) that in large part echoed the study by Sohr-Preston and Scarmella. He notes that postpartum depression by mothers initially leads to problems of attention and the regulation of emotions and eventually to cognitive defects in their children. Murry, et al., did a longitudinal study in 1996 (10) in which they assessed five-year-olds who had what they referred to as postnatally depressed mothers. They found that early interactions with insensitive mothers predicted cognitive problems such as problem-solving ability.
Daniels, Forssen, Hultman and Cnattingius in a 2008 paper (11) found elevated amounts of psychiatric disorders and distinct personality traits among the parents of individuals with autism. They drew on data from Swedish registries and used them to investigate whether hospitalization for psychiatric disorders were associated with child autism and found a positive correlation between the two.
A study by McLearn, Minkovitz and Strobino et al. in 2006 (12) concluded that mothers with depressive symptoms had reduced odds of continuing breastfeeding, demonstrating confidence, showing their children books, playing with their infants, talking to the infants and following daily routines that would foster trust between mother and infant. Such practices were shown to thereafter affect infant development, including cognitive, behavioral and emotional reactions.
Asano, et al. (13) found a link between PPD (postpartum depression) and BAP (broader autism phenotype) in 2007. Pregnant women were enrolled in the Hamamatsu Birth Cohort (HBC) in Japan. Mothers were studied during their mid-gestation and were followed up until three months after they had given birth. BAP was measured during the 2nd trimester of the pregnancy by using the Broader Phenotype Autism Symptoms Scale. Participants scoring 9 points or higher on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale at least once during the first three months after childbirth were diagnosed with PPD. Among participants, 128 women (a high percentage) were found to have PPD.
Zuckerman, et al., in 1981, studied how a mother’s depression during pregnancy can have an effect on the development of her newborn (14). The investigation of 1,123 mothers and their infants aimed to determine whether maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy are associated with behavioral functioning by their offspring, which they measured by using the Neurologic and Adaptive Capacity Scale. Mothers were first given the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) questionnaire, which assesses depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Their infants were then examined by a pediatrician who was blind to their CES-D scores. The experimenters found a correlation between higher mothers’ CES-D scores and infants who were inconsolable or cried excessively. When the study controlled for such potential confounding variables as cigarette smoking, alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use, poor weight gain, income, birth weight, and other drug use, the relationship between CES-D score and newborn inconsolability and excessive crying remained the same. The authors concluded, “The results of this study suggest that the relationship between early childhood problems and maternal depressive symptoms may be part of a sequence that starts with depressive symptoms during pregnancy.”
Auerback (15) took exception with a study done in 2015 that stirred up the autism community by warning pregnant mothers not to take anti-depressive medication, saying it was linked with autism. He contended that depression, not antidepressants, may be the cause of autism. Aurback compared this study that warned against antidepressants to one done in 1998 that linked measles to autism and led to a similar shock wave. The article Auerback referred to was written by four researchers in Quebec and stated that “the use of antidepressants, specifically selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs], during the second and/or third trimester increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children.” The study appeared in JAMA Pediatrics, so it was taken quite seriously.
This research was quickly embraced by many news outlets before it had been validated. This often happens and leads to unnecessary disappointment. “Autism is such a hot-button issue that it’s dangerously easy to frighten and mislead people,” warns Auerback. He and others point to a confounding variable in the research: we don’t know whether it is the anti-depression medicine or the maternal depression that is causing autism, which makes the interpretation of the results of this experience as demonstrating only one of the variables biased.
Paul Wang (16), another of the paper’s critics noted that we should look at “the severity of a mom's depression that's related to autism, not the medications she's taking.” Wang is repeating what all the above research has found. This study and the way it was handled demonstrated how much of the research on autism studiously avoids looking at the human factor, such as maternal depression or deprivation, while also showing that the research on autism is often skewed. The often-repeated assertion that the cause of autism is unknown is more propaganda than science. The cause is known, but few want to mention it out of a fear of offending mothers.
The research on the link between depression and autism is not new. Bettelheim (17) was perhaps the most noted figure to come up with this link. In his book, The Empty Fortress (1967), he documents his work with autistic children at the Orthogenic School in Chicago, where he devised a new method of working with them that emphasized empathy. Bettelheim, a Jew, was taken prisoner during World War II and put into a concentration camp. His oppression in the concentration camp later informed his view of autism.
Bettelheim believed that autism did not have an organic basis, but resulted from mothers who withheld affection from their children, obstructed their development and failed to form an adequate attachment with them. Bettelheim also thought that absent or weak fathers contributed to the problem of autism. He devised a complex and detailed explanation of this dynamic in psychoanalytical and psychological terms, deriving his ideas from the qualitative investigation of clinical cases at the Orthogenic School. He also related the world of autistic children to conditions in concentration camps. Later his work became controversial and was dismissed; genetic and biological explanations replaced them.
Perhaps the first psychologist who did research on the effects of maternal deprivation was Harry Harlow in the 1950s (18). Although he did not mention autism, his work with monkeys has implications for the cause of autism and many other disorders in that it showed the devastating effects of maternal deprivation in monkeys and, by comparison, in human infants.
Harlow devised a number of experiments for infant monkeys. In one, he separated a monkey from its mother and then observed how it reacted to two surrogate monkey mothers, a wire mother that had a bottle of milk, and a cloth mother with no milk. The baby monkey drank the milk from the wire mother but spend 17-18 hours clinging to the cloth mother. Harlow thus interpreted (and was one of the first to do so) that monkey babies (and by comparison human babies) need comforting more than they need to be fed. In subsequent experiments he separated baby monkeys from their mothers and put them in isolation cells without any surrogate mother. These monkeys developed severe emotional and behavioral disorder. They were antisocial and did not relate to other monkeys; when it was time to mate they avoided the opposite sex; and if they did mate, the mothers sometimes engaged in cannibalistic behavior—actually eating their babies. Harlow speculated that human babies would react similarly to such deprivation.
The symptoms of avoidance that monkey babies went through as a result of maternal deprivation were similar to the avoidant behavior manifested by autistic children. Harlow believed that maternal deprivation (emotional abuse) was the worst kind of abuse that a baby—monkey or human—could encounter. Physical and sexual abuse is also damaging, but it is easy to detect and is therefore easier to address. If one knows the cause of a disorder, one can more easily devise a treatment for it. Aside from Harlow and a few others, few researchers have adequately explored the effects of deprivation. And, although many have explored the relationship of caretaker depression and childhood disorders, that research has been largely dismissed.
The research I have cited here is only the tip of the iceberg. Research showing how a mother’s depression affects infant and child development is now abundant and needs to be seriously considered.
Resistance and Alternate Theories
Over the years there has been a resistance to attributing the cause of autism to the mother’s depression during and after pregnancy, or to a mother’s or father’s mental disorder. Instead, researchers have looked away from the mother and father to various other causes, as they did in the afore-mentioned study on antidepressants and autism.
Genetic factors (19) have been viewed by many as the cause for autism spectrum disorders. Early studies of twins estimated heritability to be over 90%, meaning that when one identical twin had autism the other did 90% of the time. However, this original estimate was later seen to be exaggerated, as new twin studies showed a correlation rate of between 60-90%. Many non-autistic co-twins also had learning or social disabilities which presented a confounding variable. For adult siblings who were not twins the risk for both having one or more features of the broader autism phenotype might be as low as 30%.
It was then hypothesized that spontaneous “de novo mutations” in the father's sperm or mother's egg contributed to the developing of autism. There are two lines of evidence that support this hypothesis. Firstly, individuals with autism are 20 times less likely to have children than average individual without autism, thus delimiting the persistence of mutations in ASD genes over generations of a family. Secondly, the likelihood of having a child develop autism increases with advancing paternal age,[ which was linked to the knowledge that mutations in sperm gradually accumulate throughout a man's life.
Other theories concentrated on prenatal factors. The risk of autism they contended, is associated with several prenatal risk factors, including advanced age in either parent, diabetes, bleeding during pregnancy, and the aforementioned use of psychiatric drugs by the mother during pregnancy. Autism has been linked by some experts to birth defects that take effect during the first eight weeks from conception, though these same experts admit that these cases are rare (20).
Viral infection during pregnancy have often been cited as the principal non-genetic cause of autism. Prenatal exposure to rubella or cytomegalovirus, experts contend, activates the mother's immune response and thereby increases the risk for autism. Many were convinced that congenital rubella syndrome was the environmental cause of autism. Infection-associated immunological events in early pregnancy were thought to affect neural development more than infections in late pregnancy, not only for autism, but also for psychiatric disorders that are presumed to of neurodevelopmental origin, notably schizophrenia (20).
Then there was the fetal testosterone theory. The fetal testosterone theory states that higher levels of testosterone in the amniotic fluid of mothers, while causing brain development of fetuses to have an improved ability to see patterns and analyze complex systems while at the same time diminishing communication and empathy, emphasizing "male" traits over "female". In other words, high levels of testosterone in children emphasizes "systemizing" over "empathizing". Several reports have appeared suggesting that high levels of fetal testosterone could produce behaviors similar to those seen in autistic children (20).
The number of biological causes that experts have come up with seems unlimited. Some have pointed to epigenetic mechanisms such as histone modification or modification of the DNA bases. Such modifications are known to be affected by environmental factors, including nutrition, drugs, and mental stress. Some have also expressed interest in imprinted regions on chromosomes 15q and 7q. Thyroid problems that lead to thyroxine deficiency in the mother in weeks 8–12 of pregnancy have been suggested to produce changes in the fetal brain leading to autism. Others have cited that folic acid taken during pregnancy could play a role in reducing cases of autism by modulating gene expression through an epigenetic mechanism. There has been many theories that prenatal exposure to air pollution may be a risk factor for autism, despite the fact that this evidence is only supported by a small number of studies with a failure to control for potential confounding factors (20).
A number of theories about pretnatal contributions to autism have been put forth, including a mother’s gastrointestinal or immune system abnormalities, allergies, and exposure of children to drugs, vaccines, measles, infection, certain foods, or heavy metals such as lead. The evidence for these risk factors is anecdotal and has not been confirmed by reliable studies. Still another study looks at amygdala neurons. This theory hypothesizes that an early developmental failure involving the amygdala impinges on the development of “cortical areas that mediate social perception in the visual domain. The fusiform face area of the ventral stream is implicated.” In other words, this process is is somehow involved in social knowledge and social cognition, and that the deficits in this network are the cause of autism (20).
Another theory asserts that destructive autoantibodies that go after the brain or elements of brain metabolism may cause or exacerbate autism. Still another theory says that injections of minute quantities of opiates in young laboratory animals induce symptoms similar to those observed among autistic children. More recent there was some research evidence that autistic children were more likely to have GI symptoms than typical children. A method called “Secretin Infusion” was developed to treat such children. After a preliminary 1998 study of three children with ASD treated with secretin infusion reported improved GI function and dramatic improvement in behavior, many parents sought secretin treatment and a black market for the hormone developed quickly. Later studies found secretin infusion was clearly ineffective in treating autism and this theory, like so many others, was abandoned (19).
Other external causes of autism centered on things like mercury (mercury poisoning led to autism), lead (lead poisoning led to autism), lack of Vitamin D, impaired functioning of the locus coeruleus–noradrenergic (LC-NA) system, oxidative stress, vaccines, and viral infections during pregnancy (19).
Some of these studies twist their results to the point of being unethical. That seems to be the case in the study warning pregnant women that antidepressants taken during pregnancy can cause autism (15). Auerback took the article to task, saying, “Study co-author Bérard, it turns out, has been criticized by a federal judge for cherry-picking results to link antidepressants to birth defects.” Underwood, another critic of the study, wrote in Science, “Many epidemiologists and psychiatrists say the study, published today in JAMA Pediatrics, is flawed and will cause unnecessary panic.” Auerback also cites how a fraudulent 1998 study purportedly linking autism to the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine stoked a mass panic that “resulted in lower vaccination rates, lower herd immunity, and the return of measles.” Wakefield in the British journal Science wrote of a now-retracted British study that linked autism to childhood vaccines, calling it an "elaborate fraud" that has done long-lasting damage to public health.” An investigation published by the British medical journal BMJ concludes the study's author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, misrepresented or altered the medical histories of all 12 of the patients whose cases formed the basis of the 1998 study—and that there was "no doubt" Wakefield was responsible. After an investigation of such studies Auerback found that “the debunked pseudoscience of facilitated communication persists in large part by feeding on the desperate hopes of autistic children’s parents, some of whom are quietly shepherding such junk science into public schools.” Yet, he contends, these dissenting voices do not go far enough and much more needs to be done.
It is almost comical how fervently investigators have looked for causes of autism everywhere except the one place where research has come up with the most valid and reliable results: depressed (postpartum) mothers and the effect of their negligence and avoidance on fetuses, babies and toddlers. The growing accumulation of evidence is not just hastily dismissed by such “experts,” but is also totally ignored. One thinks of the famous saying by Shakespeare in his play, Julius Caesar: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings (21)."
It is as if many if not most researchers have been terrorized by mothers who repeat the slogan, “Don’t blame the mother,” to the point it becomes a sort of gospel to them. Researchers go out of their way to obey the slogan and find other causes for autism. And so they unwittingly make the feelings of mothers more important than the healthy development of their children. If we are ever to get to the bottom of this disorder, we must be willing to make autistic children our priority, not mothers of autistic children. We must be willing to look at all research about autism, especially that research that goes against our strongest beliefs.
Treating Autism
Here is what I think happens. When a mother first discovers the symptoms of autism—the refusal of her toddler to respond to or make eye contact with her or anybody, echolalia, diminished motor operation, repetitive movements—she goes to a pediatric doctor and is often alarmed about how her child has turned out. Many mothers either do not remember their postpartum depression or don’t want to remember it. Some feel guilty about it and have repressed it. Many others view it as a normal aspect of the childbirth experience. Doctors are generally not going to tell a mother that her depression caused the autism. It appears that most doctors are not aware enough of the mind-body connection. The child, who can barely talk and does not know what is happening, can’t tell the doctor about its mother’s depression and how it affect him or her. The doctor reacts to the mother’s extreme distress over her child and attempts to reassure her is was not her fault. So the doctor will attribute the autism to whatever theory he subscribes to that avoids any implication of the mother.
Because the medical establishment generally rejects out of hand any theory, such as the one in this article, that suggests that a mother’s depression and its associated neglect of her infant is the cause of autism, there is at present no treatment that has been proven to cure autism. Some of the methods that have been tried over the past decades have been based on research that is unreliable and not valid, if not fraudulent. Each year a new cure for autism is devised in response to some new research that is later found to be unsubstantiated or fraudulent.
For example, the previously mentioned study that linked autism with a measles, mumps and rubella vaccine led to treating autism by foregoing such vaccines, which in turn lead to a rise in these diseases while doing nothing to cure autism (20). Over the years there have been a myriad of such “cures” based on faulty studies. Nearly all of the treatments for autism used today are done after the onset of autism and therefore can only have a minimal effect. If you have a mild form of ASD (autism spectrum disorder), these methods may lead to a partial and even full recovery. But most often these methods are only able to maintain some degree of normal functioning, while full cures are the exception. They do nothing to prevent autism since they do not consider a mother’s depression and neglect as a causative factor.
There are three main approaches to treating autism used today. One is the biological approach—using some form of medication. According to WebMD, medicines are limited in their ability to improve symptoms of autism. Some are designed to help prevent self-injury and others treat behaviors that are causing difficulty. Medicines may also be used on conjunction with other treatments such as psychotherapy by helping children function at a higher level. There are two main non-medical treatments—Applied Behavioral Analysis and the Early Start Denver Model—that are sometimes used in conjunction with medication and sometimes without.
Medicines (22) that are often used to treat behaviors related to autism include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and antipsychotic medicines. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors include citalopram, fluoxetine, and sertraline. These medicines may help with depression, anxiety, and obsessive behaviors, but they also have side effects, such as weight gain, insomnia, and increased agitation. Antipsychotic medicines, such as haloperidol, risperidone, and thioridazine change brain chemistry and therefore help decrease problem behaviors. Risperidone, another antipsychotic medication, reduces tantrums, aggression, and self-harming behavior. Like SSRIs, these medicines can have side effects, including sleepiness, tremors, and weight gain. Their use is usually considered only after behavior management has failed to address the problem behaviors.
Behavior analysis (23) focuses on the principles of learning first developed by B. F. Skinner. It uses positive reinforcement to reward an autistic child for any behavior that leads to progress in some aspect of his or her functioning. When a behavior is followed by some sort of reward, the behavior, Skinner found, is more likely to be repeated. Over the years, the field of behavior analysis has developed many techniques for encouraging beneficial behaviors and discouraging those cause harm or prevent learning. WebMD contends that ABA principles and techniques can improve basic skills such as looking, listening and imitating, as well as more complex skills such as reading, conversing and understanding another person’s perspective.
Sally Rogers and Geraldine Dawson, both clinical psychologists, developed the Early Start Denver Model as an extension of the Denver Model (24), developed by Rogers and colleagues for use with older autistic children and adults. This early intervention program integrates a relationship-focused developmental model with Applied Behavior Analysis. It uses a family approach, including parent-training into the process in a manner called “deep parental involvement. Teachers and parents collaborate, starting at 18 months, focusing on interpersonal exchange, joint activities and the teaching of language and communication skills.
Rogers, Dawson and Rogers all drew on the pioneering research of Bruno Bettelheim who wrote a book called The Empty Fortress in 1967 (25). Bettelheim used this title to describe an autistic child as someone who was as defended as a fortress but empty inside. His approach to working with autistic children anticipated the Early Start Denver Model in that it emphasized respecting the child’s symptoms, empathy, a non-coersive environment and unconditional love. Although Bettelheim became a controversial figure because, in part, he compared the families of autistic children to concentration camps, his method nevertheless lives on.
There are many other approaches, depending on the needs of particular children. These methods include Pivotal Response Therapy (PRT), Verbal Behavior Therapy, Floortime to improve spontaneity, Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), Social Communication/Emotional Regulation/Transactional Support (SCERTS), and treatments for speech, language and motor impairments 23).
However, the Autism Speaks website asserts that a growing amount of evidence suggests that only a small minority of persons with autism progress to the point where they no longer meet the criteria for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Various theories have been proposed to explain why this is so. They include the possibility of an initial misdiagnosis, the possibility that some children mature out of certain forms of autism with or without treatment and the possibility that some treatments are not a good match for the children they are trying to reach (26).
The bottom line is that these treatments have a limited effect because they prevent autism from occurring in the first place. In order to prevent autism, one would have to accept the theory that autism is indeed caused, or mostly caused, by mothers with postpartum depression or some degree of major depression.
Summary of How Maternal Depression Affects a Baby
I have already cited a small sampling of the many researchers that have explored how a mother’s depression affects the development of her child or have found a direct link between postpartum depression and autism. These investigators have presented a general picture of the consequences of a mother’s depression and postpartum depression on development.
Mothers already at risk for depression are particularly susceptible to postpartum depression during the first months after giving birth. From the research previously cited, I speculate that the longer this postpartum depression lasts, the more severe will be the consequences to their child’s development. First of all infants repeatedly participate in interactive routines with their mothers. Maternal depression delimits the infant’s ability to learn to regulate the interaction because of two negative interactive patterns, intrusiveness or withdrawal. Postpartum mothers are known to be Intrusive or withdrawn. Sometimes they pick up their infants in a hostile way that conveys to the infant the mother’s rejection of them, which disrupts their activity. The infants generally react angrily to this, turn away from the mother and internalize the mother’s angry and mode of coping. Another hallmark of postpartum mothers is withdrawing—that is, not caring for their infants. Withdrawn mothers are disengaged, unresponsive, affectively flat and therefore do not encourage their child’s growth. Infants are unable to cope or self-regulate while in this negative state, and become passive, withdrawn and defensive (looking away or performing repetitive behaviors to comfort themselves). By 18 months these behaviors become entrenched in their personalities.
Again, based on research cited previously, there are also cognitive effects. Infants of postpartum mothers demonstrate patterns of limited attention and arousal. Studies show that cognitive performance regarding the independent existence of objects are worse for infants of postpartum mothers than infants of non-depressed mothers. Depressed mothers are less likely to provide stimulating contact to their infants, which disrupts their performance on nonsocial learning tasks. Another factor that obstructs learning is the negative attitude of infants of depressed mothers, even when they are interacting with non-depressed adults. In other words, an infant’s own negative attitude interferes with both learning and the ability to process information. By the time infants become toddlers, the cognitive impairments are all the more observable. Postpartum maternal interactions lead to poorer intellectual development. Boys may be more sensitive than girls to the effects of the mother’s illness (twice as many boys as girls develop autism). Only boys show a decrease in cognition on standardized tests of intellectual attainment (mainly on indexes of abstract intelligence, reasoning about opposites and analogies) and the “draw-a-child” task. Other aspects of cognitive development, such as cognitive-linguistic functioning are also damaged, and there were also deficits on the perceptual and performance scale.
It also seems apparent from previously cited research that as children get to elementary school and beyond, the impairment of their behavioral and cognitive skills becomes more apparent. School-age children of depressed mothers display impaired adaptive functioning, such as internalizing their problems or acting them out. Children of depressed parents are also at higher risk of psychopathology, including depression, anxiety and conduct disorders. Studies have shown a marked risk of psychopathology in the children of depressed parents.
One case with which I became acquainted illustrates the complexity of the problem. A woman in her early thirties had delayed getting pregnant because of a negative attitude toward giving birth, viewing it as a aspect of domestic slavery and the act of birthing as something disgusting (like an alien force taking control of her body). The man to whom she was married did not want a child either, and the two were often fighting. She complained that he did not care about her, love her, listen to her or support her. He complained that she was controlling, guilt-tripping and emasculating. She got pregnant by accident and he immediately demanded that she get an abortion. He was not sure their marriage would last and therefore didn’t think this was a good time to have a child. Although she did not want a child either for different reasons, her husband’s continual threats to leave her caused to go ahead and have the child, thinking that this would hold the marriage together.
When the child was born, the husband was even more distant, and even began an affair with a woman with whom he worked. The mother suffered from postpartum depression and the anger she felt toward her husband got taken out on her male infant. For three months she seldom got out of bed, seldom took baths, and often did not respond when her baby cried. Perhaps once a day she would get out of bed to feed him in a perfunctory manner, gazing at him in an angry manner, hating him for not saving her marriage and for being a male child. The husband made matters worse by coming home late and continually reminding his wife that he didn’t want the child in the first place and it was her own fault he was born and he was her responsibility. He showed now empathy for her condition. This made her postpartum depression worse.
After about six months he confessed his affair to his wife and said he was going to leave her for his new girlfriend, whom he said was loving and supportive in a way she was not. They went through an angry separation and divorce and the woman was eventually left alone to raise their child. The husband was no interested in visitation rights or in taking any responsibility for raising the child. Subsequently the boy shows signs of depression and by the age of 18 months he demonstrated symptoms of autism. By then he had turned away from his mother (as she had turned away from him at birth), and had likewise turned away from people in general. He could not show direct anger to his mother because he was too scared of her angry fits about her state of affairs and about her child’s father. His own anger took the form of self-injury—breaking an arm falling from a bench, hitting his head against a door and bruising one of his eyes when he had intended to such his thumb.
The boy went on to develop many of the learning deficits, behavioral problems and diminished self-esteem mentioned in studies above.
Preventing Autism
The best cure is prevention. In order to prevent autism, we need to know what causes it. There is enough evidence now (some of it cited in this paper) to conclude that there is a definite link between a caretaker’s depression and various developmental arrests, including autism. Therefore to prevent it would require two things: 1. Testing pregnant women for depression and postpartum depression and treating this depression if possible and giving her the support she needs in order to properly care for her infant. 2. If that’s not possible, we should make other arrangements—such as a surrogate caregiver taking over the crucial job of infant nursing and nurturing until such time as the mother recovers from her depression.
More attention needs to be paid to the depression of both parents, for both have an impact on childrearing, but the mother’s depression is crucial. The more research that is done on the effect of maternal depression on early child development, the more important it becomes to treat maternal depression. A human being is most vulnerable during the earliest stages of infancy and even before. The basic attitudes are formed based on the earliest interactions with the first caretaker. We need to understand the basis of maternal depression—whether it is the result of pregnancy itself, of an abusive relationship with her husband, wounds from her own childhood, or something biochemical. By understand maternal depression we can treat it.
And certainly we need to make sure that an infant’s earliest experience with life is a positive one. A depressed mother, especially one suffering from postpartum depression, can only provide a negative experience for her infant. This experience causes infants to fall behind in behavioral, emotional and cognitive development. The child is the first priority and needs to be given a positive start in life, either by its mother or some other caretaker who is emotionally able to do it.
This will of course require properly understanding the resistance to accepting the link between postpartum depression and autism. As long as many if not most people refuse to look at or acknowledge this link, we cannot begin to prevent or cure it. Hopefully this and other papers like it will raise awareness of this problem.
1. https://www.autism-watch.org/causes/rm.shtml
2. http://blogs.psychcentral.com/psychoanalysis-now/discuss/186/
3. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924933810704612?np=y
4. http://www.simplypsychology.org/mary-ainsworth.html
5. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aurt/2012/435646/
6. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10567-010-0080-1?version=meter+at+null&module=meter-Links&pgtype=Blogs&contentId=&mediaId=
7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2724169/
8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11768146
9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16817009
11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9119940/
12. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/121/5/e1357.short
13. http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/204668
14. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1750946714002025
15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2212032
16.http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2015/12/antidepressants_in_pregnancy_probably_ do_not_cause_autism.html
16. http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20151214/antidepressants-in-pregnancymay-raise-autism-risk-study-suggests#2
18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Bettelheim
19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Harlow
20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_autism
21. http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/01/05/autism.vaccines/
22. https://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/fault-dear-brutus-our-stars
23. https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/treatment
24. https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/treatment/applied-behavior-analysis-aba
25. https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/treatment/early-start-denver-model-esdm
26. http://bdkmsw.umwblogs.org/psychoanalytic-causes/
27. https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/treatment
The Way of Life
By Chuang Zi
(Translated by Gerald Schoenewolf)
ABSTRACT: As as special Flashback Feature we are presenting a selection of stories and poems by Chuang Zi. A follower of Lao Zi, who is credited with founding the philosophy of Daoism, Chuang Zi wrote about how to live a healthy life. In that sense his tenets were not dissimilar to those of humanistic psychologists who have advocated the healthy life that leads to self-actualization. He observed how such things as conceit, selfishness, or narrow-minded thinking lead to discontent and how our points of view are most often illusions. To him, the healthy life was the simple life. Athletes often say they must “play within themselves” to play well. Chuang Zi urged followers to “stay within themselves” to live the healthy life.
The Phang
In the Northern Ocean there is a fish named kwang, which changes into a bird named phang. The phang is so large it cannot be measured. When it flies, its wings fill the sky like clouds and move the sea below so that it carries the bird along the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean is the Pool of Heaven.
There is a book called the Book of Marvels. Of the phang it says, “When the Phang migrates to the Southern Ocean, it flaps on the water for 3,000 li, then rises up on a whirlwind for 90,000 li, and it does not stop flying for six months.”
However, because the phang flies so high, it looks the same to somebody standing below as the specks of dust that blow up from a field or the smaller creatures that flit through the air.
Nor can one tell if the phang’s dark blue coloring is its own or a reflection of the sky around it.
And whether one is peering up from earth or down from heaven, a phang of whatever size still looks the same.
Three in the Morning
When people use up their minds and feelings clinging to one point of view and refusing to see the deeper oneness between this and its complementary that, they suffer from what I call “three in the morning.”
What is “three in the morning?”
A monkey trainer went to his monkeys and said to them, “As to your meals, you’ll be given three bowls of chestnuts in the morning and four in the afternoon.”
The monkeys squawked with anger.
So the trainer said, “All right, since that makes you unhappy, I’ll give you four bowls in the morning and three in the afternoon.”
The monkeys squealed with delight.
The two arrangements were actually the same, but in the first instance the monkeys were displeased and in the second they were pleased.
The wise, seeing life from heaven’s view, are open to both sides of an issue, and they are never displeased.
A Wise Person
What is a wise person?
The wise of old were not afraid to stand with the few. They did not set out to plan great plans or do great deeds. If they failed, they were not sad, and if they gained they were not glad. They climbed great mountains and were not dizzy, dived into the sea and were not wet, and walked through fire and were not burned. Their knowledge was one with the Way.
The wise of old slept without dreaming and woke without worrying. Their food was simple and their breathing slow. They breathed from their heels while fools breathed from their throats, and when fools got into quarrels, they threw up arguments like vomit. When the well of earthly desire is deep the heavenly spring is shallow.
The wise of old did not love life or hate death. They were born without joy and died without sorrow. Coolly they came, and coolly they went. They did not forget where they had been and they did not ask where they were going. The took life with a dash of gratitude and death with a grain of calm. They went willingly into the beyond.
They did not try to resist the Way, not did they try to help it along. Such were the wise of old.
They did not try to resist the Way, nor did they try to help it along. Such were the wise of old.
Their minds were free of thought, their hearts still, their brows unwrinkled. If they were cold, they were cold as autumn. If they were warm, they were warm as spring. Their feelings flowed like the four seasons.
They gave to all things what was suitable, and to all things they remained inscrutable.
Confucius went to Lao Zi’s house and found him to be distant. To win him over he began to speak at length about the Twelve Classics.
“That’s too vague,” Lao Zi said after a while. “Can you give me the gist of the Twelve Classics?”
“The gist of the Twelve Classics?”
“The gist is concerned with goodness and righteousness.”
“Let me ask you this: do you think humans are naturally prone to goodness and righteousness?”
“I do. If the superior man is not good, he won’t fulfill his destiny, and if he is not righteous, he might as well not have been born. Goodness and righteousness are the true nature of humanity.”
“Let me ask what you mean by goodness and righteousness?”
“To be in deeper sympathy with all things, to love all people, and to allow no selfish thoughts—this is goodness and righteousness?”
“Ah!” Lao Zi exclaimed. “You show your stupidity with such ideas. ‘To love all men!’—isn’t that a bit abstract and grandiose? ‘To allow no selfish thoughts!’—isn’t that really another kind of selfishness? Isn’t it a kind of self-preoccupation? If you, Master, wish to guide men, think of heaven and earth, which always stay on course; of the sun and moon, which always shine bright; of the stars in the zodiac, which are always in order; of birds and beasts, which always flock together, and of the trees, which always stand together. Do you, Master, follow this Way and practice it? Why must you always stubbornly insist on goodness and righteousness, as if you were beating a drum and chasing a fugitive son—only to make him run away all the more? Ah, Master, you’re introducing disharmony into the natural harmony of things.”
Favoring Wisdom
In the olden days of natural virtue
People did not favor wisdom nor call attention to ability;
Leaders were like the higher branches on a tree
And the people were like deer grazing beneath.
People were good
Without knowing about “Goodness;”
They were kind
Without knowing about “Kindness;”
They were loyal
Without knowing about “Moral Fiber;”
They were dependable
Without knowing about “Good Character;”
They were cooperative
Without knowing about “The Spirit of Cooperation.”
Thus, their footsteps left to trail.
Thus, they have no trace.
Dragging one’s Tail
Chuang Zi was fishing in the Pu River with his bamboo pole, when two officers from the King of Chu approached him, saying, “The king wants you. He think you would be a good governor for one of his territories.”
Chuang Zi held the bamboo pole and watched the river. After a while he said, “I have heard there is a sacred turtle-shell whose owner died over three thousand years ago. This turtle was so admired by the kind that it was sacrificed and canonized and now its shell sits wrapped in silk on a shrine inside the temple. What do you think? Is it better for a turtle to give its life and leave behind a sacred shell as an object of devotion for three thousand years, or to live as an ordinary turtle dragging its tail in the mud?”
“For the turtle,’ the officers replied, “it would be better to live in ordinary life and drag its tail in the mud.”
“Go away!” Chuang Zi said. “And let me drag my tail in the mud.”
The Fighting Cock
Chi Hsing Zi, a trainer of fighting cocks, was training a particularly fine cock for King Hsuan.
After ten days the king asked if the bird was ready. The trainer replied, “Not yet. He’s still vain and prone to picking fights and showing off his own prowess.”
After ten more days the kind asked again and the trainer replied, “Not yet. He still flaps his wings when he hears another cock crow.”
After ten more days the trainer replied, “Not yet. He still gets that mean look and ruffles his feathers.”
Finally after ten more days he said, “Now he is nearly ready. When another cock crows, he does not even blink an eye. To see him, you would think he was a wooden cock. Now he has the right quality; as soon as other cocks see hi they run away.”
Confucius went to the state of Chu,
Along with a madman named Kie Yu,
Who followed the master to his door
And sang outside with a maddening roar.
“Phoenix, phoenix, does your virtue last?
Can’t reach the future, can’t reach the past!
When the world is calm, then you guide;
When the world is mad, then you hide.
Every day you try to stay alive.
You’ll be lucky if you can survive.
Joy is a feather that fiercely intrudes;
Sorrow is a landslide that no one eludes.
Beware, beware of walking too straight!
Danger, danger, thorns lie in wait!
Quietly, quietly, do without ado,
And maybe the ferns won’t puncture you.”
The tree on the hill upends itself.
The oil in the lamp devours itself.
The cinnamon tree is eaten up.
The lacquer tree is beaten up.
It is frequently said by the needful
That it’s useful for things to be useful.
But people rarely seem to see
How useful uselessness can be.
Right and Wrong
Hun Zi said to Chuang Zi, “Can a man really be without desire and passion?”
“He can.”
“But that’s just not right. How can you call somebody without desire and passion a man?”
“The Way gives him life, and heaven gives him form. Why should we not call him a man?”
“But I don’t understand. How can he be a man if he doesn’t have desire and passion?”
“You’re misunderstanding what I mean by desire and passion. When I say that a wise man is without desire and passion, what I mean is that he does not do any inward harm to his body through his likings and dislikings; he always lives effortlessly and doesn’t want to ask for more.”
“If he does not try to get more, how can he sustain himself?”
“The Way gives him life, and heaven gives him form; and he does not do any inward harm to his body through his likings and dislikings,” Chuang Zi repeated. “But you, Master Hui Zi, are now draining your vital powers through the indulgence of your desire and passion. You sing your ditties for all to hear while leaning on a tree; you fall into a drunken sleep, grasping the stump of a rotten dryandra. Heaven gave you the form of a man, but you babble all day like a child about what is right and wrong.”
Wanting to Know More
Master Ki was leaning forward on his stool, gazing up at heaven. He was scarcely breathing and seemed to have forgotten himself.
Yu, his attendant, exclaimed, “What is going on? Can the body be withered like a tree? Can the mind be slaked like lime? I’ve never seen you like this.”
“It’s true. I had lost myself,” Master Ki said. How can I explain it? You may have heard the music of earth and of heaven? When nature sighs you can hear its breath, though it makes no sound of its own. As it blows on other beings and wakes them, you can hear the voices calling from every hole. Have you not heard this crescendo of sound? It comes from the trees that hang from the tallest mountains, old trees with clefts like mouths, noses and ears, or like cups or bowls; trees with dark grooves and hollows filled with water. You can hear them howling and roaring and whistling. You can hear them shouting and murmuring or moaning deeply or beckoning like sad flutes, one awakening another as an endless dialogue. You can hear soft winds singing shyly, mighty winds booming mightily; until the wind fades and the trees let out their last sound. Have you not heard how everything trembles and then is no longer there?”
And Yu said, ‘I understand. I really do. The music of the earth sings through a thousand holes and the music of humans is played on bamboo poles. But there’s one other thing I’d like to know. What about the music of heaven?”
And Master Ki replied: “When the wind blows on the thousand holes, the earth trembles with music; and when the wind stops the music dies down. Is there more to know than that?”
The Beginning
There was a beginning.
There was a beginning to that beginning.
There was a beginning to that beginning to that beginning.
There was nothing.
There was nothing before nothing.
There was nothing before nothing before nothing.
If there is nothing,
Was there ever something?
Now that I have said what I have said,
Have I said something
Or nothing?
The Prince of Wu took a hunting party on a boat to Monkey Island. They soon pulled up to the island and drew their bows and arrows. When the monkeys saw them, they darted frantically to the tops of the trees.
One monkey, however, stayed behind. He was calmly swinging from branch to branch, doing flips and twirls, showing off his skills for the Prince and his party. The Prince took out his bow and shot an arrow at the monkey, and the monkey deftly caught it in his hand.
The Prince then ordered his attendants to shoot the monkey down. In an instant the monkey was full of arrows and fell to the ground.
The Prince turned to his companion, Yen Pui, and said, “You see what just happened? This monkey flaunted his cleverness. He was conceited about his skills. He thought nobody could come near him. Always remember: It is a mistake to rely on superiority or talent when you deal with others.
When they returned to their home, Yen Pu began studying with a local master in order to rid himself of everything that made him stand out. He gave up every desire and learned to hide his superiority.
After three years no one in the state could figure him out.
And so they admired him.
An Inner Rattle
The wise regard all that is deemed necessary
To be unnecessary.
So they do not fight with themselves.
The foolish regard all that is unnecessary
To be necessary,
So they are always at war with themselves.
Those caught up in this internal war,
Externalize it at every door.
Hence, an inner rattle leads to an outer ruin.
When Chuang Zi was about to die, his followers began to make plans for an elaborate burial service.
He interrupted them, saying, “Heaven and earth will be my tomb, the sun and moon will be the jade symbols at my side, the planets and stars will shine as jewels all around me, and all beings will be there as mourners at my funeral. What more do I need than that? Everything will be just as it should.”
But they said, “We fear the crows and hawks will eat our Master.”
“So?” Chuang Zi replied. “Above ground the crows and birds will eat me, below it will be the ants and worms. Either way I’ll be eaten. What have you got against birds?”
by Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D
ABSTRACT: Emotional abuse (sometimes called psychological abuse or mental abuse) is hard to define and hard to detect and therefore people often do not study it as much as sexual or physical abuse. And because it is hard to detect, it is hard to understand it etiology. This article attempts to make a beginning in understanding this kind of abuse.
Over the years I have often been asked what is the most harmful kind of abuse—physical, sexual or emotional. My answer is always the same; emotional abuse is definitely the most harmful because, unlike physical and sexual abuse, it is hard to detect. When you can detect abuse (such as physical abuse) you know it's happening and you can fight back. But a child often doesn’t even know emotional abuse is happening, and it sometimes takes years of psychotherapy before the client understands it.
One of the problems of emotional abuse is defining what it is. According to Wikipedia, it can also be termed “psychological abuse,” “psychological violence,” or “mental abuse and is “characterized by a person subjecting, or exposing, another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.”(1) This definition focuses on people rather than parents, and does not explain what kinds of behavior constitute emotional abuse or the broad variety of outcomes. I would add that emotional abuse can be of many varieties, including (to name a few) neglect, emotionally bullying, scape-goating, creating dependency, making children take sides in battles of fathers and mothers, and pretending to be loving while behaving in a hateful way.
There are many harmful things a parent can do to a child, and certainly physical and sexual abuse are harmful. Since they are more often reported, it is easier to focus on sexual and physical abuse. However, emotional abuse, because it often happens without the child knowing it, seems to have a deeper effect on the child. Sometimes all three are mixed together—physical, sexual and emotional abuse. That is when the abuse is most harmful.
In the most harmful cases of emotional abuse the parents, who have a narcissistic need to think of themselves as great parents, present an outward appearance of being good parents, as well as outstanding citizens. Because of this need to be seen as good parents, they are unable to look at their parenting in an objective way. They indoctrinate their children to view them as good parents and their family as a healthy family, and they are unable to hear their children's complaints about their parenting.
Such parents indoctrinate their children from an early age to think of their parents in only the most positive ways. Any other kind of thinking is considered family treason. If any of their children develop behavioral problems, they see such problems as an accusation of their parenting. Their response is, "Why am I so unlucky as to have this bad seed?" Very rarely do they ever consider that anything they did might have had an effect on their children.
Emotional abuse comes in many varieties, and at times, as I mentioned, it is combined with other kinds of abuse. Below are some brief case histories that illustrate what I mean.
The Good Daughter and the Bad Daughter
One family with which I became acquainted had two daughters. The oldest daughter could do nothing wrong. The youngest daughter could do nothing right. Both parents lamented the troublesome nature of their youngest daughter. To both of them, she was a thorn in their sides and an embarrassment to the family. As Mary (the name I'll give to the youngest daughter) grew up, she was always being compared unfavorably to her older sister. "Why can't you be more like your sister?" She was constantly being looked at in a negative way. If she told a joke, they laughed at her, not with her, and treated her as if she were stupid to say such a thing.
When she was a preteen, her father, who was a wealthy real estate tycoon, took her on a business trip with him. She was flattered to be brought along, because he had always favored her older sister. He insisted they share the same hotel room, telling her they were family. When she was taking a shower, he walked in and said she shouldn't be shy around him because he was her father. That night he insisted she sleep in the queen-sized bed with him, and in the middle of the night he began touching her and telling her it was all right because they were family.
When she mentioned this event to her mother, the mother treated the daughter as if she were just being a troublemaker as usual. "Why would your father do something like that? He's a powerful man. He could have any woman he wanted, but he has always been totally loyal to me. I want you to apologize for what you just said." Mary had to repress this incident and she grew up to be a child who doubted her perceptions of things. She remained attached to her father and continued to idealize him as the rest of the family did. But her idealization of her father, her mother and her older sister kept her in a one-down position. Her relationships with men were a disaster as were her relationships with women friends. She distrusted everybody and would sooner or later find a reason to reject them (symbolically rejecting her family).
The mother in this family was a writer who once wrote an article for a parenting magazine. The article was called, "How I learned to Adapt to My ADHD Daughter," and she stated that she was motivated to write the article to help other mothers with similar children. The father was almost revered in the extended family and among friends for his business acumen and his happy-go-lucky personality. Neither parent gave a thought to the emotional or sexual abuse they had shown their youngest. Both continued to firmly believe that they had been great parents, and that their youngest daughter was simply genetically damaged and it was their unfortunate lot in life to adapt to her (be sympathetic to her "wiles"). But their sympathy (a pretense of caring) only made her worse.
Incidentally, the oldest daughter in this family ended up becoming a narcissistic parent like her parents, She had been raised to feel that she could do no wrong and hence she did not think she could do anything wrong as a parent. Sometimes this kind of parenting is passed on from generation to generation.
Narcissistic personalities can only see things one way--their way. And they are very good at finding extremely viable reasons for their way. You are either with them or against them. If you are with them, you can share their glory, if you're against them and tell them what they don't want to hear, you will get their wrath. The queen in the children's story, "Snow White," is an example of a narcissistic personality. The mirror had to tell her she was the fairest in the land, and when it told her Snow White was the fairest, she punished Snow White by having her taken to the forest to die.
Beneath their narcissism is a bubble of unconscious inferiority and rage, which they protect against through the development of the rigid covering of the superior personality that cannot be contradicted.
Narcissistic parents will go to doctor after doctor until they find one who tells them what they want to hear. The problem is never with them or their parenting. It is always traced to some external cause, some genetic source, a hostile teacher, or a faulty vaccination. This is not to say that genetics or other factors do not play a part in development. But they don't play the entire part. Parenting must always be considered. With narcissists it almost never is.
I call this kind of parent the most harmful because they do the most harm while seeming to have all the right intentions. The emotional abuse that such parents do to their children is hard for the children to detect. Therefore, it is all the more disastrous.
The “Stage Mother” Syndrome
Narcissistic parents occasionally raise their children to be some ideal person who becomes their narcissistic extension. The “Stage Parent Syndrome” is an example of this—parents raising their child to fulfill their own blighted ambitions.
A case that comes to mind involved a parent who raised her child to be her little genius. This mother believed that she was a latent genius, but her intelligence had been squashed by her family. She had her son, Philip, late in life and did so through artificial insemination with a compulsive unconscious goal.
From the beginning her son was there to take care of her needs—her loneliness, her need to prove her family wrong, her need to be idealized as a fabulous mother, and especially her need to raise a super son who would reflect her own superiority. He would be the icing on her cake of life.
From the time he was born she taught Philip that he was superior to his peers, more attractive, more intelligent, and generally of a higher class. Sometimes she even told him that he was her little genius and that when he grew up he would be a god. As he grew up, she discouraged him from playing with children in the neighborhood, whom she regarded as beneath her son and liable to contaminate him with their inferior attitudes and tastes. From the time he was born—and even in the womb—she read to him and tutored him to be a precocious, intelligent boy who would serve as her flag of victory. He could read and write by the time he was three.
In elementary school he was far advanced and superior to the other children. Hence he skipped a grade and was a favorite of most of his teachers. He flew far ahead of others in his school work and seemed to be completely fulfilling his mothers wishes for him. But he began having problems with some schoolmates who had taken to bullying him. When he complained to his mother, she replied, “They’re just jealous of you. Pay no attention to them. They’re inferior and hateful and the world would be better without them.”
He more or less followed his mother’s guidance throughout secondary school; if he ever questioned her, he was severely punished. He was always the outcast of his class but rationalized that it was because he was superior to his classmates. It was when he went away to an elite college that things fell apart. In college he no longer stood out; there were many intelligent students there. In addition, he was alone, without his mother’s protective umbrella. He was living in a dorm with other students who thought him to be peculiar. He could no longer successfully rationalize that they were jealous of him, because by then he was no longer excelling at academics. Indeed, his actual intelligence turned out to be somewhat less than ordinary. And so his fragile self-image broke down.
There was a discrepancy between what his mother had trained him to be and what Philip was in reality. Formerly a student who made all A’s, now his grades had plummeted and there were even a few failures. Students in the dorm trashed him behind his back and mocked him to his face. He was filled with rage at these “underlings” making fun of him, and he began to take dumps in various students’ dorm rooms and write message on their walls such as “doomed as Sisyphus.”
He was particularly riled by college girls, who spurned and ridiculed him; far from turning out to be the handsome genius his mother had predicted, he was unusually short with a fat face, stubby nose and beady eyes and his intellect was average. One day he walked naked into one of the coed’s rooms and proceeded to ejaculate in front of her, to which she laughed. After a number of such incidents, one in which he began choking a coed, he ended up in a mental hospital in New York, where he was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He had by now developed a delusion that he was not only a genius, but had powers such as being able to will some stranger to die on the other side of the world. He was convinced he had a special neurotransmitter in his brain that nobody else had.
After a few years in the mental ward, he learned how to present himself well to the committee that decided whether he could be released, so the committee let him out to the streets of New York. His mother had been incensed when he had been put into a mental hospital and after going to the administrators and exploding with rage, she fell ill and suddenly died of a heart attack. Philip had nowhere to go, so he became a homeless man. Even as a homeless man, he harbored his delusion of superiority and believed that his homeless condition was a disguise to prevent others from detecting his superiority and persecuting him. Unconsciously he was in a rage at the world for refusing to acknowledge his genius.
One day he was on the subway. His clothes were dirty and torn, his face gaunt, and his hair disheveled. He smelled from not having bathed in many weeks. He saw a pretty young woman standing at the edge of the platform. She had just graduated from college and had come to the city to work for a fashion magazine. When Philip saw her, he felt envious of her. Since she looked intelligent and nice, he hoped maybe she might be the girl who would finally recognize his genius. So he approached her and asked her if she knew the time. She glanced at him, taking in his woeful appearance, and quickly turned away.
“She’s disgusted with me!’ Philip thought. “She’s just another snotty little bitch!” And he thought of all the bitches in college who mocked him, who didn’t deserve to walk on the same ground on which he walked. He recalled his mother telling him that the world would be better off without some people.
When the subway train entered the station, he pushed the young woman onto the track. She was let out a shocked scream as the train hit her. Philip felt nothing.
Toxic Parents
The most toxic parents are the parents that do not at all look toxic. To the outside world they appear as the most normal parents of all. Children of such parents do not even know that they are being poisoned. Nor does anybody else, until it is too late.
Some parents are obviously abusive, either sexually or physically. In this case it is also obvious that they are toxic, and children have less trouble understanding this kind of abuse and realizing how they have been harmed by it. They can therefore predict and learn to control such abuse to minimize its harm.
The most toxic parents are all about appearances. The are often leading citizens of their communities. They serve on committees. They give to charities. They are deacons of churches. They convince themselves, their children and everybody else that they have only the best intentions. And they really believe it. Their toxicity becomes lethal because it is hidden. Nobody would ever think that such people have a single bad thought because they themselves would never think it.
In one case encountered many years ago a disturbed mother treated her oldest daughter as if she was disturbed. The mother projected her own disturbance onto this particular daughter. The mother was in complete denial of her own disturbance. It was her daughter who was disturbed, and this is how she “cast” her from the beginning. As the daughter (we’ll call her Megan) grew older, her younger brothers and sisters were made aware that Megan had problems and they treated her the same way her mother treated her.
In normal, healthy parenting, a child’s ego is supported and she is encouraged to be who she is and made to feel that she has great judgment, healthy instincts and is someone who is trustworthy and sensible. In the kind of twisted upbringing I am referring to, the child is made to feel abnormal, to have crazy judgments, unhealthy instincts and is deemed untrustworthy and not sensible.
Megan’s mother played the part of the long-suffering mother. She went to doctor after doctor and was extremely concerned about her daughter. This only made the daughter more disturbed, because deep inside Megan knew that her mother was being hypocritical. Megan had tried over and over to demonstrate the traits her mother seemed to value in her siblings, but her mother never noticed. In kind of disturbance, the parent has a need to demonize a certain child, and nothing can dissuade the parent from that goal. The need is unconscious and is often generated by an upbringing in which something similar happened to the parent. This is a particular kind of narcissism that I call the Demonizing Parent Syndrome.
To her mother, Megan was inexorably, inexplicably twisted. Eventually Megan gave up trying to be good and began being the demon her mother wanted her to be. Eventually she began to hate her mother. “I want to kill her,” she told doctors. The mother responded, crying. “I just don’t know why she got that way. My husband and I have tried everything we could to help her.
Megan started acting out at home and at school, and by the time she was an early adolescent she was put into a mental hospital. Her mother sobbed uncontrollably when she signed the papers to put her into the hospital. Her Dad was stoic. Her brothers and sisters were not surprised. Megan felt relieved. In the hospital there were fellow patients who listened to her and tried to understand her and also understand how she got that way. Some staff members listened too, and saw that the family was toxic to Megan, and they recommended keeping her in the mental hospital, where she was flourishing. Megan always knew that she was not as disturbed as her mother made her out to be. But because of crowded space in hospitals she was sent back to the family and became even sicker.
Such cases happen all the time and nobody knows about them. A disturbed parent—it can be a mother or father or other guardian—will project their disturbance onto a particular child. Often it is a beautiful and smart child, someone who is threatening to the fragile, disturbed ego of the parent. The parent perhaps had a childhood in which the same thing was done to them. These things can be passed on from generation to generation.
Emotional abuse of this kind is hardly ever detected. When a parent takes a small child to a pediatrician, who is the doctor going to listen to, the parent or the child? The parent cries and shakes and says he or she has done everything possible. “What else can I do? Please tell me, Doctor?” The doctor is going to listen to the parent. The child is too confused, too discombobulated to speak in a coherent way about what is going on. If the child says something like, “She is making me crazy. She acts nice to others, but she is making me crazy,” the doctor will reply, “There, there, I’m sure your mother (or father) means well.” No one wants to hear what this child is saying.
In such instances, the parent’s disturbance remains hidden, projected onto the child. On some level the child sees this deception and become confused, angry and eventually enraged. The parent expresses deep sympathy for the targeted child and her siblings express deep sympathy for her and the submissive parent, to whom she turns for solace, tries to support her, but the submissive is under the sway of the dominant parent. There is nobody to whom the child can turn.
Such children spend a life feeling they have been unfairly miscast by the casting director. They become the disturbed people their parents cast them as, and they begin to act more and more disturbed. The toxin is deep inside them and has rendered them helpless. And the world sympathizes with the poor parents who have to deal with such “disturbed” children.
Narcissistic Parents
Narcissism seems to be on the rise in America and therefore so is narcissistic parenting. One of the biggest problems is that narcissistic parents do not have any inkling that they are doing something wrong. They are convinced that they are great parents and they convince their children that they are great parents. They are great actors because they completely believe in their act themselves and are therefore able to sell their act to their children and others.
In a case that I became acquainted with (not one of my own cases), the youngest child of a narcissistic mother was designated the “disturbed child.” The mother suffered from anxiety attacks during her pregnancy with “Mary,” and hence Mary picked up the stress chemicals from her mother’s body and was born cranky.
The mother had not wanted another child, and from the beginning she viewed Mary as a curse that she had to endure. She continually warned her other children that Mary was different and “not right.” The mother, being the “casting director” of the family, had everyone, including the father, treat Mary like a second-class citizen. When Mary was about twelve, she threatened to kill her mother. The mother, throwing her hands into the air in dismay, sought the help of doctors.
“I just don’t understand her. I feel her pain. What can I do? I just don’t know why she wants to kill me?” The doctors all sympathized with the mother, as she seemed so forlorn and concerned. Ironically, the more forlorn and concerned the mother became, the more Mary wanted to kill her. Eventually, at the doctor’s suggestion, Mary was put in a mental hospital.
The reason Mary wanted to kill her mother, and the reason she wanted to kill her even more when she acted sympathetic and concerned, was because at no time did the mother ever acknowledge that she had a role in her daughter’s anger at her, and Mary was aware of the Big Lie. When she was at home alone with Mary, the mother would often scream at her, “Why are you doing this to me? You have the Devil in you!” Sometimes she would punish her by locking her in a cellar. Mary was mocked by the whole family as if she were a pathetic person who was trying in some bizarre way to get attention, and therefore she was getting what she deserved.
The mother never gave Mary a chance from the time she was born. Nor did she feel guilty about anything she did; a narcissistic parent is convinced his or her opinions and actions are almost divinely inspired. When she talked to doctors, the mother was completely different than she was at home behind closed doors; she acted so concerned and so sympathetic and so distraught by her daughter’s situation that nobody doubted her. And she never doubted herself.
In the mother’s eyes, her daughter simply suffered from schizophrenia or some other disease and it was the mother’s unfortunate plight to deal with that. In fact, the mother had shined a negative spotlight on Mary from the time she was born. All Mary’s actions, thoughts, and spoken words were interpreted as negative evidences of her sickness.
If the daughter said she was angry at the mother, the mother would look at her with great sympathy and reply, “I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s your sickness that causes you to feel that way. I love you.” Thus Mary’s complaints were quickly dismissed by everybody in the family. Who would listen to a crazy person?
Since the mother was the dominate person in this household, the father was also under her sway and saw things through her eyes. He served as the mother’s sycophant. He also treated Mary as if she were disturbed, as did her three siblings, and the more they ganged up on her, the more she acted disturbed. Sometimes she turned to her father, hoping that he, as the other adult in the family, would listen to her and see what was happening. But he was like someone hypnotized; he would pretend to comfort her, but down deep he was convinced that she was crazy.
She was deeply disappointed by her father and It was enraging to her to be constantly persecuted by her family (in the guise of concern); and so she had nowhere to turn. After a while, she preferred living in a mental institution than living with her family. At least the staff members in the hospital listened to her and gave her some comfort about her family, as did other inmates in the hospital who had endured similar circumstances.
A parent’s job is to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for their children, to love them unconditionally (at least in the beginning), value them and respect them. However, sometimes a narcissistic parent’s disturbance causes him or her to seek out a particular child and make that child the scapegoat for their narcissistic rage. And they think up good reasons for doing so.
Adolph Hitler (2), the German Nazi leader, was one of the most narcissistic people who ever lived. In his childhood, his father beat him and yelled at him and treated him as if he were the worst human being in the world. As an adult he developed an inordinate narcissistic pride and saw himself as the great man who would resurrect German greatness, the savior that his father never thought he would be. He also sought out scapegoats on whom to dump the rage that had been drummed into him by his father. His scapegoats were the Jews, and he thought up good reasons for persecuting Jews, portraying them as devious, demonic people who were taking over German banks and other financial institutions.
Fortunately Mary found a therapist who did not treat her the way her family did. She treated her with the respect she always knew, deep down, she deserved. Through therapy she managed to regain some of the self-esteem she had lost in her childhood. Narcissistic parenting is harmful for the very reason that narcissistic parents are so good at disguising their harm. Only the victim of their harm has any inkling about the harm, but he or she is usually so confused and angry that all her complaints seem irrational.
Raising Awareness of Emotional Abuse
These are but a small sample of cases involving emotional abuse, but one which fairly represents some of the paths emotional abuse take. As I mentioned earlier, emotional abuse is under-reported and is not as easily detected as sexual or physical abuse. I would guess that emotional abuse is more prevalent than the other two types, and therefore should be a topic of concern to mental health professionals. But often mental health professionals do not understand the prevalence or harmfulness of emotional abuse, and they have a problem defining what constitutes emotional abuse.
Recently a young woman of 17, a high school student, complained to me that her mother was emotionally abusing her, which was causing her to have thoughts of committing suicide by jumping in front of a train. I was alarmed enough by this client that I called the Child Protective Services of New York to make a complaint. After explaining the problem, the woman immediately replied, “That’s not emotional abuse.” I was later to find out that for social workers emotional abuse is strictly defined as parental behavior that is threatening to the child. Unrelenting pressure to live up to parents’ expectations and, or chronic humiliation when a child fails to perform a task are, or chronic controlling behavior that drives a child to suicide are not considered by many experts as psychological or emotional abuse.
Emotional abuse can take many forms, some of them extremely subtle, as is evidenced by the cases in this paper. Often it is an ongoing attitude by parents to their children over a period of many years that renders them helpless and depressed (3) bringing to mind Martin Segelman’s work on “Learned Helplessness.” Each form of emotional abuse has its own behavioral outcomes. Neglect, for example, has been shown to be linked with children who are increasingly defiant and aggressive toward adults. Other research indicates that in general psychological abuse “is most strongly associated with depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, attachment problems and substance abuse.” This study, by the American Psychological Association, found solid links between psychologically abusive early life experiences and health across the board.
Hopefully this paper will raise the awareness of this very harmful kind of parenting and help to expand its definition and detail its scope, so that health professionals can devise proper treatments for it.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_abuse
2. http://www.biography.com/people/adolf-hitler-9340144
3. https://www.verywell.com/what-is-learned-helplessness-2795326
4. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014521340200341
5. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/douglas-labier/childhood-psychological-a_b_6301538.html
Politics and the Suppression of Psychoanalysis
by Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: Sigmund Freud has been attacked since he first began
writing about his theories of personality and development, stressing the
unconscious. Most recently, he has
all but been dismissed by current revisionist politics that have influenced the
social sciences, politics often referred to as “political correctness.” This article reviews and critiques some
of the examples of how psychoanalysis has been dismissed without a proper
Recently a Vermont Licensed Psychoanalyst reported that a 48-year-old man turned down a job because he feared that a co-worker would be gay. She characterized him as a crazed person who was upset that gay culture was becoming mainstream and blamed most of his personal, professional and emotional problems on the gay and lesbian movement. He was so obsessed with homosexuality, any articles in a magazine about gays made him agitated. He confessed that his fears had left him socially isolated and unemployed for years: A recovering alcoholic, the man even avoided 12-step meetings out of fear he might encounter a gay person. "He had a fixed delusion about the world," said Sondra E. Solomon, a psychologist at the University of Vermont. "He felt under attack, he felt threatened" (2005).
Mental health practitioners such as Solomon say they regularly confront extreme forms of racism, homophobia and other prejudice in the course of therapy, and that some patients are disabled by these beliefs. As a result, Solomon and others are asking whether pathological bias ought to be an official psychiatric diagnosis. This, unfortunately, is an example of how psychoanalysts are thinking today. This psychoanalyst has been swept along by the paranoid trend that fuels political correctness. She wants to punish her patient for daring to react with outrage to the paranoia and hostility of the Gay Rights Movement, a movement that sees homophobia everywhere and is on a crusade against it.
Since Sigmund Freud’s death in 1939, the theories that he and other psychoanalytic pioneers courageously worked out have been attacked from all sides and twisted around so that they are now seen as offenses against humanity and as disordered thinking. Today, that which is called psychoanalysis bears little resemblance to Freud’s psychodynamic theory. The articles that appear in today’s leading psychoanalytic journals have repealed his theories about homosexuality, about women, about drive theory, and about cultural psychology, but they don’t offer plausible theories that logically refute Freud and convincingly lead to a new direction. Instead, they often polemically discard his theories as “sexist” and “Victorian” and “homophobic” and preach a new kind of psychoanalysis. Mostly they follow the prevailing consensus. In other words, they are exercises in political correctness.
Freud believed that homosexuality was a sexual disorder. In his study of Leonardo Di Vinci (1916) he wrote: “Homosexual men who have started in our times an energetic action against the legal restrictions of their sexual activity are fond of representing themselves through theoretical spokesmen as evincing a sexual variation, which may be distinguished from the very beginning, as an intermediate stage of sex or as ‘a third sex.’” Freud goes on to note that the theories of gay rights advocates were formulated without regard to the psychogenesis of homosexuality. Psychoanalysts, he reiterated, who had studied homosexuality had all come to the conclusion. “In all our male homosexuals there was a very intensive erotic attachment to a feminine person, as a rule to the mother, which was manifest in the very first period of childhood and later entirely forgotten by the individual.” He adds that homosexual boy also had a relationship with a “weak or distant father in those early years,” which was also later forgotten. This view is now considered not only obsolete but sexist.
Richard C. Friedman’s book, Male Homosexuality, A Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspective (1988), offers the currently accepted, revisionist attitude toward Freud and his view of homosexuality. “The richness of Freud’s legacy is available to all. The scientific-clinical dimensions of his work now mandates a scientific response. As this response becomes more common, Freud’s valid insights will be preserved, and his incorrect speculations will fade away.” In other words, he is calling on all professionals to do the right thing, make a token gesture about Freud’s validity, then put Freud in his place.
He concludes that homosexuality per se cannot be considered as pathological. Instead, he focuses considerable attention on the role of childhood "unmasculinity" as the source of adult male homosexuality, referencing such works as Richard Green's The "Sissy Boy Syndrome" and the Development of Homosexuality. “I take a different approach to the theoretical and clinical problems of male sexual orientation than that offered by previous psychoanalytic treatments of the subject,” he states. “Two aspects of psychoanalytic psychology in particular need of change are those involving psychic determinism and sex differences in behavior.” In other words, Friedman does not feel that homosexual behavior is determined by unconscious conflicts or by events in the Oedipal stage. He, like many—if not most—psychoanalysts nowadays feels that the determinants of homosexuality are biological, not psychodynamic. He also believes that sex differences between males and females are greater than Freud and other early pioneers believed, and that the boy’s genetics and character predetermine his sexual orientation.
Every era has its myths, and the science of that era has to conform to those myths. This is true now and it has been true throughout history. The myth during Galileo’s era was that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the Earth. Galileo published two major works, Sidereus Nuncius and Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. The publication of the second of these created a storm of controversy since it debunked the myth of earth as center of the universe, causing him to be viewed as a madman possessed by the Devil. He was interrogated four times by the Inquisition, and in 1633 he was forced to recant his views of the heavens. Upon recanting, Galileo was put under house arrest until his death in 1642. Galileo’s story has been repeated again and again during other times and when other myths prevailed.
We have many myths today to which all social scientists must adhere, or else they risk punishment. No, they won’t be put under house arrest, nor will they be branded and burned as a witch. The punishment of social scientists will take form of professional and social ostracism, defamation of character, and sometimes loss of their job. And they will be forced to recant (or apologize). I am one of those who took that risk, revealing some of these myths in my writings, and as a result my work has been attacked, devalued, and viewed with disgust and contempt. Even though I have published 13 books in the field of psychology, only once have I been invited to speak at a scientific conference (that was at a previous NARTH convention). Eventually my papers were no longer accepted by journals, partly because they may have been blunt and angry, but partly because they did not conform to today’s myths. These myths concern the psychology of female development, the psychology of race, and the psychology of homosexuality, to name just a few.
Myths have always been a crucial element in the formation of movements; they serve as a rationalization and justification of their modes of operation. On a conscious level, movements present idealistic reasons for change; on an unconscious level, they provide a motivation for obtaining power and for acting out anger on other groups. The Communist Revolution in Russia proclaimed that it was for “the people,” and advocated the sharing of profits by all workers. But underneath this exalted idea was an unconscious desire to gain power and act out anger towards anyone who opposed them (a societal father transference). Millions ended up being exterminated by Stalin. Similarly, the Nazis in Germany proposed to rescue Germany from depression and chaos after World War I, but ended up acting out anger at the millions of Jews, who became their scapegoats. Today’s movements have advanced similar idealistic ideas (myths) and have used them to obtain power and to act out anger toward “out” groups—generally straights, white males, Christians and conservatives. I am focusing on two movements in particular: the Women’s Liberation Movement and the Gay Rights Movement, which I believe are interrelated. Let me hasten to add that I am not opposed to gays or women who strive for equality and respect in civil ways. I am opposed to militant political movements that attempt to control society through fear tactics and punish all who disagree with them. Because of ongoing pressures by these movements to force everyone to adhere to their myths, women can only be studied in ways that are approved by gender feminists (that is feminists who idealize women and degrade men); and gays and lesbians can only be researched in ways that the gay and lesbian community deem as correct and which uphold the current mythology that homosexuality is a normal variant of sexual orientation (2015). This effectively suppresses objective psychoanalytic research that attempts to find out the truth, whatever that truth is. Each movement suggests that its emotional disturbances are the result of prejudice and discrimination by other groups. Gender feminists blame patriarchy and misogyny as the culpable parties; and radical homosexuals decry homophobia.
The current myth with regard to homosexuality is that homosexuality is not only normal but even in some senses superior to heterosexuality. In fact, at this moment the Gay Rights Movement has become so strong that it is now insisting on controlling all the professional associations that govern psychology, psychoanalysis and social work. As we speak, the Movement is demanding that professional organizations such as the American Psychology Association pass ethical laws that would ban psychotherapists from helping homosexuals who want to be heterosexuals. The Movement claims that helping gays to become straight is giving into societal bias that pressures them to be straight. It says if someone is gay, a psychotherapist should help him to accept his homosexuality. They even claim that any psychotherapy which helps a gay man become straight is a form of brainwashing that may do harm to the patient.The movement has been protesting and pressuring professional organizations for many years. In 1977, a group of gay psychiatrists broke into a meeting of the American Psychiatry Association and verbally harassed a panel of psychiatrists who were discussing the next manual of mental disorders. This group of radicals demanded that homosexuality be taken out of the category of sexual disorders. It was later done. The movement similarly pressured the American Psychological Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association and other organizations to normalize homosexuality. Soon nearly all professional organizations fell into step.
The American Psychoanalytic Association was the last to join the normalization movement, and when it did, a schism occurred. Many psychoanalysts, like Charles Socarides, the cofounder of NARTH, had spent their lives doing research on homosexuality. Now, suddenly, their life work had been dismissed, not because of new research that had found their work deficient, but because of political sentiment. Before long the writings of those who viewed homosexuality as a sexual disorder was not only devalued but also considered a kind of moral crime against homosexuals.
The movement didn’t stop there. In the 1990s it joined transvestites and transsexuals in pressuring the APA to normalize transvestism and transexualism. Eventually, the gay rights movement became so influential that it seemingly turned the APA and other professional associations into a gay rights advocacy organizations. The bottom line is that those gays who are most unable to look at themselves objectively—the most radical gays—are now in charge of formulating homosexual policy at all our professional organizations. That’s like having the inmates take over the asylum. Now, as I noted previously, the Gay Movement wants the APA to ban sexual reorientation therapy. I believe the movement has gone too far, but I am only one weak voice among a million shrill voices, and the weak voices are immediately condemned as “homophobic.” Galileo was made to feel crazy because he saw that the Earth revolved around the sun. And today anybody who says that it is abnormal for a male to insert his penis into the anus of another male, is also made to feel crazy.
At the core of this and other moments is the notion that prejudice and discrimination are somehow linked with definitions of psychopathology. If psychologists view homosexuality as a sexual disorder, that is prejudice. If we view transvestism as a disorder, that is discrimination. In fact, if we view anything as a psychological disorder, we are insulting people and, yes, discriminating against them. The trend today is to either take everything out of the category of mental disorder, or at least to make everything a genetic or biological disorder. The American Psychiatric Association has now determined that schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, delusional disorders, bulimia and anorexia are all biologically based mental disorders. Other disorders, such as alcoholism and autism, are generally considered biological but have not been officially declared so by the APA. And still other disorders, such as homosexuality, have been removed from the category entirely. This trend continues despite new research that substantiates the psychopathology inherent in various disorders—such as important new studies by Hammersley and colleagues that link schizophrenia with child abuse (Hammersley and Mullen, 2005).
The Gay Rights Movement is only part of an overall trend. Starting in the late 1950s, America went through a revolution. This was a revolution of words, not of weapons; and it aptly demonstrated the old saying, “The tongue is mightier than the sword.” The revolution began with a change in childrearing practices. Previously America followed the “spare the rod, spoil the child” philosophy of childrearing. In the 1950s Dr. Benjamin Spock and his permissive philosophy of childrearing took American parents by storm. Indeed, his book, Baby and Child Care (1946), was one of the biggest bestsellers of all time. During Spock's long lifetime, the book would go through seven editions, be translated into 39 languages, and sell more than 50 million copies, making it second in sales only to the Bible. Before Spock parents had been told that picking up infants when they cried would only spoil them; Spock countered that cuddling babies and bestowing affection on children would only make them happier and more secure. Instead of adhering to strict, one-size-fits-all dictates on everything from discipline to toilet training, Spock urged parents to be flexible and see their children as individuals. Spock wasn’t all wrong, put parents interpreted his books to mean they should be permissive. Inadvertently Spock gave rise to a spoiled generation, a generation of Americans that felt entitled.
This sense of entitlement translated into the modern human rights movement and its branches. The “me generation” became the generation that demanded its human rights, but was not that big on human responsibility. This generation joined the gay rights movement and the feminist movement, radicalized them and made them into emotional revolutions. They cast themselves as victims, demanding their human rights and verbally assaulting anybody who disagreed with them. Feminism went from a minority to a majority of women, and the gay rights movement went from a handful of gays to a seeming majority of gays. This new kind of revolution was not fought with actual guns and bombs, but rather with emotional guns and bombs.
I was a young man during the 1960s and 1970s when the human rights movement ramped up. I got to where I no longer wanted to go to psychology conferences because of the demonstrations that invariably disrupted them. At every conference there would be a group feminists or gays that would scream at the presenters, treating them as though they were criminals. And it was not only conferences that were disrupted, but also news programs and talk shows on television and, indeed, any public gathering. I once went to a cello concert and the two women who were playing a cello duet suddenly put down their instruments and began lecturing the audience about how women were discriminated against in the music field. Anybody in the audience who attempted to speak out against them was immediately shouted down. A man got up and tried to say that it was unfair for them to use this concert as a vehicle for their cause. He was interrupted. “That’s what men have done to us for hundreds of years.” It was clear the two musicians had planned this event and had rehearsed for it.
Rap groups became the vogue during these years. Feminist rap groups and gay rap groups formed all over the country. A classified ad on the back page of the Village Voice, typical of that time, began with the headline, “Empower Yourself!” Underneath the headline, the copy read, “Gay men have been victimized for centuries. Learn how you can assert yourself against straight tyranny and find your true self!”
This verbal, emotional revolution had a large-scale ripple effect. These rap groups were in reality radical cells which led to revolutionary actions. Each individual cell and the combined cells orchestrated the events of the revolution. Each event had been very intricately worked out, down to the last detail. The assaulters knew they would provoke a response and were ready to shout down and shame anybody who responded. If a man spoke out, he would be dismissed as a sexist or a homophobe. If a woman spoke up she would be similarly dismissed with, “You’re a dupe of the male chauvinistic establishment!” If a black disagreed he was accused of being an “Uncle Tom.” After years of these confrontations, opponents were driven away and most people joined the movements, anxious to prove how liberal they were.
Mark Segal, one of the leaders of the American Gay Rights Movement, paved the way for this kind of radical activism. In 1973 Segal disrupted the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite, an event covered in newspapers across the country and viewed by 60% of American households, many seeing or hearing about homosexuality for the first time. Segal went on to disrupt The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and then Barbara Walters on The Today Show, going on tirades about gay persecution in each instance. The trade newspaper Variety claimed that Segal had cost the television industry $750,000 in production, tape delays and lost advertising revenue (Mark Segal, Wikipedia).
This was how the movements gradually wore all opponents down and took over our values. This is how radicals took over liberalism. The more liberal you are, the movement told us, the more you are in the know. If you are a moderate liberal, you don’t get it. If you are a centrist, you are confused. If you are a conservative, you are a sick. If you are a religious conservative, you are demented. Eventually, many of the prevailing theories of psychology were shot down, not due to new research, as I said previously, but because they weren’t liberal enough. This is how the liberal mob intimated and, yes, terrorized American culture, including the psychoanalytic establishment.
With regard to feminism, not only was all past psychoanalytic research on female psychology were shot down by gender feminists, but nearly all male writers and thinkers, starting with Freud and including such luminaries as Shakespeare, Strindberg, Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Hemingway and Mailer—to name but a few—were likewise dismissed (2003). It appeared that any male who was admired and looked up to by other males was devalued by this militant brand of feminism, and only males who were properly modest, giving a proper nod to feminism, were allowed to be any kind of leadership position. The violent complaints of these feminists continued for several decades until everybody either agreed or fell silent. Everybody either had to accept their truth as the sacred truth, or they had to be taught a lesson.
Freud and psychoanalysis were the first casualties of this human rights revolution. His biggest attackers came from the gender feminists and radical gays. For example Gilligan found Freud’s theories about women flawed by a masculine bias. She offered a new theory to replace them, based on what she claimed was new research studying primarily adolescent girls. She took to task for its bias not only Freudian psychoanalysis but virtually all theories about women in all fields of social science. In the place of Freud’s theories, she espoused a developmental line that “delineates the path not only to a less violent life but also to a maturity realized through interdependence and taking care” (1982, p.9). She argued that “Freud’s negative and derivative description of female psychology,” with its emphasis on the rejecting, close-binding mother, should be replaced with a “positive and direct” account of female development that stresses “the positive aspects of the attachment to mother” (ibid). It sounds good, but when one looks more closely at her research it becomes obvious that here again the radicals are idealizing their group (women) and degrading and demonizing Freud and men. Women are “positive and direct” while men are into “separation and violence”. Much research has been collected by gender feminists since the human rights revolution, but unfortunately is it nearly all biased; the research was not done to find out the truth, but in order to back up the mythological trends of our time. In essence, it is propaganda.
Christine Hoff Sommers in her book, Who Stole Feminism (1994), distinguished between two kinds of feminists, gender feminists, who she described as radicals who were angry at men, and equity feminists, who wanted women to have a chance for wider opportunities but did not idealize women or attack men. Summers criticized the way the gender feminist movement was taking over education, noting that ‘statistically challenged' feminists engage in bad scholarship to advance their liberal agenda.” By “statistically challenged,” Hoff was referring to the penchant for feminist writers to create overblown statistics such as “Every 7 minutes a woman is being beaten,” which she proved in her book to be nonsense. Hoff Summers referred to women’s studies in colleges as a form of indoctrination.Similarly, as I noted in the beginning, psychoanalysts now present a revisionist attitude toward homosexuality. On a webpage with the headline, “How Does Psychoanalysis View Homosexuality?” Dr. Niclas Berggren quotes from a letter from Ralph Roughton of the American Psychoanalytic Association on the APsaAs position toward homosexuality. Naturally, on this website, NARTH is the villain. “NARTH's official position is that homosexuality is ‘a treatable disorder.’ Dr. Socarides has repeatedly stated in writing that ‘the homosexual, no matter his or her level of adaptation and functioning in other areas of life, is severely handicapped in the most vital area -- interpersonal relations.’ He strongly opposed the adoption by the APsaA in 1991 of a resolution that required the selection of analytic candidates and faculty to be based on factors other than sexual orientation.” Roughton contrasts the APsaA’s position with NARTH’s. “Although the APsaA has no official position beyond the non-discrimination policy, we have officially moved forward with encouraging the acceptance of gay and lesbian candidates for analytic training and the appointment of gay and lesbian faculty members, including training analysts. There are now probably 30 to 40 openly gay and lesbian candidates in training in institutes affiliated with the APsaA. Nearly half of our institutes also have faculty members who are gay or lesbian, and two institutes have a gay or a lesbian training analyst. So you see, by this data, that our organization is strongly opposed to the repressive and negative ideas that NARTH represents, even more than any official statements or actions that have been taken” (Roughton, 2002).
The question that arises in my mind is, if the American Psychological Association is so into diversity in its institutes, why are there not a proportionate number of Christian psychoanalysts? Why are there not a proportionate number of dwarf psychoanalysts? You know the answer. They are not politically correct.
As I noted in the beginning, I see a connection between the Women’s Liberation Movement and the Gay Rights Movements. Both were copycats of the Civil Rights Movement. The difference is that the Civil Rights Movement was based on a something real and tangible: blacks began as slaves and evolved from their into second class citizens of our culture. The plight of women and gays cannot be compared to that of Blacks, and yet the Women’s Liberation Movement and the Gay Rights Movement both strived to do just that. Because women in the beginning were not allowed to vote, this was seen as a sign that they were second class citizens. Because homosexuals were categorized as having a sexual disorder, this was a sign they were being discriminated against. From these facts, the movements erected huge edifices of propaganda. In addition, there may be another link between gender feminism and gay rights; I have found in my own research that the mothers of radical gay rights advocates are often radical feminists. So the gay sons in effect, received their radical training from their mothers.
I hasten to add again, so as not to offend those in my audience who regard themselves as feminists, that I am not against feminism, only against radical feminists (or gender feminists, as Hoff refers to them), those who romanticize women and discriminate against men.
Psychoanalytic theory has changed over the years to fit this political change. The classical theory of Freud’s time, with its drive theory, has been largely left behind and replaced by a number of other theories. Psychoanalysis has become fragmented into different schools: Ego psychology, which started with Anna Freud and Alfred Adler, puts more emphasis on the ego functions; object relations, pioneered by Melanie Klein, explores relationships rather than drives; Carl Jung’s analytical psychology found meanings in the collective unconscious, dreams and myths and dabbled into parapsychology; Wilhelm Reich’s school went into the direction of biological psychology but ended up in mysticism; Heinz Kohut started the school of self-psychology with its new view of narcissism; Margaret Mahler wedded drive theory to object relations; Hyman Spotnitz conceived of modern psychoanalysis, which presumed a new understanding of schizophrenia; Jerome Kagan, in his book, Three Seductive Ideas,” has brought psychoanalysis to a physiological etiology: “The biology of the brain provides the basis for an envelope of psychological outcomes, just as a large outdoor pen constrains the animals inside but does not determine any one arrangement of the animals”; and in France, Jacques Lacan came up with yet another school which seems to be more philosophy than psychology. It was he who noted that, “Psychoanalysis is a terribly efficient instrument, and because it is more and more a prestigious instrument, we run the risk of using it with a purpose for which it was not made for, and in this way we may degrade it. (Lacan, n.d.)
Over the last century thousands of books have been written debunking Freud (2017). Along the way, Freud’s greatest discovery, that most of our ideas and behavior have unconscious motivations, has been all but discarded. Even most psychoanalysts today only pay lip service to the idea of the unconscious. The radicals who changed our current values never for one moment considered the unconscious, especially their own unconscious motivation (although they had no trouble attributing Freud’s theories to misguided (and therefore unconscious) bias. When I recently inserted two key words on Google, “Freud” and “sexism,” I found 92 pages of entries on this topic.
Psychoanalysis, from its inception, was about reality. The various political movements are about creating myths. Freud wanted people to face reality, to admit the truths that were buried in our unconscious. The political movements want to deny these truths and to erect myths to replace them.
The bottom line here is: what is the truth, and is it necessary for us to know the truth? Abraham Lincoln said, “Let the people know the truth and the truth shall make them free.” Lincoln was shot because some people did not want to know about the ideas he was advancing. Stating truths always arouses resentment. Was it necessary for us to know that the earth revolves around the sun and is not the center of things? Was it necessary for us to know that Homo sapiens have evolved from lower animals? Was it necessary for us to know that humans are largely motivated by unconscious feelings? Is it necessary for us to understand that homosexuality is a sexual disorder? Can’t we just spare people’s feelings and let things be? No, we can’t just let things be. The truth is necessary because it frees us from the false beliefs that lead to destruction. Every war that has ever been fought has been motivated by false beliefs. Every family dysfunction is based on false assumptions. Every individual conflict is rooted in self-deception. An alcoholic rationalizes that drinking is necessary because his job requires him to entertain customers. Corporations are destroying the earth’s rain forests based on the notion that global warming is a myth. The Nazis of World War II exterminated millions of Jews based on the false belief that Jews had caused all of Germany’s social and economic problems. To save ourselves, we must know the truth.
If I understand that obsessive-compulsiveness is a form of psychopathology, does that mean I disrespect obsessive-compulsives? If I understand that alcoholism is a substance-abuse disorder, does that mean I am biased against alcoholics? If I recognize that I have psychological disturbances, does that mean I look down on myself? No, it does not. There is a distinction between respecting someone as a fellow human and being objective about their flaws. It is important to understand one’s flaws and to accept them. If I simply insisted that all my faults were the result of society’s labeling and bias, I would not help myself and I would not help the people around me. If I insisted that everybody see things exactly as I see them that would be both egotistical and egocentric.
Freud and other pioneers in the
field of psychoanalysis did the initial studies of infantile sexuality,
homosexuality, female psychology and cultural psychology, and along the way
they engendered an angry response.
In the beginning, people laughed at psychoanalysis, calling it
“pornography,” “Jewish pseudoscience,” and “mysticism.” Later, when it turned out to be a
serious science, people began to pick at its various findings. But the angry response did not
discourage the early pioneers.
They would not be controlled by other people’s anger. Freud understood the ego defense
mechanisms such as projection and denial and how they unconsciously caused
people to rail against the truth; and although he ultimately became embittered,
he was not surprised at the attacks that were leveled at him. Indeed, up until his dying day, he
continued to revise and expand on his theories. And like Freud, I will also until my dying day continue to
revise and expand.
I do not think that I am a Galileo or Freud. But I do think my work—especially my later work—has more substance than it has been given credit for. In fact, I believe that it makes some points that many people are afraid to make, which I guess makes me braver or stupider than everybody else. Those who are wedded to political correctness may find my view repugnant and will only listen it in order to find weaknesses in the arguments and condemn it. But maybe, just maybe, there are some more rebels out there like me.
Bauer, Margaret D. “Forget the Legend and Read the Work: Teaching Two Stories by Ernest Hemingway.” College Literature 30.3 (2003): 124-137.
Crews, F. (2015). The Making of an Illusion. Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt & Company.
Freud, S., (1910), “Leonardo Da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood,” SE, 11: 57-137.
Gilligan, C. (1983), In aDifferent Voice, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Kinny, III, R. L. (2015). “Homosexuality and Scientific Evidence: On Suspect Anecdotes, Antiquated Data, and Broad Generalizations,” Linacre Quarterly November, 2015; 82(4): 364–390.
Lacan, J. (n.d.), BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved July 5, 2010, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jacqueslac316666.html
Read, J., Hammersley, P., Mullen, J. P. (2006), “Child Sexual Abuse and Schizophrenia: Author’s Reply,” The British Journal of Psychiatry, January 1, 2005; 186(1): 76 - 76.
Roughton, Ralph (2002), “How Does Psychoanalysis View Homosexuality?”, quoted in a letter from the American Psychoanalytic Association by Nicolas Berggren, World Wide Web.
Segal, M., in “The Gay Rights Movement,” Wikipedia, World Wide Web.
Spock, B. (1946) Baby and Child Care, Revised in 2004, Pocket Books, New York.
Sommers, C. H. (1994), Who Stole Feminism, New York, Touchstone Books.
Vedantam, S. (2005), “Psychiatry Ponders Whether Extreme Bias Can Be a Mental Illness,” Washington Post, Saturday, December 10, 2005.
New Directions for Person-Centered Therapy
By Deborah Bynoe-Lao
ABSTRACT: This article, after presenting an overview of the evolution of person-centered therapy, introduces a new, integrated approach to the clinical theory of Carl Rogers, including the use of the therapeutic alliance and pre-therapy. It also suggests new training methods for people practicing humanistic therapy, linked to recent research and examines some of the directions person-centered therapy should go, based on this research, as well as some of the limitations of person-centered therapy. It concludes by showing how it can be integrated with other approaches, in order to make it more eclectic. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Historical Background
Person Centered Therapy was created by Carl Rogers, and described in a series of publications between 1951 and 1965. His book, Client-Centered Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications and Theory (1951), is widely regarded as one of the core contributions to the beginning of a new approach to psychotherapy that he called “client centered therapy” (Barrett-Lennard (2007).
The ideas that led to the creation of PCT emerged from an interaction between Rogers’ own personal and professional experiences and world conditions at the time. During his youthful years Rogers spent some of his time on a farm, where he was especially interested in the process of facilitating growth. In order to learn how to expedite growth he began testing hypotheses about what works. This perspective characterized his experimental attitude toward life and understanding human interaction and guided the development of his ideas (Bohart and Watson, 2011). During his senior year in college, Rogers visited China, where his witnessing of great suffering reinforced his desire to help people. His experience continued when he went to graduate school where he placed more emphasis on accepting people for who they are and seeing the best in them. In order to improve his ability to help people Rogers obtained a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University (Barrett-Lennard (2007)
Two additional influences on Rogers were the American Zeitgest during the Roosevelt years (Barrett-Lennard, 1998) and his own experience with clients (Rogers, 1961). According to Barrett-Lennard (1998) Rogers adopted several ideas from President Theodore Roosevelt. These include encouraging other people to be themselves, accepting different ways of thinking, and then trying to integrate their diverse views. He also learned from his experiences with his own clients that people should be treated with respect, trust, and with reason even if their behavior was irrational. This led Rogers to eventually try to empower people, by assuming that they are open to new ideas and using trial and error learning to help them develop (Rogers, 1961).
Overview of Person-Centered Theory
Person Centered Therapy is unique in terms of both the assumptions it makes about people and the methods used to help them. One of the most basic assumptions of PCT is that the client is the main figure in the therapeutic process. One of the main goals of PCT is to help the client self-actualize, that is to become the best form of themselves they can (Bohart, 2007). This is achieved in at least two ways. First, PCT is centrally focused on the clients’ present experience in therapy, that is, on the client’s subjective experience. This is an important part of their humanity (Elliot et al., 2013). Second, the client is her own therapist. One of the therapeutic approaches of PCT is for clients to have the freedom to self-disclose and feel open to their own experience, through a process that was not driven by their therapist. In his form of therapy the most important therapeutic approach is acceptance of the clients and understanding the meaning of what the clients are trying to convey (Bohart and Watson, 2011). In addition, client learning plays a central role in PCT. Therefore, PCT tries to provide an environment in which the therapist listens carefully to the client, tries to understand her point of view, and is accepting, and genuine, in the hope it will make the client feel comfortable enough to trust the therapist and her own experience (Rogers, 1961). It is assumed this will facilitate the client’s growth.
What it Means to be Fully Functioning.
According to PCT, being open to experience is the most effective way of operating your life. The idea is not to be rigid. When you are open to new information, it is a sign that you are fully functioning (Bohart, 2003). As indicated by Bohart (2007), humans are constantly learning and changing their ways of functioning. We continue to grow and change and personality structures continue to evolve. According to PCT, the fully functioning person is someone who is more aware, trusting, open to consequences, experiences all of his or her feelings and actions, and corrects her behavior if it is less than satisfying (Rogers, 1963). Special emphasis is given to being present, which mean in the here and now, and being responsible for one’s own choices (Rogers, 1963), which leads to becoming fully functioning.
From the PCT perspective, what is most important to keep in mind is that as clients interact with the world around them they continuously learn new things. This process of learning from experiences causes growth, and change. Because the client is constantly having experiences it means that she is constantly growing (Caspi, Elder, & Herbener, 1990). As a result, even though each client has some core characteristics, even these evolve, in accordance with her experiences (Caspi, Elder, & Herbener, 1990). It is for this reason that PCT perceives personality as the momentary expression of ever changing conditions, expanding knowledge, and biological dispositions, or as a process, in the moment. In addition, Warner (2009) also indicated that PCT therapists sometimes use the word “process” to include the innate drive toward actualization that is a characteristic of each life form.
The self is a key factor for person centered theory. Rogers described the self as, “… an organized fluid, but consistent conceptual pattern of characteristics and relationships of the “I or the me” together with the values attached to those concepts” (Rogers, 1951, p. 498). From the PCT perspective, the individual is consistently aware of the different parts of self, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Part of what makes the self so important from the PCT perspective is that people tend to organize their experience within their sense of self (Warner, 2009). As a result, the self is like a map that the person uses to help navigate the world.
When the individual is self-actualized, their sense of self has some components that are relatively stable, but others that tend to be fluid, depending on their personal experiences. Sometimes, new experiences cause a change in one’s self-concept. When this happens, the change tends to be focused on the part of self one discovers, and the self is reorganized in a way that makes it more congruent with their whole experience (Warner, 2009). This is consistent with the view that congruence consists of constantly integrating the different parts of the self into an increasingly cohesive whole (Warner, 2007). If the client is self-actualized, the changes to the self tend to enhance her self-development. On the other hand, if an individual holds a rigid self-concept, it can lead to psychological dysfunction.
Warner (2009) mentions that a central assumption of PCT is that the individual has the capacity to act on her own behalf, a quality frequently referred to as agency in the psychological literature. Rogers (1959) indicates that, from infancy onward, behavior is likely to be a goal-directed attempt of the individual to satisfy her own needs for actualization in their reality as perceived. Based on Rogers’ research, children are able to survive under difficult circumstances because they have the built in potential for resilience.
Also, PCT sees the client as a holistically fully functional person, having control and operating on one’s values instead of rigidly conforming to what society dictates. The premise is that while in therapy clients are capable of identifying their own next steps (Rogers, 1951). Warner (2009) indicates that agency is not the same as being independent, or an individual. Instead, “… it is the capacity to find a personally right balance between one’s own desires, the needs of others, and the values of society.” (2009, p 114) The client is able to cope and face challenges, and this is fundamental to effective functioning (Dweck & Leggett, 1988).
According to Kahn & Rachman (2000) one of the central concerns of PCT is with personality change. Personality change was described in terms of the self. According to PCT, it is not the responsibility of the therapist to tell the client how, or in which direction, to change her personality (Cooper, 2007). It is the client who must take the lead. However, it was accepted by PCT that the individual has a natural, innate, tendency to grow in the direction of self-actualization (Cooper, 2007). When mature personality change does occur, it is characterized by an increase in the integration of the different parts of self and a reduction in personal internal conflict (Rogers, 1957). In order for meaningful personality change to take place, PCT holds that several conditions must be met. First, the client must be in a state of incongruence, the client and therapist must be in psychological contact, and the therapist must display unconditional positive regard, empathy, and understanding toward the client (Rogers, 1957). If these conditions are sustained over a period of time the process of constructive personality change will follow.
Psychopathology According to PCT
One of the defining characteristics of PCT is it’s contention that one of the main indicators of a personality disorder is the presence of incongruence in the client (Warner, 2007). Incongruence refers to a discrepancy between the actual experience a person is going through and their own personal perception of that experience (Rogers, 1957). Where incongruence occurs, it is a sign that the individual is not open to experience as it actually occurs, but that there exists some type of block that is obstructing openness to experience (Cornelius-White, 2007; Warner, 2007). According to Cornelius-White (2007), a clinician who states one idea and feels another is demonstrating a denial of some aspect of reality. The same is true of clients. The problem is that this creates an atmosphere of emotional dishonesty (Warner, 2007). When it is the therapist who does this, it creates an unsafe environment for the client (Cornelius–White, 2007). When it is the client who does this, it makes it more difficult to help that person, since their interpretation of events may be inconsistent with that of others (Warner, 2007). This makes the understanding of congruence/incongruence vital to the outcome of therapy.
According to PCT, when a client is unable to manage her experiences, or be open to her own experience, especially internal experience, the client is disempowered (Gendlin, 1967). In addition, when a person comes to sense that her inner life is in a state of confusion and sick, she may turn away from it altogether, presuming that there is nothing there to be trusted (Gendlin, 1967). When this happens, the client may become incongruent, vulnerable, and nervous, and interpret the actions of others as indicators of their own low worth (Bozarth, 2013). The client’s conditions of worth may develop into conditional positive self-regard (Rogers 1959). On the other hand, if conditional positive regard conflicts with the client’s organismic (individual) experiences then the client experiences incongruence from time to time (Rogers, 1959). Speierer (1998) suggests that everyone experiences incongruence from time to time, but that it only becomes pathological when it overcomes the client’s level of tolerance.
Core Conditions of the Therapeutic Relationship
One of the defining characteristics of PCT is the way in which therapists interact with their clients. As defined originally, three of the primary conditions of a good therapeutic relationship are unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence (Rogers, 1957).
Unconditional Positive Regard
According to Bozarth (2007), unconditional positive regard (UPR) is one of the most essential aspects of PCT. Bozarth (2007) said that unconditional positive regard occurs when the therapist accepts the client with warmth, including his/her imperfections. From the client’s perspective, this entails feeling as though she is being perceived in a positive way by the therapist (Bozarth, 2007). He noted that positive regard was a fundamental learned secondary need of persons, normally developed in infancy
Todd and Bohart (1994) indicated that unconditional warmth by the clinician means that the clinician should not judge or evaluate the client. Interestingly, this means that the clinician should not even label the client for diagnostic purposes, since this is a way of pigeonholing the client. It is better that the clinician focus on the individual’s phenomenology. This way the clinician can more easily accept the client’s reality and choices without forcing any restrictions on them (Todd and Bohart, 1994).
Finally, Kensit (2000) notes that the client moves toward openness, respectfulness, and self-discovery so long as a trusting and respectful environment is provided. Bozarth (2013) noted that it is the patient’s ability to see the clinician’s unconditional positive regard, offered through empathic understanding that makes possible the patient’s unconditional positive self-regard.
According to Cornelius-White (2007), congruence is one of the most challenging person-centered concepts to measure and understand. What makes it important is that when it is done well, it may facilitate growth. Cornelius-White (2007) noted that, “Congruence refers to the internal, relational and ecological integration of persons” (p. 168). It is the extent to which the self is related to the ideal self. Also, Seeman (2001) noted that congruence is a broad construct that helps to define each person and provide boundaries on who that person may become.
Kensit (2000) notes that congruence (which is typically held to be synonymous with genuineness) requires that the clinician actively listen to the client and, in a sense, occupy their world. Also, the clinician should reflect accurately to the client his or her feelings. When the client believes that the therapist is listening to her it will help her to create more order and integrate different parts of self (Rogers, 1951).
According to Freire (2007) empathy is the central idea in the practice of PCT. From the PCT perspective, an ideal therapist is empathic, and a study by Raskin (1974) ranked it as the most important factor in therapeutic success. Greenberg et al. (2001) indicate that empathy is a form of understanding the client. It involves the clinician having the ability and willingness to grasp the client’s view point, feelings, and challenges from the client’s point of view. It is the therapist’s ability to see through the lens of the clients, and to adopt her frame of reference. The idea is that the therapist is sensitive to the client’s perspectives about their own world, while also being open to alternative interpretations of the client’s experiences (Greenberg et al., 2001). This then enables the therapist to become aware of, and share, meanings that the client is not aware of
Freire (2007) mentioned that there are several reasons empathy is so important in PCT. First, it is closely related to the actualizing tendency. For example, Freire cites some research showing that a clinician who is fully integrated within himself will exhibit empathy toward his clients. Second, the more clinicians and teachers are sensitive and exhibit understanding, the more likely useful learning and change are to occur. Third, the emphasis on empathy is a distinguishing characteristic of PCT, in that it puts the power in the client-therapist relationship in the hands of the client. It is the therapist who must understand the client in order to be most helpful (Freire, 2007).
How PCT Evolved
Since person-centered therapy was introduced, in the 1940s and 1950s, there has been a great deal of discussion and research on what works and what doesn’t work. And, there have been many people who have thought about it and made suggestions for improvements. Although the basic principles have held up well in response to empirical research, there have been some changes that have also persisted. Among the most important changes are changes in the way personality is perceived (Cooper, 2007), the therapeutic methods used (Bozarth, 2007), the research methods used (Angus et al., 2015), and the ways in which new therapists are trained (Hill and Corbett, 1993).
Although the original model for PCT described the development of personality as individualistic, contemporary humanistic theorists have gravitated to the view that development generally occurs in interrelationship with other people (Cooper, 2007). We are not as isolated as the original PCT model of development suggests. From birth, we interact with our parents, and significant others, who support, challenge, and guide us (Cooper, 2007). Also, human development always occurs in a context that interacts with the characteristics of the individual to affect changes in that individual. An early criticism of the original PCT model of development is that it is too limited. It does not take into account the diversity of influences on the individual and so fails to account for many possible outcomes (Kensit, 2000). More contemporary developmental theorists incorporate more phenomena into their models, and so their models are more powerful than the original PCT model (e.g., Cooper, 2007).
General Practices
According to Bohart (2007), self-actualization is continuous, and consists of enhancing one’s awareness and capabilities. Bohart (2007) observes that personal development is associated with an expansion of the self and an improvement in one’s ability to cope. He continues by noting that it is unhealthy to have a rigid self-concept, because selves continue to grow and change, and the individual needs to modify oneself in order to include new experiences just as an individual must revise other concepts to fit with one’s experience. According to Bohart (2007), one of the ways in which PCT has changed is in moving away from the view that self-actualization is what a therapist triggers to the view that self-actualization itself drives the therapeutic process, with the role of the therapist being to facilitate it, or get out of the way, rather than make it happen.
One of the areas in which there has been growth on the part of PCT methodology is in the role of “unconditional positive regard” (UPR). According to Bozarth (2007), classical PCT theory sees unconditional positive regard as the key factor that drives the therapeutic process. The general idea is that client’s come for treatment because they have developed a form of conditional self-regard. According to the original formulation of PCT, by providing unconditional positive regard that therapist provides the conditions for the client to regain a sense of unconditional positive self-regard. However, Bozarth (2007) observes that more contemporary therapists view UPR as one of many aspects of the therapeutic environment that facilitate client growth. Whereas the original version of PCT claimed the UPR was a necessary and sufficient condition for client growth, more contemporary theorists claim that UPR is neither necessary nor sufficient for client healing, but is instead a facilitative condition (Bozarth, 2007).
In the original form of PCT, the client is the expert on herself. The client, therefore, takes the lead in the therapeutic relationship (Rogers, 1951). At the same time, the interactions between the therapist and client were thought of as being affected by the extent to which the therapist displayed empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence. However, Kirschenbaum and Jourdan (2005) note that there is a shift underway, toward thinking of the therapeutic relationship more as a “therapeutic alliance” (borrowing a term from psychoanalysis) between the therapist and client. What is different about this model is that the therapist and client are seen as partners, working together for the common cause of helping the client improve her functioning. In practice, this means the therapist and client form an understanding, if not an explicit contract, about what will happen in their relationship (Kirschenbaum and Jourdan, 2005). From this perspective, each participant brings something to the relationship. It also opens the door for the therapist to be less passive in the relationship, more overtly contributing her expertise. This does not discount the importance of the original core conditions in PCT. Instead, it places them in a different, more powerful, context (Kirschenbaum and Jourdan, 2005).
According to Wyatt (2007) and Van Werde and Prouty (2007), one of the ways in which the processes used in PCT have evolved is through the addition of what Prouty has referred to as “Pre-therapy.” With clients who are initially unresponsive to normal treatment (such as clients who are schizophrenic, mentally retarded, or demented), it is hard to establish therapeutically meaningful contact. According to Prouty (2002), it is helpful to focus on building the ability of those clients to process their experiences in a way that enables them to form a meaningful therapeutic relationship with a therapist. This may be done by focusing on what Prouty refers to as contact functions, behaviors, and reflections. Since these steps must be achieved before these clients can enter into a meaningful therapeutic relationship, they are referred to as pre-therapy. Prouty’s research on this matter has produced significant positive results.
Recent Research.
Angus et al. (2015) note that the evolution of methods of conducting research in humanistic psychotherapy originated with the work of several key researchers, one of whom was Carl Rogers. At the time PCT was first invented, the gold standard of empirical research was the controlled experiment (Elliot, 2007). However, almost nobody was doing any empirical research on the effects of psychotherapy. One of the ways this has changed is that PCT sparked a revolution, characterized by a dramatic increase in the amount and quality of empirical research that was done on psychotherapy. According to Hill and Corbett (1993), early research on the effects of psychotherapy was naturalistic. This gave way to a focus on analogue (or quantitative) research, followed most recently by qualitative research.
However, Elliot et al. (2004) note that at least half of all of the empirical research done on the efficacy of PCT has been conducted after 1990. As a result, most of the highest quality research on the effects of PCT has taken the form of controlled experiments. According to Elliot (2007), this has the advantage of producing the kind of results that are valued most highly by the academic community. Angus et al. (2015) add that there has also been an increase in the amount of high quality empirical research that has been done on PCT. They note that therapeutic techniques are increasingly relying on testing and empirical support.
On the other hand, this also presents a problem. According to Elliot (2007) this (positivistic) approach ignores issues such as the subjective experience of the client. It makes it difficult to know which specific practices caused a significant qualitative shift in the therapeutic relationship. And it ignores questions about which specific practices produce the most improvement in the quality of life of the clients. As a result, Elliot (2007) suggests that research on the efficacy of PCT should include more qualitative studies. Unfortunately, he notes that this poses a different problem, since qualitative studies are not as highly regarded by the academic community as are the quantitative studies. According to Angus et al. (2015), this problem may be in the process of being solved, as there has recently been resurgence in the number of high quality qualitative studies done on PCT therapy.
Perhaps the most important way in which PCT research has evolved is by moving in the direction of using empirical research to find out what works, and what doesn’t. Goldfried (2007) has observed that the field of psychotherapy is evolving in the direction of using evidence-based methods. This means that therapists are increasingly relying on methods that are shown to work by empirical research. It also means that new creative ideas are increasingly being tested empirically, instead of being used indefinitely without knowing if they are truly effective.
Therapist Training
Another of the areas in which PCT has evolved is in therapist and counselor training. Inspired by Rogers’ own empirical research on what worked, others began to focus their attention on how to train therapists and counselors to develop the skills that are most effective in facilitating client recovery. Hill and Corbett (1993) indicate that even though Rogers did not approve of such an emphasis on therapist behaviors and training his contributions helped to revolutionize training in counseling psychology. Hill and Corbett (1993) indicate that many psychologists have accepted Rogers’s ideas about facilitating treatment conditions, and have tried to operationalize them into specific clinicians’ skill that can be taught. Hill and Corbett (1993) also mention that numerous influential training models are well known, but they focus on three models which appear to have significant influence on counseling psychology, i.e., Carkhuff’s Human Resource Training, Ivey’s Microcounseling, and Kagan’s Interpersonal Process Recall.
According to Hill and Corbett, Ivey’s Microcounseling model is an innovative contribution that contributes, “a sophisticated technology for training, which involves modeling, practice, and feedback.” (Hill and Corbett, 1993, pg 6). In addition, the different skills that are considered important for being a good counselor are taught one at a time. In their review of the literature on different training methods, Hill and Corbett (1993) cite studies by Baker and colleagues that claim that the results of empirical research provide strong support for the efficacy of the Microcounseling model. Despite these findings, it is important to remember Hill and Corbett’s (1993) observation that many other forms of training have been developed and continue to benefit from the PCT emphasis on empirical investigation into the efficacy of any model.
Research on the Efficacy of PCT
Hill and Corbett (1993) note that the best way to study the effects of treatment is to compare the client’s behavior before therapy to her behavior after treatment. The PCT approach to psychotherapy was characterized by a greater degree of concern for empirical confirmation than was common during the 1940s and 1950s (Kirschenbaum and Jourdan, 2005). One of the benefits of this was that it spurred a great deal of empirical research into the efficacy of PCT (Hill and Corbett, 1993). One of the problems with this was that some of that research had methodological problems, sometimes producing misleading results.
Kirschenbaum and Jourdan (2005), in their review of the empirical research on PCT, note that the early studies were very supportive of PCT, but were plagued by methodological problems, such as small sample sizes and biased analyses. More recent studies have used stronger methodology and include several meta-analyses. Among these, Kirshenbaum and Jourdan describe a meta-analysis by Bohart, Elliott, Greenberg, and Watson that examined the results of 47 studies, with more than 3,000 clients. They found a medium effect size for the use of empathy on positive therapeutic outcomes. Kirschenbuam and Jourdan (2005) also cite the results of a meta-analysis by Orlinsky, Grawe and Parks that summarizes the results of 76 studies of the efficacy of the use of affirmation by therapists. According to them, 56 percent of the results supported the efficacy of using affirmation. Kirschenbaum and Jourdan (2005) also reviewed studies of the efficacy of therapists’ use of congruence with their clients. They found that these studies produced generally positive results, but not as strong as with empathy and affirmation. Citing still more recent research on PCT’s three key conditions for successful therapeutic interventions, Kirschenbaum and Jourdan (2005) note that it is likely that empathy, affirmation, and congruence may be neither necessary, nor sufficient, conditions for successful treatment, but that instead they are facilitative conditions. In addition, Kirschenbaum and Jourdan (2005) cite empirical studies that appear to support the shift in thinking about the therapeutic relationship toward the idea of a therapeutic alliance between therapist and client.
One of the specific practices of PCT that has received research attention is empathy. As noted by Freire (2007), many studies have found a positive correlation between the clinician’s empathy and client outcomes. In their meta-analysis of the effects of empathy in treatment, Greenberg et al. (2001) found that empathy accounts for a significant effect size of r = .32. However, this study was not limited to PCT forms of therapy. On the other hand, they note that there were no significant differences between different theoretical orientations in the effects of empathy on client outcomes.
If we examine the ways in which PCT has changed since its inception, we may find several general patterns. First, the underlying theory is becoming more inclusive. That is, it is being expanded to include more factors that may influence the development of the individual as well as progress in treatment. We see this in Cooper’s (2007) work on the factors that influence personality development. Second, PCT is being expanded to include more methods to treat clients. This is seen in Bohart’s (2007) ideas about how best to nurture self-actualization and Van Werde and Prouty’s (2007) work on pre-therapy. Third, there is a general trend toward having the client take a greater leadership role in the therapeutic process. This is seen in Bohart’s (2007) work on self-actualization and Bozarth’s (2007) work on unconditional positive regard. Fourth, there is a trend toward greater flexibility, as seen in Van Werde and Prouty’s (2007) addition of pre-therapy as an option and Bozarth’s (2007) idea that unconditional positive regard by the therapist may not be either necessary nor sufficient to bring about a significant improvement in clients. Fifth, research in PCT continues to improve in quality. This is characterized by an improvement in the rigor of therapeutic research as well as an expansion of research methods to include more high quality options, with less of a focus on only experimental designs. It also includes a greater tendency to test therapeutic methods with empirical research (Angus et al., 2015).
At the same time that PCT has evolved, there are many key ideas that remain relatively unchanged. For example, empathy on the part of the therapist continues to be one of the central features of PCT. Greenberg et al. (2001) conducted a meta-analysis of 47 studies and found that empathy is a significant factor in the efficacy of therapy. Because of the results of such studies the key ideas of empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence are still central to the practice of PCT. They may not be as necessary as once thought, but there is widespread agreement that they are all helpful (Kirschenbaum and Jourdan, 2015).
Limitations of PCT
Although PCT has proven to be an effective form of treatment for many psychological disorders, it is not without limitations. One of the limitations of PCT concerns the way it deals with behavioral problems that were learned. According to Kensit (2000), there are many clients who suffer from the effects of learned behaviors that are counterproductive. For clients such as these, it may be most effective to help them unlearn those behaviors. For example, if a client is afraid of flying in airplanes, it may be more effective to use some form of counter conditioning rather that have them engage in the PCT approach of trying to nurture self-actualization.
Another limitation of PCT is that it doesn’t give enough attention to the importance of genetic dispositions (Kensit, 2000). There are many psychological disorders that have a physical component. For example, a client who is suffering from a genetic predisposition to suffer from schizophrenia is unlikely to recover fully when using PCT treatment alone.
A third limitation of PCT is that it tends to not give enough attention to environmental influences on client behavior (Kensit, 2000). There are many clients who develop maladaptive behaviors in response to the conditions in which they live. In some cases, those behaviors may seem adaptive in the specific environment in which they were learned, yet be counterproductive outside that environment. For example, a young man who joins a neighborhood gang in order to survive in a large city may develop very aggressive behaviors to survive in the gang and in his neighborhood. But those aggressive behaviors may be counterproductive in other environments.
Kensit (2000) also notes that the non-directional approach used by PCT may not always be in the client’s best interest. In some cases, clients are not able to self-actualize, even with a therapist’s help. This may occur when a client is blocking their innate disposition for some reason. When this happens that client may have difficulty apprehending what is truly in their best interest, or what types of behavior are most compatible with their true self. In situations like this, it may be advantageous if the therapist takes the lead and guides the client toward a resolution of the underlying problem.
Personal Perspective
Despite the advocacy by PCT of the key therapeutic conditions (i.e., unconditional positive regard, congruence, and empathy), there are critics who question the efficacy of this approach. According to Kirschenbaum and Jourdan (2005), a few studies indicate that no specific benefits ensue from meeting one or another of these core conditions. However, the overall pattern of findings supports the claim that these conditions are associated with positive therapeutic outcomes. In my opinion these core conditions are the foundation for most of the different therapeutic approaches. It is imperative for clients to receive warmth, understanding, and genuineness regardless of the therapeutic approach the therapist may utilize during a therapy session.
Clearly, many clients have had reduced symptoms when treated with a pure PCT therapeutic approach within the medical framework (Finke & Teusch, 2007). And, the PCT approach appears to be effective with clients who suffer from depression, anxiety, depressive, somatoform, and personality agoraphobia, panic, and alcohol addiction disorder (Finke & Teusch, 2007). On the other hand, each client is different.
Despite the effectiveness of PCT for many clients, there are others for whom PCT may not be the therapy of choice. Or, there may be specific conditions, as suggested by the limitations of PCT above, for which PCT may not be the most suitable therapeutic approach. Therefore it is vital for clinicians to sometimes add techniques from other approaches that are consistent with the needs of the clients if PCT alone does not appear to work with that particular client. This is consistent with the observation by Hill and Corbett (1993) that many therapists are using techniques that are based on the needs of the client, rather than just PCT, and that most therapists adhere to more than one theoretical approach.
In my opinion, one of the benefits of the person-centered therapy approach is that it can be integrated with other approaches, which provides mutual benefits for both the client and therapist. This point of view is supported by Cepeda & Davenport (2006) who note that PCT and solution focused (SF) techniques are frequently compatible, even though these theories make dissimilar assumptions about the clinician’s role in facilitating patient care. For instance, Norum (2000) indicated that one of the commonalities between PCT and SF is that both are similar with respect to increasing the client’s awareness.
In my professional experience working with adolescents, I find it interesting that some of my clients’ symptoms were reduced when I used only PCT treatment methods while other clients did not seem to benefit as much. Therefore I made a conscious decision to work with those clients who didn’t benefit enough from a pure PCT approach by integrating different approaches along with PCT.
One of the clients that I worked with was an adolescent female who appeared to have a challenge trusting counselors. This client was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as suffering from depression, conduct disorder, and substance abuse. My first counseling session with her was interesting, in that she did not want to talk with me. During the next session she spoke with me for a few minutes, and then left my office. I continued to show warmth, understanding, acceptance, and genuineness each time we met. The core conditions appeared to have worked for her, in part, but it was clear to me that I had to include other approaches.
One particular problem I discovered with this client is that she had contracted a sexually transmitted disease but was resistant to getting treatment for almost one year. I wanted to help her deal more effectively with this problem but was not sure how to proceed. Even though, PCT was my preferred choice for helping this client, it occurred to me that goals and techniques (such as homework) are not included in person-centered therapy. This is consistent with Brodley’s observation, “Nevertheless, some clients of some client-centered therapists choose to engage in homework and to interact with their therapists about homework experiences as part of their therapeutic path.” (Brodley, p. 148, 2006). As I spoke with this client she indicated that she was open to doing some homework assignments. So, we discussed this and she decided to do a homework assignment that consisted of learning more about the effects of sexually transmitted diseases. Since she was making small steps I went along with her choice of designing her own homework. During the next session, the client disclosed to me what the homework meant to her, and that she was going to continue to pursue that exercise.
According to Brodley (2006), between 15-20 percent of her patients volunteer to do some homework outside the therapy session. She notes that her clients appeared to have felt in control and empowered by engaging in homework that they set for themselves while in therapy. This observation is consistent with the claim made by my client during a later session that having to work on the homework exercises helped her to feel empowered. Based on the scientific research reported in the professional journals, and my own professional experience, it appears that some clients feel that they need to feel more included in the selection of goals and at the same time are receptive to the person–centered therapeutic approach. In the case of this specific client, I believe my use of unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence helped set the stage for a breakthrough with a client who had resisted medical treatment for a serious condition. During the following session the client and I went to the nurse and she received the medical treatment she needed.
What works best in counseling is the core conditions that facilitate personality growth and change in clients. When clients are able to feel the warmth, genuineness, and acceptance from their therapist, it opens doors for the clients to navigate their options with open-mindedness, facilitating positive change, growth and strength.
This paper addresses the evolution and the efficacy of PCT and how these translate into my experiences and ideas regarding the counseling relationship. Even though the evolution aspects of PCT may arise in certain areas in the counseling relationship, there are other areas that remain constant yet effective to date, like unconditional positive regard and congruence. The research has shown that empathy has evolved, and this therapeutic alliance when combined with CBT has a great outcome when treating clients with depression (Kirschenbaum and Jourdan, 2005). Also, it is crucial to note that when the core conditions are present they facilitate the formation of a sound, stable, working alliance between the client and therapist.
I believe one of the strengths of the person-centered therapy approach is that it is non-directive. This makes it easier for the client to express her concerns and utilize her inherent tendency to self-actualize. In a sense, this is a way of letting the client use her innate wisdom to help heal herself. In contrast, I dislike the fact that person-centered therapy does not include goal setting, or any direction by the therapist. In my opinion, balance is vital in any therapeutic approach. Although it may be effective to let the client take the lead in the therapeutic process, I agree with Cepeda and Davenport (2006) that there are times when the therapist can significantly accelerate the client’s progress by either suggesting goals or helping the client form her own goals. This is especially true when the client’s maladaptive behavior was learned and can be easily unlearned.
Also, in my professional experience, all of my clients seem to appreciate the core conditions, but some of them were able to benefit from a combination of a directive approach and non-directive approach during our sessions. This suggests that it may be beneficial for the therapist to take into account what the client needs at that moment, even if it falls outside the bounds of traditional PCT.
Perhaps most importantly, the research on PCT is consistent with my professional experience in suggesting that despite the strengths of PCT, it is in the best interests of our clients if therapists do not restrict themselves unnecessarily to only the current principles of PCT. Sometimes it is better for our clients to incorporate techniques from other therapeutic approaches. I think it is vitally important to keep trying different methods, or techniques, and to be open to possible forms of intervention that go beyond our preferred therapeutic approach. The best way to do this is to keep abreast of the current research on what works. That is, as suggested by Goldfried (2007), if we can use the methods that are supported by research evidence, we can expand our repertoire of tools in ways that are most likely to be effective.
Perhaps, this is the most important source of evolution in PCT. As therapists get new ideas, try them, and test them by using scientific methods of examination, we will discover more and more methods that work. This will increase the number of options we have to facilitate growth and change in our clients.
But, there is another part of the evolution of PCT. Just as therapists seek to nurture flexibility in our clients, so too therapists must also be flexible. Having scientific research that shows what works best is of little value if the therapist is so attached to her favorite therapeutic approach that she cannot try new ideas. Just as we want our clients to be open to new ideas, we must also be open to new ideas. This includes being patient with clients who do not progress the way their therapist thinks they should (Goldried, 2007). But, also, in this way, not only will PCT evolve, but, more importantly, we as therapists can also evolve. Through the evolution of PCT and our own professional evolution, we will continue to increase our efficacy in helping our clients.
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It seems that a malignant affection of the upper jaw had necessitated an operation. Since that time, Freud wears a mechanical contrivance to facilitate speech. In itself this is no worse than the wearing of glasses. The presence of the metal device embarrasses Freud more than his visitors. It is hardly noticeable after one speaks to him a while. On his good days, it cannot be detected at all. But to Freud himself it is cause of constant annoyance. "I detest my mechanical jaw, because the struggle with the mechanism consumes so much precious strength. Yet I prefer a mechanical jaw to no jaw at all. I still prefer existence to extinction.
"Out–out are the lights–out all!
"I do not rebel against the universal order. After all," the master prober of the human brain continued, "I have lived over seventy years. I had enough to eat. I enjoyed many things–the comradeship of my wife, my children, the sunsets. I watched the plants grow in the springtime. Now and then the grasp of a friendly hand was mine. Once or twice I met a human being who almost understood me. What more can I ask?"
"Have you had much support from the laity?"
"Life changes. Psychoanalysis also changes," Freud observed. "We are only at the beginning of a new science."
"Shaw, like you, does not wish to live forever, but," I remarked, "unlike you, he regards sex as uninteresting."
Woe Crieth: Go!
"Psychoanalysis may be less widely discussed in Austria and Germany than in the United States, but its influence in literature is nevertheless immense. Thomas Mann and Hugo von Hofmannsthal owe much to us. Schnitzler parallels, to a large extent, my own development. He expresses poetically much that I attempt to convey scientifically. But then, Dr. Schnitzler is not only a poet, but also a scientist."
White Males Are the Most Hated Group
By Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: If you took a poll of people of Americans from all walks of life, they would probably say that black men are the most hated group. At least this seems to be what black men want us to believe. But after giving a survey to his college classes, this professor found that, indeed, white males were the most hated group, much more hated than blacks. In this study he discusses how that came to be and what the implications of this change in our culture has for the present and for America's future. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
White males are the most hated group in America, according to a survey administered by the author of this paper to his students in an urban community college. In a 10-question survey about eight different racial, gender and ethnic groups, white males topped the survey on six of the questions. All of the questions on the survey asked students about various kinds of negative ratings, thoughts or feelings they had about different groups. For example, white males received 57% of the votes, the highest number received by any group on the survey, on the 6th question, which asked subjects which group they thought was most to blame for societal wrongs.
The surveys were given by the author to students in his three classes. The students ranged in age from eighteen to late thirties. There were 207 respondents to the survey. Students were given the survey at the beginning of the class and were told that the survey was voluntary. They were encouraged to answer the questions as honestly as they could and were reassured that the questionnaires were confidential. They took the surveys anonymously and were given as much time as they need to fill out the surveys. There were some groans and sighs, indicating that the questions on these surveys were not easy for students to answer.
The ten questions on the survey were each designed to measure a student’s negative attitude toward the eight groups from various angles. The questions were carefully chosen to assess how much prejudice students had toward particular groups by utilizing various definitions of prejudice. However, the survey relied on one of the main definitions of prejudice: that of making generalizations about groups of people, such as “all white males are cheaters.”
The Survey
The eight groups that students were questioned about on the survey included:
Asian males
Asian females
Black males
Black females
Hispanic males
Hispanic female
White males
White females
As previously mentioned, the 10 questions on the survey each had a specific function. If a respondent chose one of the groups on four or more of the questions, I determined that they were prejudiced against that particular group.
The ten questions were: 1. Of the above groups, which one do you think is the most hateful? 2. Of the above groups, which one do you think is the most prejudiced? 3. Of the above groups, which one would you be least likely to trust? 4. Of the above groups which one do you think is the biggest liar? 5. Of the above groups, which one do you think is the biggest cheater? 6. Of the above groups, which one would you blame for societal wrongs? 7. Of the above groups, which one’s member would you hire for your store? 8. Of the above groups, which one’s member or members wouldn’t you invite to your party? 9. Of the above groups, which one arouses the most negative feelings? 10. If you had to kill one of the above groups, which one would you kill?
As mentioned before, white males were given as the answer to five of the ten questions, while Hispanic males were given as the answer to only two questions. Hence white males were the group that got the most overall negative response. Is it therefore safe to assume that there is more prejudice toward white males at this moment in time than towards other groups in the survey. This survey did not attempt to find out why each group was chosen as the answer, although I will speculate on why later on in this paper.
Now I will do a question-by-question overview of the results of the survey. The first question was, “Of the above groups, which one do you think is the most hateful?” About 35% of respondents thought white males were the most hateful; 21% thought black males were the most hateful, 12% thought white females were the most hateful; and 10% thought black females were the most hateful. The majority of respondents said that white males were the most hateful, a result which I interpret to mean that they hate white males the most. When the result of this question—white males—is the same as other questions then I conclude that white males engender the most prejudice.
The second question was, “Of the above group, which one do you think is the most prejudiced?” Again white males got the highest rating; about 23% of respondents thought white male were most prejudiced; 17% thought black males were the most prejudiced; 12% thought white females were the most prejudiced; and 9% thought black females were the most prejudiced. If this answer is looked at in psychological terms, one might say that the respondents who thought white males were the most prejudiced were, in face prejudiced toward white males. The defense mechanism of projection might come into play here.
The third question was, “Of the above groups, which one would you be least likely to trust?” Once again white males topped this category, but not by as much. About 23% of respondents thought white males were the most untrustworthy; 19% thought black males were the most untrustworthy; they tied with 19% of Hispanic males that respondents thought were the least trustworthy; and finally 13% of respondents thought black females were the least trustworthy. The fact that 13% found black females untrustworthy was significant, since about 40% of the class was black.
The fourth question was, “Of the above groups, which one do you think is the biggest liar?” For the first time white males did not lead a category, although they were a close second. About 25% of respondents thought Hispanic males were the biggest liars; 24% thought white males were the biggest liars; 16% thought black males were the biggest liars, and 10% thought white females were the biggest liars. Here males were definitely prominent, but the 10% of respondents who thought white females were the biggest liars stood out. One can only speculate about what the predominantly black and Hispanic students would view white females that way.
The fifth question was, “Of the above groups, which one do you think is the biggest cheater?” Once again, Hispanic males lead this category. About 37% of respondents thought Hispanic males were the biggest cheaters; about 26% of respondents thought black males were the biggest cheaters; 13% thought white males were the biggest cheaters; and 4% thought white females were the biggest cheaters. The fact that Hispanic males led both categories about lying and cheating may say something about their reliability-- at least in the eyes of the respondents.
The sixth question was, “Of the above groups, which one would you blame for societal wrongs?” As mentioned previously, white males were the overwhelming picked by respondents when asked this question. About 57% of respondents tagged white males as most to blame for societal ills; only 12% said black males were most to blame; 6% said both white males and females were to blame; and 5% said white females were to blame. It may be that white males were by far the top pick here because of the fact that white males are viewed as the dominant group of our culture and have been dominant since the founding of America.
The seventh question was, “Of the above groups, which one’s member wouldn’t you hire for your store?” Here black males topped the responses. About 15% of respondents said they wouldn’t hire black males; 11% of respondents said they wouldn’t hire white males; 12% said they wouldn’t hire Asian males; and 9% of respondents said they wouldn’t hire Hispanic males. Apparently black males rated low on work reliability for this group of respondents. Note that all the groups that respondents wouldn’t hire were male.
The eighth question was, “Of the above groups, which one wouldn’t you invite to your party?” Interestingly enough, Asian females topped this list. About 16% of respondent said they wouldn’t invite Asian females to a party; 15% of respondents said they wouldn’t invite white males; 11% of respondents said they wouldn’t invite Asian males; and 7% of respondents said they wouldn’t invite black males. The fact that Asian females come first on this list may have to do with the percentage of women and non-Asians that were subjects in this survey. I’ll say more about this later.
The ninth question was, “Of the above groups, which one arouses the most negative feelings?” Once again white males topped the category. About 27% of respondents reported that white males aroused the most negative feelings; 19% of respondents said black males aroused the most negative feelings; 10% of respondents said black females aroused the most negative feelings; and 7% said Hispanic males aroused the most negative feelings. The two questions about which group was the most hated and which group aroused the most negative feelings were similar and the answers were similar. White males provoked the most hatred and the most negative feelings. Both pointed to the same thing, that white males were the most hated group.
The final question was, “If you had to kill one of the above groups, which one would you kill?” This was the harshest question, and it provoked the largest percentage of people who left it blank or answered, “None,” or “It would be against my morals to kill people.” About 33% did not answer this question. Of those who did, 17% of respondents said they would kill white males; 9% of respondents said they would kill black males, 7% of respondents said they would kill Hispanic males and 7% of respondents said they would kill white females.
A Closer Look at the Subjects
The subjects of the survey were students who were attending a 2-year urban community college, almost all of whom came from a lower socioeconomic sphere of society. About two-thirds of them were women, about 40% were African-American, about 40% were Hispanic-American, about 6% were European-American, and about 4% were Asian-American. The fact that most of the subjects of the survey were black and Hispanic females is something that I took into consideration when tabulating the results and interpreting them.
Another feature of this group of subjects is that they were, for the most part, not students of a high caliber. If students attend a community college, it is usually because their grades aren’t high enough for them to get into a four-year-college. Therefore another question I had to consider was whether the fact that these students were generally not good students and often poor students had any effect on how they perceived the groups in this survey.
When correlating the results with the racial, gender and ethnic composition of the classes, the fact that two-thirds of the students were female might explain the fact that males of all categories were seen in negative terms, 25 to 10, when I considered all four groups targeted by each question. In terms of percentages, males were viewed negatively at a rate of 5 to 1. The fact that white males were depicted almost twice as much as any other group might have had something to do with the fact that the class was comprised of 90% African-Americans and Hispanic Americans. Asian females (with regard to the question about what group would you invite to a party) were viewed negatively perhaps because of the same class composition.
Interpretation of the Results
Even though this survey is not based on a representative sample, since it is heavily unbalanced in terms of the gender, race, and ethnicity of the respondents, it can nevertheless be used as a pointer as to what may be happening in America. The results of this small survey indicate that white males are the most hated and perhaps the most discriminated against group in America.
There are many special interest groups that target white males. To begin with there is the feminist movement. From the beginning of what feminists call the Second Wave, beginning in the late 1960s and early 1970s, feminists began to bash men and particularly white males. For example, Phyllis Chesler wrote a book called, Women and Madness (1972), which is typical of a multitude of books that began to come out at this time. The theme of the book is that all of women’s mental illnesses, from alcoholism to obsessive-compulsive disorder, from histrionic disorder to schizophrenia, from anorexia to panic disorder, are the result of male oppression of females.
The trashing of males has been going on for about seven decades and it has become almost a truism in American culture that males are born misogynistic. From elementary school on boys are falling behind, Almost all elementary teachers are female and have grown up hearing and believing the same feminist anti-male ideology and this is apparently what they teach. Today two-thirds of undergraduate students are female, and most middle managers in businesses are females. Feminists justify this new double standard by retorting with things like “men oppressed women for hundreds of years and now it is women’s turn.” See Pfeiffer (1985).
Other groups such as the gay rights movement also began trashing men, in this case heterosexual men, referring to them as “homophobes” if they harbored the belief that homosexuality was a sexual disorder. Now there is even a division between white gay males and other gay males. White gay males are said to enjoy “white privilege” and therefore are disparaged. An article in Out, a gay magazine, notes that white gay males are not as involved in incidents of discrimination involving minorities. “ It is particularly offensive when it comes from white LGBT people who purport to be interested in furthering human rights, but only when it comes to themselves and not to other minorities,” the author, Lane Hudson, says (2014).
The civil rights movement joined the pity party, joining with feminists to blame mainly white males for slavery (postulating that white males forced white women to go along with it). There is a certain radical segment of black culture that cries “foul!” every time a white cop shoots a black man. During the recent era we have had case after case in which this has happened and is immediately met by loud complaints of white police brutality. There is an immediate rush to judgment which often results in the white police officers being suspended. Sometimes such killings by white police are followed by white cops being assassinated. The result of this trend is that people everywhere, white or black or Asian, have begun to believe there is some kind of epidemic of white cop killings of black men. A recent book by Butler (2017) made the case that white cops target black men, calling it a “chokehold,” and that it amounted to a kind of oppression.
Meanwhile, a backlash has begun among white males who are speaking out about being made the scapegoat of American society. James Damore is one of those who is speaking out. Damore was fired from the tech giant, Google, because he distributed a memo arguing against the culture at Google that he feels discriminates against white males. He and others were asked to attend a seminar designed to teach males, particularly white males, how to become more aware of things like “micro-aggressions” against women. Damore took exception to attending this seminar and the underlying message of the seminar. After he was fired, he became a hero to the growing segment of angry white males. He is currently suing Google for “discrimination against white males” (2018).
Damore’s suit states, in part: “Throughout the Class Periods, and in violation of California law, Google employees who expressed views deviating from the majority view at Google on political subjects raised in the workplace and relevant to Google’s employment policies and its business, such as “diversity” hiring policies, “bias sensitivity,” or “social justice,” were/are singled out, mistreated, and systematically punished and terminated from Google, in violation of their legal rights.”
In the court filing, Damore further clarifies his care, stating, “Google employees and managers strongly preferred to hear the same orthodox [politically correct] opinions regurgitated repeatedly, producing an ideological echo chamber, a protected, distorted bubble of groupthink.” He went on to contend that challenges to the groupthink led to such things as “harassment and retaliation from Google.”
Damore has become a focal point of those who perceive a war against white males, but many other males and females have spoken up. Jordan Peterson, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, recently rose to prominence because of a bestseller, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, and because of his protest against new Canadian law that makes it illegal to call a transgender person by a pronoun the person doesn’t want to be called by. He was almost fired from the University of Toronto, but he also became a hero to many including many white males. Reportedly, he has over a million followers on his twitter account. In his book he writes about the feminist dominance over men, noting that women have obtained an upper hand as society becomes more civilized. Feminists have demeaned aggression and physical force by males and taken over with psychological power. He points out that this more and more evident in our service economy, which relies on women’s relational skills more than men’s aggression. Meanwhile jobs that require physical power, according to Peterson, have been outsourced since the late 70s with the ramping up of globalization (2018).
Opponents view Damore, Peterson and other white males who are expressing resentment about feeling targeted and marginalized by the political correctness of our times as simply angered because their white privilege and entitlement has been taken away. In his book, Angry White Men, Michael Kimmel states the case about these men, criticizing the masculine culture that created such an self-righteous and dangerous sense of entitlement which he believes characterizes white males (2017). Thus, opponents dismiss anything white males say before they are even able to say it.
However, if we are to have an equal society, no group in society should be marginalized, no matter what reasons various people come up with for marginalizing a group. People can always find reasons to do what they do. Even the Nazi’s of Germany during and before World War II found reasons that Jews had to be exterminated. But this event has now gone down in history as one of its worst atrocities. Almost all cultures have been stratified in one way or another, and this stratification has usually led to inequality and strife. An equal society may go against the grain of human nature, which seems to strive for superiority. True equality begins when all groups are treated alike.
White males appear now to be our culture’s whipping boy. Why they are the whipping boy is not as important as the fact that our society seems to need a whipping boy. It is hoped that we will become a society in which whipping boys or whipping girls are no longer necessary. It is hoped we will become a truly equal society.
Butler, P. (2017). Chokehold: Policing Black Men. New York: The New Press.
Chesler, P. (1972). Women and Madness. New York: Doubleday.
Ephrat, L and Coren, M.J. (2018). James Damore is suing Google for discriminating against white males. Quartz, January 8, 2018.
Hudson, L. (2014). Are white gay men missing the point? Out, December 16, 2014.
Kimmel, M. (2017). Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era. New York: Nation
Peterson, J. (2018). 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. Toronto: Random House
Pfeiffer, R. (1985). The responsibility of men for the oppression of women. Journal of Applied Philosophy: 2:217-229.
Inside Evil: Why Men Kill Women
By Paul Vorhaven, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: A television program that states in its promotional material that it will probe the psychology of serial murders appears to portray them instead as evil men who prey on innocent women. This writer looks deeper and finds that men who hate women enough to kill them have become this way for a reason.
CNN’s new 6-part series, “Inside Evil” says in its promotional material that it wants to probe the mind of a killer. The episode I recently saw, about a woman named Debra Newell, who is swept off her feet by con-artist John Meehan, falls far short of its hype. The program focuses on Debra Newell’s story, and on that of one of her daughters, whom Meehan tries to kidnap and kill. It only investigates Meehan’s criminal past in bits and pieces, but does not try to understand how he got that way.
To be sure, the story is gripping, depicting a mother who was duped into trusting a criminal who posed as a Doctor without Borders. The emphasis, however, is on how the mother and her daughter were victimized by a crazed woman-hater. The daughter, who tried to alert her mother to this man’s dangerous past, eventually became his chief target. The daughter’s toughness—kicking away the would-be murderer’s knife, grabbing it herself, and stabbing him in the eye, was indeed remarkable.
But the impression I got was that the true goal of this piece, and perhaps the series as well (since it only depicts evil in terms of male serial killers, rapists, and abusers) seems to be to propagate the notion that men are evil and women need to be careful because there are a lot of creeps out there waiting to get them.
The question that the show promised to probe, understanding the mind of evil—in this case how a man got to be such a woman-hater, was not even investigated in this segment of the series. He was simply portrayed as a monster who had somehow appeared out of nowhere on the site, Match.com. It would have been nice to have some information about Meehan’s childhood.
Men aren’t born hating women. To my knowledge nobody has ever found a gene associated with hating women. In the cases I’ve studied regarding serial killers who killed women or mostly women, such cases usually involve men who came from a sordid childhood in which they experienced some kind of extreme emotional, sexual or physical abuse or neglect. They have been conditioned to hate women because they were ill-treated by the women who raised them. Below are some examples of what I mean.
Charles Manson
One of the most infamous men people refer to as “evil” was Charles Manson, the American cult leader in the late 1960s. He had members of his cult murder several Hollywood rich people, mostly women, including a beautiful young actress, Sharon Tate. A lot of information is available about his childhood online (1), so we can get a little understanding about how his mind of evil was hatched.
Charles Manson was born in 1934 to a 16-year-old prostitute named Kathleen Maddox. When Maddox was given the birth papers to sign, she filled in the blank where the name should have been with “No Name.” This was to be an omen of how neglectful and abusive she would be toward her son.
A short time later, when Charles was still an infant, she married William Manson, and he was finally given a name, Charles Manson. However, he lost this father soon afterward, and Manson later claimed to have no memories of him. While he was still in his first year, his mother sold him to a waitress, who eagerly wanted a baby, for a pitcher of beer. The waitress came to the table with a pitcher of beer and Kathleen left Charles on the table for the waitress and exited the restaurant. Only later an uncle came to pick up the young child.
When Charles was five, his mother was sent to jail for robbing a man of $27. While she was in jail, he lived with his grandmother, who, Charles recalled, gave him only one present for Christmas, a hairbrush. She said, “It’s a magical brush and if you brush your hair often you’ll be able to fly.” Charles brushed his hair often and jumped into the air, trying to fly. He was ridiculed by the family and by his peers in school.
His mother got out of jail in three years, and that was when he had the only happy moment of his childhood, according to his later accounts. His mother, for the first time, hugged him. By then he was starving for love. However the moment didn’t last. He described a difficult relationship with her, and by the time he was 13 she put him into a reform school. She kept teasing him by promising to take him back when she had the money. He called her day after day, begging her to take him back. Once he escaped and ran to her house and knocked on her door, but she wouldn’t let him in. His mother told him she couldn’t handle him and sent him back to the school. She never picked him up, although he always waited and kept hoping she would.
He ended up running away from the school and living on the street. And years later he formed his cult and displaced all the anger (and probably rage) he had accumulated over the years of his traumatic childhood onto the members of his cult and on the people he had members of the cult murder.
During the so-called “Hippie Days,” many strange things happened, and one of those strange things was Charles Manson becoming a cult leader. He bought an old school bus and converted it into the cult’s living and transportation vehicle. One by one he attracted young women—and a few young men—to be in his cult. Before long someone gave them an old farm house. In the early days of the cult, one of Manson’s favorite pastimes was to have the members of the cult engage in group orgasms. His goal was to have the whole cult of 20 or so people reach a simultaneous orgasm.
As the cult progressed, Charles started becoming paranoid and preaching about a race war, using the term, “Helter Skelter.” It was then that his murderous impulses came to the fore. He spent his days ranting about Helter Skelter, and before long he began ordering members of the cult to kill people.
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy was a famous serial killer of the 1970s; he killed more than 38 women (that we know of), sometimes raping them before killing them and sometimes raping them after killing them by beating them to death. He would sometimes decapitate them and take their heads to his apartment as a souvenir. At least one movie and several TV documentaries have been made about his dramatic life, but like “Inside Evil” they only skimmed the surface of how he got that way.
After researching his life, it appears that Bundy had an early childhood in which he suffered from extreme neglect (2). Several sources intimate that Bundy was the child of his older sister and her father. The father was a tyrannical man who once pushed his oldest daughter down a flight of stairs because she overslept. He apparently ruled the household with an iron fist, and was said to be a bully and a bigot who beat dogs and flung cats by the tail. He sometimes spoke aloud to unseen presences, and at least once he flew into a violent rage when he was asked about Ted's paternity. Some who have studied the case have opined that Bundy’s crazy father fathered Ted Bundy by forcing his daughter, Louise, to have sex with him. Bundy was later raised in Philadelphia where his mother (sister) completely neglected him and left his upbringing to his grandfather (father) and grandmother.
The grandmother suffered from depression and had electroshock therapy. It is well known that caretakers who suffer from depression often don’t pick up the children they are taking care of and are in other ways neglectful. So we have a picture of a child, Bundy, who was probably severely neglected by both maternal figures, a sister (mother) to whom he was an embarrassment, and a grandmother whose depression caused her to avoid him.
A famous experiment by Harry Harlow in the 1950s demonstrated how important physical affecting and comforting from a maternal figure is for an infant (3). Harlow, an American psychologist, conducted experiments with monkey babies who suffered from maternal deprivation. In one experiment, babies were taken away from their mothers at birth and were raised without any comforting by a mother figure. These infants grew up to be monsters. They were completely antisocial. If they were in a space with one another they would avoid one another. When it was time for them to mate, they ran from the opposite sex. If a female accidentally got pregnant, she would occasionally eat her baby. If they ate their babies they would have no remorse about it. These monkeys might be described as having antisocial disorder if not schizophrenia.
An incident described how far along Bundy had come by the age of three. He developed a fascination with knives, and one morning his aunt woke up and found him sitting at the edge of her bed with a collection of kitchen knives. He smiled at her, and she sat up, startled. Already, after three years of neglect, he was apparently without a capacity of empathy or normal socialization. He had never experienced any empathy toward him.
His relationship with his mother, Louise, was distant. In an interview later, he described her as someone who never really talked with him about anything personal or gave him any kind of guidance. She was in her own world. “We didn’t talk a lot about real personal matters. Certainly never about sex or any of those things. My mom has trouble talking on inmate, personal terms. There’s this logjam of feelings in her that she doesn’t open up and explain.” In other words, she wasn’t in touch with her feelings.
Bundy didn’t find out about his illegitimate birth under later. Biographer and true crime writer Ann Rule, who knew Bundy personally, believes that he located his original birth record in Vermont in 1969, when he was twenty-three. Bundy expressed a lifelong resentment toward his mother for lying about his true parentage and leaving him to discover it for himself. He was told from birth on that his sister was not his sister but his mother, and this made him wonder about who his real mother and father were.
As no affection or caring was shown to him as an infant, he could not form an attachment with a mother figure at a critical period. According to critical periods theory of attachment, physical affection is of utmost importance to development from 6 months to 3 years; he had no attachment during those years, and he grew into a person who did not care about others, particularly about women. He hated his sister/mother, and it appears that his killing spree of young women was a displacement of his anger at his sister/mother (and grandmother), who had abandoned him as a baby and showed him no love.
Michael Bruce Ross
Michael Bruce Ross was an American serial killer who killed eight women and is known to have raped at least one other. In 2005, he was executed by the state of Connecticut, making his execution the first in Connecticut since 1960.
Ross’s parents were troubled (4). Daniel and Patricia Ross' marriage was filled with problems from the beginning. The problems began while Patricia was in high school and became unexpectedly pregnant by Daniel, which led to her having to marry somebody who she never wanted to marry. According to a 1996 article by Martha Elliott in The Connecticut Law Tribune, "Pat wanted no part of the marriage or of being the wife of a chicken farmer in Brooklyn, Connecticut." Apparently she felt like she had been forced into this life.
Michael Ross was born on July 26, 1959. He was the first of four children born to the dysfunctional couple over the space of five years. During Michael's youth there was evidence that his mother, who suffered from psychiatric problems, mentally and physically abused all her children, but especially Ross, perhaps because he was her first child. In fact, Patricia purportedly became so psychologically unstable and volatile towards her children that she was admitted to a psychiatric institution on at least two separate occasions and Daniel, as the oldest, eventually was forced to become the primary guardian of the children for long periods of time.
At one point, when Ross was about five, his mother ran off with another man and abandoned her family for a while (5). When she returned about a year later she was hospitalized for the second time and admitted beating her children. The oldest girl said at the time that Michael, the oldest child got the worst beatings and emotional abuse. Patricia Ross was apparently a woman who was afflicted with some kind of psychosis and took it out on her kids, especially Michael.
Also, according to records, some members of the family and friends reported that Michael was molested at about the age of 10 by his teen-aged uncle, who a few years later committed suicide. Hence Michael grew up in an atmosphere where the father was too busy being a chicken farmer to pay any attention to the boy, and the mother was a psychotic abuser who was too disturbed to protect him from being sexually molested. It is little wonder that, despite being intelligent enough to graduate from Cornell University, he had raped his first woman as a senior and went on to rape and kill eight more women.
Andre Crawford
Andre Crawford was an American serial killer that was active from 1993 to 1999, during which time he killed eleven women. At the time of his conviction process, journalists and professionals who were near the case commented on Andre’s clear hatred for women that possibly fueled the attacks that he had become known for. Crawford commented on how, on killing his first woman in an isolated field, he realized that “I could do anything I wanted to her.” He rejoiced at his power, not at his sexual conquest. Nor did he have any feelings of remorse about the killing.
As a child, Andre’s life started grimly. When still an infant, authorities found him living in filth. He was all alone in a filthy house, where he was often abandoned and neglected by his mother, who may have been a prostitute, and sometimes he had to find food in other people’s garbage. His mother admitted to leaving him alone for long periods of time, including the day when the authorities found him.
He was placed into foster care from that time on. During his trial, people close to him made claims that he was abused growing up both physically and sexually. He lived with a number of foster parents, and we have all heard stories of how abuse some foster parents can be. It goes without saying he never felt wanted or safe from his birth on. People close to him also reported that he was once molested by an older girl who was also a foster child living in the same home as he was.
There were reports that he was sexually assaulted by family members as well and that his foster sister also prostituted him out to friend. All of his abuse stemmed primarily from the women in his life and eventually resulted in his developing his hatred for women and his uncontrollable desire to rape and murder them. When you’ve never had a mother and are going through the vicissitudes of a squalid life, thinking about how much you hate your mother for deserting you and leaving you unprotected, you need to find targets for this anger. He found 11 women. Sometimes he raped them after he had murdered them, which is a way to assure that a person is helpless to stop you from having your way with her.
Edmund Kemper
Edmund Emil Kemper III was born in Burbank, California on December 18, 1948 (6). He was a middle child and the only son born to Clarnell Elizabeth Kemper and Edmund Emil Kemper II. Edmund II was a World War II veteran who, after the war, tested nuclear weapons in the Pacific Proving Grounds before returning to California, where he worked as an electrician. His wife often complained about his "menial" electrician job, and he later said "suicide missions in wartime and the atomic bomb testings were nothing compared to living with her" and that his wife affected him "as a grown man more than three hundred and ninety-six days and nights of fighting on the front did."
Weighing a huge thirteen pounds as a newborn, Edmund Kemper was already a head taller than his peers by the age of 4. He was also intelligent but also exhibited behavior such as cruelty to animals at an early age. At the age of 10, he buried a pet cat alive, and once it died, he dug it up, decapitated it and mounted its head on a spike Kemper later stated that he derived pleasure from successfully lying to his family about killing the cat.] At the age of 13, he killed another family cat when he perceived it to be favoring his younger sister, Allyn Lee Kemper more than him, and kept pieces of it in his closet until his mother found them. Both his mother and his sister apparently emotionally and physically abused him from an early age, to a severe degree, according to the description of his mother given by his husband.
Kemper, according to accounts of various people who knew him, enjoyed playing games with his younger sister's dolls that involved removing their heads and hands (7). (Looked at psychologically, these games most likely were what he would have liked to do to his sisters.) On one occasion, when his elder sister, Susan Kemper, teased him by asking why he didn’t try to kiss his teacher, he replied: "If I kiss her, I'd have to kill her first.” He also recalled that as a little boy he would sneak out of his house and, armed with his father’s army bayonet, go to his teacher’s house and peep at her and aim the rifle at her through the windows.
He stated in later interviews that some of his favorite games to play as a child were "Gas Chamber" and "Electric Chair.” In these games he asked his younger sister to tie him up, flip an imaginary switch and then he would tumble over and writhe on the floor, pretending to be dying of gas inhalation or electric shock. He also had two near-death incidents as a child, once when his elder sister tried to push him in front of a train, and another when she successfully pushed him into the deep end of a swimming pool, where he almost drowned. As the middle child between two sadistic sisters, and the son of an abusive mother who apparently hated men, he did not have a chance to grow up normal.
Kemper had a close relationship with his father and was devastated when his parents separated in 1957. His mother took her children to Helena, Montana. He had a severely dysfunctional relationship with his mother: a neurotic, domineering alcoholic, who would frequently belittle, humiliate and abuse him. His mother often made her son sleep in a locked basement because she feared that he would harm his sisters; in other words, she encouraged the sisters to tease and abuse him and then treated him as if he had somehow, on his own, become a maniac whom she had to protect her daughters from.
She regularly mocked him because his large size—he was 6 feet 4 inches tall by the age of fifteen—and called him "a real weirdo." She rationalized that her abusive attitude was an attempt not to coddle him for fear that she would "turn him gay," and repeatedly told him that he reminded her of his father (who she constantly derided), and stated that no woman would ever love him. Kemper later described her as a "sick angry woman," and health professionals have asserted that she suffered from borderline personality disorder.
When he was fifteen he had had enough of his mother and sisters, so Kemper ran away from home, thinking he would live with his father in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California and everything would be all right. However, once he got there, he learned that his father had remarried and had a stepson, who apparently did not want Kemper’s company. Kemper stayed with his father for a short while until his father sent him to live with his paternal grandparents, Maude and Edmund Kemper, who had a ranch in the mountains of North Fork. Kemper hated living on this isolated ranch. He later referred to his grandfather as "senile", and stated that his grandmother "was constantly emasculating me and my grandfather.”
When he was fifteen years old he murdered his grandmother after he got into an argument with her and she was belittling her. He both shot her and stabbed her. Later he killed his grandfather when he came home from grocery shopping. When questioned by authorities, Kemper said that he "just wanted to see what it felt like to kill Grandma," and that he killed his grandfather so that he would not have to find out that his wife was dead. Psychiatrist Donald Lunde, who later interviewed Kemper at length, wrote that with these murders, "In his way, he had avenged the rejection of both his father and his mother.” Kemper's crimes seemed incomprehensible to authorities for a fifteen-year-old to commit, and court psychiatrists diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic before sending him to the criminally a nearby mental hospital. While in the hospital his I.Q. was measured at 145 (genius level).
Later, after he had served time and established a good reputation, he met a sixteen year old girl and got a job working for the California Highway Department. He seemed to be on a positive road. But his mother was still in his life and making him miserable. He then went on a killing rampage, killing two college girls and his mother and her friend. In the end he murdered 10 people. He was a man who had inherited a lot of good genes, and had he been given an adequate childhood could have accomplished much good. But his unfortunate childhood pointed him towards its inevitable conclusion.
Ed Gein
One of the most bizarre cases of woman-hating and murder involved a man named Ed Gein, whose life was the model on which the Alfred Hitchcock movie, Psycho, was based. Ed Gein was convicted of murdering two young women and was suspected of murdering a third. He was also suspected of killing his older brother, Henry, soon after his father had died. Upon being investigated by police in his home—the house he had lived in with his fundamentalist religious mother until she died of a stroke, it was found to be filled with human female remains that he had mainly dug up from a cemetery and made into various artifacts and furniture (8).
Ed Gein was born in La Crosse County, Wisconsin, on August 27, 1906. He was the second of two boys of George Philip Gein and Augusta Wilhelmine Gein. Gein had an older brother, Henry George Gein with whom he had an intensely rivalrous relationship, centering around Ed’s being favored by his mother. Augusta despised her husband, an alcoholic who was unable to keep a job and constantly derided him before his sons. Eventually, after going from job to job, he moved the family to an isolated 155-acre farm near Plainfield, Wisconsin.
Augusta became much fiercer and controlling once they were on the farm. The family lived an isolated life and she took advantage of the farm's isolation by turning away outsiders who could have influenced her sons. Edward and his brother Henry were only allowed to leave the farm to attend school, after which they were to come right home. They were not allowed to make any friends at the school (9).
Once he was home, Ed spent most of his time doing chores on the farm. Augusta was madly religious. She preached to her boys about such things as the deep immorality of the world, the evil of drinking, and taught her sons to believe that women were all born prostitutes and instruments of the devil; they were to stay far away from them. Every afternoon she read to them from the Bible, selecting graphic verses from the Old Testament of the Bible concerning death, murder, and divine retribution.
Ed's father, George, died of heart failure caused by his alcoholism when he was 66 years old. Henry and Ed began doing odd jobs around town to help cover living expenses. The relationship between the brother began to be more strained. Henry began dating a divorced, single mother of two and planned on moving in with. He expressed worry and resentment about his younger brother’s attachment to their mother and often spoke ill of her around Ed, who became angry and hurt by such remarks.
Edward was shy at school and kept to himself, and classmates and teachers remembered him as having strange mannerisms, such as seemingly random laughter, as if he were laughing at his own personal jokes. (This kind of behavior is often associated with a kind of schizophrenia termed “hebephrenic schizophrenia”.) To make matters worse, his mother punished him whenever he tried to make friends. Despite his poor social development, he did fairly well in school, particularly in reading.
In1944, Henry and Ed were burning away marsh vegetation on the property when the fire got out of hand. After firefighters had extinguished the fire, Ed reported his brother missing. His dead body was found lying face down, and bruises were discovered on him; The county examiner listed asphyxiation as the cause of death and the authorities accepted the accident theory. Some suspected that Ed Gein killed his brother. Dr. George W. Arndt, who studied the case, wrote that, in retrospect, it was "possible and likely" that Henry's death was "the ‘Cain and Abel’ aspect of this case"
I would agree with Dr. Arndt. It appears that Ed was threatened by the fact that his older brother had succeeded in freeing himself from his mother’s oppression, while Ed had not. Hence Ed was not only jealous of his brother but also threatened by Henry’s plans of marrying a woman and moving out of the house and starting his own life. This went counter to his mother’s preaching. His brother was about to embark on a life of evil, and Ed couldn’t allow that to happen.
Ed was obsessively devoted to his mother. He never left home or dated women. However, after she died in late 1945, when he was 39 years old, he became increasingly deranged. Often he would dress like a woman and had made a female costume composed of human skin, which he wore. Now living alone, he left her room neat and untouched, while the rest of the home fell into squalor, and he developed an interest in anatomy books. After he was suspected of killing a woman, police went to his house and found out just how bizarre he had become since his mother’s death.
What they found in his house included many bones lying around, many articles of furniture covered by human skin, skulls on bedposts, a corset made from a woman’s skin, peeled from neck to waist, masks made from the heads of females, the two skulls and other parts of his two female victims, a human heart in a plastic bag, nine vulvae in a shoebox, a belt made from female nipples, and an array of other stuff. He went on to be convicted of murdering the two middle-aged women, who he said reminded him of his mother. The house was a museum of horrow.
When questioned by investigators, Gein told them that between 1947 and 1952, he made as many as 40 nighttime visits to three local graveyards to exhume recently buried bodies while he was in a "daze-like" state. On about 30 of those visits, he said he came out of the daze while in the cemetery, leaving the graves alone. At other times, he dug up the graves of recently buried middle-aged women who resembled his mother and took them home, where he tanned their skins to make his various objects out of them. At his trial, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity and ordered to be committed to Central State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Gein spent the rest of his life in a mental hospital.
These are only a few case histories and they are not intended to be a representative sample. Other evidence that nurture, rather than nature, lies behind the formation of a murderer can be found if you look at those who are born in an environment in which killing is not only encouraged, but taught. Those who grow up in crime families such as the Mafia, are raised to be killers from the time they are born, and they grow up idealizing their fathers for being successful crime lords. Killing without remorse is reinforced from an early age and by the time they reach adulthood they have become well trained.
Napoleon A. Chagnon wrote an interesting study called, Yanomamo: The Fierce People (10). An anthropologist, he studied an isolated tribe in the Amazon jungle that was, at the time, the most militant and war-loving tribe in the jungle. They had gotten the nickname “The Fierce People,” from neighboring tribes. Chagnon lived with the tribe and got to know it, and his book is replete with fascinating descriptions of how they lived. In particular he described how they raised their children from an early age to be fierce, parents applauding when a brother hit a sister or a sister hit a brother. They would kill their neighbors and eat parts of their bodies to make them fiercer. Studying this tribe made me more aware of how much conditioning plays into abnormal behavior.
In researching men who kill women I have found that a lot of them had mothers who were prostitutes. Others simply had neglectful or abusive mothers. Feminists attempt to portray men as sexual predators and women as innocent victims, but my take on the subject is that there is an equal amount of good and bad motives and actions in both men and women. Men are generally more powerful than women, so they usually abuse adult women—although some are pedophiles. Women, while they do abuse adult men by controlling them, manipulating them, and using emotional abuse, very often abuse little boys. People tend to abuse those who are weaker than they are, and boys are at the mercy of their mothers.
Complicating this situation is that women nowadays have acquired a somewhat sacred status. Due to militant feminists and their “my way or the highway” attitude, one can say anything one wants to about men, but if you say the wrong thing about women, you can lose your reputation and sometimes your job. Because of feminist slogans, repeated over and over, such as, “Don’t blame the mother,” and “A woman should be believed,” women and mothers can do and say almost anything and will not be questioned. Because of feminist depictions of men as abusers, cheaters and rapists, it has become almost a truism that men are innately misogynistic. Mothers have been influenced to have a new double standard with regard to raising female and male children. Girls are being encouraged and boys discouraged, and boys are falling behind girls from elementary school on. The bottom line is that mothers can do almost anything to their young boys, and it all happens behind closed doors and nobody finds out about it. Or if they do find out, they often don’t believe the mother is responsible. The evil boy child, they are likely to think, is responsible.
If we could study the lives of all the people, men and women, who act in an “evil” manner, we would find histories similar to Manson’s and the other serial murderers described here. History is full of such stories, but unfortunately people prefer to find that nature is the cause, not nurture. “Man is not born evil,” noted the French writer Voltaire. “He becomes so as he become sick.” My final conclusion: Men who hate women are taught to hate women by mothers who hate men.
1. https://listverse.com/2016/08/30/10-tragic-stories-from-the-childhood-of-charles-manson/
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Bundy
3. http://pages.uoregon.edu/adoption/studies/HarlowMLE.htm
4. http://murderpedia.org/male.R/r1/ross-michael.htm
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Bruce_Ross
6. https://www.babygaga.com/15-serial-killers-with-the-most-messed-up-childhoods/
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Kemper
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein
9. http://www.biography.com/people/ed-gein-11291338
10. https://www.amazon.com/Yanomamo-Fierce-Studies-Cultural-Anthropology/dp/0030623286
Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market-place, and cried incessantly: "I am looking for God! I am looking for God!"
"Where has God gone?" he cried. "I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I. We are his murderers. But how have we done this? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What did we do when we unchained the earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving now? Away from all suns? Are we not perpetually falling? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there any up or down left? Are we not straying as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is it not more and more night coming on all the time? Must not lanterns be lit in the morning? Do we not hear anything yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do we not smell anything yet of God's decomposition? Gods too decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? That which was the holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet possessed has bled to death under our knives. Who will wipe this blood off us? With what water could we purify ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we not ourselves become gods simply to be worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whosoever shall be born after us - for the sake of this deed he shall be part of a higher history than all history hitherto."
Here the madman fell silent and again regarded his listeners; and they too were silent and stared at him in astonishment. At last he threw his lantern to the ground, and it broke and went out. "I have come too early," he said then; "my time has not come yet. The tremendous event is still on its way, still travelling - it has not yet reached the ears of men. Lightning and thunder require time, the light of the stars requires time, deeds require time even after they are done, before they can be seen and heard. This deed is still more distant from them than the distant stars - and yet they have done it themselves."
It has been further related that on that same day the madman entered divers churches and there sang a requiem. Led out and quietened, he is said to have retorted each time: "what are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchres of God?"
Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with his blood. Write with blood, and thou wilt find that blood is spirit.
It is no easy task to understand unfamiliar blood; I hate the reading idlers.
He who knoweth the reader, doeth nothing more for the reader. Another century of readers--and spirit itself will stink.
Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.
Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it even becometh populace.
He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart.
In the mountains the shortest way is from peak to peak, but for that route thou must have long legs. Proverbs should be peaks, and those spoken to should be big and tall.
The atmosphere rare and pure, danger near and the spirit full of a joyful wickedness: thus are things well matched.
I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous. The courage which scareth away ghosts, createth for itself goblins--it wanteth to laugh.
One must shed the bad taste of wanting to agree with many. "Good" is no longer good when one's neighbor mouths it. And how should there be a "common good"! The term contradicts itself: whatever can be common always has little value. In the end it must be as it is and always has been: great things remain for the great, abysses for the profound, nuances and shudders for the refined, and, in brief, all that is rare for the rare.
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/friedrich-nietzsche-quotes_3
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/friedrich-nietzsche-quotes_3
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/friedrich-nietzsche-quotes_3
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/friedrich-nietzsche-quotes_3
Radical Gays, Pedophilia and the BSA
By Gerald Schoenewolf
ABSTRACT: Beginning
in 1972, when gay radicals succeeded in forcing the American Psychiatric
Association to take homosexuality off of the DMS listing of sexual disorders,
the gay rights movement has been changing our culture. It has changed our values from top to bottom
replacing heterosexual with homosexual values.
This has apparently culminated in an epidemic of sexual abuse of boy scouts
by gay scout leaders. The question that this article attempts to answer: what
does the demise of the boy scouts mean?
Recently a law firm claimed to have found evidence of more than 7,800 child sex abusers serving as leaders of the Boy Scouts of America. It says the Boy Scout organization has a ‘perversion file' that lists Boy Scout leaders who have been accused of sexual abuse. These claims were made by the law firm of Greg Gianforcaro and Jeff Anderson & Associates in a press conference that was livestreamed on the internet1. The press conference included several sex abuse survivors who shared their stories. The firm was planning large-scale law suits on behalf of victims against the Boy Scouts of America
The firm asserts that names of many of the accused scout leaders appeared in a sweeping Los Angeles Times database updated to October 2012. The Times was able to track thousands of leaders who were kicked out of the organization between 1947 and January 2005 due to suspected sex abuse.2 It appears that there may be an epidemic of sex abuse nationwide in the scout organization, and that this news release by Greg Gianforcaro and Jeff Anderson may be the tip of the iceberg.
"For many, many years there's been an excavation of what
are called the 'perversion files'— those are files held and hoarded at the Boy
Scouts of America headquarters," Jeff Anderson said during the New York
press conference. He added "those
'perversion files' that they've had reflect that they have removed thousands of
offenders of childhood sexual abuse over the years and they've kept that in
files secretly."3
Anderson called the “perversion file” a system
of denial and cover-ups. He claims the Boy Scouts have files on child abusers
within their ranks. Authorities,
Anderson claims, have known about these files for years, as news outlets have
previously filed reports on them. In 2012 after they were shown to a jury in a civil
suit, an Oregon judge ordered the files to be released. It is now seven years later and these files
have still not released, because the administration at the BSA have not
released them. It would seem therefore
that the BSA should be in contempt of the court, but that has not happened.
Several questions came to mind when I read this story. First, why hasn’t this “perversion file” been released? The judge ordered it to be released, but nobody has followed his order. Second, why hasn’t this scandal hit the social media? The #MeToo Movement was all over the social media when it accused men of sexual misconduct over the last few years. Third, what is going on inside the Boy Scouts of America, causing the organization to allow this to happen?
The third question is perhaps most important. In the 1980s and 1990s it became a human rights issue for the Boy Scouts to allow gay leaders into the BSA. Gay rights groups won that battle and apparently the floodgates opened. Is there a better situation for pedophiles? Being a leader of the boy scouts provides the perfect opportunity for them to take advantage of vulnerable boys.
This helps explain why the so-called
“perversion file” has not been released. The staggering number of accusations,
7,800, suggests the file hasn’t been released because the Boy Scouts of America
has refused to release it. Perhaps the BSA
wishes to cover this scandal or minimize it.
Obviously, the organization will take a big hit if and when all the
facts of this case come to the surface.
It appears that after the gay rights moment
succeeded in getting the BSA to allow gay scout leaders, gay radicals have
taken over the BSA. If this is so, it
follows the same pattern that occurred earlier, when radical gays took over the
various professional associations, including the American Psychiatric
Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Association
of Social Workers. It is not clear what
is going on behind the doors of the Boy Scouts of America.
There seems to have been a gradual revolution
in America—and throughout the West—in which radical gays have forced their way
into the corners of our culture through the combination of threatening and
intimidating protests and gay propaganda that characterized gays as victims of
prejudice. The revolution was not
noticed because it was not a typical old-school revolution which utilized a
military takeover of our society, but rather it was a revolution of threatening
and violent slogans that took place over several decades. During these decades American culture was
inundated with propaganda about how gay boys and girls were bullied, how they
were discriminated in the workplace, how they were discriminated against in the
family courts and with regard to marriage laws, and how they were the victims
of hate crimes. This propaganda and
various law suits served to drill into all Americans that gays were victims and
there had to be given favored treatment.
The sexual abuse that has now become rampant in
the BSA may be the final aspect of this gay cultural revolution.
A History of Modern Gay Radicalism
From its inception as a social science, psychoanalysis viewed homosexuality as a sexual disorder. In his study of Leonardo da Vinci in 1916,4 Freud wrote, “Homosexual men who have started in our times an energetic action against the legal restrictions of their sexual activity are fond of representing themselves through theoretical spokesmen as evincing a sexual variation, which may be distinguished from the very beginning, as an intermediate stage of sex or as ‘a third sex’”(p. 60). This statement indicates that gay rights had already started in his day. Freud went on to point out that the gay rights movement of his day had formulated a theory that homosexuality was a third sex; that is, gays were already in 1916 trying to normalize homosexuality.
Freud contended that psychoanalysts who had studied homosexuality had all come to the same conclusion. “In all our male homosexuals there was a very intensive erotic attachment to a feminine person, as a rule to the mother, which was manifest in the very first period of childhood and later entirely forgotten by the individual”(p. 61). He adds that homosexual boy also had a relationship with a “weak or distant father in those early years,” which was also later forgotten. This view has now been dismissed as homophobic and replaced by the new politically correct perspective of homosexuality declaring that it is a normal variant of sexual orientation that is probably of a genetic rather than an environmental origin.
Freud attempted to understand homosexuality by viewing it as objectively as he could. However, homosexuals wanted to view it in an idealistic way, so they created myths. Every age has its myths, and the myths stem from cultural values. The myth during Galileo’s era (in the sixteenth century) was that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the Earth. Galileo published two major works, Sidereus Nuncius and Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. The publication of the second of these created a storm of controversy since it debunked the myth of Earth as center of the universe, causing him to be viewed as a madman possessed by the devil. He was interrogated four times by the Inquisition, and in 1633 he was forced to recant his views of the heavens. Upon recanting, Galileo was put under house arrest until his death in 1642. Galileo’s story has been repeated again and again during other times and when other myths prevailed.5
Socrates was sentenced to death because he was teaching Greek boys to think for themselves, rather than Greek mythology. Darwin discovered that humans didn't start with Adam and Eve as stated in the Bible, but evolved from one-celled organisms over millions and millions of years. He was stigmatized in Great Britain for years after publishing his research. Freud discovered the unconscious and told people about the truths they didn't want to know about, and he was called a sexist, among other things.
had myths, Romans had myths. Myths
have always been a crucial element in the formation of movements; they
serve as
a rationalization and justification of their modes of operation. As the
modern gay rights movement went into high gear in the 1970s in America,
it began to establish its own myths. Gay
rights people have held forth the myth that homosexuality is a genetic,
not an
environmental disorder. Gays are born
that way, they say. That myth of homosexuality being a normal variant of
orientation has been touted by numerous books,6 as well as by
movies, songs, and all kinds of echoes in popular culture. This
effectively suppresses objective
psychoanalytic research that attempts to find out the truth, whatever
truth is. The gay rights movement asserts that psychologists who have
called homosexual sexuality abnormal are mislabeling it because they are
prejudiced. This causes discrimination by male psychoanalysts such as
Freud. Radical homosexuals
decry homophobia and its assumed widespread marginalizing of
Since its modern beginning, the gay rights movement has not only succeeded in revising psychoanalytic theory about homosexuality but also in dominating and controlling our cultural values with respect to homosexuality. Indeed, it may be that the psychodynamic that often occurs in families of homosexuals, wherein the mother and her closely bound gay son become allies against the father, who is seen as defective due to his heterosexual male “toxic masculinity.” This psychodynamic may also exist in society in general, where feminists and homosexual sons ally against all straight men. In fact, at this moment the gay rights movement has become so strong that it is now insisting on controlling all the professional associations that govern psychology, psychoanalysis, and social work. As we speak, the movement is pressuring states to pass laws against reparative therapy (therapy for gays wanting to be straight), and also demanding that professional organizations such as the American Psychology Association pass ethical rules against reparative therapy. The movement claims that helping gays to become straight is giving into societal bias that pressures them to be straight. It says if someone is gay, a psychotherapist should help him to accept his homosexuality. They even claim that any psychotherapy that helps a gay man become straight is a form of brainwashing that may do harm to the patient. Whether this contention by gay rights people is true is still open to debate.
It is interesting that while gays want to ban the possibility of a gay man becoming straight, they are all for a woman becoming a man or a man becoming a woman. They see therapy to help gays become straight as "dangerous," but the complicated surgeries that change a man to a woman and visa versa, radical gays have no problem with. This is one of many ways in which radical reasoning is warped. Radicals can only think in an extreme way that leads to the conclusion they want and to no other conclusions.
The formal beginning of gay radicalism occurred in 1972, when a group of gay psychiatrists broke into a meeting of the American Psychiatry Association and verbally harassed a panel of psychiatrists who were discussing the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual—the manual of mental disorders. They and other gay protesters began barging into one meeting after another (they were angry and fierce and to them this was a war); eventually after many months of this warlike attack on the APA, gays managed to force the leadership of the APA to step down and put the classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder to a vote of the entire membership of the APA. Thus through aggression and intimidation, homosexuality was delisted from the DSM (1987)7. The movement similarly pressured the American Psychological Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association, and other organizations to normalize homosexuality. Soon all professional organizations fell into step with the new view of homosexuality, including scientific associations. When they fell, radical gays took them over.
American Psychoanalytic Association was probably the last
social science organization to yield to gay rights propaganda and join
the movement. By then gay radicals had intimidated everybody into
thinking if they wanted to cool and progressive they had to support the
movement. Freud and psychoanalysis had studied homosexuality as an
disturbance caused by misguided family dynamics involving a
close-binding mother and distant father until the
late 1970s. When the political and
cultural climate changed and psychoanalysts began discussing an
alternate view
of homosexuality as a normal but different variation of sexual
orientation, a
schism occurred. Many psychoanalysts, like Charles Socarides, who had spent their lives
and developed their reputations doing research on homosexuality and had formed
notable theories on the etiology and treatment of homosexuality, now found
themselves suddenly being held in contempt.
Suddenly, as Socarides later related to me, his life’s work had been dismissed,
not because of new research that had proven his work deficient, but because of
political pressure by radical gays. Before long the writings of those who
viewed homosexuality as a sexual disorder was not only devalued but also
considered a kind of moral crime against homosexuals. Socarides began receiving hate mail,
including death threats, when formerly he and his work had been held in high
esteem. He eventually left the American
Psychoanalytic Association and formed another association that specialized in therapy
for homosexuals. He and his new
organization were immediately persecuted by radicals.
The gay rights movement didn’t stop there. In the 1990s it joined transvestites and transsexuals in pressuring the APA to normalize transvestism and transexualism (now called transgenderism). Eventually, the gay rights movement became so influential that it turned the APA and other professional associations into gay rights advocacy organizations and eventually to supporters of what has come to be called the lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, and queer (LBGTQ) movement. The bottom line is that gays who are most unable to look at themselves objectively—the most radical gays—are now in charge of formulating homosexual and LBGTQ policy at all our professional organizations as well as in government and education. After an informal investigation, I concluded that LBGTQ people had virtually taken over all professional organizations. Now, as I noted previously, the gay rights movement has managed to pass laws making it illegal for therapists to work with minor boys who want to change from gay to straight, and it also wants the APA to ban sexual reorientation therapy for adults as well. At bottom radicals seem to want to control everything with regard to homosexuality.. I believe the movement has gone too far, but I am only one weak voice among a million shrill voices, and the weak voices are immediately condemned as “homophobic.” Galileo was made to feel crazy because he saw that the Earth revolved around the sun. And today anybody who says that it is abnormal for a male to insert his penis into the anus of another male, instead of into a woman’s vagina, is also made to feel crazy.
Once radical gays succeeded in normalizing
homosexuality, they sought to normalize what they call man-boy love. An
organization called North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed
in around 1977.8 It has since
promoted the idea that pedophilia between an adult male and a boy child is not
necessarily harmful and could even be beneficial to a boy. As gays radicals have taken over the American
Psychological Association, MAMBLA clung to their coattails. In 1998 a paper was published in the
Psychological Bulletin analyzing whether in fact man-boy love did harm to boys. The paper, by Rind, et al., stated that “their goal was to determine whether CSA [child sexual abuse]
caused pervasive, significant psychological harm for both males and females,
controversially concluding that the harm caused by child sexual abuse was not
necessarily intense or pervasive, that the prevailing construct of CSA
was not scientifically valid, as it failed empirical verification, and that the psychological damage caused by the abusive
encounters depends on other factors such as the degree of coercion or force
In other words, this paper suggested that sex between an adult male and a boy might
actually be beneficial, especially if the boy experiences it as a positive
relationship. When this article was
published, both branches of Congress condemned it and the leaders of the APA were
called to appear before a panel.
Variations of this article have appeared in scholarly journals.10 The question that arises is, has this trend
by the radical gay movement to normalize man-boy pedophilia influence what
happened in the Boy Scouts of America?
The Future of the Boy Scouts of America
Ironically, the founder of the boy scouts was
gay. The boy scouts were founded by
Robert Baden-Powell in 1908 in the U.K.
A recent article in the New York Times, responding to the ban, at that
time, against gay scout leaders, noted, “All this is richly ironic in view of the fact
that the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell
(raised to the peerage as Lord Baden-Powell) was in probability a gay man
himself — though closeted, of course, considering the circumstances.”11
On July 27, 2015, the Boy Scouts of America
voted to allow gay scout leaders. A few
years earlier they had voted to allow gay boy scouts. Hence, the gay rights movement pressured the
Boy Scouts of America to yield to the notion that banning gay scouts and gay
scout leaders was discrimination against gays.
Of course it was discrimination; the question is, was this
discrimination warranted. Some forms of
discrimination are necessary, some are not.
For example, people who have narcolepsy (who tend to nod off a different
parts of the day), are discriminated against by most state governments and not
allowed to have a driver’s license because they may nod off while driving. The current scandal at the BSA, suggesting
that gay scout leaders may be a liability, suggests that maybe the BSA was
right to ban gay scout leaders for so long.
And now that gays have broken through and
apparently have joined the boy scouts in droves, reporters have discovered this
epidemic. Most of the sexual abuse
reported in recent news outlets happened before gay scouts were officially
allowed in, but obviously gay scouts got in anyway, by posing as straight males.
The epidemic has been in the news, but interestingly enough, it has not been
front-page news. When the #Me Too movement began, accusing straight men of
abuse of adult women, it was front-page news for months. But when it’s young heterosexual boys that
are being sexually abused, somehow that isn’t front-page news. Rather, it is
seemingly being hushed.
Why hasn’t this epidemic been more
publicized? Why isn’t it in the
headlines? Why isn’t it being talked
about on the social media? The answer to
these questions is that the gay rights movement has by now conditioned people
to be afraid to say anything about gays—even if they are committing sexual
abuse of boys. The gay rights movement is very strong, and people everywhere
have been intimidated. If we call out those gays who have sexually abused boys
in the BSA, we may be accused of picking on gays or of being homophobic. At times we may even be punished by
humiliation, persecution and even loss of income. The media may thus choose to
defend gays rather than support the boys who have allegedly been abused, hence
it may cover up the story or deemphasize it.
It appears that the Boy Scouts of America,
which used to be a great organization where boys could learn about nature,
survival, taking responsibility and bonding with other boys and men, has now
turned into a place where apparently boys are taken on camping trips and
sexually abused. One wonders whether
radical gays have now taken over the administration of the organization, just
as they have taken over the administration of the American Psychology
Association and other organization, and just they have infiltrated our
education system from elementary schools to grad school
It may be years before the shroud of secrecy is
broken and the files are released. It may be years before we find exactly how
many scout leaders are abusers and what is really going on at the BSA Until then the sexual abuse of these boys will
go unabated, and this abuse will permanently leave a psychological scar on
their psychosexual development, forcing them into a life they never chose. The APA, when asked for a comment by Rolling
Stone, stated, “We care deeply about
all victims of child abuse and sincerely apologize to anyone who was harmed
during their time in Scouting. We believe victims, we support them, and we have
paid for unlimited counseling by a provider of their choice. Nothing is more
important than the safety and protection of children in Scouting and we are
outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our
programs to abuse innocent children.” The statement also noted that the list of
alleged offenders in New York State is publicly available, and that “every
instance of suspected abuse is reported to law enforcement.”11
Naturally the BSA is going to say it’s
doing its best, and the statement above seems quite laudable. However, we don’t know whether this statement
was written by a heterosexual or homosexual, or who is now running the boy
scouts, as it is still shrouded in secrecy.
Sexual abuse of boys or girls is not a semi-normal
phenomenon and, despite what NAMBLA says.
It causes deep psychological damage to the victim. One of my male clients was abused by a
teen-aged boy when he was six. He later
became gay, but he was conflicted about being gay. He felt angry that this incident had, he felt,
turned him gay and when he had a boyfriend who was attracted to him, he wasn’t
interested in sex. He would be sadistic
to the boyfriend, teasing him, withholding sex, and putting down the boyfriend
for wanting sex, telling him, “You just want me for sex.” Eventually
the boyfriend would leave him. Then he would fall apart and become almost
asexual. Like many abused children, he grew up to be an abuser himself. Sexual abuse is devastating, whether it
happens to girls or boys.
This paper is not meant to be an attack on gays. It is not about the mainstream of homosexuals
or homosexuality. Rather it attempts to analyze and understand one segment of
the gay world, the radical left, which has politicized homosexuality and forced
its extreme views on all of society. I
make this distinction because the radical gay community acts as a “big brother,”
punishing anybody who writes anything that goes against the accepted mythology—which
this paper does. Over the years this
radical segment has blanked society with its values by creating the myth that
gays are victims of all sorts of atrocities and thereby setting up homosexuals
to be a sort of sacred group in society, which cannot ever be criticized or
looked at objectively. This has brought other problems.
Gay propaganda, such as that gays are born gay
(unsubstantiated by research) has convinced our society that gays are not only
normal but maybe even more normal than heterosexuals. We bend over backwards to
express admiration for gay celebrities.
In psychoanalysis, this might be called a reaction formation: convincing
ourselves we have the opposite feeling of the one we unconsciously have. People now practically bow down to homosexuals
in an attempt to please them and do whatever they say and hence be politically
correct. This has taken our society to a
dangerous point, a point in which extremists now tell us how to think and how
to speak about homosexuality.
Professionals are no longer allowed to do any research that does not
adhere to the radical gay line. Teachers
from elementary to grad school must teach gay propaganda and are not allowed to
have opinions that diverge from this propaganda. Voters are made to think they are been “good”
if they elect gay politicians—almost without regard to whether they are people
of merit or not. Companies promote
people who are politically correct and parrot the right ideas about
homosexuality, while punishing those who are not politically correct.
Meanwhile, heterosexual boys are being
slighted, as are heterosexual men. The
gay rights movement depicts heterosexuals as victimizers—i.e., bullies of
gays—while continually portraying gays as victims of heterosexuals. Only gays therefore can be viewed with
sympathy, and not straights. This may
further explain why the heterosexual boys that have been sexually abused by gay
scout masters aren’t seen with the same degree of sympathy as women sexually
abused by straight men. If the trend
continues, will our society further degrade heterosexual men? Will heterosexual men be stigmatized? Will they be required to wear badges as did
Jews in Nazi Germany? Is the current BSA
scandal simply the tip of the iceberg?
This has been going on for years—this normalization of homosexuality and of pedophilia along with the degradation of heterosexuality—and there is no sign of any let up. Unless we understand the problem and take actions to head off this growing trend, there is nothing to stop it from reaching its ultimate goal.
1. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Sex-Abuse-Boy-Scouts-of-America-Lawsuits-BSA-508934291.html
2. spreadsheets.latimes.com/boyscouts-cases/
3. ibid, www.nbcnewyork.com
4. Freud, S. (1916), Leonardo
Da Vinci: A Study in Psychosexuality.
New York, Vintage, 1944
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei.
6. Sullivan, A. (1996). Virtually
Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality.
New York: Vintage.
7. Bayer, R. (1987). Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The
Politics of Diagnosis. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press.
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rind_et_al._controversy
10. citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
11. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/20/opinion/scoutings-gay-founder.html
12. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/boy-scouts-sexual-abuse-perversion-files-825

Knowing Reality
By John Miller
ABSTRACT: People think they are seeing reality, but our perception of reality depends on our sensory system and our
perceptual system. One person may see a blue car, another a gray car. One person may see a fast car, one a slowere car. The
ability to test reality, whether we're judging cars or events, is one of the most difficult tasks we have.
We all know what reality is, don’t we? After all, it is all around, and in, us. All we have to do is pay attention to our senses and we can be aware of all the reality we want to be aware of. But it is not so simple. Let’s take a closer look.
In general, the most common way we know reality is through our senses, so let’s consider that first. Since more research has been done on vision, the dominant sense in humans, let’s consider this sense as representative of the other senses. Most of the points made regarding vision also apply to our other senses.
When we look at objects, we do not see them directly. We see the light that bounces off of them. But, does all of the available light bounce off of them? It’s hard to say. It is possible that some light adheres to objects. Since that light is not reflected, we don’t see it. But, do we see all the light that bounces off objects? Definitely not. The human eye is designed to detect only light with wavelengths between about 400-750 nanometers. But the entire known electromagnetic spectrum extends between 0.00001 nanometers and more than one hundred thousand kilometers wide. That means that our eyes can detect less than one percent of the light around us. So, when we are looking at a car, we see less than one percent of the light bouncing off that car. If we saw all of the light that actually bounces off that car, we would see things about that car that we don’t currently see. Its actual color may be a color our eyes cannot currently see.
But this raises another question. If the car looks blue, why does it look blue? The answer is that the light making it into our eyes is roughly between 450-475 nanometers. And our brain perceives that color as blue. But different animals may see light in that wavelength differently than we do. This is partly because the rods and cones in their eyes are receptive to different colors than the rods and cones in our eyes. Keep in mind that some species can detect colors that we humans cannot. For example, bees can see ultraviolent light (Preston, 2014).
But even if they detect the same wavelengths of light that we do, do they see those wavelengths of light as the same color that we perceive them as? For example, we know that people who are color blind, may see that same object as a different color, depending on the makeup of their eyes. And cats are dichromats, meaning that they cannot see red-green colors as differently as we do. So, which is the real color of a green car, the one we perceive, or the one
the cat perceives?
Another problem with vision has to do with the timing of information reaching our conscious awareness. For example, Blackmore observes that, “… color is processed faster than orientation and orientation faster than motion.” (Blackmore, 2012, p 172). This is because color requires less extensive brain processing than the orientation or motion of an object. So, when we are looking at a car, the color information reaches our conscious awareness faster than the information about its motion. This means we must unconsciously adjust our perception of motion to correspond with our perception of color so that they seem to both pertain to the same object in the same location at the same time.
Also, when we look at a moving object, the light entering our eyes takes about half of a second to reach conscious awareness (Libet, 1982). So, when we are looking at a moving car that is at location A, the light that bounces off that car makes its way into our eyes and is processed in a manner that takes about half of a second for us to become consciously aware of it (Libet, 1982). But this means that by the time we are consciously aware of that moving car it is no longer at location A. It is now at location A plus the distance it traveled in one half of a second. And so, the visual images that inhabit our conscious awareness are about half of a second behind the actual position of moving objects. In other words, we see the moving car now where it actually was half a second ago.
Let’s also consider what our sensory organs do with incoming information. When light enters the eye, it passes through the lens, an opaque structure that influences the concentration of light. From there, the light passes to the retina, where our rods and cones are activated by the light.
Our cones are particularly receptive to the colors red green and blue. As noted above, this means that we notice those colors, and their combinations, while not noticing colors that fall outside these parameters. So, our photoreceptors take the light and transform it into chemical and electrical impulses that are transmitted along the optic nerve. From there the information goes to the thalamus and passes through the dorsal or ventral routes, which mediate awareness of the position of objects or their detailed characteristics. Then the information continues along its way, reaching our occipital cortex, and temporal lobe, where it is processed in great detail, eventually giving rise to visual perception. But there is one more stop along the way. The posterior parietal lobe filters out information that is not part of our attention set.
Our attention set is that information that is selected for further processing. This involves selecting what to pay attention to, but also selectively ignoring whatever is not the focus of our interest. That is, we actively suppress visual stimuli that are not the focus of our attention. At some point far along these pathways, what was originally light is transformed into a mental representation of whatever we are paying attention to, i.e., what we see.
The processing of visual stimuli raises at least two interesting questions. First, what is the relationship between our mental representations and the original stimulus? If we are looking at a blue car, then how does it compare with our mental representation of that car? Clearly, our representation is not the car. It is constructed by assembling the light reflected off the car.
Although we perceive it as a car, there is no car in our brain, anywhere. Instead, we have a sort of picture of a car. The picture is much smaller than the original. But what type of picture are we talking about. If someone were to peer inside our brains while we were conscious of seeing that blue car, they would not find a picture of a blue car anywhere. So, there is no car, and not even something that we could recognize as a blue car, inside of our brain while we are conscious of seeing a blue car. Instead, we would find a pattern of neural impulses that mediates the mental representation that we call a blue car. And what is included in that representation? It is not a faithful representation of the car.
What is included is an image of the parts of the car that we are aware of. And the suppression by the posterior parietal lobe insures that we have not included those parts of the car that are not relevant to our interests at the moment. That is, we notice the parts of the car that are relevant to our interest at the moment and disregard the rest.
The process by which we choose what to pay attention to, and disregard what is not relevant, is called selective attention. Selective attention is highly useful, as it helps us reduce an overwhelming amount of available sensory stimuli into a subset of interesting/important stimuli that we pay attention to. Without selective attention we would be overwhelmed by more information than our conscious awareness can handle.
But there is a dark side to selective attention. When we are focusing our attention on one thing, we are not, at the same time, focusing our attention on stimuli that are irrelevant to our present purpose. As a result, we sometimes fail to notice stimuli that are right in front of us because we are not paying attention to them. Some fascinating experiments have been performed by Daniel Simons and his colleagues (e.g., Most, Simons, Scholl, Jimenez, Clifford, and Chabris, 2001), in which they demonstrate how people may not notice a person in a gorilla outfit in the middle of a computer screen because they were focusing on something else. Other studies are described on Simons lab, in which they found that we may not notice when the person we are speaking with changes into another person, or when objects come and go from a scene in
which two women are having a conversation.
Selective attention is related to another phenomenon, called top down processing. The basic idea of top down processing is that our expectations influence what we notice, to the point of sometimes causing optical illusions. A fascinating example of this is called the convex face illusion, in which a mask that looks like Charlie Chaplin spins on an axis and we see both sides of the mask. The fascinating part is that when we see the back of the mask it looks as though the nose is sticking out, toward us, rather than the way it really is. The narrator observes that this exemplifies the power of top down thinking, in which our prior experiences with faces cause us to misperceive the back of the mask. As a result of such processes, there is sometimes a discrepancy between what we believe we see and what is actually there.
There are also limits on the types of information we may apprehend. For example, in statistics, it is possible to conceptualize an interaction between variables. When the value of a dependent variable depends on the value of two different independent variables, it means that the value of that dependent variable under the influence of one independent variable depends on the value of a second independent variable. Under such conditions we say there exists a two-way interaction. When the value of a dependent variable depends on the values of three independent variables, we say there is a three-way interaction. As we go from simple interactions to more complex interactions it becomes harder and harder for us to conceptualize. Thus, a two-way interaction is easier to apprehend than a five-way interaction, while the apprehension of a seventeen-way interaction is beyond the ability of most people. That is, we can understand what a seventeen-way interaction is in principle, but it is extremely difficult for us to construct a mental representation of an interaction that is so complex.
We see, therefore, that our ability to apprehend the world around us is limited in many ways, particularly through our senses, but also in terms of our mental capacity. This raises the obvious question of how we can best know reality. For better or worse, the main tools we have available are our senses. Although they are fraught with limitations there are several ways we can use them to increase our chances of having accurate perceptions.
One option is to use multisensory integration. This is our ability to integrate information across multiple sense modalities. There are many concepts that can be confirmed by using multisensory integration. For example, the concept of roundness may be apprehended by our eyes and our hands. This enables us to check the contents of one sense modality by assessing its correspondence with other sense modalities. If there is overlap between the impressions we form with our eyes and our fingers, then this increases the likelihood that both senses are detecting the same information.
We can also compare notes with others. For example, if you and I see the same blue car, and it looks the same to both of us, then this helps confirm that each of us is accurately perceiving that car. Of course, this does not overcome the objection that both of us are using eyes that suffer from the same limits to what we may detect, but it helps confirm that what each of us sees is actually there, and not, for example, a figment of our imagination. It also does not solve the problem of comparing qualia between perceivers. This is important because, even though you may claim to see the same blue car I claim to see, it is possible that your visual experience differs in meaningful ways from my visual experience. Even though we may both claim to be seeing the color blue, it is difficult to know if it appears the same to you as it does to me. We wind up
just taking it on faith that the blue one person sees is the same blue others see when they look at
the same blue object. Building this type of consensus about what is actually out there in the
world is a fallible, yet helpful, way to increase our certainty about what is there. It is also a
larger factor in contemporary science, as replication of experiments is considered an important
way of confirming the existence of phenomena.
In addition, we can compare human sensory impressions with those of other species. For example, we can conduct experiments in which an animal is taught to react one way to a blue car and a different way to a red car. This still doesn’t prove that the animal perceives that shade of blue the way we do, but it is suggestive. Similarly, we can test the awareness of animals of different types of information. If they react differently to roundness than, say, straightness or long than short lines, it suggests that they are able to detect those stimuli and reconfirms that they perceive something like what we perceive.
But animal studies can also enable us to become aware of sensory stimuli that fall outside of our own capacity. For example, although bats have some visual capacity, they also appear to have sonar. Snakes have the capacity to detect infrared light. And many animals have an ability to detect stimuli at night that exceeds our own abilities. As a result, we become aware that there is something out there beyond what we can detect with our own senses.
Finally, we may devise machines that detect and respond to stimuli beyond our personal capacity to detect. For example, compasses detect and react to magnetic force. Thermostats detect and can be made to respond to finer gradations of temperature than most of us. And some binoculars can detect gradations of infrared light that exceed our own personal capacity.
Thus, by comparing notes with each other, with our phylogenetic neighbors, and with information detected by machines, we can confirm our own sensations, even as we acknowledge our many limitations. For now, this seems like the best we can do. And it beats the chaos that would ensue if we were to succumb to nihilism.
Blackmore, S. (2012). Consciousness: An Introduction. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Convex face illusions. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=convex+mask+illusion+youtube&q=govt=
Libet, B. (1982). Brain stimulation in the study of neuronal functions for conscious sensory
experiences. Human Neurobiology, 1, 235-242.
Most, S.B., Simons, D.J., Scholl, B.J., Jimenez, R., Clifford, R., and Chabris, C.F. (2001). How
not to be seen. The contribution of similarity and selective ignoring to sustained inattentional
blindness. Psychological Science, 12(1), 9-17.
Preston, E. (2014). How animals see the world. See through the eyes of cats, birds, fish, and
snakes. Nautilus. March 20th 2014. http://nautil.us/issue/11/light/how-animals-see-the-world
Simons, D. (2019). Website: http://www.simonslab.com

Why War: The Einstein-Freud Correspondence
by Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud
ABSTRACT: In 1932 Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud engaged in a correspondence about how to prevent a war. At the time, the world was heading for World War II. Here, in a Flashback Feature, is a slightly abbreviated version of that memorable correspondence.
Dear Doctor Freud:
I greatly admire your passion to ascertain the truth — a passion that has come to dominate all else in your thinking. You have shown with irresistible lucidity how inseparably the aggressive and destructive instincts are bound up in the human psyche with those of love and the lust for life. At the same time, your convincing arguments make manifest your deep devotion to the great goal of the internal and external liberation of man from the evils of war. This was the profound hope of all those who have been revered as moral and spiritual leaders beyond the limits of their own time and country, from Jesus to Goethe and Kant. Is it not significant that such men have been universally recognized as leaders, even though their desire to affect the course of human affairs was quite ineffective?
I am convinced that almost all great men who, because of their accomplishments, are recognized as leaders even of small groups share the same ideals. But they have little influence on the course of political events. It would almost appear that the very domain of human activity most crucial to the fate of nations is inescapably in the hands of wholly irresponsible political rulers.
Political leaders or governments owe their power either to the use of force or to their election by the masses. They cannot be regarded as representative of the superior moral or intellectual elements in a nation. In our time, the intellectual elite does not exercise any direct influence on the history of the world; the very fact of its division into many factions makes it impossible for its members to co-operate in the solution of today’s problems.
Such a group of international scope, whose members would have to keep contact with each other through constant interchange of opinions, might gain a significant and wholesome moral influence on the solution of political problems if its own attitudes, backed by the signatures of its concurring members, were made public through the press. Such an association would, of course, suffer from all the defects that have so often led to degeneration in learned societies; the danger that such a degeneration may develop is, unfortunately, ever present in view of the imperfections of human nature. However, and despite those dangers, should we not make at least an attempt to form such an association in spite of all dangers? It seems to me nothing less than an imperative duty!
I offer these suggestions to you, rather than to anyone else in the world, because your sense of reality is less clouded by wishful thinking than is the case with other people and since you combine the qualities of critical judgment, earnestness and responsibility.
Those whose duty it is to tackle the problem professionally and practically are growing only too aware of their impotence to deal with it, and have now a very lively desire to learn the views of men who, absorbed in the pursuit of science, can see world problems in the perspective distance lends. As for me, the normal objective of my thought affords no insight into the dark places of human will and feeling. Thus, in the inquiry now proposed, I can do little more than to seek to clarify the question at issue and, clearing the ground of the more obvious solutions, enable you to bring the light of your far-reaching knowledge of man’s instinctive life to bear upon the problem. There are certain psychological obstacles whose existence a layman in the mental sciences may dimly surmise, but whose interrelations and vagaries he is incompetent to fathom; you, I am convinced, will be able to suggest educative methods, lying more or less outside the scope of politics, which will eliminate these obstacles.
This is a fact with which we have to reckon; law and might inevitably go hand in hand, and juridical decisions approach more nearly the ideal justice demanded by the community (in whose name and interests these verdicts are pronounced) insofar as the community has effective power to compel respect of its juridical ideal. But at present we are far from possessing any supranational organization competent to render verdicts of incontestable authority and enforce absolute submission to the execution of its verdicts. Thus I am led to my first axiom: The quest of international security involves the unconditional surrender by every nation, in a certain measure, of its liberty of action — its sovereignty that is to say – -and it is clear beyond all doubt that no other road can lead to such security.
The craving for power which characterizes the governing class in every nation is hostile to any limitation of the national sovereignty. This political power hunger is often supported by the activities of another group, whose aspirations are on purely mercenary, economic lines. I have especially in mind that small but determined group, active in every nation, composed of individuals who, indifferent to social considerations and restraints, regard warfare, the manufacture and sale of arms, simply as an occasion to advance their personal interests and enlarge their personal authority. … Another question follows hard upon it: How is it possible for this small clique to bend the will of the majority, who stand to lose and suffer by a state of war, to the service of their ambitions. … An obvious answer to this question would seem to be that the minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and makes its tool of them.
Is it possible to control man’s mental evolution so as to make him proof against the psychosis of hate and destructiveness? Here I am thinking by no means only of the so-called uncultured masses. Experience proves that it is rather the so-called “intelligentsia” that is most apt to yield to these disastrous collective suggestions, since the intellectual has no direct contact with life in the raw but encounters it in its easiest, synthetic form — upon the printed page. … But … here we have the best occasion of discovering ways and means to render all armed conflicts impossible.
I know that in your writings we may find answers, explicit or implied, to all the issues of this urgent and absorbing problem. But it would be of the greatest service to us all were you to present the problem of world peace in the light of your most recent discoveries, for such a presentation well might blaze the trail for new and fruitful modes of action.
Albert Einstein
Dear Mr. Einstein:
When I learned of your intention to invite me to a mutual exchange of views upon a subject which not only interested you personally but seemed deserving, too, of public interest, I cordially assented. I expected you to choose a problem lying on the borderland of the knowable, as it stands today, a theme which each of us, physicist and psychologist, might approach from his own angle, to meet at last on common ground, though setting out from different premises. Thus the question which you put me — what is to be done to rid mankind of the war menace? — took me by surprise. And, next, I was dumbfounded by the thought of my (of our, I almost wrote) incompetence; for this struck me as being a matter of practical politics, the statesman’s proper study. But then I realized that you did not raise the question in your capacity of scientist or physicist, but as a lover of his fellow men… And, next, I reminded myself that I was not being called on to formulate practical proposals but, rather, to explain how this question of preventing wars strikes a psychologist.
You begin with the relations between might and right, and this is assuredly the proper starting point for our inquiry. But, for the term might, I would substitute a tougher and more telling word: violence. In right and violence we have today an obvious antinomy. It is easy to prove that one has evolved from the other and, when we go back to origins and examine primitive conditions, the solution of the problem follows easily enough.
Conflicts of interest between man and man are resolved, in principle, by the recourse to violence. It is the same in the animal kingdom, from which man cannot claim exclusion; nevertheless, men are also prone to conflicts of opinion, touching, on occasion, the loftiest peaks of abstract thought, which seem to call for settlement by quite another method. This refinement is, however, a late development. To start with, group force was the factor which, in small communities, decided points of ownership and the question which man’s will was to prevail. Very soon physical force was implemented, then replaced, by the use of various adjuncts; he proved the victor whose weapon was the better, or handled the more skillfully. Now, for the first time, with the coming of weapons, superior brains began to oust brute force, but the object of the conflict remained the same: one party was to be constrained, by the injury done him or impairment of his strength, to retract a claim or a refusal. This end is most effectively gained when the opponent is definitely put out of action — in other words, is killed. This procedure has two advantages: the enemy cannot renew hostilities, and, secondly, his fate deters others from following his example. Moreover, the slaughter of a foe gratifies an instinctive craving. … However, another consideration may be set off against this will to kill: the possibility of using an enemy for servile tasks if his spirit be broken and his life spared. Here violence finds an outlet not in slaughter but in subjugation. Hence springs the practice of giving quarter; but the victor, having from now on to reckon with the craving for revenge that rankles in his victim, forfeits to some extent his personal security.
Brute force is overcome by union; the allied might of scattered units makes good its right against the isolated giant. Thus we may define “right” (i.e., law) as the might of a community. Yet it, too, is nothing else than violence, quick to attack whatever individual stands in its path, and it employs the selfsame methods, follows like ends, with but one difference: it is the communal, not individual, violence that has its way. But, for the transition from crude violence to the reign of law, a certain psychological condition must first obtain. The union of the majority must be stable and enduring. If its sole raison d’etre be the discomfiture of some overweening individual and, after his downfall, it be dissolved, it leads to nothing. Some other man, trusting to his superior power, will seek to reinstate the rule of violence, and the cycle will repeat itself unendingly. Thus the union of the people must be permanent and well organized; it must enact rules to meet the risk of possible revolts; must set up machinery insuring that its rules — the laws — are observed and that such acts of violence as the laws demand are duly carried out. This recognition of a community of interests engenders among the members of the group a sentiment of unity and fraternal solidarity which constitutes its real strength. … I have set out what seems to me the kernel of the matter: the suppression of brute force by the transfer of power to a larger combination, founded on the community of sentiments linking up its members.
Thenceforward there exist within the state two factors making for legal instability, but legislative evolution, too: first, the attempts by members of the ruling class to set themselves above the law’s restrictions and, secondly, the constant struggle of the ruled to extend their rights and see each gain embodied in the code, replacing legal disabilities by equal laws for all.
No single all-embracing judgment can be passed on these wars of aggrandizement. Some, like the war between the Mongols and the Turks, have led to unmitigated misery; others, however, have furthered the transition from violence to law, since they brought larger units into being, within whose limits a recourse to violence was banned and a new regime determined all disputes. Thus the Roman conquest brought that boon, the pax Romana, to the Mediterranean lands. The French kings’ lust for aggrandizement created a new France, flourishing in peace and unity. Paradoxical as its sounds, we must admit that warfare well might serve to pave the way to that unbroken peace we so desire, for it is war that brings vast empires into being, within whose frontiers all warfare is proscribed by a strong central power.
For this, two things are needed: first, the creation of such a supreme court of judicature; secondly, its investment with adequate executive force. Unless this second requirement be fulfilled, the first is unavailing. Obviously the League of Nations, acting as a Supreme Court, fulfills the first condition; it does not fulfill the second. It has no force at its disposal and can only get it if the members of the new body, its constituent nations, furnish it. And, as things are, this is a forlorn hope. Still we should be taking a very shortsighted view of the League of Nations were we to ignore the fact that here is an experiment the like of which has rarely — never before, perhaps, on such a scale — been attempted in the course of history. It is an attempt to acquire the authority (in other words, coercive influence), which hitherto reposed exclusively in the possession of power, by calling into play certain idealistic attitudes of mind. … [T]here are two factors of cohesion in a community: violent compulsion and ties of sentiment (“identifications,” in technical parlance) between the members of the group. If one of these factors becomes inoperative, the other may still suffice to hold the group together.
And, in our times, we look in vain for some such unifying notion whose authority would be unquestioned. It is all too clear that the nationalistic ideas, paramount today in every country, operate in quite a contrary direction. Some there are who hold that the Bolshevist conceptions may make an end of war, but, as things are, that goal lies very far away and, perhaps, could only be attained after a spell of brutal internecine warfare. Thus it would seem that any effort to replace brute force by the might of an ideal is, under present conditions, doomed to fail. Our logic is at fault if we ignore the fact that right is founded on brute force and even today needs violence to maintain it.
We assume that human instincts are of two kinds: those that conserve and unify, which we call “erotic” (in the meaning Plato gives to Eros in his Symposium), or else “sexual” (explicitly extending the popular connotation of “sex”); and, secondly, the instincts to destroy and kill, which we assimilate as the aggressive or destructive instincts. These are, as you perceive, the well known opposites, Love and Hate, transformed into theoretical entities; they are, perhaps, another aspect of those eternal polarities, attraction and repulsion, which fall within your province. But we must be chary of passing overhastily to the notions of good and evil. Each of these instincts is every whit as indispensable as its opposite, and all the phenomena of life derive from their activity, whether they work in concert or in opposition. It seems that an instinct of either category can operate but rarely in isolation; it is always blended (“alloyed,” as we say) with a certain dosage of its opposite, which modifies its aim or even, in certain circumstances, is a prime condition of its attainment. Thus the instinct of self-preservation is certainly of an erotic nature, but to gain its end this very instinct necessitates aggressive action. In the same way the love instinct, when directed to a specific object, calls for an admixture of the acquisitive instinct if it is to enter into effective possession of that object. It is the difficulty of isolating the two kinds of instinct in their manifestations that has so long prevented us from recognizing them. … Only exceptionally does an action follow on the stimulus of a single instinct, which is per se a blend of Eros and destructiveness. As a rule several motives of similar composition concur to bring about the act.
When a nation is summoned to engage in war, a whole gamut of human motives may respond to this appeal–high and low motives, some openly avowed, others slurred over. The lust for aggression and destruction is certainly included; the innumerable cruelties of history and man’s daily life confirm its prevalence and strength. The stimulation of these destructive impulses by appeals to idealism and the erotic instinct naturally facilitate their release. Musing on the atrocities recorded on history’s page, we feel that the ideal motive has often served as a camouflage for the dust of destruction; sometimes, as with the cruelties of the Inquisition, it seems that, while the ideal motives occupied the foreground of consciousness, they drew their strength from the destructive instincts submerged in the unconscious. Both interpretations are feasible.
All this may give you the impression that our theories amount to species of mythology and a gloomy one at that! But does not every natural science lead ultimately to this — a sort of mythology? Is it otherwise today with your physical sciences?
From our “mythology” of the instincts we may easily deduce a formula for an indirect method of eliminating war. If the propensity for war be due to the destructive instinct, we have always its counter-agent, Eros, to our hand. All that produces ties of sentiment between man and man must serve us as war’s antidote. These ties are of two kinds. First, such relations as those toward a beloved object, void though they be of sexual intent. The psychoanalyst need feel no compunction in mentioning “love” in this connection; religion uses the same language: Love thy neighbor as thyself. A pious injunction, easy to enounce, but hard to carry out! The other bond of sentiment is by way of identification. All that brings out the significant resemblances between men calls into play this feeling of community, identification, whereon is founded, in large measure, the whole edifice of human society.
That men are divided into the leaders and the led is but another manifestation of their inborn and irremediable inequality. The second class constitutes the vast majority; they need a high command to make decisions for them, to which decisions they usually bow without demur. In this context we would point out that men should be at greater pains than heretofore to form a superior class of independent thinkers, unamenable to intimidation and fervent in the quest of truth, whose function it would be to guide the masses dependent on their lead. There is no need to point out how little the rule of politicians and the Church’s ban on liberty of thought encourage such a new creation. The ideal conditions would obviously be found in a community where every man subordinated his instinctive life to the dictates of reason. Nothing less than this could bring about so thorough and so durable a union between men, even if this involved the severance of mutual ties of sentiment. But surely such a hope is utterly utopian, as things are. The other indirect methods of preventing war are certainly more feasible, but entail no quick results. They conjure up an ugly picture of mills that grind so slowly that, before the flour is ready, men are dead of hunger.
Every man has a right over his own life and war destroys lives that were full of promise; it forces the individual into situations that shame his manhood, obliging him to murder fellow men, against his will; it ravages material amenities, the fruits of human toil, and much besides. Moreover, wars, as now conducted, afford no scope for acts of heroism according to the old ideals and, given the high perfection of modern arms, war today would mean the sheer extermination of one of the combatants, if not of both. This is so true, so obvious, that we can but wonder why the conduct of war is not banned by general consent.
The cultural development of mankind (some, I know, prefer to call it civilization) has been in progress since immemorial antiquity. To this processus we owe all that is best in our composition, but also much that makes for human suffering. Its origins and causes are obscure, its issue is uncertain, but some of its characteristics are easy to perceive. It well may lead to the extinction of mankind, for it impairs the sexual function in more than one respect, and even today the uncivilized races and the backward classes of all nations are multiplying more rapidly than the cultured elements. … The psychic changes which accompany this process of cultural change are striking, and not to be gainsaid. They consist in the progressive rejection of instinctive ends and a scaling down of instinctive reactions. … On the psychological side two of the most important phenomena of culture are, firstly, a strengthening of the intellect, which tends to master our instinctive life, and, secondly, an introversion of the aggressive impulse, with all its consequent benefits and perils. Now war runs most emphatically counter to the psychic disposition imposed on us by the growth of culture; we are therefore bound to resent war, to find it utterly intolerable.
How long have we to wait before the rest of men turn pacifist? Impossible to say, and yet perhaps our hope that these two factors — man’s cultural disposition and a well-founded dread of the form that future wars will take — may serve to put an end to war in the near future, is not chimerical. But by what ways or byways this will come about, we cannot guess. Meanwhile we may rest on the assurance that whatever makes for cultural development is working also against war.
Sigmund Freud
Politics and the Need to be Right
Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: Throughout
history humanity has been beset with wars and political conflicts, many
of which appear to be driven by a need to be right. In couple's
therapy that need to be right is also prevalent. The need, which may be
an aspect of the territorial instinct or the instinct of
self-preservation, prevents resolution.
In a recent Harris Poll done on behalf of the American Psychological Association, 62% of Americans said they were stressed out by the current political climate in America. They reported being even more stressed out by two issues that were not being adequately dealt with by politicians—the rise of mass shootings (71%) and the lack of a viable, low-cost health care system (69%).1
What should be factored into this poll is that people are often not aware of how much stress they feel. If a people identify themselves as Democrats, they won’t feel as much stress as those who identify as Republicans, since Democrats are the dominant aggressors in the present conflict, and people always want to identify themselves with the aggressor—that is, with the winning team. When one identifies with the winning team, their aggression is viewed positively and the associated stress is channeled along positive lines. Thus, stress is experienced as good stress as long as the winning team is winning. But if it begins to lose, the same stress can become unbearable. This positive view of aggression as a path to peace fosters the illusion that aggression and eventually war is necessary.
People want leaders who can guide them to a place of stability and security. There are different methods of getting to that place. Often politics consists of a conflict of ideologies and an attempt by one side or the other to prevail in that conflict and establish its own ideology as the mainstream value system in society. It is a right-wrong conflict, with each side assuming it’s view of how to solve conflicts and how to organize society is the right one and the other side—or factions of the other side—is the wrong one. The more extreme this conflict is, the more hostile becomes the conflict. Often this state of conflict goes on and on and the goal of reaching a state of calm is never reached. Instead, people find themselves in a situation in which there is an increasing divisiveness in government as well as in their culture between political groups, believers and non-believers, country and city people, intellectuals and blue-collar workers, and the like.
While most people agree that social stress is caused by the divisiveness in a culture, people do not agree on what causes it or how to eliminate it. When one side seems to be stronger, people will want to join the winning side. It has nothing to do with logic. Also, political divisions tend to stubbornly buy into all the policies of their party without actually giving these policies the necessary thought. Most Democrats think our present divisiveness is caused by the Republicans and, in recent years, by the Republican President, Donald Trump. Republicans are of the opinion that the divisiveness has been caused by the hostile and condescending attitude of Democrats.
The tendency of politics to stay on this level of a right-wrong ideological conflict can be observed throughout the history of human beings. One historian claims that 14,500 wars took place between 3500 BC and the late 20th century, costing 3.5 billion lives, leaving only 300 years of peace.2 Often, war has been fueled by religious ideologies, especially in the modern age. In a recent volume that takes a look at the relationship between war and religion, Blin examines how this relationship proceeded through the concurrent emergence of the Mediterranean empires and the great monotheistic faiths and concludes that religion not only fostered a great number of conflicts but also defined the manner in which wars were conducted and fought.3 In many other cases, wars are fought on behalf of some nonreligious ideology, such as the Marxist system that was the source of many wars in the 18th and 19th centuries. In each of these cases, where there is a conflict between ideologies, it boils down to a right-wrong argument.
Philosophers have long contemplated moral thinking, and in particular this need by people to be right and to view others as wrong. “The search for right and wrong is just insane;/If deepest roots are missed, all musing’s lame,” noted Seng Tsan, a Taoist philosopher, several thousand years ago. Speaking of judgments, Buddha said, “People with opinions just go around bothering each other.” He also said, “In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.” And, finally, he also said, “Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind.” Nietzsche more recently speculated on morality by asserting, “The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.” Finally, Freud, coming at it from his psychoanalytic point of view, noted that “Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires.” Hence, if a religion tells us that we are good and right if we believe in it, then we will believe in it because of our instinctual desire to be good and right.
Politics is an offshoot of religion, and just as people believe in a religion that falls in with their instinctual desires, so also people believe in a political agenda that does the same. The distinction between religion and politics is that religion is the world of moral ideas, while politics is the world of moral actions. Politicians seldom act upon reasonable ideas, because reasonable ideas are seldom in accord with their instinctual desires. They act upon ideas about which they have strong emotions, and the strong emotions derive from their desires—often unconscious desires—to have things their way. And they often view themselves as heroic for fighting to have things their way.
Politics is a realm of thought that is totally about conflicting opinions and conflicting morality. Each side in a political conflict believes that it’s way of looking at life is not only the best way but—in many cases—the only way. Through propaganda, each side idealizes its own perspective while demonizing the other side. It often becomes a life-and-death matter to win and to not allow a horrible fate to occur, that of being overtaken and dominated by an alien and totally deplorable system of values. The human tendency to want to be right, which is referred to as a confirmation bias in psychology, is a basic flaw of humanity. It can be seen not only in politics and in the world at large, but also in the most basic element of society—the family.
Psychology understands the human need to be right via the term “confirmation bias.” The confirmation bias refers to the need of experimenters to have their theories proven right, which causes them to overestimate the validity of their experiments. This confirmation bias, however, is not limited to psychological experimenters but also to people in general. By studying the confirmation bias as it operates in the family, one can better understand how it operates world-wide. Is this confirmation bias—this urgent need to be right—an instinctive part of the human endowment, a religious or philosophical way of being, or is it a psychological entity?
Politics in the Family
In doing couples
therapy for many years, I have come to understand the politics of the family,
which is a microcosm of politics in the human family. Each family has its own
political philosophy and its own set of moral values that come out of its
philosophy. When a family works well, it
is because the family is unified under a single value system, to which all
subscribe. When a family doesn’t work
well, it is because it is divided, and therefore a moral conflict exists that
is manifested in a battle between parents.
This battle is over who is right and who is wrong, who is good and who
is bad, who is at fault and who is not, or who is the victim and who is the
victimizer. Often this battle is waged
year after year and is never resolved.
One person can become dominant for a while and therefore his or her
dominance silences the other partner and fosters the illusion that he or she is
right and the partner is wrong. And all
the children will fall in line with this version of right and wrong.
However, when a relationship is based on dominance and submission, any state of peace that results from this dominance and submission is a forced peace. Neither the dominant nor the submissive partner will truly be at peace, for the dominant partner will always fear that the submissive partner will revolt and turn the tables, and therefore must be constantly vigilant; and the submissive partner will harbor resentment toward the dominant partner and an ongoing, often unconscious desire to actualize his or her own independent thoughts and actions.
Hence, the conflict over dominance and submission can take on different characteristics in different families. The conflict over dominance can become a battle that rages on, week after week, for as long as the couple is together. The battle can consist of weekly flareups, daily arguments, drunken brawls, physical fights, threats to do harm, threats to leave and actual leavings. As with any war, the two participants will extol themselves while repudiating their partner, and will engage in the creation of propaganda, especially if there are kids. One or both will attempt to portray themselves to their kids as victims and the partner as an abuser, in order to sway their sympathy and get them on their side. All varieties of warfare will be used, including mockery, twisting of facts, digging up past wrongs, emotional bribes and threats to leave, intimidation tactics such as shouting or engaging in hysterical fits, and guilt-tripping. When the war is ongoing and is waged by both sides equally, the kids will be conflicted about their loyalties. Female kids may be inclined to identify with and therefore side with their mother and male kids may be inclined to identify with and side with their father.
If the family battle becomes and out-and-out war, all rules of decency are thrown out the window. As with any war, the goal in this case is the complete destruction of the opponent, so that the resolution consists of victory by one partner and the dismissal and exit by the offending partner; or of an apology by the offending partner and a promise to reform and behave according to the dominant partner’s wishes. If the latter occurs, this may become a cycle that repeats again and again over the years. The offending partner will promise to reform, but then resentment will build up and the offending partner will relapse again and commit the offending acts, after which this partner will again apologize and promise to reform.
In one such case I became acquainted with, the husband used intimidation tactics to dominate his wife. He was an entitled, narcissistic man who had grown up the youngest child and only son in a family of women—his mother and three older sisters. He was coddled and spoiled by the mother and older sisters and became their darling who could do no wrong. Even when, as a three- or four-year old he hit the sister nearest in age, his mother would correct him and tell him not to hit his sister, who, she added, “loves you very much.” Since he received no real punishment for hitting his sister, he persisted in doing so. He would have temper tantrums when he couldn’t get his way and his mother would always give in to him.
He developed into
a teenager who continued to have the feeling that he could do no wrong, and
that he was entitled to use any kind of manipulation to get what he
wanted. In his relationship with his
wife, he expected her to yield to his demands just as his mother and sisters
had, and when she did not, he used all manner of intimidation strategies,
including temper tantrums, shouting her down, sarcastically demonizing her,
mocking her, accusing her of various wrongs, degrading her, and generally
casting her before their children as a stupid, low-classed woman. “I don’t know why I ever married such a moron
like you. If I had married a good woman,
I could have made something of myself, but instead, I married you.
The wife in this case played the martyr. Not only did she refuse to give in to the husband’s demands and manipulations, she goaded him into engaging in violent behavior toward her by sarcastically deriding him when he came home drunk late at night. Having already had several beers herself, as soon as he walked into the door, she would hiss, “Are you good and drunk now?” And she would add, “What are you going to do now? Beat me? What a big man you are! You can come home drunk and beat your wife! Isn’t that great!” And, of course, he would end up shouting at her at the top of his lungs and shoving her and sometimes slugging her, and she would scratch and yelp like a cat and they would put on this drama for the kids. And she would cry and cry throughout the night and the next morning she would complain to her kids, “I don’t know why I have put up with this hell for so long,” and she would play the down-trodden martyr and gain their sympathy and support. However, the kids saw what was going on and would entreat her not to taunt him the next time he came home. She would agree not to do that, but the next night she would taunt him again all the more.
Often the police were called and after several such calls the one or both ended up spending the night in jail and were brought before a judge. On one such occasion, the judge mandated couples counseling for the sake of their kids. The couples counseling lasted only three sessions before the father wanted out. This couple was deeply entrenched in its need to be right. In their defensive and drunken states of mind, neither of them could even for one second consider the notion that their perspectives might be wrong. Each was convinced that their spouse was the reason their life was ruined. The warfare between them become an obsessive and compulsive habit. Such is often the case when countries are at war for generations, and as a result they totally demonize one another and will no longer listen to reason.
Another case appeared to be more one-sided. The mother was totally convinced that her husband was a selfish, sexist man who only cared about himself and totally avoided his responsibilities as a husband and father. Almost daily she would castigate him in front of her kids and also behind his back. She was an educated woman who worked as an elementary school teacher, and she felt her husband, whose parents were Italian immigrants, was beneath her. She continually corrected his grammar (as well as the grammar of her kids), to highlight just how uneducated he was. Even though he was an attorney, she looked down on him. She had seven children and the children became her allies against the father. Each time he forgot a child’s birthday, she made a point of lambasting him about it before the birthday child, and after a while her children began to look down at their father. He build himself a man cave in the basement, which she called his bunker, and when he stayed down in his bunker to watch sports, she criticized him for that. She was a talented actress and was able to mock him and make fun of his speech and imitate him expertly, so that she made him always appear to be a low-classed, selfish lout in front of the kids. The only thing she like about him was that he was a handsome man, and even though she complained about his sexism, she begrudgingly yielded to his “Italian stud” sexual prowess. Hence, they had seven children.
This woman felt threatened by her husband’s occupation (he was an attorney) and what she considered his toxic masculinity. The more he tried to be an authority, the more she needed to put him down. She had grown up in a family in which her mother had felt threatened by her father and in which her grandmother had likewise modeled the same behavior for her children. Her mother had not allowed any other point of view except hers, and she followed that model in her relationship with her husband. She could not think in any other way, and the very idea that she might not be right or that there might be another side was so disturbing that it never entered her mind. Such was the degree of her narcissism.
The husband was a passive man who could not match his wife’s strong personality, so he simply escaped as much as he could down to his man cave in the basement. This, of course, strengthened the wife’s contention that he avoided his family responsibilities. Unconsciously, she wanted him to avoid those responsibilities so that she could be shown to be right. For her and for many such people, the need to be right and the need to dominate is so great that they have little interest in resolving the situation. Her children were all on her side, which affirmed her sense of her rightness.
“Go down to your father’s bunker,” she would tell her second son, who was gay and who had become her personal assistant as well as the family “whip”. “Go down and see if he will deign to come up for supper.” The son completely bought in to his mother’s depiction of the father as a deadbeat dad, and had nothing but contempt for him.
“I’ll go down and get him,” he would tell her. “But I don’t know if he’ll listen to me. You know how he is.”
“Yes,” she would say. “I know just how he is. He doesn’t care about anybody but himself. All we can do is try to make him understand that he is part of the family.”
“I’ll try,” the boy would say.
When the husband and wife entered couples therapy, it was because the wife dragged the husband to my office. She did almost all the talking—which consisted of sarcastic castigation and mockery, and he hunkered down in his chair with his head bowed. “This is how it always is,” she implored me. “Look at him. Everything I say goes in one ear and out the other.” It little occurred to her that her husband might not want to listen to her because of the disdainful tone she was using toward him. Indeed, the principles of constructive communication were lost on both of them. When I tried to explain these principles—how each of them needed to address their partners with respect and empathy, how they each needed to be open-minded and be willing to see both sides of the argument, and how they needed to let go of being right and concentrate on doing whatever it would take to resolve the situation—they both seemed to understand, but they were completely unable to do it.
I gave them a listening exercise to do. They were each to spend 10 minutes just listening to what the other said and repeating back to the other word for word that they said. The wife had a great deal of trouble doing that. Instead of listening to her husband, she kept interrupting and disagreeing with him. I reminded her that in this exercise she was just to listen and repeat back what he said, but she countered that she couldn’t do that because the things he was saying were so ridiculous. Even in the couple’s therapy, she could not for a minute give up her need to be right. As for the husband, because he was dragged into the office, he simply went through the motions. The wife’s goal for the therapy was to get me to side with her just as she had gotten her children to, which would confirm her view that she was right and her husband was wrong. I was her last hope in getting him to yield to her rightness. This did not happen so they left therapy.
In a third case, a husband brought his wife to therapy for the same reason the previous wife had brought her husband to therapy: he wanted me to help him get his wife to comply and dutifully give him his marriage rights. For some time, his wife had not wanted to have sex with him and it was his theory that she had sexual problems. He had previously taken her to see a physician who was an expert in sexuality, but he had found nothing biologically wrong with her. So, the husband concluded that it was a psychological problem.
My assessment was that the wife was a fairly healthy person and her reluctance to have sex with her husband was almost entirely due to his guilt-tripping approach. Each time he asked her to have sex or made an advance and she refused, he would become annoyed or down-right enraged. He would question her about why she didn’t want to have sex and what was going on inside her mind. He would remind her again and again that it was her duty as his wife to have sex with him. He would compare her with other wives among their friends, who freely had sex with their husbands. “How do you think that makes me feel when you continually turn me down?” he would ask her. Almost every day this was a source of contention between them and almost every day he would complain about the fact that he was unlucky enough to have a wife who refused to do her duty.
For her part, she responded to this onslaught with silence. In the couple’s sessions, she said that she didn’t know what to say to him. She just didn’t feel like having sex. She didn’t know why she felt that way exactly, but that’s how she felt. She experienced his constant guilt-tripping as an attack on her character, and being a passive person, she used silence as a means to defending her position.
When I suggested to him that he might try courting his wife instead of guilt-tripping her, he was angered by that suggestion. “Why do I need to court my wife? She took the vows to love, honor and obey me. She’s my wife, and it’s her duty to have sex with me. Telling me I need to court her is an insult to me!” he complained. He was of the opinion that once he had married her, he no longer needed to do anything to make himself appealing to her or make himself sexually attractive. His strategy for getting her to have sex with him was to complain to her about how she was neglecting her duties, diagnose her as sexually frigid, and make her feel guilty for mistreating him. At times he would raise his voice to her and verbally abuse her, and at other times he would hold out from doing something for her saying, “You won’t have sex with me, so why should I drive three miles to the grocery store and pick up the supplies?” The bottom line was that he was continually punishing her for refusing to have sex or for having sex with him in a half-hearted way.
The individual who suffered the most from this constant discord was their five-year-old daughter. She witnessed her father constantly yelling at her mother and saw her mother’s sad face and silent demeaner. Like her mother, she was unable to have any effect on her father. If she asked him, “Daddy why are you always yelling at Mommy?” he would dismiss her with, “You’re too young to understand. I’ll explain it to you when you grow up.” In couple’s therapy, this couple, like the other two, could not talk to each other in a constructive way and could not resolve their issues.
In all of these cases the parents were engaged in family politics and family warfare, rather than in constructive communication. By politics I mean they were engaged in tactics for manipulating what they wanted from the other person or defending against the other person. In the first case, the two drunken parents had both demonized each other and were engaged in a war to try to destroy one another. In the second case the wife had devised a strategy to demean her husband before her kids and, by doing so, gaining dominance over him (a strategy fueled by her unconscious fear and threat of being dominated by his masculinity). In the third case, the husband’s narcissism prevented him from doing what he need to do to endear himself to his wife, and he, like the woman in the second case, carried on a war against his spouse. The wife, a passive individual fought back by refusing sex.
Asking these couples to engage in constructive communication was like asking a rock to be a rubber band. They simply could not consider the notion that there were two sides to their conflict or that they themselves might be contributing to the problem. Hence, they could not communicate constructively. They had been conditioned to use strategies of manipulation to get what they wanted, and they each had deeply entrenched needs to be right that precluded their being able to engage in the kind of give-and-take that would have been necessary to resolve their issues. They were too angry and opinionated to make compromises. They wanted to win.
Politics in the World
The psychology of politics in the
world is almost identical to politics in the family. The relationship of one
nation to another parallels the relationship of one parent to another. Just as the two parents in a dysfunctional
family get caught up in politics—that is, in a program of proving they are
right and their partner is wrong, in order to achieve dominance—so too the
nations of the world are caught up in the same politics involving the will to
be right and the will to dominate.
Politics in the world can involve relationships between nations, or relationships within a country, as when various political parties are in opposition. If one looks at the history of the world, there is no shortage of examples of political intrigue and warfare between nations. A good example is World War II. In order to understand the second world war, you have to go back to the first one.
At the end of World War I, the Allies demanded that Germany sign a peace treaty called the Treaty of Versailles, signed in June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. The treaty held Germany responsible for starting the war, and imposed harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization. The Treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany while failing to resolve the underlying issues that had led to war in the first place. Hence, even at the end of the war, countries were still not able to communicate constructively about their issues. This humiliation of Germany led to a deep and lengthy depression throughout the late 1920s and 1930s and helped fuel the ultra-nationalist sentiment that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, as well as the coming of a second world war. In this conflict, the Allies got to be right, and they made Germany wrong. There was no grey area, and no attempt to understand the situation on a deeper level. For two decades the Germans were the butt of all jokes and were viciously demonized by the propaganda of the Allies.
The Allies could be seen as one parent (the good parent) and the Germans could be seen as the other parent (the bad parent). The “good” parent won and the “bad” parent lost and had to be punished. The Allies thus achieved dominance over the Germans and they dictated the terms of the peace treaty. However, when one parent achieves dominance over another parent and wins the war of right and wrong, this does not result in lasting peace and harmony. Instead, it leads to a state of dominance and submission, which is a fragile state. For sooner or later, the submissive party will revolt and its need to be right will motivate it to fight against the dominant party. If its revolt is successful, it will become dominant and the formerly dominant party will become submissive. It will then be right, and the other will be wrong, and its values will be predominant and the other party’s values will be demonized.
The Allies won the war and so they got to write history. Their version of right and wrong became predominant. They were the heroes who defeated the villainous Germans, who they demonized as evil. And once the Germans were cast as evil, they also behaved in an evil way—persecuting and exterminating Jews by the millions. If you tell people they are evil, they will begin to behave the way you are telling them they behave. When one person or nation persecutes another person, the second person or nation often ends up displacing its anger on a third party. So, the Germans, angry about being persecuted by the world via the Treaty of Versailles, turned around and persecuted the Jews and started a second world war.
Had the Germans won the first world war, they, and not the Allies, would have written history. They would have portrayed themselves as heroes who had overcome the persecution of Europe and the World, heroes who had eradicated the Jews, whom they saw as leaches who had taken over German banks and caused Germany to go into a depression. They would have written that they were heroes who had restored German self-esteem and German integrity and Germany’s elite place in the world. They would have established themselves as courageous warriors who had put an end to the world-wide prejudice against Germany.
World War II was Germany’s second attempt to regain the pride it had lost at the end of World War I. During the war, its propaganda machine castigated the rest of the world (except for the counties that were on its side) as hell-bent on humiliating Germany again. The humiliation at the end of World War I had given rise to an antisocial, paranoid and narcissistic culture and to Adolf Hitler, who was the epitome of this kind of culture. Was Hitler capable of constructive communication? Was he capable of the kind of open-mindedness and give-and-take conversation necessary to resolve issues? Not at all. Were the Allies capable of this kind of communication? The harsh, black-and-white terms of the Treaty of Versailles indicated that they also were not capable of this kind of communication. Hence the peace at the end of the Second World War, just like the peace at the end of the First, was temporary. True peace only comes when both parties of a conflict sit down and voluntarily work things out through a give-and-take process in which a compromise solution is worked out. When this is done, no one wins and no one loses in the traditional sense. But both win in the sense that true peace is achieved and lasting peace benefits both parties.
Politics and the need to be right can also become manifest in the maneuvering between political groups within a country. In the late 1960s in America the Second Wave of the Feminist Movement began. This was a political movement, the stated intent of which was to achieve equality between the sexes. However, as the movement unfolded, it became clear that equality was only the stated goal, not the real goal. The women of this movement wanted complete domination of men and of society. They labeled men as “sexists” and “misogynists” and “bigots,” and wrote about how men had oppressed women for thousands of years. They decried the way men thought about women and the way they behaved toward women. They decided that all men’s clubs were bad and sought to close down all men-only institutions, and they viewed men as enemies who they had a right to hate and abuse. “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them,” wrote Robin Morgan, editor of Ms. Magazine.4
In this political movement, as in all political movements, the feminists attempted to cast men as wrong and women as right. To do that, they didn’t just label them as bad and wrong, blasting them with terms such as “toxic masculinity” and “innate sexism,” but they also twisted around statistics in order to demonstrate how right they were about men and about patriarchy and its prejudice against women. Sommers, in her critique of statistics radical feminists proclaimed in their propaganda, wrote, “More often than not, a closer look at the supporting evidence—the studies and statistics on eating disorders, domestic battery, rape, sexual harassment, bias against girls in school, wage differentials or the demise of the nuclear family—will raise grave questions about credulity, not to mention objectivity.”5
Their need to be right and to make men wrong was so strong that this need gave them a sense of entitlement. They began to believe in their cause so adamantly that they felt it entitled them to use any method to achieve their goal. Eventually, after a hundred years of feminism, which is still going strong as I write this, almost everybody had become intimidated by this movement and convinced of the righteousness of its cause. The need to be right and the sense of entitlement brought with it a complete repudiation of constructive communication. The last thing from the mind of feminists was to have a constructive dialogue with men in which they calmly discussed the issues and worked out a compromise solution. They wanted it all their way, and they wanted to punish men, who they decided were guilty of atrocities, and also punish all who disagreed with them. They became the dominant party in America, but this has not resulted in lasting peace. Instead, it has led to ongoing strife.
Every revolution happens in the same way: a group of discontented individuals form a movement and promise to change things for the better, but as the movement gains power, it is no longer interested in changing things for the better, but in changing things to suit its own wants and desires. When the revolution succeeds, either through physical or emotional threat, in gaining dominance over a society, it may end up ruling that society for a time. But eventually the revolutionary dictatorship falls and another power rises, and hence lasting peace is never achieved through this kind of tactic.
Indeed, the feminist movement and its attempt to gain dominance through destructive rather than through constructive communication, is similar to the woman in couple’s therapy who continually castigated her husband for being a selfish sexist who avoided his family responsibilities. She never even tried to communicate in a constructive way with her husband, but was more interested in judging him as guilty and punishing him. Similarly, the feminists were more interested in judging and punishing men than in attaining a lasting resolution, through a give-and-take dialog with men, to the gender conflict.
The Need to be Right
The need to be right seems to be a deeply embedded human tendency, and therefore it raises the usual question: is it nature or nurture?
I would argue that, as is so often the case in psychology, it is both. In studying the literature of psychology and social psychology over a lifetime, I have found that this need is universal, and occurs in individuals and cultures all over the world, and throughout history. It is evident often in couple’s therapy and I have also found ample evidence of it in the politics and history of political groups and nations in the world. Indeed, I would speculate that the need to be right is an instinct of preservation. If an individual or group’s point of view is challenged, it is as if their very worth and right to exist is questioned. Hence, when an individual or group questions another individual or group’s motives—that is, implies the individual or group is wrong—the targeted individual or group views it as a threat to its sanctity. That is, it views such a challenge as threatening its very survival, and then responds reflexively, instinctively, in order to assert that it is not wrong; it is in fact right.
The need to be right is a universal, instinctual need; however, that need is moderated by life experiences. People who have a healthy upbringing will have a need to be right; they will feel all right about themselves and accepting of the way things are. People who have met with frustrations by their upbringing or their life experiences will have a stronger need to be right. If, for example, a child has been mocked and put down and made to feel stupid and wrong all its childhood by a bullying older sibling, that child will have an exaggerated need to prove that he is right. Or, if a child is a golden child who can never do any wrong in his parents’ eyes, he will simply assume he is right and expect all others to make this assumption as well, but his sense of rightness, which is a fragile one, is a narcissistic sense that can be easily broken; it must then be forcefully reasserted at all costs. On the other hand, the child with a healthy upbringing will grow up with an unshakable sense of rightness and harmony and will have little need to be right.
Fighting is a reactionary mode of communication, whether we are talking about a family fight or an international fight (war). When people fight, they are no longer communicating constructively, but are trying to enforce their point of view on another entity by any means necessary. People fight when they have a neurotic or narcissistic need to be right and that need has become almost completely frustrated. When people are emotionally heated, their thinking becomes extreme. They are no longer capable of understanding the complexities of life. Their survival instinct becomes aroused and they feel as if they need to win and be right as a matter of survival.
If we can understand the need to be right, or the confirmation bias, as psychologists would put it, we can go a long way to understanding the cause of friction between individuals and groups. By understanding the friction in terms of the need to be right, we might be able to understand the futility of fighting and wars which arise out of irrational states of mind and have historically prevented humanity from achieving peace and harmony and establishing the stability necessary to promote the lasting welfare of the earth.
1. APA (Nov. 2019). Stress in America, Washington, D.C., American Psychological
Association. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2019/stress-america-2019.pdf
2. Henderson,
Conway W. (2010). Understanding International Law.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
3. Blin, A. (2019). War and Religion. Berkeley, CA, The University of California Press.
Can There Be Psychology in Times of Political Strife
By Neal Whitman, Ph.D.
ABSTRACT: Since the start of the Vietnam War, when radical protests first emerged in America and pushed American culture into 50 years of strife, there has been a shift in how people see themselves. Those first protests began a process in which first one movement and then another utilized the same methods to fight for their version of social justice. However, during this period, people began to ponder their fate not in a psychological way but in a political way. This is made all the difference in how people see themselves.
After World War II, the world relaxed. The war had been won by the Allies and soldiers from both sides went home and people were dancing in the streets. It was a time of peace and unity in the United States and a time of prosperity. Dwight Eisenhower, a general in the war, became the first prewar President, a Republican at a time when Republicans were respected by Democrats and Democrats were respected by Republicans. Both parties had left and right wings and there was no Democrat-Republican divide.
Yes, there was a scary time in the late 1940s and the early 1950s when Senator Charles McCarthy held his hearings about Communism based on his paranoid fear that it would infiltrate America. However, the hearings stopped a few years later and then things went swimmingly as America rode the good feelings from the end of the war through the 1950s and 1960s. There was a sexual revolution and hippie era when a lot of people get very happy and hedonistic for a decade or two. During these years, except for the McCarthy period, people were willing to live and let live. Nobody attempted to impose their politics on anybody else.
During these years, psychology stepped into the forefront. Sigmund Freud was all the rage in the 1950s and 1960s and his books became huge sellers. Eric Erickson’s book, Childhood and Society, soared to the number one bestseller on the New York Times list. Eric Fromm wrote a number of bestsellers about love and psychoanalysts and psychologists were looked up to and sought out for advice on television talk shows. People wanted to understand themselves. They wanted to understand how to have a successful relationship, how to get a good job, and what it was about them that stood in the way of their being successful in the personal and the business realm. People were not very involved in politics at that time; they weren’t interested in political parties or movements. They were more interested in individuals and what made them tick.
However, this peaceful period that focused on the individual and on understanding individuals, did not last. Toward the end of the 1960s, the United States became more and more involved in the Vietnam War. As the United States became more involved, and drafted more and more young men to fight in the war—against their will—a conflict emerged that disturbed the tranquility. Young men weren’t ready to fight another war, especially a was in a far-off country that seemingly had nothing to do with America.
Buoyed by its success in World War II, which vaulted America to the position of world superpower and the savior of Europe, America now fancied itself as the Leader of the Free World. This meant it had a mission to defend any free country that was being attacked by a dictator. So, America flew to the defense of South Korea in the late 1950s and got involved in the brief war between North and South Korea; then it similarly rushed to the defense of South Vietnam in its war against North Korea in early 1960.
The younger generation that was going to college and joining the workforce after the end of World War II wasn’t ready to be drafted to get shot at in a foreign war. They had been raised in a permissive era and were not as compliant as soldiers sent to World War II. If America had been threatened, that would have been another matter. So this generation began to protest the Vietnam War. At first, they were peaceful protests, but when the peaceful protests did not get them what they wanted the protests became violent. Protesters took over college buildings and refused to budge until the police came. They referred to the police as “Pigs!” and threw rocks and homemade weapons at them. These clashes on college campuses led to students and police fatalities. This began the radicalism of America.
The students, mainly young men who did not want to interrupt their studies to fight in a war that they disagreed with, became radical and portrayed themselves of victims of police brutality. They became anti-authoritarian and saw the government as disturbed older men who were treating young men like slaves and sending them off to a stupid war. Young men who refused to go to the war were viewed as heroes, while those who served in Vietnam were regarded as losers.
Thus, began the years of political strife that would
continue for the next 50 years, and the divide in American culture. First the divide was between young white
males and the conservative older people who were running America. They became radical. They were later joined by black radicals, who
berated white America and engaged in their own violent protests. They were also joined by the feminist
movement, the second wave of which emerged in the late 1960s and 1970s, with
women filling the air with slogans about being oppressed by men. And, not too much longer, came the gay rights
movement, which gathered steam in the 1980s, which also had violent
Radicalism gradually went from an extreme form of politics to a mainstream one. Radicals, who believe that they and only they know the answers to the complicated questions of who should be in power and how they should rule, were now telling everybody what to say and what to think. Radicals do not bother themselves with understanding the nuances of psychology or of the complexities of self-understanding. They know what they know, and if other don’t know it they will sooner or later force them to know it. This is how radical thinking goes, and since it is the thinking of people who have had their tempers aroused, it was the kind of thinking that suited the young American radicals.
Political Strife and the demise of Psychology
When people are caught up in political strife, they are no longer interested in psychology or in psychological solutions. They are swept away by the strife and have a need to choose a side on which to belong. They have no time during these periods of strife for self-understanding. They need to understand what’s happening to the culture, and to react to their fears of the political threats that are being hurled into the air. When strife is in the air, it is threatening to everybody, and when a person feels threatened he cannot think calmly about psychology, how to get to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, or whether to wear plaid or polka dots. When there is political stress our attention goes to that stress and is no longer aware of the day-to-day personal stress.
One of my clients came in recently and began to rant about President Trump. She ranted throughout her 45-minute session, and wasn’t at all interested in understanding why she was ranting or what was going on inside her on a deeper level. She wasn’t motivated to do the usual work of psychoanalysis, that of understanding herself. At one point I tried to intersperse a question. “You seem to have intense feelings right now. Are these feelings familiar?” I was hoping that by pursuing this line of questioning I could get her to look at her feelings analytically, but she just shook her head.
“I’m angry! What the fuck do you think I am! I’m angry as hell!” she said.
“I know you’re angry,” I said. “I thought maybe we could explore what the anger might mean in terms of transference.”
“It doesn’t mean anything!” she spat out.
“Anger always means something.”
“It just means I’m just fed up with Trump! That’s all it means. Don’t try to read anything into it.”
“But why does Trump aggravate you so much? What he, and nobody else? There’s a reason.”
“Yes, there’s a reason, he’s a jerk! That’s why! OK? He’s one of the biggest jerks I’ve ever known!”
Normally, this client would be amenable to exploring her transference—that is, who Trump represented in terms of previous people, generally family members, who had triggered her. But today she was definitely not in the mood. Not everyone goes through such intense political emotions, but hardly anybody is unaffected by the political stress in our culture. And, like this client, they usually do not want to do any deep probing of themselves.
Look at this historically. When Hitler and the Nazis took over Germany and the Nazi groups were going after Jews, do you think those people would have listened to anybody who began to talk to them about their Oedipus complexes or their problems with committing to relationships? When the Roman were feeding the Christians to the lions, do you think those Romans were in the mood to explore their unconscious? Do you think they would have been willing to look at why they were experiencing such pleasure in being vicious to other human beings? During Trojan War, do you think the average Greek would be willing to sit down with Socrates and explore his ideas about love and war?
I write a weekly blog about matters of psychology, but for many years, the readership has been dwindling. You might say it is the fault of my poor writing. However, I also think it has to do with the fact that readers are no longer interested in understanding psychology. When I write about a political topic, such as the conflict between Republicans and Democrats, the readership goes sky high. But when I write about the inability to love, there is no interest at all. As I mentioned in an earlier section, since the Vietnam war protests of the 1970s, we have had constant political strife in our culture. That is almost 50 years of strife and the accompanying stress. How can you be interested in love when you are constantly being bombarded with political propaganda?
When we watch debates on news casts or podcasts, these debates are most often angry. People are talking over each other, talking under each other, calling each other names like “sexist” or “racist” without batting an eye. Political strife, whether it consists of shouting voices or shooting guns, does not allow for civility. In times of political Strife, civility is seen as a kind of weakness, a fear of putting oneself on the line and being an activist. To hell with loving my wife; I’m more interested in shouting in a Republican’s face!
Not only does psychology go out the window during times of political strife, but also all rational thinking. Rational thinking requires an open mind and a curious attitude. If we ask, “Is there such a thing as too much love?” we really want to know the answer. We do not have a fixed answer in our heads that we must find in order to feel good about ourselves. We are truly exploring the question to find the truth. During times of political strife, we are looking for a certain answer, no matter what kind of experiment we are doing. We are looking for the answer that confirms our bias—that is, the answer that corroborates our propaganda. During times of political strife, students in academic institutions are not told to “Know thyself.” Instead, they are told to “Hunt down your enemy.” They are not taught how to think, but what to think. They are not taught to think objectively; they are taught to use whatever false logic leads to the truth, and if they have to make up false statistics, that is encouraged as well.
Even when psychology is taught in today’s colleges and universities, it is taught with a political slant. We no longer want to know about the psychology of the individual, but instead about the psychology of women. And the psychology of women can only be understood one way: women are and always have been victims of male oppression. That is the only psychology we’re interested in. Or we want to know about the psychology of racism. We’re not interested in exploring racism from every angle, but only from one angle. How have blacks been the victim of racism and how has it affected them? Or we want to know about the psychology of homophobic individuals. That’s all we are interested in knowing. We are no longer being objective scientists. We are being dogmatists. We are no longer independent thinkers, but thinkers enslaved by their political biases.
Political strife trumps intellectual honesty. It snuffs out curiosity. It throws to the wayside the scientific mind. If I say to those who are besieged by political strife and tension, “Let’s talk about why blacks and whites can’t get along,” they will say, “There’s nothing to talk about, it is clear why they can’t get along.” If I say, “Perhaps it’s clear to you, but it’s not clear to me. I would like to explore it.” They will answer, “It’s not clear to you because you are a racist and you just don’t get it.” If I say, “Haven’t you heard the saying, ‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat’?” They will reply, “Sorry, but there’s only one way to understand why blacks and white don’t get along. Whites have victimized black historically and they are victimizing them right now, and blacks are pissed. That’s the only way to understand it.”
Times of Peace and Times of Strife
During times of peace, people have time for philosophy and its stepchild, psychology. During times of political strife, they have little time for these things; during such times the primary emphasis is on the political. For example, if a man loses his job, he does not think about the psychological factors. He does not think about what he may have done to cause the firing or whether he was too depressed and that interfered with his performance. Nor does he think about what kind of psychological disturbance his boss has. Instead, he goes immediately to political answers. Was he fired because of his gender or his race? Was he fired because he belongs to the wrong political party? If he approaches a woman at a party and she rejects him, he doesn’t probe the psychological factors such as whether he has an inferiority complex with women, but instead wonders if he may have said something politically incorrect to her.
The psychological or philosophical mind cannot happen at any time or anywhere. It happens when cultures are at peace. The golden age of Greece occurred when ancient Greece was between wars, and often after a victory. This was the age of Socrates and Plato and Aristotle. The golden age of Rome happened likewise when Rome had conquered most of Europe and had settled into a lengthy peace. It was a time in the middle of the Empire, after it had established itself as an powerful empire and before it began its decline into perversion
After America’s victory in World War II, there was a brief golden age in America, but it did not last very long. During this age, psychology was in the forefront and people were quite interested in the best way to raise their children. Dr. Benjamin Spock was one of the bestselling authors of that era. As mentioned earlier, Sigmund Freud was in his heyday then, as was his followers, Carl Jung and Eric Erickson. But twenty years of peace was followed by 50 years of political strife. During that time American engaged in one war after another and began to fancy itself as the defender of the free world. This was accompanied by internal strife and divisiveness between parties and political movements within the United States.
During this time of political strife, psychological thinking went into decline as well as the objective pursuit of the truth. People were no longer interested in pursuing the truth, because the truth was more and more something uncomfortable and something that stood in the way of “political progress.” Radicals became convinced during this period that the ultimate good revolved around diversity. The greatest society was a society in which the greatest number of racial and ethnic types were given equal opportunities. This theory was never proven, but was just assumed by the revolutionary thinkers that had taken over American culture. Was there any research that proved that diversity was the greatest good? Was there any proof that the radical definition of diversity—an proportionate number of women and blacks and homosexuals and transgenders, etc. represented in all group functions? None of the theories on which radical based their policies were proven. They were simply force-fed onto the populace and that force-feeding caused continual strife.
History is a series of ups and downs akin to the waves in the sea during sunny days and storms. Perhaps history is just as random. Perhaps whether we are able to look at things psychologically or politically is equally random. Perhaps all we can do is go along for the ride.
The Dhammapada (Part 1)
By Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (translated by G. Schoenewolf)
ABSTRACT: Since about 583 bc,
this enduring classic of Buddhist literature has been revered by
Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. These poetic sayings, all being
suggestions on how to live were spoken by Buddha to his followers, who
gradually began writing them down. This is the Flashback Feature of our
6th Volume.
I – Pairs
1. Mind comes before matter. Mind is master of all mental states; they are all mind-born. If you speak or act with a disturbed mind, suffering will follow us like the wheel on the heels of an ox.
2. Mind comes before matter. Mind is master of all mental states; they are all mind-born. If we speak or act from a peaceful mind, happiness will follow us like a bright shadow.
3. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who harbor such thoughts cannot still their anger.
4. "He abused me, he struck me, he attacked me, he robbed me." Those who do not harbor such thoughts can still their anger.
5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. Hatred is appeased only by understanding. This is an eternal law.
6. There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize it can die in peace.
7. Just as a storm throws down a weak tree, so does craving and lust overpower those who live for the pursuit of pleasures, who are wild in their sensuality, immoderate in eating and drinking, lazy, and dissipated.
8. Just as a storm cannot prevail against a rocky mountain, so craving and lust can never overpower those whose lives are spent meditating on their faults, who are in control of their senses, moderate in eating and drinking, and filled with faith and earnest effort.
9. Whoever is depraved and devoid of honesty and self-control is not worthy to be a leader.
10. But whoever is purged of depravity, has well-established virtues and has mastered self-control and honesty, is indeed worthy to be a leader.
11. Those who mistake the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential, dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrive at the essential.
12. Those who know the essential to be essential and the unessential to be unessential, dwelling in right thoughts, arrive at the essential.
13. Just as rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, so craving and lust penetrates an undeveloped mind.
14. Just as rain does not break through a well-thatched house, so craving and lust never penetrates a well-developed mind.
15. Those who live a selfish life grieve both now and later when they look back on their life.
16. Those who are contented and generous rejoice now and later when they look back at their life. They rejoice and exult, remembering their own pure deeds.
17. The selfish suffer now and later. They suffer in both worlds. The thought, "the evil have I done," torments them, and they suffer even more as they sink to realms of woe.
18. The contented and generous delight now and later. They delight in both worlds. The thought, "the good have I done," delights them, and they delight even more when they go to realms of bliss.
19. Although people recite the classic proverbs and have all the right opinions, but do not act accordingly, they remain heedless like a rancher who only counts the cows of others but not his own.
20. Those who not only recite the classic proverbs, but also put the sayings into practice, forsaking need, lust, hatred, and delusion, will have true wisdom and an emancipated mind; and clinging to nothing of this world, they will live a truly contented life.
III. Mindfulness
21. Mindfulness is the path to deathlessness. Mindlessness is the path to death. The mindful do not die. The mindless are as if dead already.
22. Clearly understanding this excellence of mindfulness, the wise exult in it and enjoy the comradery with the Buddha.
23. The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering, alone experience nirvana, the incomparable freedom from bondage.
24. The glory of one who is energetic, mindful and untroubled in conduct, discerning and self-controlled, truthful and heedful, will be ever growing.
25. By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, the wise make for themselves an island which no flood can overwhelm.
26. The foolish and ignorant treasure the heedless pursuit of pleasure, but the wise hold their heedfulness as their best treasure.
27. Do not give way to heedlessness. Do not lose yourself in sensual pleasures. Only the heedful and meditative find great happiness.
28. Just as upon reaching the summit of a mountain, you behold those specks of humanity on the ground, even so when the wise man casts away heedlessness and replaces it with heedfulness and ascends the high tower of wisdom, the contented sage quietly beholds the sorrowful and foolish multitude below.
29. Heedful among the heedless, wide-awake among the sleepy, the wise advance like a swift horse leaving behind a broken-down nag.
30. By heedfulness did Indra become the overlord of the gods. Heedfulness is always praised, and heedlessness always despised.
31. The leader who delights in heedfulness and is wary of heedlessness advances like fire, burning everything around, small and large.
32. The leader who delights in heedfulness and is wary of heedlessness will not fall. He is close to Nirvana.
III - The Mind
33. Just as an archer takes care of his bow, even so the discerning take care of their minds—so fickle and unsteady, so difficult to protect against wayward thoughts.
34. As a fish throbs and quivers when pulled out of water and cast on land, so too the mind throbs and quivers with craving and lust when it pulled out of the balanced state. Therefore you should abandon the realm of craving and the pursuit of pleasure.
35. The highest contentment is to subdue the mind, so difficult to subdue, ever swift, and always seizing whatever it craves. A tamed mind brings happiness.
36. Hence, the wise person guards the mind, so difficult to subdue, ever swift and always seizing whatever it craves. A peaceful mind brings happiness.
37. Dwelling in the cave of the longing, the mind, without protection, wanders far and alone. Those who subdue this mind are liberated from the bonds of craving and lust.
38. Wisdom never becomes perfect in one whose mind is not steadfast, who does not know the good teaching and whose faith is ever wavering.
39. There is no fear for an awakened one, whose mind is not drowned by craving and lust, nor afflicted by hate, and who has therefore gone beyond approval or disapproval.
40. Realizing that your body is as fragile as a clay pot, and fortifying your mind like a well-fortified city, root out craving and lust with the knife of wisdom. Then, embrace your contentedness without clinging to it.
41. Be mindful that, in the end, this body will lie under the earth, unheeded and lifeless, like a useless log.
42. The worst harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater do to a hater, is not nearly as bad as the arm an unguarded mind will inflict,
43. Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do a greater good for you than your own well-directed mind.
IV – Flowers
44. Who shall overcome this earth, this realm of hell and this sphere of humans and gods? Who shall travel the well-taught path of wisdom, as expert garland-makers learn their flower designs?
45. A seeker of wisdom overcomes this earth, this realm of hell, and this sphere of humans and gods. The seeker reaps the well-known path of wisdom, as expert garland-makers perfect their flower designs.
46. Once a seeker of wisdom realizes that this body is like froth and penetrates its mirage-like nature, rooting out the flower-tipped arrows of sensuality, the seeker of wisdom goes beyond the everyday hell.
47. As a mighty flood sweeps away the sleeping village, so death carries away the person of distracted mind that is busy tasting the flowers of pleasure.
48. Death pulls the weak mind under its plow, planting sensual desires, until one tastes only the flowers of pleasure.
49. Just as a bee gathers honey from the flower without harming the flower, the sage collects alms from the village without harming the people.
50. Do not look for faults in others nor study their good and bad deeds. Instead, look at your own faults and misdeeds.
51. Like a beautiful flower full of color but without fragrance, the nice words of one who does not practice them bear no fruit.
52. Like a beautiful flower full of color and also fragrance, the nice words of one who practices them bear fruit.
53. As from a great heap of flowers many garlands can be made, so too can many good deeds be done by one born a mortal.
54. Not the sweet smell of flowers, not even the scent of sandal, rose or jasmine, can prevail against the wind. But the flower of the good person penetrates the wind. Truly the flower of the good person reaches in all directions with the scent of goodness.
55. Of all the fragrances—sandal, rose, blue lotus and jasmine—the scent of goodness is the sweetest.
56. Faint is the fragrance of rose and sandal, but excellent is the scent of the good person, wafting even amongst the gods.
57. Craving and lust never interrupt the path of the truly good, who abide in heedfulness and are freed by perfect wisdom.
58. Upon a heap of rubbish in the road-side ditch blooms a lotus, fragrant and pleasing.
59. Even in the rubbish heap of blinded mortals, the disciple of the Buddha shines resplendent in wisdom.
V – The Fool
60. Long is the night to the sleepless; long is the mile to the weary; long is worldly existence to fools who do not know the sublime truth.
61. If a seeker of wisdom cannot find a companion who is better or equal, let that seeker resolutely pursue a solitary course, for there is no fellowship with a fool.
62. Fools worry about holding on to their sons, their daughters and their wealth. But when fools do not even possess themselves, how can they truly possess their sons, daughters and wealth?
63. Fools who know they are fools are sometimes wise, but fools who think they are wise are never wise.
64. Though fools may spend their lives alongside a wise man, they no more understand the truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of a soup.
65. Though seekers of wisdom may sit with a wise person for only a moment, they quickly sense the truth, just as the tongue quickly tastes the flavor of a soup.
66. Fools of little wit are enemies to themselves as they move about unwittingly performing misdeeds which have bitter fruits.
67. Misdeeds are actions that one repents later, the fruits of which one reaps with tears.
68. Good deeds are actions that one rejoices later, the fruits of which one reaps with delight and happiness.
69. So long as a misdeed has not ripened, the fool thinks it is as sweet as honey. But when the consequences of the misdeed unfold, the fool comes to grief.
70. Month after month fools may eat their food with the sacred tip of a blade of grass, but they still are not worth one-sixteenth of those who know the truth.
71. Truly, a misdeed, once committed, does not immediately bear ill fruit, like milk that does not immediately turn sour. But the misdeed grows inside and slowly rots away in the fool’s soul.
72. Fools collect bits of knowledge like trophies, and this pursuit goes to their head and kills the latent goodness inside.
73. Fools clamor for undeserved reputation that brings them favor among monks, authority over monasteries, and honor among the people.
74. "Let both laymen and monks think that it was done by me. In every work, great and small, let them follow me"—such is the ambition of the fool; and thus, do the fool’s craving and pride increase.
75. The quest for worldly gain is quite different than the path to nirvana. Clearly understanding this, let the monk, the disciple of the Buddha, not be carried away by worldly gain and acclaim, but accept them as one would acknowledge the turning of the sun around the earth.
VI – The Wise
76. If one finds a wise person who points out our faults and kindly instructs us, let us follow such a wise and sagacious person as one would follow a guide to hidden treasure. It is always good, and never bad, to cultivate such an association.
77. Allow the wise person to admonish, instruct and shield you from wrong; such a person, indeed, is nearest to goodness and far from evil.
78. Do not associate with evil companions; do not seek the fellowship of the vile. Associate with good friends; seek the fellowship of noble people.
79. They who drink deeply of the truth live happily with a peaceful mind. They delight in the truth that was first revealed by the Buddha.
80. Irrigators regulate the rivers; archers bend their bows; carpenters saw their wood; the wise control their minds.
81. Just as a solid rock is not shaken by a storm, so too the wise are not affected by praise or blame.
82. On learning the teachings, the wise become purified like a lake that is deep, clear and still.
83. The wise do not look for good or bad. The wise do not yearn for pleasures. The wise do not shake with happiness or sorrow.
84. The wise are virtuous and truthful, and they do no wrong either for their own sake nor for the sake of another; nor do they crave for sons, daughters, wealth, or kingdom, and do not desire success by unjust means.
85. Few among men are those who cross to the farther shore. The rest, the bulk of people, only run up and down the nearest bank.
86. Those who act according to the perfectly perceived truth will cross the realm of death, which is so difficult to cross.
87. Having gotten free of the dark way, the wise person cultivates the bright path. Having gone from a home-bound to a home-free life, the wise person enjoys delight in purity of mind, so difficult to attain.
88. Giving up sensual pleasures, with no further craving, the wise person cleans out the impurities of the mind.
89. Those whose minds have reached full excellence in all aspects of enlightenment, who, having renounced craving and lust and ridded themselves of clinging to things—and in so doing have ridded themselves of cankers and are glowing with wisdom—have attained nirvana in this very life.
VII – The Perfected One
90. The fever of craving no longer exists for the person who has completed the journey, who is contented and wholly set free, and has broken all ties to worldly matters.
91. The mindful ones exert their freedom. They are not attached to any home; like swans that abandon the lake, they leave behind one home after another.
92. The perfected ones do not collect things; they eat to live instead of living to eat; and their goal is nothingness, or unconditional freedom. Their path cannot be traced, like that of birds in the air.
93. Those who heal their cankers and are not attached to food or drink, whose object is nothingness or unconditional freedom—their path cannot be traced, like that of birds in the air.
94. Even the gods hold the wise one dear, whose senses are subdued like horses well trained by a charioteer, whose pride has been dispelled, and who is free from the cankers.
95. There is no worldly existence for the wise person who, like the earth, resents nothing, who is steady as a star and as pure as a crystal spring.
96. Calm are the perfected, calm in their speech, and calm in their deeds. Truly knowing, they are wholly freed and wholly calm and wise.
97. People who are without blind faith, who can return to the unborn state, who have severed all links, dismissed all causes of right and wrong, and thrown out all cravings—are the most excellent of all.
98. Inspiring, indeed, is that place where the perfected dwell, be it a village, a forest, a vale, or a hill.
99. Inspiring are the forests in which the perfected dwell. There they will rejoice, for they seek no sensual pleasures with people.
VIII – The Thousands
100. A thousand useless words are no match for one useful word that brings peace.
101. A thousand useless verses are no match for one useful verse that bring peace.
102. Reciting a thousand meaningless verses is not nearly as good as reciting one meaningful verse that brings peace.
103. Conquering a thousand-and-one men in battle is not nearly as good as conquering yourself.
104. Conquer yourself and you conquer all. Conquer others and you conquer nothing.
105. The victory of a person who is mindful and restrained in conduct cannot be turned into a defeat, not even by a god or an angel.
106. A second of devotion to one whose mind is perfected is better than a hundred years of sacrifice to a god.
107. Tending to the sacrificial fire in the forest for a hundred years makes you feel righteous, but studying a perfected wise person brings a hundred times more peace to your mind.
108. One can spend a year giving gifts and doing sacrifices to obtain worldly rewards, but that will not be worth one second of peace gained by devotion to the supreme one.
109. Those who devote themselves to the perfected ones will receive these four blessings: long life, beauty, happiness and power.
110. Better it is to live one selfless and mindful day than to live a hundred selfish and mindless years.
111. Better it is to live one wise and mindful day than to live a hundred foolish and mindless years.
112. Better it is to live one disciplined and purposeful day than to live a hundred lazy and purposeless years.
113. Better it is to live one day noting the rise and fall of things than to live a hundred years oblivious to what is rising and falling.
114. Better it is to live one day accepting death than to live a hundred years fearing death.
115. Better it is to live one day seeing the supreme truth than to live a hundred years denying the supreme truth.
IX – Evil
116. Hasten to do good and your mind will bypass evil. Refuse to do good, and your mind will delight in evil.
117. If you do evil, do not do it again and again. The more you do it, the more you will start to enjoy it, and then, afterward, the accumulation of evil deeds will become painful.
118. If you do good, do it again and again. The more you do it, the more you will enjoy it, and then, in the end, the accumulation of good deeds will become blissful.
119. Doers of evil may not be affected as long as their evil deeds do not ripen before their eyes. But when their evil deeds ripen before their eyes, they feel the pain of their evil deeds.
120. Doers of good may not be affected as long as their good deeds do not ripen before their eyes. But when their good deeds ripen before their eyes, they feel the pleasure of their good deeds.
121. Do not take evil lightly, saying, "A little evil is all right." Drop by drop the water pot is filled. Little by little, the fool swells with evil.
122. Do not take good lightly, saying, "A little good does not count." Drop by drop the water pot is filled. Little by little, the wise person swells with good.
123. Just as a trader with great wealth would avoid a dangerous road, or a person who wants to live will avoid poison, so too a person who wants to be good shuns evil.
124. If your hand has no wound, you may carry a skin toxin in your hand and the toxin will not affect you. If your mind has no craving, you can see evil and it will not tempt you.
125. Like fine dust thrown against the wind, evil falls back upon that fool who offends a virtuous and inoffensive person.
126. After death, some are reborn in a womb; the wicked are reborn in hell; the devout go to heaven; and the enlightened pass into nirvana.
127. Neither in the sky nor in the middle of the ocean nor at the top of the highest mountain--nowhere in the world is there a place where you may escape the results of evil deeds.
128. Neither in the sky nor in the middle of the ocean nor at the top of the highest mountain-- nowhere in the world is there a place where you will not be overcome by death.
X – Violence
129. All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting yourself in another’s shoes, you should not kill nor cause another to kill.
130. All tremble at violence; all love life. Putting yourself in another’s shoes, you should not kill nor cause another to kill.
131. If you seek happiness while violently oppressing other beings who also seek happiness, you will not attain happiness thereafter.
132. If you seek happiness but do not violently oppress other beings who also seek happiness, you will find happiness thereafter.
133. Do not speak harshly to anyone, for if you do, you may provoke a harsh response. Indeed, angry speech hurts, and an angry response may hurt twice as much.
134. If you silence yourself like a broken gong, you will approach Nirvana, for vindictiveness will no longer be in you.
135. Just as a cowherd drives the cattle to pasture with a staff, so do old age and death drive the life force out of beings.
136. When fools commit evil deeds, they do not realize what they are doing. Yet, they are ever after tormented by their own deeds, like those burnt by fire.
137. They who inflict violence on those who are unarmed, and offend those who are inoffensive, will soon come upon one of these ten states:
138. (1) They will have sharp pain; (2) they will undergo a disaster; (3) they will suffer bodily injury; (4) they will have a serious accident; (5) or they will develop a deranged mind.
139. (6) They will have trouble with the government; (7) they will develop grave debts; (8) they will endure loss of relatives; (9) they will lose wealth; (10) or their houses will be destroyed by ravaging fire.
140. Upon the dissolution of the body, the fool is born again in hell.
141. You can go about naked, in matted locks, in filth, fasting for days, lying on the ground, smearing yourself with ashes and dust, squatting on your heels to pray, yet none of these will purify a mortal who has not overcome doubt.
142. Even though people are dressed in riches, yet if they are calm, disciplined and are living the mindful life and are kind to all creatures—they are among the wise ones.
143. Rarely are there people in this world who are so calm with modesty that they avoid reproach, as a thoroughbred horse avoids the whip.
144. Be like a thoroughbred horse that avoids the whip. By constant studying and spiritual awakening, by pure thoughts and acts, by mindfulness, by the search for truth, by the love of knowledge and the practice of virtue, you can avoid the whip of life.
145. Engineers regulate water, archers bend their bows, carpenters shape wood, and the good discipline their minds.
XI – Aging
146. How can you be happy, how can there be any pleasure, when everywhere all is ablaze with the threefold fire of suffering, impermanence and uncertainty? Blinded by darkness, you do not
see the light.
147. Look at this painted doll, this pretentious mass of sores, wretched and full of cravings. There is nothing stable or lasting.
148. Your body is wasting away. It is a nest of disease and decay, and your putrid bag of bones is falling apart. Death is the end of life.
149. When your dove-gray bones are sprawled on the ground like gourds in autumn, will you feel happy to see them?
150. Your body is a city built of flesh, blood and bones, with a secret vault of pride, hypocrisy, decay and death,
151. Even the golden chariots of kings wear out; so also do our bodies rot away. But the truth of the mindful does not die, but is passed on from awakened generation to generation.
152. A fool goes around like a lazy ox: The body is glutted but the mind is wanting.
153. Trapped in this tabernacle, searching for the owner, I have had to die and be reborn many times. This cycle is painful.
154. But now, at last, I see that this cycle is coming to an end. The walls of the tabernacle are leaning and the rafters are cracking. My mind has doused all craving and I am nearing the eternal nirvana.
155. Those who have not lived a mindful life or racked up wealth in their youth will waste away like aging herons in a dried-up lake.
156. Those who have not lived a mindful life or racked up wealth in their youth, will lie around like worn-out arrows, with nowhere to go but backwards.
XII – Self
157. If you love yourself, you should take good care of yourself. The wise person stays alert during at least one of the three periods of life.
158. On after you truly know yourself can you advise another. To advise another, you must not have any biases.
159. Do as you would teach others to do. Only one who is well taught can teach others. Teaching yourself is infinitely harder than teaching others.
160. Be your own best friend, for who could be a better friend? When you have trained yourself to be your best friend, you will have a friend for life.
161. The evil that you do, born from you and arising out of you, crushes the fool as a diamond cuts a lesser stone.
162. Your enemies want you to be evil, so they can bring you down, like a tree-climbing vine that pulls down a tree.
163. Doing bad or harmful things is easy. What is not easy is doing good and beneficial things.
164: Fools see life from a biased point of view, and therefore they reject the noble truth of the Buddha. In so doing, like a tree that bears toxic fruit, they plant seeds of their own destruction.
165. You alone do evil deeds, and you alone must take the blame. You alone choose not to do evil deeds, and only you can take the credit. Both good and evil come from you. No one can make you good and no one can make you evil. And no one but you can forgive you..
166. Do not neglect your own well-being in order to take care of another, no matter how great the other seems. First take care of yourself, then take care of others.
XIII – The World
167. Do not comply with harmful laws. Do not abide mindlessly. Do not follow false principles. Keep your distance from the world.
168. Rouse yourself! Don’t be mindless! Live fully by practicing the teachings of The Buddha. If your life is spent practicing Buddha’s teachings, you will be at peace in this world and the next.
169. Live by practicing the Buddha’s teachings. Do not behave badly. If your life is spent practicing Buddha’s teachings, you will be at peace in this world and the next.
170. Life is a bubble. Life is a mirage. If you live a mindful life, death will not find you.
171. Oh, look at this world, all dressed up like the King’s golden chariot. Fools rush in and think they are having fun. The wise stand back.
172. Even if you were mindless before, and only later became mindful, you will shine brightly in this world like the moon popping from a cloud.
173. Even if you did bad things before, and only later did good things, you will shine brightly in this world like the moon popping from a cloud.
174. This world is blind. Few see clearly. Few are those who, like birds freed from the nest, fly to heaven.
175. Swans fly with the sun. Humans fly through space. The wise, having defeated the armies of temptation, stay clear of the world.
176. Once you begin telling lies, once you start becoming deliberately false about one thing, and once you have clearly abandoned any consideration of this world or the next, there is now no bad thing you will not do.
177. Misers do not go to the world of the gods, for they are fools who do not praise giving. The wise rejoice in giving, and so they are happy hereafter.
178. Better than sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better than being a lord over all worlds, is the reward of taking the first step toward awakening.A little after 8pm on May 22, 2020—Memorial Day—a 46-year-old African-American man named George Floyd went into the Cup Foods deli in the Powderhorn neighborhood of Minneapolis to buy cigarettes. When he attempted to use a counterfeit $20 bill to purchase the cigarettes, the clerk returned it to Floyd and demanded that he give back the cigarettes. Floyd refused to return the cigarettes and walked out of the store to his car, which was parked on the street outside. The clerk called the police and two police cars arrived shortly after. The police found Floyd sitting in his car staring off as if on drugs. They pulled him out of his car and cuffed him.
The police report said that Floyd was resisting arrest, but various videos of the event showing police yanking him out of his car, cuffing him, standing him up, sitting him down and later laying him down and holding him face down on the pavement beside his car, do not indicate that there was any resistance. It is clear from these videos that Floyd was incapacitated, perhaps drunk, and was not resisting at all. Despite this, three cops held him down. Footage showed a white Minneapolis Police Department officer named Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck as Floyd shouted, “I can’t breathe,” and several bystanders yelled at Chauvin to lift his knee. He held his knee on Floyd’s neck for 8½ minutes until Floyd’s body went limp. Meanwhile three other officers, Tou Thao, Thomas Lane, and J. Alexander Kueng, all rookies who had only been on the job a few days—went along with the arrest—Lane and Kueng helping to hold Floyd down and Thao standing nearby. The Minneapolis Police Department later said in a statement that Floyd died of a “medical incident.”1
There is no doubt that Floyd was murdered by a white cop and that it was an example of police brutality. The incident came on the heels of two other murders of black men—Eric Garner, a black man who died at the hands of NYPD officers in 2014, when cops kept him in a choke hold as he, like Floyd, repeatedly yelled “I can’t breathe!” and Ahmaud Arbery, who was chased down and shot by two white men while jogging in south Georgia in February. Black lives Matter compared these three events and revived a video of the latter situation that went viral at the time showing Arbery, unarmed, fleeing the two men who were armed.2.
Immediately following the George Floyd killing, despite swift justice (Chauvin was arrested and charged with murder a day afterward), there were militant protests. The protests began as unrest in Minneapolis before quickly spreading across not only the United States but to over 60 countries around the world. The riots went on for more than a month, as over 2,000 cities and towns in the United States went bonkers. While the most of protests were angry but not out of control, in many cities they descended into riots, the burning of police cars and department stores and other buildings, and widespread looting. Some riots were marked by street skirmishes between protesters and police, and there were several incidents in which police were urged by angry crowds to kneel down to support Black Lives Matter and join the protest, and several did so. At least 200 cities in the U.S. imposed curfews to control the riots, while at least more than 30 states and Washington, D.C, activated over 62,000 National Guard personnel to help control the mass demonstrations. By June 3, at least 24 people were killed during the riots and 11,000 people had been arrested, including all four police officers involved in Floyd's death. The protests led to numerous legislative proposals to combat systemic racism and calls to defund police departments. Police department all over the US announced measures to train police about police brutality and systemic racism. Corporations quickly stepped up to show their support, donating millions of dollars to black causes.
As a result of the George Floyd murder and its aftermath, the term “systemic racism” has now become almost a truism written in stone. As I watched the news it appeared that people around the world believed that there is systemic racism by whites against blacks not only in the United States but in Europe and other parts of the world that have traditionally been populated by whites and where blacks have been a minority. Indeed, in the atmosphere of hysteria, it seemed that people were afraid to question the truth of systemic racism. Hadn’t there been case after case of police Brutality? What more evidence did one need? I saw a report of a black woman commentator having her GoFundMe account taken away from her because she said she did not think George Floyd was a hero.
One of the leading figures in the protests against systemic racism has been the NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, who started to kneel down during the National Anthem a few years ago. Kaepernick has often complained that he is no longer a quarterback in the NFL because of racism and he even successfully sued the NFL on this issue and won his suit. After he knelt down, other athletes in the NFL and in other sports followed his lead and also began to kneel down before games. To these athletes, there is no question that there is systemic racism and also no question that they have the right to peacefully protest before games. Team owners take a different view. They believe it is unpatriotic and disrespectful towards soldiers who are fighting for the U.S. flag, and they also content that if athletes want to protest, they should do it on their own time, not while they are on the job. With regard to Kaepernick, he has had several opportunities to be a quarterback but his inconsistencies, not his protests, led coaches to take him out of games. So, it becomes a question of whether Kaepernick is being held back because of racism, or whether he is being held back because of his lack of competence as a quarterback combined with his inability to look at himself realistically.
Is there systemic racism, as many blacks and liberal whites strongly feel, or is there an illusion of systemic racism? If there is systemic racism in America and in the world, then this phenomenon is something that should be thoroughly researched and understood in order to deal with it effectively. If, in fact, there is no systemic racism, then assuming that there is systemic racism and acting on that assumption is harmful. It ideally should be investigated by a neutral observer who can calmly examine all the facts and come to a conclusion based on those facts and on a scientific interpretation of those facts.
History of the Concept of Systemic Racism
That white racism existed in America in the past is no longer debated. Blacks were first purchased in the 1700s from African slave-owners and were brought to America, Europe, South America and various other places around the world. In America, they became slaves of white plantation owners. Today’s black radicals view white enslavement of blacks as the ultimate form of racism.
When American slaves were freed after the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, they were not given the education and training they needed to be able to take responsibility for their freedom. As slaves, they had been like dependent children; they had been fed, clothed sheltered and in all ways taken care of by their owners. Some were well taken care of and some were treated brutally. But in any case, most of the slaves that were freed were still dependent because dependency was all they had ever known. They had little or no education, little or no confidence with respect to functioning in white society and virtually no guidance on how to fend for themselves. White Southerners who were depressed about losing the Civil War were hostile to former slaves and for the most part did not want to help them. Liberals wanted to help them, and they set up programs to do so. Congress passed the Reconstruction act in 1867, which intended to aid blacks in becoming assimilated into white culture, but it had limited effect.
Although they were no longer slaves, they still did not have the same rights as white people; blacks still could not vote or enjoy other privileges of citizenship. With passage of the Reconstruction Act, blacks were given the right to vote. Over the next decade, black Americans voted in huge numbers across the South, electing a total of 22 black men to serve in the U.S. Congress (two in the Senate).4
The 14th Amendment was approved by Congress in 1866 and ratified in 1868, granting citizenship to all persons “born or naturalized in the United States,” and guaranteed “equal protection of the laws” to all citizens. In 1870, Congress passed the last of the three so-called Reconstruction Amendments, the 15th Amendment, which stipulated that voting rights could not be “denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
These laws helped to give former slaves the rights of citizenship, but racism was still rampant, especially in the South. While the 15th Amendment barred voting rights discrimination on the basis of race, it left the door open for states to determine the specific qualifications for suffrage. Southern state legislatures used such qualifications—including literacy tests, poll taxes and other discriminatory practices—to restrict a majority of black voters in the decades following Reconstruction. As a result, white-dominated state legislatures consolidated control and established so-called Jim Crow laws, a system of segregation that would remain in place for nearly a century.
In the 1950s and ‘60s, securing true voting rights for African Americans in the South became a central focus of the civil rights movement, which was led by Martin Luther King. King practiced passive resistance, and he led marches in Southern cities that requested equal rights for blacks without making accusation of racism toward whites. He remains the most well-known figure in the black rights movement and the last to engage in constructive communication—his goal was resolution, not revolution. In the famous March on Washington in 1963 before 250,000 people, he made his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, in which he said, “ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”5. The March on Washington led to the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned segregation in schools, restrooms, buses and other places, but it did little to remedy the problem of discrimination in voting rights in the South.
After King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, the civil rights movement changed. In his speeches and writings, King strove to unify blacks and whites and foster a society in which we would become one people of equal respect and equal caring. But afterwards the leaders that emerged in the black rights movement increasingly talked of race in a way that divided blacks and whites rather than unified them, making judgements based on skin color. King’s peaceful activism, which resulted in many changes and advances in civil right, did not bring satisfaction among radical blacks, but instead led to more unrest and dissatisfaction and to increasing accusations of white racism.
In the 1970s the two militant black leaders emerged, Louis Farrakhan (Louis X) and Malcolm Little (Malcolm X). They, like many radical blacks at the time, had left their Christian heritage to become Muslims, and they were both part of an organization called the Nation of Islam, led by Elijah Mohammad. Farrakhan, through his radicalism, began making antagonistic statements about whites. “White people are potential humans–they haven’t evolved yet,” he once said, and at another time he stated, “The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.” Malcolm X said, “I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.”7. Although they didn’t use the term “systemic racism,” their militant rhetoric contained direct or implied accusations about white prejudice.
From the 1980s on, Al Sharpton, a minister, became one of the most visible leaders of the black rights movement. His rise to fame began in 1986, when he led a protest in Howard Beach, NY. Three African-American men were assaulted in a Howard Beach neighborhood by a mob of white men. The three men were chased by their attackers onto the Belt Parkway, where one of them, Michael Griffith, was struck and killed by a passing motorist. A week later, Sharpton gathered 1,200 demonstrators on a march through the streets of Howard Beach. Residents of the neighborhood, who were overwhelmingly white, screamed racial epithets at the protesters, who were largely black. Sharpton's role in the case helped propel him to national prominence and from that time on he was in the forefront of the black rights cause. Sharpton became the most visible activist for black rights, and he was the chief spokesman of the fight against what would later be termed systemic racism.
While Sharpton became a household name and was revered by many blacks, he remained a controversial figure. He supported many legitimate causes, but also engaged in some questionable ones, such as his support of Tawana Brawley in 1987—who was found on the side of the road near Wappingers Falls, NY wrapped in a sack filled with human feces. A black teenager, she accused four local white men of raping her and of putting her in a sack of feces and throwing her on the side of the road, but she was later discovered to have made the whole thing up. Sharpton represented her in the case and was later sued by one of the accused men. Aside from this case, he has also made some questionable statements over the years, such as, “White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires ... We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was ... we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”8 In the 2000s, Sharpton began organizing protests whenever black men were killed by white police officers and helped put the notion of police racism among white police squarely on the map.
There have been race riots following police killings of black men in the U.S. since the uprising in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles in 1965. That riot was set up when police stopped two black men and checked their identity. The riot left 34 dead and tens of million dollars in damage. Similar riots have followed other incidents of white cops seen as behaving inappropriately, and similar numbers of fatalities and property damage occurred in each incident. The first notable killing of a black man by white cops that was filmed by a bystander was the beating of a man named Rodney King in 1992. After four white police officers were acquitted of his murder, another riot followed which left 59 dead and 2,300 injured. Such killings and riots have become almost routine since that time.
The event that became a hallmark of the attack by blacks on the white system of justice was the O. J. Simpson murder case in 1994. Former National Football League player, broadcaster and actor Simpson was tried and acquitted on two counts of murder for the June 12, 1994 slashing deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman. Police found a great deal of DNA evidence linking Simpson to the murders, including a bloody glove found behind his house and blood found in his car. Johnnie Cochran, an aggressive black attorney who represented Simpson, was able to convince the jury that there was reasonable doubt concerning the validity of the State's DNA evidence. The reasonable doubt theory included evidence that the blood sample had allegedly been mishandled by lab scientists and technicians, and there were questionable circumstances that surrounded other court exhibits due to misconduct by the LAPD, which Cochran repeatedly accused of racism. The trial lasted nine months, and 90 million television watchers were stunned when Simpson was pronounced “not guilty.”
This trial underscored the division between blacks and whites in America. A poll of Los Angeles County residents showed that most African Americans felt that justice had been served by the "not guilty" verdict, while the majority of whites and Latinos felt it was a racially motivated by a predominantly African-American jury.9
In 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement was born and it has taken up the gauntlet against police brutality alongside Sharpton. Black Lives Matter has turned up to protest after every killing of a black man by white cops since 2013. BLM spins each incident as brutality by white cops against innocent blacks, without waiting for a trial in which all the facts are considered. And in each incident, BLM presumes racism and demands a guilty verdict—that is, it acts like judge and jury. Carried along by the Black Lives Matter movement, both black and white liberals from Hollywood and professional sports have spoken out against systemic racism, and the notion of systemic racism has gradually achieved world-wide attention as incidents of police brutality by white cops have been filmed by bystanders and gone viral. Kaepernick in the NFL and LeBron James in the NBA are two of the notable black athletes who have spoken out on this issue, and Black Lives Matter is in the forefront of protesters. Black Lives Matter spells out its mission on its website: “We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.”10 In other words, its goal is to get everyone in the world to operate under the assumption that systemic racism is a proven fact.
The George Floyd incident brought systemic racism to a new level, because the aftermath of the killing involved the most wide-spread looting, burning, and violent demonstrations that have ever occurred both in the U.S.A. and he world. It is one thing to peacefully demonstrate for something, and it is another to engage in destructive and violent actions which, one may argue, become a form of domestic terrorism. It was stunning how not only white people, but most government and corporate entities immediately yielded to the intimidation of these riots and made statements and took actions in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Normally, is it a matter of common sense to not listen to or respond to people who are terrorizing you. If somebody is having a mass temper tantrum which involves screaming at you, burning your property and insulting you, the healthy response is to protect yourself and refuse to listen to anything the person says and not give in to any demand until the person addresses you with a civil tongue.
An incident that happened a few weeks later illustrated the strong-armed tactics of the BLM movement. Somewhat after the demonstrations, Drew Brees, Quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, made an emphatic announcement that he would never disrespect the flag by kneeling down during the National Anthem. He spoke of his two grandfathers who had been soldiers and said kneeling down during the National Anthem would dishonor their memory. A day later he did a complete about face and gave a lengthy apology for his statement. He said that he got a lot of calls from black athletes that made him come to his senses. His wife, Brittany, acknowledged in an interview a few days later that her family had received numerous death threats (implying that perhaps their children were targets of these threats).11 This situation again brought home that people are not allowed to have their own opinions about this matter and that they will be rebuked and forced to apologize if they do. The black rights movement seems to have come a long way since the peaceful marches of Martin Luther King. These days it seems to have become a mob that, like The Godfather, made Brees “an offer he couldn’t refuse.”
Whether or not black protesters have a legitimate gripe with respect to systemic racism, mob-like behavior is not the way to express it. Looting, arson, killing and using pressure tactics to impose their point of view on white society, while achieving temporary results, will eventually lead to chaos.
Research on Systemic Racism
It is one thing to complain of systemic racism, another thing to assume that it is a done deal without proving that it exists through reputable research. In this section I will look at various studies and statistics in order to determine whether or not there is in fact systemic racism in the U.S.
we study crime statistics, what emerges is the disparity between black and
white crimes. According to the
Department of Justice, from 1980 to 2008 blacks were nine times more likely to
commit a homicide than whites, and four times as likely to be a homicide victim,
although the rates of offending and victim homicide dropped during those years
for both blacks and whites.12
Bias may not be the only variable
with respect to police targeting blacks more than whites. Police may also target blacks more because
blacks are more likely to commit crimes such as homicide than whites, so it
would stand to reason that police would focus on blacks more than whites,
especially when looking for perpetrators of homicide.
The positive news of these statistics is that the rates have gone down over the years for both blacks and whites. The statistics of incarceration for blacks and whites also shows a disparity and a downward trend. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice, 37% of those incarcerated in 2013 were black and 32% were white.13 Being that blacks comprise only 13.4% of U.S. population, their rate of incarceration (or criminality) is a proportionately high. Again, if police target blacks more, wouldn’t the fact that they commit many more crimes and are much more likely to be incarcerated be a factor?
With regard to killings by police, according to Statistica, in 2019, 370 whites were killed by police and 235 blacks, indicating that a third more whites were killed by police than blacks.14 Although there have been a number of videos of blacks being brutalized by police, we do not know how many of the whites were brutalized. Whites do not tend to take videos of these incidents and thus videos of police brutalizing whites do not become viral or make the news. And the number of actual unarmed black men killed by white police officers is made to seem more than it is. According to a report in USA Today, there were only eight such incidents in 2019.15
The term systemic racism implies that the entire society and its government apparatus is stacked against blacks, including the law, the courts and everything in between. The shooting of blacks by white police is used to symbolize what is going on over all of our society. The Black Lives Matter movement does not prove scientifically that there is systemic racism; instead it focuses on individual cases of brutality and argues that such brutality is rampant. An argument based on one example, or even nine examples, is not a representative sample. The fact that eight unarmed black men were killed by police in a year does not prove it’s a systemic phenomenon. Even if you take one incident, such as the George Floyd shooting, and show the video over and over and millions of people all over the world are disgusted and stunned by it, such an incident, no matter how poignant it is, doesn’t serve as proof that such incidents are rampant in the society or the system.
Recently an animated video called, “Systemic Racism Explained,” appeared on the internet and went viral. It was produced by ACT.TV, and was sponsored by Democrat.com, a national democratic organization. The video purported to show how systemic racism has worked over the years and used terms like “redlining,” to bolster its explanation. However, the video fails to mention that redlining was prohibited by the 1968 Fair Housing Act and the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The video is not based on scientific research but is a deftly made piece of propaganda that appeared just at the right time, a few weeks after the George Lloyd incident. This video, like all Democratic explanations, views black poverty as caused only by one factor: racism. This is like trying to figure out why a lake is drying up by only looking at one explanation: the amount of rainfall. “It’s only rainfall and nothing else,” a fierce advocate of the rainfall explanation might say. “But what about the new dam down the river?” someone might utter. “You’re just saying that because you’re against dams!” the rainfall believer might shout out. He might then fiercely oppose any other explanation of the lake drying up and even treat those who offer other explanations as evil. In actually, there could be many factors that cause the drying of the lake, and there could be many factors that are causing black poverty, but we are not allowed to explore them.
Hughes, a young social scientist who has been building a reputation for his
singularly objective view of race—a view that does not line up with liberals or
conservatives but is his own particular centrist view—has come up with some
interesting research on race. In
considering the validity of the concept of systemic racism against blacks and
its underlying notion that there is a wage gap between whites and blacks
because of this racism, Hughes cites the Japanese, who were persecuted in their
early history in America, but succeeded in spite of it. Starting with
the California Alien Land Law of 1913, fourteen states passed laws preventing
Japanese-American peasant farmers from owning land and property. These laws
existed, Hughes notes, until 1952, when the Supreme Court ruled them
unconstitutional. In addition, he points out that 120,000 Japanese-Americans
were imprisoned during World War II and were given no encouragement in America.
Nevertheless, by 1970 census data showed Japanese-Americans out-earning
Anglo-Americans, Irish-Americans, German-Americans, Italian-Americans, and
Polish-Americans. For Asian-Americans on the whole, an analysis of wealth data
from 1989 to 2013 predicted that their median wealth soon would surpass the
white median level. Hughes concludes, “If wealth differences were largely
explained by America’s history of favoring certain groups over others, then it
would be hard to explain why Asian-Americans, who were never favored, are on
track to become wealthier than whites.”16 The culture of a group, not racism, is what
predicts success, he contends.
He goes on to cite a 2015 survey of wealth in Boston found that the median black household had only 8 dollars of wealth. But it turned out that the 8-dollar figure only pertained to black Bostonians of American ancestry; black Bostonians of Caribbean ancestry had 12,000 dollars of wealth, despite having identical rates of college graduation. In this case, both were neighborhoods were comprised of black Americans, so if racism was the factor that shaped the success rate, they would both have had a similar rate. Hughes also points to a 2003 study which found that Jewish households had a 7-1 advantage over Conservative Protestant households, despite the fact that Protestants have been favored over Jews for most of American history. In this case both groups are white, so if prejudice was a factor one would have to assume there was systemic prejudice against white Jews. “Because facts like these discredit the assumption that government favoritism drives wealth accrual, they don’t make it into the progressive narrative,” Hughes states. When one considers all the evidence, one finds that “wealth is not handed from the top down. It is produced by a bottom-up process involving millions of individuals bringing their skills, habits, and knowledge—attributes which vary from group to group—to bear on valuable tasks.”17
Indeed, despite whatever assumed racism that exists, there are indications that the quality of life for blacks has been improving over the years. The Brookings Institute shows that the medium income of black families has gone up significantly from 2011 to 2018: it was about $39,000 in 2011, while it climbed to about $41,500 by 2018. Equally promising was the geographically widespread increase in incomes Black households experienced. Of the 50 metropolitan areas with the largest Black populations, 18 registered a statistically significant increase in median income for those households between 2013 and 2018. In addition, the rise in black income out-paced the rise in white income during that period.18 According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the high-school graduation rate also rose: by 2014 88% of black graduated, compared to 93% for whites, and college enrollment figures showed that both blacks and Hispanics had closed the gap with whites, though none were near the 90% mark of Asians.19
These statistics, provided by the National Center for Education Statistics, show that all is not rotten in black America, and that some things are definitely improving. However, there other statistics that indicate that black culture, rather than racism, may be holding blacks back. When one looks at black cultural factors and compares them with white cultural factors, one sees significant disparities. According to the Pugh Research Center, in 2014, 71% of black women had children while they were unmarried, while only 29% of white women gave birth to children out of wedlock. More than half of black children had only a single parent—54%--while only 19% of white children were being raised by a single parent. Similarly, only 36% of blacks were married compared to 60% of whites who were married.20 These are significant differences in culture, which are going to have a large impact on the functionality and mobility of the people in the culture.
The irony is that, of the three main races, blacks are the ones that complain the most about being victimized by other races, while at the same time, blacks are the most troublesome race, with the afore-mentioned homicide rate nine times higher than whites and about a hundred times higher than Asian-Americans. What is never mentioned by radical blacks or their liberal white supporters is black racism. They say blacks can’t be racists because they are a minority. Recently, however, an article in SFGate noted the prevalence of violent crimes perpetrated by black against Asians. A 2008 study of 300 crimes by the San Francisco Police Department found that in 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American.21
An Analysis of Systemic Racism
The figures I have
presented are online for anybody to check.
Others, such as the aforementioned Coleman Hughes, have also offered similar
statistics and come to more or less the same conclusions. While there may have been systemic racism in
the past, at the present time it no longer exists, and to say it does may be
destructive to race relations. However,
it seems unlikely that the people in the Black Lives Matter movement will read
my paper or any paper that disagrees with them.
They not only seem to have a need to believe what they believe but are
also encouraging followers to report anybody who doesn’t believe what they
The fact is not new that there is a segment of the black population that wants to find racism even when it does not exist. Booker T. Washington, the famous black orator of the turn of the 19th Century noticed this phenomenon back then.
There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.22
Black Lives Matter might
be seen as today’s rendition of the class of people who make a business of
keeping the troubles of blacks before the public eye. But this present rendition has gone several
steps further, ignoring all evidence—such as that presented in this
article—that goes contrary to what it wants to believe, and engaging a war-like
behavior against the state. When one looks
at the history of this movement and its goals as presented on its website one
realizes that from its inception it has never been interested in an
investigation of the truth.
The movement was born in 2013 on the heels of another killing of a black man by a white cop in Ferguson, Missouri. The Black Lives Matter narrative was that a police officer named Darren Wilson stopped a black man named Michael Brown on the street without any cause, and that Wilson shot Brown despite Brown’s raising his hands and saying, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” Black Lives made this statement into an iconic slogan, carried by protesters as they rioted, burned and looted Ferguson. However, investigations by a local grand jury and the federal government concluded that Wilson did nothing wrong and was justified in shooting Brown. According to these investigations, Wilson received a call that a robbery of a store was in progress. He saw two men who fit the description of the robbers and stopped them on the street, ordering them to move to the side. Brown resisted, and stood before the door of the police SUV to block Wilson from coming out. Then Brown punched the officer through the window and tried to grab his gun. Wilson managed to wrest the gun away and fired a shot. Brown then began to run away and Wilson opened the door and shouted for Brown to halt. Brown turned around and charged at Wilson, and it was then that Wilson fired shots. Brown stopped and charged again and was then fatally shot. At no time, according to witnesses, did Brown raise his hands and say, “Don’t shoot.” Somehow the rumor that he had raised his hands persisted, and the liberal media focused on that narrative and tapes of protestors carrying signs, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” went viral.23
As Black Lives Matter regards the justice system as permeated by systemic racism, they dismiss any findings by government bodies and prefer their own perspective. Since their inception, they have been there to demonstrate whenever there is another shooting of a black man by a white cop. It never matters what the facts of the case are, in each incident the victim is portrayed as innocent and the cops are portrayed as racists. In the George Floyd case, they had a video that actually showed an officer choking Floyd when Floyd was pinned to the ground and was not resisting (although the minutes preceding the choking was not shown, minutes that might have shown him resisting arrest). This video served to dramatize white police brutality as it never had been before, and before long white guilt was evident everywhere, as government agencies, police departments, corporations and individuals all over the world accepted the concept of systemic racism and began bending over backwards in order to please Black Lives Matter and prove they were against racism. In essence, Black Lives Matter wants to establish its own system of justice, in which white cops and the white establishment is always wrong and African-Americans are always right. White America has now unofficially given BLM the power to decide all aspect of race relations in America (and perhaps the world). They are the unofficial governing body that more than half of America believes in and takes orders from.
When one looks at the Black Lives Matter website and studies its goals, one can get a clearer understanding of this relatively new organization that has garnered so much faith and so much power. Like all propaganda machines, its mission statement portrays itself in idealistic terms and demonizes the enemy (white people) categorically. On a page called, “What We Believe,” BLM states their mission:
· …a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism.
· …creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive.
· …We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.
· …We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
· …We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families an “villages”…24
The “call to action” seems to be a call for a war against systemic racism around the world. The sentiment that freeing black people will by extension free all people is the typical twisted logic of political movements. They pretend to be empathic to all, but in fact are totally ego-centric, only able to see things through their lens of black radicalism and. Disrupting the nuclear family structure and replacing it with a world-wide extended family of black people is a way of making Black Lives Matter the father of an extended world family. Equally disturbing is another section of the website that calls on followers to report any “misinformation” about BLM; presumably purveyors of this misinformation will be promptly corrected. There is nothing on the website about racial diversity and unity; there is nothing on it about peaceful protests or about working together with whites to achieve peace and harmony. This is a mission statement that casts white people as oppressors, enslavers and killers and seemingly seeks to stir up a worldwide revolt with the aim of achieving nothing more and nothing less than victory.
The main way BLM has tried to prove the existence of systemic racism is through an aggressive manipulative technique I call “situation stacking.” It began long before Black Lives Matter, with the Rodney King beating by white cops in 1965. This was the first dramatic instance of such a beating being captured by a bystander video. Since that time there have been numerous videos of police brutality of black men. All of these situations have been stacked, one on top of the other, to present a an ongoing case to the American public of systemic police brutality. In each individual instance, the situation, through the appearance of the truth, is tried in the media and there iss a rush to judgment based on the sensationalizing of one aspect of the case (usually the video), while all the other facts of the case are minimized or dismissed as irrelevant. Often, when the case is examined and goes to a grand jury, the white cop is exonerated. But when that happens the radical blacks and liberal whites immediately ramp up charges of racism. Over time, this situation stacking and racism labeling and the highlighting of an appearance of the truth again and again stirs up mass hysteria.
Looking from a psychoanalytic standpoint at the increasingly unapologetic aggression by BLM and unending submission to this aggression by white liberals, I see a relationship between black aggression and white liberal guilt. The more that white liberals portray blacks as victims of racism, the more aggressive many blacks become. The more that white liberals come up with programs, such as affirmative action, to assist blacks in overcoming racism, the more blacks become dissatisfied with their predicament and rail at white racism. Over the years, due in part to the help of white liberals, blacks have made a lot of progress: more of them are graduating from college, more of them are becoming managers, more of them are rising to the top of their fields in sports, broadcasting, government and business. Yet, some blacks never seem to be satisfied with this and demonstrations against racism have become more severe.
Not all white people feel guilty about being white. Why do some whites feel guilty about their race and others not? Not all blacks are taking a knee when the National Anthem is played or rioting in the streets to protest systemic racism. Why do some blacks feel so angry at whites? The answer to these questions is complex, but two factors seem relevant. Radical blacks are raised to believe that all their problems stem from white racism. White liberals are raised to feel that it is their duty to help disadvantaged blacks. In addition, white liberalism and black radicalism may be seen as manifestations of two defense mechanisms. The whites who feel guilty about being white are the whites who have the most unconscious racism, and through a reaction formation they try to convince themselves that they are the complete opposite. Their excessive need to help blacks and to submit to the most outrageous black radical slogans, such as the one about “white privilege” without a moment’s hesitation or thought, is an indication of the unconscious forces at work. These whites have convinced themselves that they do not have even a tad of racism inside them, so when they hear the term “white privilege,” they don’t think it applies to them, only conservative whites. Or they freely admit to having white privilege, which makes them feel superior.
Freud’s case history of a patient he referred to as the rat man illustrates what I am talking about. This young man, an obsessive-compulsive, professed love for an older woman he was seeing. One day he told Freud that he had gone out early that morning and removed all the rocks from a road. When Freud asked him why, he replied that his lady friend had told him she intended to go for a carriage ride later that day and he feared her carriage would hit a rock and turn over and she would be killed. Freud interpreted that the patient had an unconscious death wish toward his lady friend (who reminded him of his mother, whom he hated), and his excessive concern for her was an attempt to convince himself that he did not have such murderous wishes. He had a reaction formation.
At the same time, black radicals, those who are most prone to viewing themselves solely as innocent victims of white racism and refuse to look at any other factors, are the very ones who have the most unconscious racism toward whites. In their case, their unconscious defense mechanism is projection. They attribute to whites the racism that they are unconscious of in themselves. Hence there is an ongoing relationship between the unconscious of the black radical and the unconscious of the white liberal (who is in fact also radical). White liberals deny their own racism by convincing themselves they have no racism and shifting the racism they deny to white conservatives. Black radicals deny their own racism by also attributing that racism to whites.
White liberal guilt is in direct proportion of the amount of unconscious racism liberals harbor. The unconscious racism makes them highly susceptible to the black terrorism manifested by riots and other tactics. They are deathly afraid that blacks will see through their guise and find out that they are secret racists, so they must bend over backwards to show how supportive they are to the cause. At the same time, they must also guard against being exposed by those on the right, or by people who do not come from a political perspective and who perceive life from a philosophical or psychological level. To white liberals, the worst thing they could possibly be is a racist; in their minds a racist is about 100 times worse than being a serial killer, child molester or tyrannical leader of a renegade nuclear country.
Over the years white liberals have enabled blacks to hold on to the notion that they are victims who can only advance in the world if they overcome the external obstacle of white racism). This has in actuality prevented blacks from developing the skills that would help them to function in a free society. Many blacks have advanced because they have developed such skills, but as long as radical blacks believe that their progress depends on changing external factors and as long as white liberals reinforce this assumption, they will be stuck in victimhood. They have also enabled radical blacks to think that only whites can be racists; blacks cannot be racists because they are oppressed by whites.
This dance between white liberals and black radicals is carried along by narcissism. White racial narcissists nurture the illusion that they are the only ones who truly understand race, and they are the heroes that know what to do about it, which is to give unconditionally and uncritically to black causes. If one ever questions their credentials as a liberal or brings up a different explanation for black poverty, one will encounter their narcissistic rage. This happened to me recently, when I mentioned to colleague at the college where I taught that I was upset about something I had heard in the news. I told her I was sad about hearing of a black girl of 6 who had been killed by a stray bullet in a crime-ridden black neighborhood. Instead of showing any feelings about the kid who had been killed, she replied, “I don’t appreciate you stereotyping black neighborhoods that way!” The only thing she could focus on was racism, not on the tragedy of the girl’s death.
Black racial narcissists believe that because slavery and long years of suffering at the hands of whites, they have suffered intolerably, and they are entitled to anything they want from whites, without question. They always see themselves as innocent victims and cannot look objectively at themselves or their radical friends. The white liberal narrative—a morality tale—of good and evil provides the framework. In this tale conservative whites are cast as evil racists and blacks are cast as innocent victims of racism who are prevented from getting ahead in life solely because of racism. White liberals give themselves the plum role of savior of the black “damsels in distress,” rescuing them from clutches of the evil conservatives. They have driven home this narrative in thousands of movies, books and television shows in which they have propagandized this point of view to the U.S. and the Western world.
The Klansman (1974) might be seen as a prototypical rendition of this theme, portraying a Southern town in the 1960s. The story has the good liberal, Breck, played by Richard Burton, who has absolutely no flaws or biases of any kind; a rebellious black man, Garth, played by O. J. Simpson, who is shown to have heroic and justified anger at whites; and an array of evil conservatives including the Sheriff, Mayor and almost everybody else in the town except for those in the black community, all of whom are all shown to be hateful, petty, greedy and downright ugly. The story starts with a white woman’s rape and a black man being accused of it. There are civil rights protesters in the town, but they are depicted as effete, sign-carrying nerds. The KKK runs the town and intimidates blacks by torturing and killing them if they get too uppity. When the KKK murders Garth’s friend, Garth begins sniping members of the KKK, one at a time. The Sheriff (Lee Marvin) tries to keep the peace but can’t. In the end there is a gunfight at Breck’s house between Breck, the Sheriff (he has repented his ways) and blacks against the burning-cross bearing KKK members. Naturally, the liberals win this encounter and all of the KKK members are killed. At one point in the festivities, Garth returns and does some more killing, and the Sheriff has a chance to kill Garth as Garth is about to shoot the final member of the KKK. But when the Sheriff orders him to drop his gun, Garth shoots the KKK man and walks off into the moonlight as the Sheriff puts his gun away and shrugs his shoulders. The message is that Garth is justified in killing the evil whites.
A few years later, O. J. Simpson was tried for murdering his wife and her new boyfriend and the jury found him not guilty; the movie almost paralleled Simpson’s real life. Such movies, seen repeatedly since the 1960s, have become an ingrained liberal morality. Today’s riots represent the monster white liberals have created. In reality, this liberal morality tale is a simplistic one, like all morality tales, that misses the complexity of life. People are not all-good or all-evil; instead, when they are viewed from an empathetic point of view, people can be seen as products of their genes and their upbringings, who have acquired a plethora of traits, good and bad.
In the liberal narrative, the battle against racism is always front and center, and a person’s attitude toward race or reaction to racism determine everything about them. This narrow focus does not consider so many other factors that determine a person’s character, such as whether they are conscientious parents, law-abiding citizens, liars, good neighbors, open-minded, cheaters or understanding. It does not consider anything that falls outside their racism drama. Moreover, liberals insist that everybody look at life in that same way. You never see movies about black men who are impaired by families with missing fathers, or who rise to the top of their fields through hard work—as did Ben Carson, the black neurosurgeon and Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Because these segments of black and white culture are not in touch with their feelings and therefore deny reality, they join groups—the larger the better—in which members all share the same ideology. At the same time, because they need to defend against the awareness of their irrational and racist unconscious, they punish anybody who disagrees with them and threatens to bring these thoughts to the surface. Moreover, by joining these groups, they have group permission to act out long-simmering frustrations that may have been inside of them for a long time. For example, a man may have been brutalized by his father to such an extent that he has been unable to develop an adult personality that can be assertive in a healthy way. By joining a group, bolstered by the group consensus, he can feel an instant power that he could not feel as an individual and displace his anger at his father on to whites or white males. All radicals, black and white, compensate for individual angers and deficits by joining power groups.
There is no systemic racism. The systemic racism that black and white radicals see is a projection or a reaction formation: they are attributing to white society the unconscious racism that permeates their own cultures. The Black Lives Matter movement looks for and finds racism even when there is none and then sponsors acts of terror (rioting) against the “white state.” In the case of George Floyd, they had a video of a terrible cop and held it up as an example of all white cops and a final proof of systemic racism. But one or two—or even twenty-two—bad cops do not prove systemic racism. Every profession has its bad practitioners; there are bad doctors, lawyers, soldiers and bricklayers. Systemic racism is an important notion, and it is imperative that before actions be taken that can’t be reversed, the concept of systemic racism needs to be thoroughly examined.
BLM blames the white people of today—who could not help being born white and who are the least racist of any whites who have ever existed—for slavery, Jim Crow, and all other acts of discrimination ever perpetuated by whites anywhere in the world. That does not seem fair, but when people are angry, they no longer have any motivation to be fair. In actuality, the constant charge of racism against white police and in general against whites, is itself a blatant expression of racism of and in itself. And now, in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, BLM is rushing their agenda into schools across America. They have set up a website on which they are asking people to “sign the pledge” to teach the 13 principles of the Black Lives Matter Global Network and instruct students, from elementary school onward, about intersectional Black identities and contributions to history.”25
If you look for racism you will find it. In other words, racism is in the eye of the beholder. Those who go around looking for racism are constantly dividing people into races and seeing a person’s race before they see his or her humanity. This is the epitome of racism. Martin Luther King had a dream about people judging him not on the basis of his skin color, but on the “content of his character.” Today’s black radicals laugh at this idea and seem dead set on dividing and conquering.
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Nevious, C. W. (May 2, 2010). “Dirty
Secret of Black-on Asian Violence is Out.”
In SFGate. Retrieved from:
22. Booker T. Washington. Quotes. In Good Reads. Retrieved from:
23. Elder, L. (June 22, 2020). “The Ferguson Lie.” PragerU, YouTube. Retrieved from:
24. What We Believe. In BlackLivesMatter.com. Retrieved from:
25. Black Lives Matter at School. Retrieved from
Abstract: In this article, a British pragmatist looks at the younger generation in the West and wonders whether it is individuated--or wants to be. He studies the signs and symptoms of herd behavior in social media and other places and questions whether this generation is affected by stunted development.
We’ve all grown used to seeing people walking to the office, oblivious to the world, fingers frantically scrolling down their smartphones, we see it too in supermarket car parks, on the beach, friends and family annoy us by doing it over lunch and oh the shame, we may do it ourselves.
‘Gotta stay in the loop.’ we rationalise to explain our actions. Information is, of course, important, the acquisition of knowledge is indeed a noble pursuit. But let’s not kid ourselves, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are not about studying the life cycle of the Indonesian Frangipani Weevil, it’s about seeing what our mates are getting up to, having a fix of celebrity trivia and letting an expectant world learn of our latest indulgences. Acquaintances of mine have Instagram pages that portray lives sprinkled with fairy dust which actually conceal lives of utter banality. It’s like participating in a permanent school reunion, which as we all know are a fest of fabrication and one-upmanship.
You Tube et al are full of content in which would-be kitchen goddesses conjure up chocolate muffins with ease and house-trained heroes assemble flat-pack bookcases with no more than their bare hands and a screwdriver. There is even a sub-genre in which we can watch others opening parcels and enjoy with them the vicarious pleasure of receiving gifts. Naturally all these activities are displayed for the approval of the masses, who duly respond in varying degrees with the expected applause, back-slapping and ego-stroking.
Perhaps you tend to view all this as a bit of fun but Ofcom (UK telecom regulator) reported in 2019 that people check their mobiles every 12 minutes on average and the average entire time spent viewing screens, outside of work, was a whopping 4h. 34 m per day. As much as 3h 15m of this being spent on the phone. This is more than simply a bit of fun, this is a serious commitment of time and effort, or to some an addiction that smacks of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. (Thankfully Nature has arranged for the male orgasm to occur in under ten minutes, so at least the need to check our smartphones every 12 minutes shouldn’t interfere too much with us guys’ sex lives. There’s also a joke in there somewhere about women’s ability to multitask but I won’t pursue the point!)
The demographics show a huge age-related bias in this screen use. A 2015 Microsoft survey showed 77% of people 18-24 responded ‘yes’ when asked, ‘When nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone.’ This compares with only 10% of those over 65. As the smartphone and internet arrived pretty late in the day for Boomers, Gen X and some Millennials’, its not unreasonable to suppose that this bias reflects some very different attitudes to phone use but across all age groups people are now enthusiastically embracing new paradigms.
Time to do our sums. Add to all this screen time the time spent working, commuting, doing chores, sleeping and it doesn’t leave much time left over to do any serious thinking.
From my perspective, speaking as someone who has had a lifelong interest in personal growth and found self-reflection to be an absolute necessity in navigating life’s vicissitudes, these findings are rather disturbing. If the principal focus of people’s attention is now geared toward social media and a need to align themselves ever deeper with herd behaviours, goals and aspirations. If the concept of striving to be a unique individual has become subservient to the need to gain approval and self-esteem from the mass through social media. If the thought of cutting off this narcissistic supply in pursuit of an inner quest for an authentic Self is too scary to contemplate, then any notions of individuation will fall on stony ground and ultimately become redundant.
The term “individuation” goes back to Margaret Mahler, who used it for the two-year period at the beginning of life when children separate from mother. They go through stages, starting with a symbiotic merger with mother, then crawling away, then talking, then walking away. At around two-and-a-half years old kids, according to Mahler, should establish their individuality. If they aren’t able to do it then (usually because Mom clings), they are no able to do it later.
Individuation, self-realization, getting your head together, it goes under many different names but underpinning them all is the notion that life exerts a toll upon us and estranges us from parts of ourselves. Be it flawed parenting, family dynamics, events in our formative years or our own maladaptive behaviours over the passage of time, we wind up labouring under the weight of personas we never realized we were creating.
In previous eras various spiritual disciplines sought to redress these imbalances and Jung believed that medieval Alchemy served a similar function. However, in the 20th Century most inner exploration has come through psychotherapy. Critics argue that this has been no more successful than your average Buddhist’s quest for enlightenment, but Dr. Evan Westra of the University of Toronto as countered that, “3,000 scientific studies and 300 summaries of studies underscore the consistent and positive effects of psychotherapy” (in www.findapsychologist.org). Many have gained a genuine degree of self-knowledge, if not the Perfected Mind through psychotherapy. But whatever path one takes, the reality is that it’s a difficult, sometimes painful process that requires considerable effort and dedication.
The 21st Century though has thoughtfully provided an alternative to any such angst and effort in the form of social media outlets and the mobile phone. Here you can find a crowd of pseudo friends who will assure you that you’re fine just the way you are. No matter what form your flaws take, they will excuse them, condone them and admire them even. This community of like-minded souls purports to possess the real therapeutic knowledge required for a contented existence within the secure, proscribed confines of the herd. They will tell you how to style your appearance and decorate your home. How to be successful at work and in love. They will guide your choices by telling you what’s cool and what’s not, which words are acceptable and which are forbidden, which opinions are sanctioned and which are heretical.
Some people will swallow this whole and are happy to enrol as full-time members of the herd. Others may experience an inner resistance to some notions that seem alien to their own thoughts but brush any unease aside because all these people are espousing the same themes and you are just one small voice against the many. Any rebellious thoughts or resentment at having to adopt the mores of others will soon fade because the psyche has a marvellous capacity for splitting, so any distressing aspects of these new allegiances will soon be consigned to a deep storage facility that can only be accessed with extreme difficulty.
But you’re not like them, are you? You don’t take it seriously like those others. You’re a free spirit not in the least influenced by herd behaviours. You’re proudly individualistic and unaffected by any attempts to manipulate you. And maybe you are; but then almost everyone says that. The trouble is that when their laughter stops, advertisers, business advisers, psychologists, sociologists, neuroscientists and a whole heap of other smart-arses will tell you most folk are pretty predictable and capable of being programmed with relative ease.
Richard Davidson Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at University of Michigan said, “Our attention is being captured by devices rather than being voluntarily regulated. We are like a sailor without a rudder on the ocean, pushed and pulled by the digital stimuli to which we are exposed, rather than by the intent and direction of our own mind” (Vox: May 2019).
It’s not that I’m suggesting people shouldn’t use social media, I’m not demanding some ideological purity and seeking to have them sent off to re-education camps, but if you don’t make space in your day for self-reflection or apply some serious critical thinking to the content you imbibe then, by default, you are at risk of aligning yourself with herd behaviours, goals and aspirations. However, it has to be the right sort of self-reflection. Some New Age-y consciousness-raising exercise gleaned from the internet that turns you into an instant expert won’t help, nor will a faddish article in a magazine with a ‘How to Do Mindfulness’ make you a guru. In fact, they may well make matters worse by creating a false sense of superiority, while actually entrenching the very biases and prejudices that need to be examined. Individuation and self-criticism is not a cosy feel good exercise, it needs to make us uncomfortable, to make us squirm as the reality of our flaws are exposed. As any therapist will attest, blasting through our resistances can be extremely painful.
Why, though, is social media so seductive? What is it about our own self-promotion and the self-promotion of others that makes it so alluring? Let’s swallow our pride and defer, for the moment, to the expert opinions—by the afore-mentioned Jung and other psychoanalysts--that people are far more easily swayed than they think. Let’s look at some of the factors that may be playing out at an unconscious level.
First up has to simply be narcissism, with its associated attention seeking ploys and a need to be validated by others. As everyone knows, there is plenty of opportunity to be had on social media platforms to bolster self-esteem and smother any feelings of inadequacy. The seemingly unstoppable rise of narcissism in our society is now so widely written about that no further amplification seems necessary. Unfortunately, if the content an individual post is only aimed at garnering praise and avoids subject matter that is likely to be met unfavourably, then a conscious alignment with herd values is taking place. This of necessity involves self-rejection and an implicit disavowal of elements of one’s actual personality. Suppression and splitting occur and one embarks on the royal road to neurosis.
In addition to narcissism, other power complexes are also activated, particularly status enhancement by the acquisition of ‘bragging rights’. This though is a dangerous game because amongst this orgy of praise will be comments like ‘You are so lucky.’ or ‘I always wanted one of those.’ which speak of barely suppressed envy and the concomitant desire to see your happiness destroyed. Overdo the bragging and the knives will soon be out.
Tribalism is often in the mix. We join the pack, we become strong. Events such as #MeToo, show the ease with which an army of recruits can be marshalled to fight a battle to which they are only tangentially connected. Outside of specific causes, many of us do this in our daily lives by joining clubs or supporting our local football team, where we can share communal emotions and temporarily surrender our sense of self. Instagram though can do much the same with the added bonus that you don’t need to leave the house and if your tribal leanings are toward weirdness, put you in touch with fellow weirdos that might be thin on the ground in your neighbourhood. Even better, with only minimum effort, You Tube will allow you to join the Tribe of Muffin Making Gals or the Guild of Flat Pack guys. (Gender Police please note: Avoid unwanted distress by mentally amending this to the Tribe of Muffin Making Guys and the Guild of Flat Pack Gals or substitute any nouns you find unobjectionable.)
Clearly all this screen time is a wonderful distraction from reality, from boring jobs, from dull company and any number of other irritants that make us want to zone out from what’s happening around us, but it may well come at the cost of our relationships with others. Much is often made of the fact that women’s brains are apparently hard-wired with a more developed capacity for forming and maintaining relationships than men and we can see that this is clearly facilitated online. But men are not immune to this need and in modern society where the breakdown of family and community is rife, and for some people, loneliness is a factor impelling them to seek out others. Curiously though, smartphone usage does not seem to be the answer and the stats show people’s mental health deteriorates in direct proportion to the time spent on the phone.
Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego University and author of The Narcissism Epidemic, said ‘There is compelling evidence that the devices we’ve placed in young people’s hands are having profound effects on their lives – and making them seriously unhappy.” (The Atlantic: Sept 2017 “Have smartphones destroyed a generation?”)
I also wonder if there is an infantile regression at work as the signals of approval gained from social media, e.g. ‘Likes’, are in effect mirroring one’s actions and emotions. Has the herd become Winnicott’s ‘good enough’ mother and internet forums the desired ‘safe holding environment?’ Are we witnessing a compensatory fallout to the haphazard parenting which has become commonplace since the 60’s. If a child’s reality was to be parked in front of the TV while its parents did their own thing or to be dumped in some understaffed nursery with 40 other kids, then any potential for mirroring is restricted to say the least. We now see toddlers’ high chairs equipped with iPads and our young are being inducted into forming bonds with digital content, since in the absence of a care-giver any self-soothing can only come from a screen. No wonder the disembodied friendships of the internet seem to offer something of value.
Unfortunately, the internet is anything but a ‘safe holding environment?’ This world of transient friendships, of swiftly changing allegiances, of trolls, shysters and snake oil salesmen is hardly the place to form authentic bonds with anyone. Any camaraderie comes at a price and that price may well be one’s own authenticity. Failure to align with the opinions of the herd is treated viciously with the offender consigned to the outermost reaches of hell. A careless word here or an ill-advised comment there and it’s a full-on Communist show trial before the court of public opinion.
Recently such a show trial occurred on Twitter when someone tweeted, “I don’t think destroying property is the proper way to protest! What happened to peaceful protests?”
This was met by a slew of invectives and demands for an apology. “We have systemic racism in the police force and all this clown wants to do is blame the victim!”
“An apology is in order,” another tweeted.
“Sorry. What I meant was…”
And so it goes. After the ritual humiliation, the offender is then expected to recant and disavow any previous honestly held views. This kow-towing to the mob, signals the end of any pretence to individuality. Yet time and again we see eminent people abasing themselves in public, capitulating to the baying mass because they believe life on the outside is unthinkable.
Perhaps though they’re only pretending and secretly still cling to their opinions. Perhaps they’re just faking group speak rules. If so, that’s pretty pathetic, if you run with herd, you’re still a member whatever you might think. It’s like asking a wildebeest on the Serengeti Plains ‘What do you do when you’re not being a wildebeest.?’ (N.B. Don’t believe him if he says ‘I like hanging out with the lions.’)
My point is a simple one. If a person makes no attempt to understand the forces that are operating within themselves, then those forces are open to manipulation and may lead to self-defeating outcomes. In short, find out what’s pulling your strings or something or someone else will. Once the locus of control has shifted from an internal source to an external one, from the personal to the communal, then your capacity to live an authentic life is compromised and your individuality eroded. Self-knowledge is power, it allows true freedom of choice and the possibility of mitigating outside influences upon our actions.
In one sense, perhaps there is little to worry about. Individuation has always been a niche activity and only a small percentage of the population have ever shown the inclination or perseverance to pursue it. We can only hope that a determined minority will not be deterred by whatever cultural obstacles are placed in their way by 21st Century life.
The aforementioned Richard Davidson has said “We’re all pawns in a grand experiment to be manipulated by digital stimuli, to which no one has given explicit consent” (Twitter: 12.6.2018). None of us are immune to the barrage of messages that worm their way into our minds in this mass media modern world. Our own individual biases would make it nigh on impossible to filter out everything that is potentially unwanted, but unless we make a conscious effort to endlessly question why we are doing what we do, then the herd has won.
Let’s not make it easy for them.
The Dharmapada, part 2
By Buddha (translated by G. Schoenewolf)
about 583 bc, this enduring classic of Buddhist literature has been
revered by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. These poetic sayings, all
being suggestions on how to live were spoken by Buddha to his
followers, who gradually began writing them down.
XIV – The Buddha
179. How can you tempt the Buddha, who has ridded himself of all moral weaknesses? How can you track him down, when he has left no tracks?
180. How can you entice the Buddha, whose victory over all craving is complete. How can you find him, when his path is completely his own?
181. Even the gods revere the wise ones who are devoted to mindfulness and delight in renouncing pleasure for pleasure’s sake.
182. Hard it is to be born; harder yet is the life of a mortal; harder still to hear the sublime truth, and hardest of all to become an awakened one.
183. To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to wipe your mind of wayward thoughts—this is the teaching of all Buddhas.
184. The best moral practice is patience. Also, turn away from harm and avoid oppressing others.
185. To do no harm and practice restraint—moderation in your food, solitude in your dwelling, mindfulness at all times—this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
186. You can throw all your gold coins at sensual pleasure, but you will not be satisfied. For sensual pleasure gives little real satisfaction and much pain.
187. Understanding this, the wise find no delight even in heavenly pleasures. The student of Buddhism delights in the destruction of craving.
188. Driven only by fear, men go for refuge to many places—to hills, woods, groves, trees and shrines.
189. hills are not safe refuges; They are not the supreme refuge. No refuge can release you from all suffering.
190. The wise go for refuge to the Buddha, to the teaching of the Buddha, and the Buddhist community, where they learn about the Four Noble Truths.
191. The transcendental wisdom of the Four Noble Truths — suffering, the cause of suffering, the prevention of suffering, and the Noble Eightfold Path all lead to the cessation of suffering.
192. This indeed is the safe refuge, this the refuge supreme. Having gone to such a refuge, one is released from all suffering.
193. The awakened one (the Buddha) is not born everywhere. Where such a wise person is born, that family thrives happily.
194. Blessed is the birth of the Buddhas; blessed is the sacred Teaching; blessed is the harmony in the community, and blessed is the pursuit of the united truth-seekers.
195. The wise finds and reveres those worthy of reverence, the Buddhas and their disciples, who have transcended all obstacles and passed beyond the reach of sorrow and pain.
196. Those who revere such peaceful and fearless ones, their merit cannot be computed by any measure.
XV. Happiness
197. We are happy and friendly amid the hostile crowd. Even though we are in a land of hate we are free from hatred.
198. We are happy and friendly amid the crowd that is afflicted. Even though we walk among the afflicted we are free from affliction.
199. We are happy and friendly amid the crowd yearning for sensual pleasure. We dwell among the crowd and are free from yearning.
200. We are happy when we possess nothing. We feed on joy and are like the most radiant gods.
201. Winning is losing, as those we defeat are wracked by pain. We live in peace, foregoing both pain and gain.
202. There is no fire greater than lust and no crime fiercer than hatred. There is no ill worse than the misery of existence and no bliss higher than the peace of Nirvana.
203. Greed is the worst disease, disharmony the worst suffering. Knowing this as it really is, the wise know Nirvana, the highest bliss.
204. Health is the most precious possession and contentment the greatest wealth. A trustworthy person is the best friend and nirvana the highest bliss.
205. We savor the taste of solitude and touch of nirvana. We have not pained or stained by life as we drink the balm of bliss of the joy of truth.
206. It is good to be with awakened ones; to live with them is ever blissful. One will always be happy by staying away from fools.
207. Those who live in the company of fools are full of grief. Life with fools is ever painful, like being with an enemy. But life with the wise brings happiness, like meeting one's own kinsmen.
208. Therefore, follow the awakened one, who is steady, wise, learned, dutiful and devout. One should follow only such a man, who is truly good and discerning, even as the stars follows the moon.
XVI. Affection
209. By giving in to urges that are unhealthy and refusing to do what is necessary, seekers of pleasure forsake their true welfare and envy those take care of theirs.
210. Do not become attached to loves or hatreds, for to cling to loved ones and hated ones renders them painful.
211. Do not hold anything dear, for separation from the dear is painful. When you have neither loves nor hatreds you have no chains.
212. From endearment springs grief, from endearment springs fear. If you are wholly free from endearment you will live without grief or fear.
213. From affection springs grief, from affection springs fear. If you are wholly free from affection there is no grief or fear.
214. From attachment springs grief, from attachment springs fear. If you are wholly free from attachment there is no grief or fear.
215. From lust springs grief, from lust springs fear. If you re wholly free from lust there is no grief or fear.
216. From craving springs grief, from craving springs fear. If you are wholly free from craving there is no grief or fear.
217. People should hold dear only those who are virtuous and insightful, who are principled know the truth, and who do what they ought to be doing.
218. Those who are intent on awareness, whose minds are longing for nirvana, and who are oblivious to sensual pleasures, such people are said to be "Bound Upstream."
219. When, after a long absence, a such a person safely returns from afar, his relatives, friends and well-wishers welcome him home with open arms.
220. As relatives welcome dear ones on arrival, even so their own good deeds will welcome the doers of good when they have gone from this world to the next.
XVII. Anger
221. Do not give in to anger, avoid pride, and remain free all attachments. If you do not become attached to attitudes or afflictions, you will not suffer.
222. Those who keep their anger in check, just as a charioteer restrains a chariot, are true charioteers. Others only hold the reins.
223. Deal with the angry person through calmness; overcome the wicked person through goodness; moderae the miser through generosity; challenge the liar by way of truth.
224. Speak the truth; control your anger; be generous to those in need. In these three ways you will be lifted to the company of the gods.
225. The wise, who do no harm and are ever moderated in mind and body, attain the egoless state, where they grieve no more.
226. The wise, who are ever vigilant, who discipline themselves day and night and are ever intent upon nirvana—their impurities fade away.
227. There is an ancient practice, also of today: they blame those who remain silent, they blame those who speak too much and they blame those who speak in moderation. There is no person who is not blamed.
228. There never was, there never will be, nor is there now, a person who is wholly blamed or wholly praised.
229. But wise people reserve their praise for certain people—observing them day after day—who are of flawless character, wise, and endowed with knowledge and virtue.
230. Those who are truly worthy, like coins from the Jambu River, are those whom the gods praise and even Brahma.
231. Guard yourself against irritability in action. By controlling your actions, you will abandon physical misconduct and you will practice good conduct indeed.
232. Guard yourself against irritability in speech. By controlling your speech, you will abandon verbal misconduct, and you will practice good speech indeed.
233. Guard yourself against irritability in thought. By controlling your thoughts, you will abandon mental misconduct and you will practice good thought indeed.
234. The wise moderate their physical actions, their speech and their thoughts. They are truly
Moderate and wise.
XVIII. Impurity
235. You are like a withered leaf; the messengers of death beckon. You stand on the eve of your departure, yet you have made no provision for your journey!
236. Make yourself into an island! Get it together and be wise! Rid of yourself of moral impurities and stains. And then you shall enter the celestial abode of the Noble Ones.
237. Your life has come to an end; You are stepping into the presence of Yama, the king of death. There is no place for you to rest on the way, yet you have made no provision for the journey!
238. Make yourself into an island! Get it together and be wise! Rid of yourself of moral impurities and stains, and you shall not come again to birth and decay.
239. One by one, little by little, moment by moment, wise people should remove their impurities, as a smith removes the dross from silver.
240. Just as the rust arising from iron eats away the base, even so, the misdeeds of transgressors eat away at their peace.
241. Laziness is the ruin of learning; neglect is the ruin of housework; slovenliness is the ruin of personal appearance, and heedlessness is the ruin of a guard.
242. Indiscretion taints a woman; greediness taints a giver. Taints, indeed, are all evil things, both in this world and the next.
243. A worse taint than these is ignorance, the worst of all taints. Get rid of this one taint and become taintless, O monks!
244. Life seems easy for the shameless person who is cheeky as a crow, is backbiting, aggressive, arrogant and corrupt.
245. Difficult is life for the modest one who always seeks purity, is detached and unassuming, is rid of impurities, and always discerning.
246. There are those who destroys life, utter lies, takes what is not given, go to another person’s spouse, and are addicted to intoxicating drinks.
247. Such people are digging up their own root even in they go about living.
248. Know this, my good man: evil things are difficult to control. Let not greed and wickedness drag you to long-term misery.
249. People give according to their kind. If you are judgmental about the food and drink you are given, you will not attain meditative peace, either by day or by night.
250. But if you are able to put aside your judgments, you will obtain peace both by day and by night.
251. There is no fire as powerful as lust; there is no grip as strong as hatred; there is no net as big as delusion; there is no river as endless as craving.
252. It is easy to see the faults of others, but difficult to see your own faults. We winnow another's faults like chaff, but we hide our own faults, even as a crafty gambler hides his bad dice.
253. The more you look for another's faults in others, the more your own faults grow. The more your own faults grow, the less you will know how to get rid of them.
254. There is no track outside, no outward way. People delight in worldliness, but the Buddhas are free from worldliness.
255. There is no track outside, no outward way, no eternal key, yet, the Buddhas are unwavering.
XIX. Justice
256. A fool passes arbitrary judgments and thinks they are just; a wise person only makes a judgment after investigating both right and wrong.
257. Those who do not judge others arbitrarily, but judge fairly according to the truth, are the guardians of law and are called just.
258. Talking a lot doesn’t make you wise. Being peaceful, friendly and fearless make you wise.
259. One is not versed in Buddhism because one speaks a lot. But one who, after hearing a little of Buddhism, realizes its truth and heeds it, is truly versed in Buddhism.
260. An elder whose head is gray is not a monk, but is simply ripe in age, and may be called “one grown old in vain.”
261. One who is truthfulness, virtuous, harmless, restrained and self-controlled, who is free from impurities and wise — he is truly called an Elder.
262. Mere eloquence or by beauty of form does not make you a master—especially if, at the same time, you are jealous, selfish and deceitful.
263. But if you have wholly eradicated jealousy, selfishness and deceit and cast out hatred—you are a wise person who is truly accomplished.
264. Not by a shaved head does a man become a monk. If he is undisciplined and greedy, how can he be a monk?
265. One who has wholly subdued evil both small and great is called a monk, because such a one has overcome all evil.
266. One is not a monk just because one lives according to other people’s alms. One does not become a monk by doing what others tell him to do.
267. Whoever lives a holy life, with no concern about praise or blame, and walks in the world with awareness—he is truly called a monk.
268. Being silent does one make you a sage, especially if you are foolish and ignorant. The wise person man weighs what is good and what is evil, and accepts only the good.
269. The sage, by rejecting the evil, is truly a sage. And he is truly a sage because he comprehends both the present and future.
270. One is not noble who injures living beings. One is called noble because one is harmless towards all living beings.
271. Keeping rules and observances, achieving lots of learning, doing gads of memorizing, living a life of seclusion, or thinking, "I enjoy the bliss of renunciation, which is not experienced by the worldling" does not make you a monk.
272. You should only rest content when you have ridded yourself of all impurities.
XX. The Path
273. The best path is the Eightfold Path; the best truths are the Four Noble Truths; the best virtue is the freedom from attachment: the best person is the awakened one.
274. This is the only path; there is none other for the purification of insight. Follow this path, and you will bewilder the demon of trickery.
275. For sure, when you walk on this path you will end your suffering. When you have discovered how to pull out the thorn of lust, the path will open wide.
276. You must walk the path alone; the Buddhas only point the way. Those who are truly mindful will traverse the bonds of Mara.
277. "Everything that is alive will die" —when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering. This is the path to purification.
278. "To be alive is to have sorrow" —when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering. This is the path to purification.
279. "Everything is an illusion" —when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering. This is the path to purification.
280. Those who do not exert themselves when they should, who though young and strong are full of sloth, with minds brimming with vain thoughts—such people cannot possibly find the path to wisdom.
281. Be watchful of speech, well controlled in mind, and committed to avoiding evil in bodily action. Purify these three courses of action, and win the path made known by the Great Sage.
282. Wisdom waxes from meditation; without meditation wisdom wanes. Having known these two paths, let a person follow the path that causes wisdom to increase.
283. Cut down the forest of lust, but not the tree of knowledge; from the forest springs fear. Having cut down the forest and the underbrush (desire), climb the tree, O monks!
284. So long as the underbrush of desire—even in its most subtle form—of a man towards a woman is not cut down, his mind is in bondage, like the sucking calf to its mother.
285. Cut off your craving in the manner of a man who plucks with his hand an autumn lotus. Cultivate only the path to peace, as made known by the Exalted One.
286. "Here shall I live during the rains, here in winter, here in summer." Thus thinks the fool, who does not want to know that death is everywhere.
287. As a great flood carries away a sleeping village, so death seizes and carries away the sleeping man with a clinging mind, doting on his children and cattle.
288. When death comes, nobody can stop it--no sons, no father, no kin.
289. Realizing this, the wise person, alerted by awareness, hastens to clear the path to nirvana.
XXI. Miscellaneous
290. If by renouncing a lesser happiness one may realize a greater happiness, let the wise renounce the lesser, in anticipation of the greater.
291. Caught in the bonds of hate, he who seeks his own happiness by causing pain to others, is never free of hatred.
292. Craving only increases for those who are arrogant and heedless, who leave undone what should be done and do what should not be done.
293. Craving stops for those who are mindful and comprehending, who always keep their desires in check, who do not do what should not be done, and do what should be done.
294. When a holy one slays mother (craving), father (conceit), two warrior-kings (optimism and nihilism), and a country (sense organs and sense objects) together with its treasurer (attachment and lust), that person goes on without grief.
295. When a holy person slays mother, father, two brahman kings with opposite views, and the tiger of the five mental hindrances, that person goes on without grief.
296. Those disciples of Gotama always awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the recollection on the qualities of the Buddha.
297. Those disciples of Gotama always awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the recollection of the qualities of the Dhamma.
298. Those disciples of Gotama always awaken happily who day and night constantly practice the recollection of the qualities of the Sangha.
299. Those disciples of Gotama always awaken happily who day and night constantly practice mindfulness of the body.
300. Those disciples of Gotama always awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of non-violence.
301. Those disciples of Gotama ever awaken happily whose minds by day and night delight in the practice of meditation.
302. Difficult is life as a monk; difficult it also is to take delight in being a monk. Equally difficult and sorrowful is the household life. Suffering also comes from association with the unsympathetic; suffering comes as well from wandering without aim. Therefore, be not an aimless wanderer, be not a pursuer of suffering.
303. He who is full of faith and virtue, and possesses good repute and wealth—he is respected everywhere, in whatever land he travels.
304. The good shine from afar, like the green mountains. But the wicked are unseen, like arrows shot in the night.
305. Those who sit alone, sleep alone, and walk alone, who are strenuous and embrace their aloneness, will find delight in the solitude of the forest.
XXII. Hell
306. The liar is reborn in a state of woe. Also, one who does wrong and says "I did no wrong." Both will share the same fate after leaving this life.
307. There are many evil characters and uncontrolled men wearing the monk’s robe. These wicked men will be reborn in states of woe because of their evil deeds.
308. It would be better to swallow a red-hot iron ball, blazing like fire, than for an immoral and uncontrolled monk to eat the alms of the people.
309. Four misfortunes befall the reckless person who knows another's spouse: guilt, disturbed sleep, a bad reputation, and rebirth in states of woe.
310. Such a person acquires guilt and an unhappy birth in the future. Brief is the pleasure of the guilty man and woman, and their punishment is severe. Hence, let no person lie with another's spouse.
311. Just as kusa grass wrongly handled cuts the hand, even so, a recluse's life that is wrongly lived drags one to states of woe.
312. Any loose act, any corrupt view, any life of fickle fame—none of these bear much fruit.
313. If you are going to do something, do it with sustained vigor. A lax monastic life stirs up the dust of passions all the more.
314. An evil deed will torment you afterward and is better left undone. But a good deed will lift you up afterward, and you will never regret it.
315. Guard yourself both within and without, just as a border city is guarded. Never miss an opportunity for spiritual growth, for those who do, grieve later when they are in hell.
316. Those who are ashamed of what they should not be ashamed of, and not ashamed of what they should be ashamed of, do not see the truth and go straight to states of woe.
317. Those who see something to fear where there is nothing to fear, and see nothing to fear where there is something to fear, do not see the truth and go straight to states of woe.
318. Those who imagine evil where there is no evil, and do not see evil where there is evil, do not see the truth and go straight to states of woe.
319. Those who truly know wrong is wrong and right is right, see the truth and go straight to realms of bliss.
XXIII. The Elephant
320. As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from random bows, so the wise person can withstand the prick of mean words. There are many loose arrows in the world.
321. A tamed elephant is led into a crowd, and does not mind when the king mounts him. People who tame themselves do not bend when people try to break them.
322. Well-trained mules, thoroughbred Sindhu horses and noble tusker elephants are all excellent. But better still is the man who has trained himself.
323. Riding a tamed animal, however, will not take you to the untrodden land of nirvana. Only people who tame themselves can go there.
324. The elephant named Dhanapalaka is uncontrollable in captivity; the tusker does not touch a morsel, and only longs for the elephant forest.
325. A lazy and gluttonous person, sleeping and rolling around in bed like a fat pig, dies and is reborn again and again.
326. Formerly my mind wandered wild, jumping from pleasure to pleasure, but now I will thoroughly master it with wisdom, just as a trainer controls an elephant in heat.
327. Delight in mindfulness! Guard well your thoughts! Pull yourself out of this bog of evil, even as an elephant climbs out of the mud.
328. If you find a wise and prudent friend who is leading a good life, hold mindfully and joyously to his company, despite all odds.
329. If you cannot find a wise and prudent friend who is leading a good life, then, like a king who leaves behind a conquered kingdom, or a lone elephant in the forest, go your own way alone.
330. It is better to live alone; there is no fellowship with a fool. Live alone and do no evil; be carefree like an elephant in the forest.
331. Good is a friend when you need him; good is being content with what you have; good are memories of good deeds when life is at an end, and good is the release from all suffering.
332. Good it is to honor one's mother, good it is to honor one's father, good it is to honor the monks, and good it is to honor the holy men.
333. Good is being virtuous until life's end, good is being faithful and steadfast, good is acquiring wisdom, and good is the avoiding evil.
XXIV. Craving
334. The desire of a person of wild sexuality grows like a creeping vine. Like a monkey in a jungle, he jumps from tree to tree seeking fruit.
335. A person who is addicted to this wet and wretched craving will be full of sorrows that grow like grass after the rains.
336. A person who overcomes this wretched craving will find that sorrows fall away like water from a lotus leaf.
337. Verily, I say good luck to all gathered here! Dig up the root of craving, like one in search of the fragrant root of the birana grass. Be careful lest Mara crush you again and again, as a flood crushes a reed.
338. Even though a tree is cut down, it always sprouts up again if its roots remain alive and firm. Until the craving that lies dormant is rooted out, suffering springs eternal.
339. A person who is lost in the 36 currents of craving that gush toward pleasurable creatures is soon swept away by the flood of his lusful thoughts.
340. Everywhere the currents flow, and the creeping vines sprout and grow, the person of wisdom must cut off their roots with wisdom.
341. Blossoming up and watered by craving, feelings of pleasure arise like hungry beings. Bent on pleasure, crazed men fall prey to birth and decay.
342. Ruled by craving, people run about like trapped hares. Held fast by mental clamps, they come to suffering again and forever.
343. Ruled by craving, people run about like trapped hares. Those who yearn to be free of suffering should destroy this craving.
344. There is one type of man who turns away from desire for domestic life and takes to the life of a monk. But after being freed from the desire, he runs back to his wife. Learn from that man! Though freed from bondage, he runs back to it!
345. There are shackles made of iron, wood or hemp. But the infatuation and longing for jewels, ornaments, children and wives is a far stronger fetter, which will drag one ever downward.
346. Though the shackle seems loose, it is hard to remove. But wise people do whatever it takes to remove it. Giving up sensual pleasure, ending their longing, they renounce the worldly matters.
347. Those who are full of lust fall back into the swirling current of samsara like a spider on its own web. Again, wise people do whatever it takes to overcome their lust. Without any longing, they renounce worldly matters and end all suffering.
348. Let go of the past, let go of the future, let go of the present, and cross over to the farther shore of existence. With a liberated mind, you will forgo any more births and deaths.
349. A person tormented by evil thoughts, dominated by lust and given to the pursuit of pleasure, is a person whose craving steadily grows along with his shackles.
350. The person who delights in extinguishing evil thoughts, who meditates on the impurities and is ever mindful, is the one who will put an end to craving and render Mara's trickery powerless.
351. The person who has reached nirvana is fearless, free of craving, released from unbridled passion, and has plucked out the thorns of existence--for him this is the last body.
352. The person who is free from craving and attachment, excels in uncovering the true meaning of the teaching, and knows the arrangement of the sacred texts in correct sequence— he, indeed, is the owner of his final body. He is truly called the wise one, the supreme.
353. I have conquered all; I know all; I have renounced all; in all the conditions of life I am free of impurity; and with the destruction of craving I am completely free. Having taught myself well, there is nobody left to teach me.
354. The gift of Dhamma beats all gifts; the taste of the Dhamma beats all tastes; the pleasure of Dhamma beats all pleasures. The end of craving ends all suffering.
355. Riches ruin only the foolish, not those who seek the beyond. Craving only riches, the witless man ruins himself as well as others.
356. A field is overrun by weeds and a human is overrun by lust. Therefore, only those humans free of lust will grow fruit.
357. A field is undone by weeds and a human is undone by hatred. Therefore, only those free of hatred will grow fruit.
358. A field is contaminated by weeds and a human contaminated by delusion. Therefore, only those free of delusion will grow fruit.
359. A field is consumed by weeds and a human is consumed by craving. Therefore, only those free of craving will grow fruit.
XXV. The Monk
360. See only what is necessary to see; hear only what is necessary to hear; smell only what is necessary to smell; taste only what is necessary to taste.
361. Controlling your body is good; good also is controlling what you say; controlling your thought is good; good also is controlling your every day. The monk is controlled in every way and freed from all suffering.
362. Those who have control over their hands, feet and tongue; who otherwise are fully controlled, who delight in inward development, who are also absorbed in meditation, and who are keeping to themselves and contented— they are called monks.
363. Those monks who have control over their tongue, are moderate in speech, unassuming and also explain the teaching in both letter and spirit—they are always pleasing.
364. The monk who embraces the Dhamma, delights in the Dhamma, meditates on the Dhamma, and always bears the Dhamma in mind—he does not fall away from the sublime Dhamma.
365. One should not despise what one has received, nor envy what others have gained. The monk who envies the gains of others does not achieve the highest mindfulness.
366. A monk who does not despise what he has received, even though it be a pittance, who is pure in livelihood and conscientious in effort—even this person the gods praise.
367. Those who have no attachment whatsoever to the mind or body, who do not grieve for what is not—they are truly called monks.
368. The monk who lives in universal love and is deeply devoted to the teaching of the Buddha attains the peace of Nirvana and the bliss of no more suffering.
369. Empty the boat, Oh monk! Once emptied, it will sail lightly. Rid of lust and hatred, you will reach nirvana.
370. Shrug off the five attachments—selfishness, doubt, conventionality, sensuous craving and ill will. Abandon the five and master the five. The monk who has overcome the five bonds is called one who has crossed the flood.
371. Meditate, Oh monk! Do not be heedless .Do not let your mind whirl around sensual pleasures. Do not swallow a red-hot iron ball, lest you cry when burning, "Ouch, this really hurts!”
372. If you lack insight you will not be able to meditate; and if you cannot meditate you will not gain insight. The person who has found both meditative concentration and insight, indeed, is close to nirvana.
373. The monk who has retired to a solitary place and calmed his feverish mind, who totally comprehends the Dhamma, becomes delighted on a way that transcends all human delights.
374. When a monk sees with insight the rise and fall of the five aggregates, he is full of joy and happiness. This means he has reached deathlessness.
375. Control of the senses, contentment, and moderation according to the teachings of Buddha—these form the basis of holy life for the wise monk.
376. Let him associate with friends who are noble, energetic, and pure; let him be cordial and refined in conduct; thus, full of joy, he will put an end of suffering.
377. Just as the jasmine creeper sheds its withered flowers, so too, Oh monks, you must totally shed your lust and hatred!
378. The monk who is calm in body, calm in speech, calm in thought, well-composed and has spit out worldliness—that monk is called serene.
379. One must continually censure oneself and scrutinize oneself. The alert and mindful monk will always live in happiness.
380. One is one's own protector, one is one's own refuge. Therefore, one should control oneself, even as a trader controls his noble steed.
381. Full of joy, full of faith in the teaching of the Buddha, the monk attains the peaceful state, the bliss of no more suffering.
382. The young monk who is liberated through devotion to the teaching of the Buddha, illuminates this world like the moon slides free from clouds.
XXVI. The Holy Person
383. Assert yourself, Oh holy person! Shrug off the stream of craving, and cut off sensual desires! Once you have destroyed of all cravings, lap up the peace of nirvana!
384. When holy people have reached the peak of the two paths of mindfulness and insight, they know the truth and all their chains fall away.
385. There is a monk who is neither here nor there, nor anywhere, is free of cares and is truly liberated. Such a person I call a holy man.
386. There is a monk who is meditative, pure and settled, whose work is done and who is therefore free from contagion. Such a person I call a holy man.
387. The sun shines by day, the moon shines by night. The warrior glistens in armor, the holy man glows in meditation. But the Buddha is resplendent all day and all night.
388. if one has shrugged off evil, one is therefore a holy man. If one has let go of cravings, one is therefore an ascetic. If one has renounced impurities, one is therefore sublime.
389. One should not strike a holy person, nor should a holy person, when struck, give way to anger. Shame on those who strike a holy man, and more shame on those who gives way to anger.
390. Nothing is better for a holy one than when restraining impulses. To the extent a holy one does no harm, to that extent does the holy one’s suffering subside.
391. The person who does no harm in thought, word and deed, and who is therefore calm in these three ways, this person I call a holy man.
392. Just as a brahman priest reveres his sacrificial fire, even so one should devoutly revere the person from whom one has learned the Dhamma of the Buddha.
393. Not by the right hair style, nor by the right hormones, nor by right of birth does one become a holy man. They who live in truth and righteousness—only the can become a holy person.
394. What is the use of your oiled hair, Oh witless dreamer? What good is your garment of antelope's hide? Within you is the tangle of unbridled passion; you only shine from the outside.
395. Even though a person is clad in a robe made of rags; even though that person is skinny, with veins popping up all over the body; if such a person devoutly meditates alone in the forest, behold a holy man.
396. I do not call people holy because of their lineage or high-born mothers. If they are shackled by attachments, they are just silly, not holy. But if they are free from attachment and craving, I call them holy indeed.
397. They who have shrugged off all shackles and are no longer trembling from their weight, who have overcome all attachments and are liberated, I call them holy indeed.
398. They who have taken off the thong of hatred, the band of craving, and the rope of false ideas, together with the loop of latent evil tendencies, and they who have removed the crossbar of ignorance and are enlightened, I call them holy indeed.
399. They who are without resentment and can therefore endure insults, beatings and punishment, their true might being patience, I call them holy indeed.
400. They who are free from anger, devout, virtuous, without craving, self-controlled and owns his final body, I call them holy indeed.
401. They who are like water on a lotus leaf, or a mustard seed on the point of a needle, and therefore quickly fall away from sensual pleasures, I call them holy indeed.
402. They who in this very life achieve for themselves the end of suffering, who have laid aside the burden and become free, I call them holy indeed.
403. They who have deep knowledge, who are wise, skilled in discerning the right or wrong path, and have reached the highest goal, I call them holy indeed.
404. They who stay aloof from homes and alleys alike, and wanders about with no fixed abode and few wants, I call them holy indeed.
405. They who have renounced violence towards all living beings, weak or strong, who neither kill nor causes others to kill, I call them holy indeed.
406. They who are friendly amidst the hostile, peaceful amidst the violent, and unattached amidst the attached, I call them holy indeed.
407. They whose lust, hatred, pride and hypocrisy have fallen off like a mustard seed from the point of a needle, I call them holy indeed.
408. They who utter gentle, instructive and truthful words, who disrespect nobody, I call them holy indeed.
409. They who in this world take nothing that is not given to them, be it long or short, small or big, good or bad, I call them holy indeed.
410. They who want nothing from this world or the next, who is free of craving and liberated, I call them holy indeed.
411. They who have no attachment, who through perfect knowledge are free from doubts and have swan-dived into deathlessness, I call them holy indeed.
412. They who in this world have transcended the bonds of both praise and blame, who are sorrowless, stainless and pure, I call them holy indeed.
413. They who, like the moon, are spotless and pure, serene and clear, who have defeated the clinging to existence, I call them holy indeed.
414. They who have traversed this murky, perilous and delusional round of existence, have crossed over and reached the other shore, who are mindful, calm, free from doubt, cling to nothing, and have attained nirvana, I call them holy indeed.
415. They who have abandoned sensual pleasures, renounced the domestic life and become a homeless wanderer; they who no longer cling to desire and or to existence, I call them holy indeed.
416. They who have abandoned craving, renounced domestic life and become a homeless wanderer they who have conquered both craving and continued existence, I call them holy indeed.
417. They who, casting off human bonds and transcending heavenly hopes and are wholly delivered of all bondages, I call them holy indeed.
418. They who, having cast off likes and dislikes, are tranquil, are rid of the infatuation with existence and have heroically conquered all worldly attachments, I call them holy indeed.
419. They who in every way know the death and rebirth of all beings, and are totally detached, blessed and enlightened, I call them holy indeed.
420. They whose track leaves no trace of gods, no angels, no humans, who has destroyed all contagions, I call them holy indeed.
421. They who cling to nothing of the past, present and future, who have no attachments and hold on to nothing, I call them holy indeed.
422. They—the noble, the excellent, the heroic, the great sage, the conqueror, the ascetic, the pure, the enlightened, do I forever call holy indeed.
423. He who knows his former births, who sees heaven and hell, who has reached the end of births and attained to the perfection of insight, the sage who has reached the summit of spiritual excellence — him do I call a holy man.